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Tempt_The Pteron Chronicles

Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I closed my eyes and reached for my Drago side. It was there. And so was the dragon. They were both there. How was that even possible?

  Hailey froze. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can choose either, I think.”

  “Start with one and then do the other?” Amazingly she remained calm.

  “You’re not freaked out to see me as a dragon again?”

  “Why would I be freaked out? It’s still you.”

  I pressed my lips against hers. “Thank you.”

  “Not that I don’t appreciate the kiss, but you have two forms to try.”

  “I’ll start with the dragon, that way I can end with my favorite form.”

  “Ok.” She watched me intently.

  I reached for the dragon. His rounded eyes watched me, urging me to accept him. He screamed of power and of strength. I pushed away my fear and accepted him.



  Nothing happened at first. Wyatt stood there, eyes shut, seemingly stuck in place. Despite my usual predisposition to say something—anything to fill the silence—I didn’t. I stood there stock still and waited. Then he opened his eyes, looked down and slipped off his pants again. I tried to avert my eyes, but I didn’t. He smiled lightly before closing his eyes. I realized he wasn’t getting naked for any particularly fun reason. He didn’t want to shred his pants when he transformed. Neither of us ever usually worried about that. As long as we wore something sleeveless with a back that allowed for wings, we didn’t have to go through a million changes of clothes like other shifters. This clothes shredding was something we’d both have to get used to. I was done thinking of things in terms of his problems and mine.

  No matter what happened we’d be okay. I reminded myself of that reality over and over. I’d severed the ties Veronica had bound on him—at least I think I did. And if I didn’t? Well, that’s why he was shifting into a dragon, so we could find out.

  Before I could worry for too long, the air grew hazy, the ground trembled beneath our feet, and a plume of smoke separated me from Wyatt. Once again I had to fight back my instincts. This time it was the instinct to jump into the smoke to find him. I had to let this play out the way it was meant to. I wasn’t positive where this reasonable attitude was coming from. Maybe it was my new Lightness side? It hadn’t particularly worked while in the dungeon maze, but maybe this was another strength brought out by intimacy.

  As much as I wanted to think about how amazing those intimate times were, now wasn’t the time. Within seconds, the cloud of smoke disappeared and a bright green dragon stood before me. I watched it. It was Wyatt, of course I knew. It was completely obvious in his green eyes, but this time I also studied his color. He wasn’t emerald. But he was close. I knew quite a bit about color—my choice of an art history major came from a love of art—but I couldn’t put an exact shade on his vibrant green. If pushed to answer I’d say forest green, the green of the trees deep inside the forest.

  He watched me, as if waiting for me to make a move. I stepped toward him and touched one of his wings. They were easily three times the size of his normal Drago wings, and really all of him was at least three or maybe four times his normal size. He was always taller than me, but as his dragon he dwarfed me.

  I ran my fingers over his wing, and he made a low growl. I hesitated and did it again. He made the same deep purr-like sound. He was happy. “So clearly you can still turn into your dragon. Do you feel anything that shouldn’t be there?” I of course meant Veronica’s influence, but I didn’t even want to say her name. It would ruin the small bubble of safety I pretended we had.

  He shook his large spiked and scaled head.

  “Can you shift back?” I wasn’t trying to rush him, but second to worries about Veronica, making sure he could easily shift back was the next serious concern.

  He nudged me gently—or as gently as a dragon could nudge. I stepped back and waited.

  The same haziness returned, followed by a smaller but still obvious wisp of smoke. It disappeared nearly instantaneously, and Wyatt stood there in his Drago form—his muscular human body with large black, green outlined, leathery wings protruding from his back. He was completely naked—and all of a sudden all I wanted to do was go back to bed with him.

  I shook myself. No. That was not the plan.

  He seemingly read my mind. “See, I’m not the only one thinking about such things.”

  “It worked.” I needed to focus on the important issues at hand. I picked up his pants and tossed them to him. If I was going to keep a clear mind I needed him to make it easier on me.

  “All of it did. Veronica’s pull is gone. I can easily switch between forms.” His wings disappeared, and he appeared before me as an ordinary man. Of course I knew very well there was nothing ordinary about him.

  “How did it feel?” I had so many questions. I’d cleared away my other thoughts and focused on what issues really mattered.

  “Which part?” He grinned and stepped into his pants. “Sorry to ruin your view by the way.”

  “Don’t.” I glared at him.

  “Sorry.” He stepped toward me, reached out, and pulled me into his arms. “Giving you a hard time about things comes naturally.”

  “As does my staring at your lower region, evidently,” I mumbled against his chest.

  “After the experience we shared earlier, I think fixating on those parts is pretty normal. Plus, I ogle you all the time. Fair is fair.”

  “Come on, tell me. How was it?” I needed a subject change and fast.

  “Hard to explain.”

  “Try.” I lifted my head from his chest so I could look at him. “Please.”

  “Of course I’m going to try. It’s just I don’t have the words yet. Pretty much I felt strength. Unstoppable strength. And then when you touched me—it helped me remember who else I was. I think it’s going to take a while to get used to, but I don’t feel the Scarber at all.”

  I was glad he’d referred to her creature type rather than her name. I refused to forget just how monstrous she really was. “And changing into your Drago?”

  “That was easy, and it feels the way it used to…. only not quite as good.”

  “Because your dragon form is even stronger?”

  “Yes, in brute strength and power that’s true, but we evolved beyond the dragon… like how you evolved beyond the bird.”

  “Let’s be real here, and in no way am I saying Dragos are stronger or superior to Pterons, but there is a big difference between a dragon and a bird.”

  He laughed. “I’ll remember your disclaimer, and you already know I’ll never ridicule a Pteron again. You amaze me more than words alone can express, and your brother was pretty cool even before he became Drago.”

  “Glad you agree.”

  “But I get why we evolved further. It meant gaining control while in a transformed state—staying closer to the man at the heart of who I am. I would lose all of that as a dragon if I didn’t have you.”

  “You don’t know that for sure…”

  “I do. I already felt my grip fade until I felt your touch. I may have wanted to stay as my dragon forever. And I get it now… why we evolved when we did.”

  “Why?” I watched, not sure what to make of his words. I was flattered I could have such an intense influence on him, but I was also worried about what that meant. I had assumed the reason he had needed me to shift back last time was only because of Veronica.

  “Because our evolution timed up with the scarcity problem—with how difficult it became to find mates. Without mates we would have been stuck as dragons. I’m wondering if it wasn’t a natural evolution, but if someone or something else was involved.”

  “That’s crazy… all of it really.”

  He ran his hands through my hair. “It is, but no crazier than what we’re dealing with now.”

  “Hey, you know more history than I do.” There was no reason to downplay my ignorance about all this stuff.

Because I’ve lived much longer.”

  “And because your leaders actually filled you in…”

  “Ok, fair enough.”

  “Did your evolution away from true dragons happen well before Pteron’s moved into power?”

  “I guess that depends on how you define power. I’d say it coincided with the beginning of the rise—wait.” He knew where my thoughts were heading. Sometimes I worried he could read my mind even though I knew my mind was safe from any outside penetration. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Was that why?”

  “Maybe.” His complete honesty surprised me. “It’s quite possible the Dragos watched how keeping a humanoid shape helped the Pterons and wanted to do the same thing.”

  “I still can’t believe you’d want to give that up.” I waved my hand to where Wyatt had stood as a dragon. “So much power.”

  “I’m glad you like that form, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck that way forever. Besides if that happened there’d be no mating unless a woman could see through the spikes, wings, and scales to what lay beneath.”

  “Oh wow. I didn’t even think about that. Of course.” It reminded me of one of my favorite stories. “Like Beauty and the Beast…”

  “Yes, but he could communicate, right? At least in the versions I’ve read. Maybe I’m wrong. But that would be different. I can’t speak to you as a Dragon.”

  “That doesn’t mean you can’t communicate, but I understand what you’re saying.” I put my hands on his bare shoulders. “But do you really think you’d have been stuck as a dragon this time without me?”

  “Yes… I guess I don’t know for sure, but my gut instinct on this one is that I would be. He’s so strong, and that kind of power is hard to resist.”

  “But that can’t be the case. There’s no way Dragos were as powerful as they were but needed their mate to change forms. Besides, as you said, how would they have met their mates then?”

  “I’m sure you’re right. Maybe this wasn’t how it used to be. I wish I knew more.”

  “Maybe Troy does. He is the prince, right?” I didn’t particularly want to defer to Troy’s knowledge, but this wasn’t about me.

  “I love how you just said that, as if you still don’t quite believe he’s of royal blood.”

  “You seem more royal.” I figured with everything else I’d admitted to him it couldn’t hurt to say that as well.

  “Do I?” He grinned. “And that’s not just because you’re going to be my mate?”

  “No, and before you say it, it isn’t about how you are in bed. Although of course I have no complaints there.”

  “If you’re trying to stroke my ego today, you are doing a really good job.”

  “I’m being truthful. I would have never known Troy’s position if you hadn’t told me.”

  “Drago politics are complicated.”

  “And Pteron ones aren’t? You do know the whole backstory with Allie as an enchantress and all that?” I was hoping he did because we didn’t have the time for me to go through the story behind how she ended up with Levi.

  “I know enough of it.” He cupped my face with his hand. “Stay close by me until we figure this dragon thing out.”

  “Do you really think I plan to run off?”

  “No, but it’s hard for me to admit I need you, and I do. In more ways than one.”

  I brushed my lips against his. “I need you too, even if not to switch back to my human form.”

  “You have two very sexy forms, you know.” His eyes were lidded, and I knew exactly where this conversation was headed. Yet I didn’t care. I was being reckless, but nothing felt wrong about it.

  “Do I?”

  “Yes.” Wyatt’s lips crashed into mine.

  I wrapped my arms around him, needing him close.

  “Hello, love birds.” Glendale’s voice had us both jumping apart.

  I opened my eyes to find the bedroom had faded away, and we were back outside in the forest clearing.

  Glendale watched us with an amused smile. “Did I return too quickly? I distinctly believed I was coming back at the right time. As promised.”

  Wait. Ugh. Understanding hit me. He knew we were ready because he knew what we’d been doing. “Ugh.” This time I spoke my disgust out loud.

  “I heard and saw nothing. It was only a sense all was taken care of.” Glendale flipped his tail. “I can’t possibly explain how it works.”

  “Sure. I believe you.” I could no longer look him in the eye.

  Before I could give him a hard time, there was a whoosh of wind, and Eloise, Troy and Cade fell from the sky, through the towering trees and down onto the dirt.

  “Hailey!” Eloise jumped up as if she hadn’t just fallen. She ran over and wrapped her arms around my waist. I stumbled back a step at her surprisingly strong embrace. “Glendale wouldn’t let me see you. I was so worried.”

  “I was worried about you too.” I couldn’t ignore the guilt in my chest. I’d taken Glendale’s word they were safe and gotten very distracted. True, we’d had to get rid of Veronica’s hold on Wyatt, but I’d definitely enjoyed our time alone.

  “But you’re fine.” She put her hands on my forearms. “Better than fine.”

  “I am.” I nodded. “And I think Wyatt is now too.”

  “Speaking of Wyatt…” Eloise looked over her shoulder. “Good to see him in his regular form.”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  It took the guys longer to recover from their transport than Eloise.

  “So here you are.” Troy’s voice was a mix of annoyance and relief. The relief sounded far more foreign than the annoyance. Belatedly he seemed to notice Wyatt. “And you… you found your mate.” That’s where Troy was going to start? Not with the story of the Elders? Not with relief to be alive? But with me? Interesting.

  “I have.” Wyatt glanced in my direction. “From what I understand she’s met my mother too.”

  “More than met.” Troy shook his head. “It was crazy. I’ll admit I was skeptical of Hailey’s claims about you two before that, but she wasn’t kidding.”

  “Personally, I’m glad she’s finally seen the light.” He winked at me, as if making sure I got his pun. “I’ve been waiting for her to accept our destiny for ages. I can’t say I ever expected to mate with a Lightness, but there are definitely some perks.”

  Cade walked over with a grin on his face. “Feeling better?”

  “Well, I’m glad to be out of the maze.” The dark, closed in dungeon felt like a lifetime ago even though it had been mere hours. At least I assumed it hadn’t been very long. I never wore a watch anymore, and it was impossible to tell the time of day from the sky in Glendale’s worlds. They were artificial so they didn’t coincide with anything real.

  “It’s more than that. I take it you and Wyatt have been busy.” He waggled an eyebrow.

  I could feel blood creeping to my face. Why was I so easily embarrassed? “It’s good to see you too, Cade.”

  He gave me his signature smirk. “Oh Hailey. My dear, and once innocent, Hailey.”

  “Shove it, Cade.” I shoved him physically to emphasize my point.

  “Fine. I’ll play nice.” He rubbed the spot on his arm I’d pushed, and I wondered if I could have possibly hurt him. I didn’t see how. It took a lot to hurt a Pteron, and it had just been a little shove. “So that was all… intense.”

  “Intense. That’s probably the right word.” I assume he was referring to how things went down in the dungeon.

  “So he’s a dragon now?” Cade inclined his head toward where Wyatt still chatted with Troy. It was funny having separate conversations when if any of us wanted to we could easily join in on the others.

  “Yes. But he’s still a Drago.” A super sexy Drago. I left the sexy part to myself.

  “The two of you have both had some changes lately.” Cade looked over at Wyatt. “Huh?”

  “Yes, we have.”

  Cade turned back to me. “I’m starting
to think your family can’t catch a break.”

  “You think?” That was an understatement. Between my brother Owen and me, we’d barely had a few months lately without heartbreak or near death. Throw in the fact both of us also transformed into new creatures, and our recent lives were pretty much insane.

  “Yes. I’m frankly terrified for your children.” He was joking. I knew he was joking, yet his words chilled me. After Glendale’s information I was terrified for Owen’s soon to be born son.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Cade frowned. “If I did, sorry. You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m not. I was just thinking about how big this mess extends.” I couldn’t bring up Owen. I didn’t want to call any more attention to him even if I knew I could trust Cade. Better to tell him about the other thing on my mind. “All of our families are involved in this mess, and it sounds like all families will be pulled in if Randolph and Veronica have their way.”

  “Agreed. I’m here for you.” He pulled me into a hug. “I know I don’t always show it, but I care about you. And I’m sorry again for my role in getting you into this.”

  “Thanks…” I wasn’t used to Cade showing any actual affection. He’d softened in the years since we’d first met, but there was always some sort of wall up with him. “And it’s really not your fault. She would have gotten to me with or without you.” My words were true. I played a bigger role in all of this than I wanted Cade to know. Than I wanted anyone to know. I broke the hug. “We all need to work together on this one.” Then I looked around. “Wait. Where’s Hunter? Didn’t you go back for him?” I marched over to Glendale.

  Glendale stretched. “He was still looking. I wasn’t going to transport him against his will.”

  “I have to go back.” I wasn’t leaving him there, nor the Mer. I needed to get them because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t, but that wasn’t the argument I would use. “Veronica threw us all down in the maze for a reason. We need Hunter, and we need Anastasia.”

  “You are not going back down there.” Troy’s eyes practically bugged out of his head. “That’s insanity. Tell her, Wyatt.”


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