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SV - 03 - Sergeant Verity Presents His Compliments

Page 24

by Francis Selwyn

  'He wouldn't find it that easy, Mr Verity.'

  "ave some sense, Mr Samson! It's all too easy! Say there's four of them bullies. They'd do for the captain, his mate and the three doxies, and never ask why, if Honest Jack said the word! Him with his guns and the rest of it, he'd soon settle with four bullies, one by one.'

  'All right,' said Samson grudgingly. 'What then?'

  Verity was tearing at a strip of cloth, folding it into a pellet.

  'They're going to open that door for me in a minute. Once I'm out, I'll have a look around and see how the land lies. There's a chance I might even pick up something to make it a fairer fight. When I come back, I shan't be watched too close. P'raps there won't even be someone there to lock the door right away. If I'm given a chance, these wads is going into the bolt holes, so when they do fasten the door, the bolts won't lodge too far in. A man that knows the art can always work a bolt if it ain't securely lodged.'

  'How're you going to get out there?'

  Verity walked carefully up the stoke-hold steps.

  'You just watch, Mr Samson.'

  He clenched his fist and beat on the iron door so that it echoed like a deep bell. After he had repeated the blows several times, the bolts rattled and the door opened.

  'Gotta 'ave grease from the engine-room,' said Verity suddenly. 'Gotta fetch grease. Them portholes is leaking all over the coal again. Hour or two more and it'll be too wet to burn.'

  One of the men who had opened the door stood back to allow him through. Verity ducked through the opening and straightened up, blinking in the stronger light. Even as he grew accustomed to it, he recognized the other man, who had been standing a couple of yards back from the door. The clothes were still a little shabby and crumpled, but the pouched red face with its greying black moustaches was alert and triumphant.

  'Dammit,' said John Ransome with a snort of laughter, 'you do try a fellow, don't you?'

  'Gotta 'ave grease,' said Verity, mumbling and keeping his head down. The heavy-looking gun in Ransome's hand he recognized as the new Colt revolver. One bullet each for four bullies and two over, without reloading.

  Ransome laughed uproariously and spoke to the bully who had opened the door.

  'But he does try, Scottie, don't he?'

  'A jack 'as to try,' said the man sombrely, 'when he's caught interfering with honest sea-trade. He knows he can't go back alive, but it don't stop him trying.'

  Ransome laughed again, as though it were a great joke.

  'Sergeant Verity,' he said happily. 'Of course, it would be. Our little oarsman, Pineapple Jack, ain't as foolish as he looks. Why, we heard all about the two strange stokers who came aboard, but I never dared promise myself the pleasure of settling accounts with Sergeant Verity!'

  'You're a bloody murderer Jack Ransome! You coopered Lord 'enry Jervis and the world knows it.'

  Ransome sniggered and even the bully grinned at Verity's desperation.

  'N' lis'n t'me, everyone that can hear! This ain't a smuggling spreel Captain Ransome means to sink HMS Hero with every soul on board, just to cooper Lord William Jervis! The Prince of Wales is on that ship! If he ain't stopped, Ransome will make you all the murderers of the Prince of Wales!'

  Even as he shouted the words, Verity knew the futility of it. Two other bullies appeared from the companionway and watched him, grinning at the absurdity of his attempts to save himself. Jack Ransome turned to them, still smiling.

  'Oh, he do try,' he said. 'Don't he?'

  The First man, 'Scottie', had hold of Verity's arm.

  'Right, you bloody peeler,' he said. 'Stokers you wanted to be, stokers you shall be. You may refuse and die now, the men here can do the job if they must.'

  Verity braced his body against the stoke-hold entrance, struggling.

  'We ain't the only ones that must die. N'lis'n. Never mind what the person Ransome told you. You try shooting a torpedo or shell from a hull like this, you'll sink yerselves. N'list'n t' me. . . .'

  There was laughter all about him. One of the bullies approached and aimed a blow at his belly, driving him back into the dark stoke-hold, the wads of rag still clutched uselessly in his fists. He lost his footing and almost fell down the iron steps. Ransome, the Colt revolver in his hand, stood in the tiny opening, looking down at his two prisoners. He spoke softly, his words directed forward so that those outside would hardly catch a syllable of them.

  'Dammit,' he said, 'if a fellow could win through by pluck without a brain in his head, I swear you'd do it. Now, be so good as to shovel away at that coal like a good chap. By and by you shall see them act a famous drama, "The Death of the Hero", outside your very porthole.'

  'I'll see you in hell for this, Ransome!'

  Ransome laughed.

  'You may indeed, old fellow. But you shall reach that destination a deuced long time before me!'

  He laughed again at his own wit. The two bullies, who had driven Verity back down the stoke-hold steps, slammed the iron door tight and closed the heavy bolts on the outside. There was a scraping of boots on the deck overhead, and then a long silence.

  'You done it this time, my son,' said Samson, savouring a pet phrase.

  'It ain't so bad as that, Mr Samson. I been worse off before. Why, me and Sergeant Martock was prisoners in a heathen fortress with guns pointing at us all round. I was even led out to death there, and still it was all right.'

  The nuggets of coal rattled as Samson tossed them from his shovel into the glowing furnace. He grunted derisively.

  'P'raps it was all right, there. But this time they ain't going to lead us anywhere. They won't even open that door again. Whatever happens, they got to get rid of us, and once the sea-cocks is open we're first to drown. This hold's the best iron cell a man could build. You can't bust out. Even supposing we could smash holes in them iron plates, we'd only let the sea in. As for that iron door and the bolts, your caper didn't half come a cropper.'

  'I know that, Mr Samson. I know all that. I ain't stoopid.'

  As he spoke, the engines of the Lady Flora seemed to race briefly, and then the churning paddles stopped, their wake hissing and bubbling into silence. The anchor splashed down into sunlit water.

  'It's never fair,' said Samson, 'about pensions. If I'd married Church of England fashion, she'd have my pension. But common-law wives don't count. She ain't got a penny coming. It ain't fair!'

  Verity tempered reproof with kindness.

  'Mr Samson, it ain't the time to brood over Fat Maudie now. I daresay she's a good girl and true, but we gotta do something about all this!'

  'All what?'

  'Didn't you 'ear that person Ransome? The Death of the Hero, he said. He bloody admitted it to us! He's so keen to finish Lord William that hell sink that ship with all hands. All hands, Mr Samson, in case you forgotten who else that includes!'

  Now that the Lady Flora was at anchor, Samson was sitting on the heaped coal at the edge of the bunker. His elbows were on his knees and his chin in his hands.

  'You don't 'alf lend your ear to some fucking rubbish,' he said moodily. 'There's ninety-one guns on that ship, any one of which could blow this hulk out of the water at a full mile range. There's hundreds of jolly jack-tars and two or three companies of Royal Marines armed to the teeth. Only thing is, p'raps your Captain Ransome had a man that he put on board her to set light to the powder magazine or something of the kind.'

  Verity shook his head.

  'It don't suit. Ransome's the only one who knows the whole score on this. In any case, if it was to be done on board, he'd never bring another boat out here like this. However, he did promise that we should see the whole thing from these little portholes, so he may as well be took at his word.'

  Verity eased his way past Samson and clambered once again over the coal.

  'Nothing this side,' he announced, 'just miles of empty sea and not a sight of land.'

  He returned in a slithering avalanche of broken coal and began to climb up the bunker on the opposite sid
e. For some moments he crouched at the top of the dark mound, peering through the grimy little circle of glass.

  'Now that's rum,' he said softly.

  'Is it?' said Samson, apparently still thinking of Fat Maudie.

  'There ain't no land, but there's three things in the water. There's two quite close together, only a long way off, and then another much bigger, not half so far away.'

  'What sort of things?' Samson got up and began to haul himself across the coal. Verity worked the porthole free and opened it for a clearer view. About two hundred yards from the Lady Flora, the first object was a metal, latticework tower, about twelve feet high, riding on a large buoy. It appeared to mark a wreck or an obstruction of some kind. Beyond it, at least half a mile off, floated the two much smaller buoys, each one the size of a man's torso but painted a distinct bright green and apparently bearing a lamp. Presently the two sergeants saw on their left, as though it had come round the stern of the Lady Flora, the white-painted gig, with one of Ransome's seamen rowing and another at the little tiller. A third figure sat in hat and cloak, his back to them, and Verity could not quite decide whether it was Ransome himself or not. Then he and Samson lay there, watching the progress of the little boat as the caps of the Channel waves chopped and smacked against its bows. Verity felt for his watch among the rags and checked the time. It had just gone two in the afternoon. He turned to Samson.

  'If it was gone four when we left and almost gone two when we hove to, that's ten hours. She never did more than ten knots and probably not less than eight.'

  'Somewhere about eighty miles south-west of Plymouth,' said Samson.

  They watched the little gig rowing away from them and saw it pass the latticework tower of the largest and nearest buoy. Though the fires had been damped down in the stoke-hold, the perspiration was still heavy on Verity's round cheeks. He said,

  'Supposing that HMS Hero was on this course for Plymouth Dock, and suppose she was expected there about three in the morning. Say she could make fifteen knots. That puts her here at about ten o'clock tonight, p'raps a bit after.'

  'I could almost fancy it was smuggling after all,' said Samson. 'Them two green buoys further off, that's just the sort of caper. Fishing buoys that one party ties the cargo to, and then the other fetches it. Why there's even that iron tower there to show them the spot.'

  'It ain't a proper tower, Mr Samson, it's floating. And the sea don't half splash about it, too, for such a calm day.'

  The rowing boat had passed the latticework structure and was making for the two smaller green buoys. When it reached the first of them, the seamen pulled themselves alongside and began winding in a long chain attached to the buoy.

  'Smuggling!' said Samson triumphantly. 'They're hauling up the kegs of brandy or that flash perfume, or whatever it is.'

  'No they ain't, Mr Samson. They're taking that bladder in tow!'

  Samson looked again. The little gig had made fast the nearer of the two buoys to her stern and was now heading towards the other. Despite the size of the green markers, they were no great weight and the men towed them easily. When both were secure, the rowing-boat began to pull slowly back towards the Lady Flora. But when it reached the tall latticework, which bowed and swayed as its own buoy rode the surge of the tide, the oarsman shipped his oars and the first green marker was unlashed. The iron chain with its cannon-ball weight splashed down, so that the conical buoy rocked and bobbed at its new anchorage. The gig skirted the latticework tower and left the second green buoy anchored on the other side. The three buoys now formed a line, about fifty feet long, with the tall latticework structure in the middle and the green markers equally distanced on either side of it.

  As the gig began to pull away to the Lady Flora, Verity said softly,

  'Mr Samson, might you be able to see what the writing is on them green things?'

  Samson peered through the flurries of water which burst and dribbled on the glass of the porthole.

  'It do go all round,' he said restlessly, 'you see a bit but not all. Board of something. Long word. Stop a bit. M . . . I . . . R. . . .'

  'Admiralty,' said Verity abruptly, 'Board of Admiralty. Set out for the battleships to fire between. I seen it done once off Portsmouth when there was a naval review after the Rhoosian War. We of 'er Majesty's Volunteer Rifle Brigade was just landed and had permission to watch from the sea-wall. That's why Ransome come here. He knew the Hero's markers would be set out and that she'd sail this way!'

  'Not by dark she won't!'

  'Mr Samson! 'ave the goodness to look at them green buoys! There's a light on each! Doncher see? It's for the night shooting! That's what's happening tonight! A display for 'is Highness on the last night out afore HMS Hero docks in Plymouth!'

  'Night shooting?' said Samson doubtfully.

  'Yes, Mr Samson. Like they did at Portsmouth that time. You have two marker buoys with their green lights. The battleship steams past, broadside on, and lets rip, so the water between the two buoys rises in a great spout where the shells land. Then she steams in a letter "S", curving back, passing between the buoys, steaming through her own spray, turning on the other side to bring her other line of guns to bear, and fires the second salvo. Speed, Mr Samson, accuracy, and a great ship turning on her heel like a dancing-girl. You no idea how our lads cheered 'em. A sight for 'is 'ighness, ain't it?'

  'If the 'ero goes between them two buoys now,' said Samson, 'she'll 'it that floating tower!'

  'She'll do more than that, Mr Samson. She'll take Lord William Jervis, and the Prince of Wales, and several hundred brave men, to the bottom of the sea in less time than it takes me to say it!'

  'Never!' said Samson half-heartedly. 'That tower won't sink 'er!'

  'Mr Samson, 'ave the goodness to look at the buoy under that iron tower and see what you can read.'

  ‘I tried that,' said Samson, 'and all I can see looks like "Half something or other.'

  'Not to me it don't, Mr Samson. There's other words that ends in an "1" and an "f'. We ain't just eighty miles from Plymouth, we're in a place what the villain Ransome has chosen very carefully indeed. Mr Samson, that tall thing out there is the warning buoy for the Wolf Rock!'

  'Lord William ain't just going to run a brand-new warship on to a rock to please Ransome,' said Samson reasonably.

  'So you been saying every minute for the last four hours, Mr Samson.'

  Verity was alone at the porthole, watching intently. The long afternoon had passed and the sun was setting.

  'All my childhood,' he remarked, 'all my childhood I 'eard men talk of the Wolf Rock, as though it was the devil himself. There ain't a more treacherous fang on any coast. When the tide's low, you see it just above water and the waves breaking on it, same as you did when you saw the foam about the buoy. But when the tide's high, it's just two feet under the water with long sharp ridges that might slice a ship in two. That's what they call the teeth of the Wolf. Any man that steams across it is going to find the bottom sheared off his hull easy as peeling the skin from an orange. It might be the flagship of the fleet, Mr Samson, but she wouldn't float twenty seconds hardly after that. It wouldn't matter whether or not she had lifeboats, a-cos there wouldn't be time even to order them lowered. Ransome ain't half got a mind for a caper like this! And, o' course, he must have been able to get every detail of the Hero's rendezvous in his conversation with Lord William!'

  'Lord William ain't going to prance about the Wolf Rock.'

  'Not too close,' Verity agreed, 'but half or even quarter of a mile is deep water and safe enough. The target buoys is easier to find if he can track 'em down by the light of the Wolf Rock buoy.’

  There was a ripple of oars and the little gig passed across their field of vision, heading for the three buoys several hundred yards from them. It seemed to Verity that the Lady Flora had been allowed to drift further off during the course of the afternoon, though he had not heard the anchor weighed. In the gathering twilight it was now possible to see the first glimmer on t
he water from the green lights on the target buoys. The three red lights in a vertical row on the latticework of the Wolf Rock buoy glowed in the semi-darkness. The gig was lost to sight in the gloom. Then, across the surging water came a sharp crack, followed by another. The highest of the three red stars was suddenly extinguished.

  'Shooting 'em out!' said Verity for Samson's benefit. The report came again, and the lower of the other two red lights was gone. Two more shots and the third light died. Above the teeth of the Wolf there was nothing now but the green lights of the marker buoys, even the iron latticework of the floating tower having merged into the darkness. Almost at once, a red trace shimmered across the water, as three red lamps shone out from the foremast of the Lady Flora at an identical height to those which had just been extinguished on the Wolf Rock buoy.


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