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Night Waves

Page 15

by Wendy Davy

  If Nick was surprised she had met them and knew their names, he didn’t show it. “I know who they are. It’s another dead end, Cali. Let it go.”

  “I won’t let it go. How do you know it’s a dead end?”

  He ran a hand down his face. “Because I’ve already checked into it like I have everything else. Let’s get some fresh air.” He turned, walked across the living room and slid the door open, stepping outside.

  She set the picture on the counter and followed. The sounds of the ocean met her in full force as the wind tossed her hair into her face, and she struggled to keep it from her eyes. Darkness had fallen, and the water appeared black and fathomless, except for the white, cresting waves gleaming in the night.

  Nick leaned on the railing. “Each lifeguard is assigned a rotating shift,” he explained. “I obtained the schedule for the past three months from their headquarters. They have dozens of lifeguards working different shifts and times. None of the lifeguard’s work schedules matched up with the dates, places and times each of the women had been abducted.”

  “But that doesn’t mean…”

  “And each of the guys in the pictures, Chad Livingston and Trey Bradley, had alibis for the time frame the women were abducted.”

  “Alibis can be faked.”

  “I know.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “But we have to move on to other more likely suspects if we’re going to catch this guy.”

  “Have you brought anyone in for questioning?”

  “Not yet. We haven’t had enough probable cause.”

  Cali gripped the railing next to him. “You seem to always be one step ahead of me.”

  His smile showed his agreement, but he said nothing.

  She turned to the pounding surf again. “Regardless of what you think, Nick. I do believe in you, and in your abilities.”

  “If you mean that, then do me a favor.”


  “Leave the investigation to me, and try to keep yourself out of trouble.”

  “I’m not looking for trouble, Nick. I’m only looking for answers.”

  “Sometimes we don’t have the answers to our questions, no matter how bad we want them, or how long we search for them. Sometimes we have to find peace even without knowing what is happening to someone, or has happened to someone. We have to find peace without understanding why.”

  “How Nick? I’m so scared for Serena…”

  “By putting our trust in God. Cali, even if things don’t turn out the way we want them to, we have to trust that God has a reason for everything he lets happen. Even if we don’t understand why.”

  “I want to trust Him Nick. I just don’t know how...”

  “Then pray that He helps you learn to trust Him. He loves you, Cali.”

  Nick’s cell phone rang and he stepped away to answer the call before Cali had a chance to reply. She watched him through a haze of confusion. Deep down, she knew he was right. She needed to put her trust in God. She had learned to trust Nick in the few days she had known him. So, why was it so hard to trust her Creator?

  Cali’s thoughts kept her attention until Nick’s back stiffened and he stilled. A heartbeat later, he turned to face her as he listened to the caller. Fear tore through her at the dire expression spreading across his face. Cali’s breath caught deep in her lungs as she waited for an explanation.

  Night Waves

  Night Waves

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I’ll be right in.” Cali barely made out the gruff words spoken above the waves crashing against the shoreline. Nick closed his cell phone and pocketed it. He turned and rested his hands against the porch railing, leaning into it as he blew out a deep breath. He kept his eyes trained on the churning ocean.

  Cali stepped around him, catching sight of his profile as a strike of lightning exposed his now pale features. With his vibrant color drained away, he looked bone-tired and weary. She touched his shoulder as trepidation tightened her chest, making it difficult to breathe.

  Had they found Serena? Was she alive? She wanted to ask. She wanted to shake out the answers. But, an immobilizing fear froze all possible movements. The fear clawed its way to the surface of her heart, scratching and tearing at her emotions. A sob formed in her throat, and remained suspended for a fraction of a second before escaping her lips.

  At the sound, Nick turned and took her face in his hands. Warm, strong hands that had a slight shake in them, causing a terrifying fear bolting to her core. If this experienced man, full of strength and confidence trembled, what kind of news must he have heard?

  Paralyzed, she waited.

  He ran his thumbs along her tear-streaked face as his eyes locked with hers. “Another woman has been reported missing.” His voice was gravelly, and held traces of remorse and guilt.

  A torrent of emotions stormed within her, leaving her feeling as if caught in the middle of a crashing wave, tumbling out of control. “Another woman?”

  “Yes. Deputy Owen said she fits the profile of the offender’s previous victims. Alone. Unsuspecting. Defenseless.” A spark of anger flashed in his eyes.

  “Then the call wasn’t about Serena?”

  “No. There’s no more information about her location. But…” his words trailed off and he pulled away. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he raised his voice, combating the rising wind and surf as the storm grew closer. “Cali, there is something else you should know.”

  Her breath caught. “W-what?” The question tumbled from her mouth even though she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

  “By abducting this woman before releasing Serena, he’s altered his pattern.”

  “What does that mean?”

  His voice grew in intensity. “Any change in the offender’s routine could mean we’re closing in on him. He may be getting desperate. Or, his behavior may change for other reasons. Each time he successfully commits a crime, he becomes more confident, more self-assured. This makes him extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Each new risk he takes indicates that his twisted need for power and control is deepening.”

  Cali’s fear heightened close to hysteria. Her gaze darted across his features, looking for something solid to focus on in such an unstable environment. Her gaze landed on his, and she recognized the confidence she had been searching for. Drawing strength from him, she found her voice, “What are you going to do?”

  “Find them.”

  The wind kicked up, and the rain came, dropping in solid sheets from the dark clouds above, making it impossible to remain outside. Nick put his arm around her waist and led her back to the sliding door. He slipped it open and ushered her inside.

  The sudden, quiet stillness should have helped calm her, but her new fears for Serena’s safety made her heart continue to beat at an erratic pace. She wiped raindrops from her face as the wind drove the rain against the glass door in a whipped frenzy.

  “I have to go.” Concern etched across his features.

  She wanted to go too, but didn’t ask. He needed to focus on his job without worrying about her. She ran a hand across his chest, pretending to smooth out a wrinkle on his T-shirt. “Be safe.”

  Nick covered her hand with his, securing her palm against him. “You’ll be all right?”

  She nodded, drawing strength from the steady heartbeat beneath her fingers.

  “Wait for the rain to let up before you go back upstairs. Flip the lock on my door on your way out. When you get upstairs, lock your door, double-check the windows, and call me if anything happens. Call me if you even think something may happen.” He stepped closer, pressing his warm lips to hers.

  Cali lifted her hand to his rough, unshaven cheek, inched back and whispered, “Will you come back to me tonight? No matter how late?”

  “I’ll come,” he promised. He pulled on his socks and shoes, grabbed his keys and gave her a long, lingering look before slipping back into the throes of the storm.


  Something woke her.
Darkness engulfed her with a stillness that could only mean the band of rain had passed. Cali heard the faint sound of the ocean and the slow, steady dripping of lingering water droplets hitting the porch. The illuminated clock glowed in the darkened room. The bright green lights showed the time. Four o’clock a.m.


  Cali had grown accustomed to his presence, and her instincts told her he had not returned yet. She sat upright, trying not to make a sound as she listened for what may have wakened her. A faint noise came from outside the sliding glass door. She held her breath, waiting. Then a tall, dark shadow appeared in front of the door, and a light tap sounded on the glass.

  Fear pounded through her until her mind caught up with her wakening body. Would an intruder bother to knock?

  “Cali, it’s me.”

  She recognized Nick’s voice immediately, as if she had been hearing it all of her life. Releasing the breath she had been holding, she stood so fast she felt lightheaded. Bending over, she stumbled to the door and unlocked it.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked with concern. He wrapped an arm across her back and leaned with her.

  “Nothing. I waited for you on the sofa. I must’ve fallen asleep and just stood up too fast.” She lifted upright and studied him through the slice of moonlight filtering through the doorway.

  The dark circles under Nick’s eyes indicated his fatigue. A sense of defeat surrounded him.

  “You didn’t find them.”

  He shook his head. “We followed all the leads we could.” He raked a hand through his hair and shrugged. “It’s almost as if he’s a ghost.”

  “He’s not a ghost. He’s real, and he’s got Serena and,” she paused, “and what’s the other woman’s name? Who is she?”

  “She’s a tourist from out-of-state. Her name’s Marlene Stanton. Thirty-eight years old. She came here for a weekend getaway. Alone.” He shook his head. “Why did she come alone? Didn’t I make it clear at the press conference how dangerous it is for a woman to be here alone? And the headlines in the papers…how could she have not known?”

  Cali stepped closer. “Nick. A lot of people don’t watch the news or read the paper when they go on vacation.”

  “I should have prevented this. I should have…”

  “It is not your fault this woman was abducted. It’s not your fault any of them were taken.”

  “That’s not what you said about Serena’s abduction before.”

  “I’m sorry. I never should have said you could’ve prevented it. I never should’ve implied it was your fault. I didn’t mean it. I meant to apologize before now, but it never seemed to be the right time.”

  He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “If only I could have…”

  “What? What could you have done? You’ve done everything you can do.” She gave a brief, humorless laugh. “You’re the one telling me neither of us is in control. You’re the one telling me I’m carrying around too much responsibility on my shoulders. What about you?”

  He shook his head. “This is different. I’m the sheriff, Cali. It’s my job.”

  “Yes. But you have limitations, too.” She ran her fingers under his shirtsleeve, touching the scar from his old wound. “Remember?”

  He jerked back. “I’ll always remember.” Anger lined his features, and he clenched his hands into white-knuckled fists. He turned and paced across the room, stopping short of the kitchen.

  Cali sunk into the middle of the sofa, amd clutching her head between her hands, she prayed, Lord, help me know what to do for him. Help me to know what to say.

  A few moments later, Nick sat next to her. His firm thigh came to rest against hers. She looked up as he leaned his elbows on his knees and turned to face her.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought up your past,” she said.

  “No. It’s OK. I appreciate the reminder. It helps keep me in line.”

  “In line with what?”

  “In line with God’s will.” He reached an arm around her and pulled her back to rest with him on the couch.

  She tucked her right shoulder under his arm and rested her cheek against his chest.


  “Mmm?” She looked up into his face at the same time he looked down into hers. His gaze roamed over her features as if he were memorizing each curve, each line. He lifted a hand to brush an errant strand of hair from her cheek. His fingers slid over her skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Cali parted her lips in anticipation when his gaze landed on them. She closed her eyes. His heated breath touched her skin. Then he pressed his lips to hers.

  Warm. Caressing. But different from when he had kissed her before. He didn’t hesitate, but she noted a slight vulnerability coming through. When he pulled away, Cali opened her eyes, and detected the same vulnerability in his gaze that she had discovered in his touch.

  “Will you pray with me?” His whispered words broke through the quiet stillness.

  Cali straightened, stirred by the uncertainty coming through his voice. “Of course.”

  She watched as he threaded the fingers of his right hand with the fingers of her left. His thumb caressed her skin in slow circles as he whispered, “Lord, please grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can...”

  “And the wisdom to know the difference.” Cali followed the rest of the prayer with him in tandem.

  They sat in silence for several long minutes. Cali thought of the significance of the prayer. She had heard the Serenity Prayer many times throughout her life, but had never realized the true meaning of the words.

  As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn’t control the outcome of every situation. Nick couldn’t either. They both needed God to guide them in understanding the difference between the things they could control and the things they couldn’t.

  Cali sensed the tension in Nick’s body ease, and she remained still in his arms until she heard his steady, even breathing. She looked at his closed eyes, and saw that he slept with the peacefulness of a man who fully trusted in the Lord.

  Nick’s simple, honest request to pray with him had affected her more deeply than any other words he could have spoken, and she felt herself falling for the hard, well-organized and no-nonsense Sheriff of Coral Isle.

  Night Waves

  Night Waves

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nick woke as the sun peeked over the horizon. Rays of light danced across the room, shining on Cali’s sleeping form. He blinked, both to clear his eyes and to reassure himself that what he experienced last night was real. Had he really found a caring, compassionate woman, content to simply settle into his arms and pray? Had he found someone to lift him up when discouragement threatened to overcome him?

  An intense satisfaction washed over him as he remembered her willingness and sincerity in praying with him. With her encouragement, he had found renewed strength to continue the hunt for the kidnapper.

  Remaining as still as possible, Nick savored the warmth of Cali in his arms and the soft look of contentment on her relaxed features. He wanted to linger, to simply enjoy the feel of her in his arms. But, the room darkened as a cloud eased past the sun, reminding him of the growing threat of the approaching storm. The wind had strengthened—not to an alarming level—but, nevertheless, danger lurked in the distance. His senses went on alert, and his muscles tensed.

  He wiped the sleep from his eyes and tried to remain objective. Falling asleep with Cali last night had not been the smartest thing to do, even though it had felt right.

  Feelings can get you in trouble, Nick.

  He remembered the phrase his father had instilled in him as a child. He had heard it so often that it had become ingrained in him. He needed to keep his feelings for Cali in perspective. If he allowed himself to get too involved, he would have a heavy dose of heartache when she left to return to Brookstone.

  He slid his arm out from under Cali, trying to steel himself against the intoxicating
effect she had on him. He walked to the glass door, watching the dark clouds form a thick barrier to the sun. He needed to focus on the dangers from the approaching storm and from the kidnapper. He had to find the missing women. He prayed for courage and wisdom again as he slipped quietly out the door, locking it as he left.

  Nick walked down the steps to the first floor, going directly to the kitchen. He listened with half an ear to his voice messages as he started a pot of coffee.


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