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Take It Like A Vamp

Page 4

by Candace Havens

“Pervert.” He winked at her.

  “You have no idea,” she murmured under her breath.

  What had she meant by that? Oh hell, he hoped she hadn’t meant what he thought she meant. An image of Casey, naked and tied to his bed, suddenly had him gripping the edge of the leather seats and doubting he’d be ready to stand up again any time soon. Luckily he had the perfect distraction.

  The driver opened his door. “Can you give us a minute?” Nick asked.

  “Yes, sir. Just roll down the window when you’re ready.”

  “Do you need to give me some last minute advice on what fork to use or something?” she asked expectantly.

  “Actually,” he reached into the pocket of the door for the three velvet boxes he’d placed there earlier. “I thought these might go with your dress.” He shifted and opened the first box, which held diamond and ruby earrings. “Linc told me a necklace would take away from the neckline of your dress.” His gaze breezed across her ample breasts. He couldn’t help it. “So I thought these would be good.” The other boxes held a diamond and ruby bracelet, and a ring with a huge emerald-cut diamond in the center and two smaller emerald cut rubies on the side.

  Casey shook her head. “Uh. Wow. I don’t think I can wear that stuff.” Pursing her lips, she closed the boxes and handed them back to him. “But thank you so much for offering.”

  “Stuff?” he asked, shocked by her response. Women loved bling. “Casey, I bought these for you. I want you to wear them.”

  “You bought them?” she screeched. “What were you thinking? Can you get a refund? Nick, I don’t care how rich you are –you can’t spend money on stuff like that for the girls you take out. Goodness, you could feed a third world country with just one of those.”

  He could have actually fed several third world countries, but he’d never tell her that.

  “So, because there are starving children in India, you won’t wear a gift I’m trying to give to you?” He pretended to act hurt, but in truth he was amazed by the way her mind worked. So filled with humanity and love for her fellow humans. It always embarrassed him into doing charitable work. In fact, he’d doubled his donations in the last five months.

  But he wanted to see those rubies against her perfect skin, and the word ’no’ was not in his vocabulary.

  “Oh,” she reached over and touched his thigh. He used every bit of control he had to keep from gently nudging those fingers just little higher. Waves of heat seared his body at her simple touch.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she said. “It was just unexpected. I’ll wear them, Nick, but I can’t accept them as gifts. Maybe you can’t take them back to the store, but you could auction them at Christie’s or one of those fancy auction houses to get your money back.”

  Her earnestness was almost more than he could take. In less than a second, he could pull her on to his lap and kiss her until she forgot her name. Hell, until he forgot his own name. For months he’d wanted to taste those lips.

  Just as he leaned toward her to do just that, someone coughed outside and the sound brought him back to his senses.

  Why did she have to be the complete package? It was as if the universe drew some perverse joy in teasing him with what he couldn’t have. Well, technically he could—but he wouldn’t do that to her.

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me for you to wear them. You are—” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “Such a good friend. I’ve never known anyone like you.” Those words were as honest as they came. Through his many years on earth, he’d had hundreds of friends, but none quite like Casey. There had never been a woman who had captured his attention so quickly and held it. Even after his worst days, her funny, self-effacing humor calmed him.

  “Oh, Nick.” She reached across and wrapped her arms around his neck. The scent of her filled him, and his hands slid around the ivory softness of her exposed back.

  She kissed his cheek and pulled away, and it was as though he’d been set adrift alone in the sea with only an oar to hold onto.

  “Can you help me put this on?” she asked and held out her wrist. He carefully slipped the glittering bracelet on and fastened it. When she reached for the ring, he grabbed it first. She held out her right hand, but he shook his head.

  Her eyebrows drew in, and he knew she was confused. He couldn’t blame her. Mind whirling, he took her left hand. He kissed her ring finger and then slid the ring on, unable to stop himself.

  The rubies on her left hand would signify, to those who mattered, that she was taken. One of the small ways his kind staked their territory.

  If anyone wanted to speak or dance with her, that person would have to ask his permission. He told himself it was to protect her, but a small errant thread in the back of his mind knew it was only an excuse.

  She frowned as she glanced from him to the ring.

  “Nick?” her voice soft as a whisper.

  “I think that should set the evil mamas into a tizzy, don’t you?” He winked and rolled down the window so the driver would open the door.

  Placing her arm in the crook of his, he guided her down the red carpet with one thought on his mind.


  Chapter Five

  “Over here! Over here!” The flashes from the paparazzi overwhelmed her as she tried to traverse the steps up to the ginormous mansion where the party was being held. The place was at least a block long, and goodness knew how far back it went. She was nearly out of breath by the time they made it to the top of the stairs.

  More time on the treadmill was most definitely needed.

  “Come on, Nick, show us your girl. She’s beautiful,” shouted one guy.

  “What’s your name, honey?” Another man asked. She couldn’t see them behind the flashes of blinding light. She’d be seeing blue dots for days.

  Nick positioned her beside him and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s give them one picture, and then we’ll go inside. That is, if it’s okay with you?” When he gave her that charming smile of his, she would do anything.

  Jump into lava. Done.

  Slay dragons. Done.

  He didn’t have a clue.

  And he never would if she wanted to keep any part of her self-esteem intact.

  The idea that he might reject her as a lover was more than she could stand. Better to always have that hope of a possibility than to have her fantasies tarred and feathered with the truth.

  “Can I be your mysterious woman?” she batted her eyelashes at him.

  “You can be whomever you want tonight,” he promised.

  That was good, since pretending would be the only way she’d survive. David told her to fake it ’til she made it–and she intended to do exactly that.

  Facing the paparazzi, she gave them what she hoped was a mysterious smile. During college she’d practiced the look, which sometimes came off more like a grimace. That would be her luck. She’d show up in the society columns the next day with the face of a gremlin, standing next to one of the most gorgeous men on the planet.

  Someone whistled, and Nick’s arm tightened around her.

  “That’s enough,” Nick said as he pulled her around so she was hidden from the cameras. He’d moved her so quickly that she teetered on her heels. She flattened a palm against his chest to keep from falling. Crushing her in his arms, he steadied her.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, Casey. You’re perfect. It’s just that it probably isn’t good for your safety to have those hacks ogling you. You have no idea what it’s like to give up your privacy to these people. I don’t know what I was thinking. I should have had him drive us around back.”

  Was he embarrassed to be seen with her? Chest tightening with disappointment, she bit down on her lip. She was no Barbie, but she’d been feeling pretty good about herself.

  “Nick.” She gently squeezed his arm. “I promise I’ll try not to embarrass you tonight. I know I’m not your—well, we both know I’m not one of your typical m
odels. But I swear I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “Casey, I can honestly say there isn’t a woman in the world I would rather have on my arm tonight. No one makes me laugh like you do, and I enjoy my time with you. Stop worrying. Be your wonderful self, and you’ll have the room charmed by the end of the hour. And for the last time, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t want to hear another word about it. You’re the only one who isn’t aware of just how spectacular you are.”

  Casey crossed her eyes with humor, but Nick missed it as he guided her up the carpet.

  This was his way of placating her. If he thought she was as beautiful as he kept saying, this would be a real date.

  Three hours ago she would have doubted she could do something like this, but now—she felt empowered. So real date or not, she was going to pretend as though she belonged on Nick’s arm. What did she care if these people didn’t like her? The only one who mattered was Nick, and she knew he cared about her. And in a way, if she faked it well enough, she might be able to help him through the night. She couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have people parading their young in front of you in hopes of some kind of match.

  Rich people were crazy.

  Taking a deep breath, she folded her arm in his.

  While other people had to show their invitation and have their names checked off the list, she and Nick were waved on through.

  Aren’t we special?

  In the foyer, which was three stories tall and decorated by someone with a passion for gold filigree, he pulled her into an alcove. Mesmerized by the opulent, almost gaudy, golden staircase and crown molding circling the room, she ignored him.

  He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  He gazed at her intensely, his eyes fixed on her mouth.

  A flash of something crossed his face, but she couldn’t identify the emotion. He touched her cheek with his fingertips, sending heat so warm through her body she feared her Spanx might melt.

  Then he put her arm in his again. “Let’s go, beautiful.”

  Casey straightened her spine and plastered an aloof look on her face. Nick needed her to pretend, and she would. This one night with him would get her through all the lonely ones with Mr. Nick the vibrator as her only company.

  As sad as that fact might be, she couldn’t help but giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” Nick asked as they entered the grand salon where one of the guys running the party had directed them.

  Really, who used phrases like grand salon?

  Rich people.

  “Nothing,” she answered sweetly.

  Chancing a glance, she found him staring at her with that intent look in his eyes again. What was he thinking?

  It was almost like he was attracted to her, but that couldn’t be true. He’d never once given her the impression his interest in her was anything more than friendship. But tonight, she would pretend and capture all the memories she could.

  As long as she didn’t kill herself by falling off of her shoes.

  # # #

  As soon as they entered the room, tension gripped Nick’s shoulders.

  What the hell were they doing here?

  So far he’d counted four of the lead Council members. Usually, for security reasons, no more than two of them were at an event at one time.

  With Nick there, that made five.

  Damn. They were up to something.

  He’d expected wives and daughters to be present, but not the actual Council members. Then it dawned on him. They were here to observe, to make certain he was serious about choosing a wife.

  The rule was that the reigning Council president had to find a mate by his second term in office was antiquated, but his people weren’t fond of change. And leaving the Council wasn’t an option either, considering he was still knee deep in brokering a peace between all supernaturals. His world was always on the brink of war with various supernatural races vying for power. For the first time in their long history, he’d been able to get some of the key leaders to work together, but one wrong move and the whole world could go to hell–as in hell on earth being unleashed.

  “Remember when I said I wanted you to stay as close as possible to me tonight?”

  “Uh-huh,” Casey answered, but her eyes were on the elegant men and women in the room.

  “I mean it, Casey. Are you listening? Don’t even go to the ladies room by yourself.”

  She stopped then and looked up at him with concern. “Is something wrong? It’s going to look fifteen shades of wrong if you go to the bathroom with me.” She joked, but her eyes traveled around the room as if she were trying to assess a threat.

  “No, it’s just that some of my competitors are here.” That part was true. Being on the Council was a dangerous business, full of espionage and double-crossing. But he’d been playing the game longer than most, and knew how to win. The problem was keeping Casey safe and out of the hands of his enemies.

  “Oh,” she said, but he could tell she didn’t understand.

  “They might try to get information from you about me.”

  “Nick,” she complained. “I would never do that. They’d have to beat me to get me to say anything, and even then I’d hold out.” She paused and then looked uncomfortable. “Unless there were spiders. Or frogs.” She shivered. “Do they use frogs to torture secrets from people nowadays?”

  The seriousness of her tone had him swallowing hard to keep from laughing. “I haven’t heard about any kind of frog interrogation yet, but just in case, stay close, okay?” He took her hand in his, but not before he noticed they’d received some unwanted attention from several people in the room.


  The dowager, Lady Keneton, was on her way with her niece Sylvie in tow.

  Hell. The night had just begun, and already he was in trouble. “Another big favor,” he whispered.

  “Anything for you,” Casey said.

  “Pretend to be my girlfriend. My real girlfriend. Let’s say we’ve been dating for months.” They had been seeing each other, just not in that way.

  He’d brought Casey to show her how beautiful she was, but he hadn’t thought they’d be gunning for him before he’d even had his scotch.

  Casey gazed up at him and then faced the dowager bearing down on them.

  “I’ve got this,” she said bravely. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll save you from the old gray hairs and their scary daughters.”

  “Honey?” The word slid through his mind like warm honey on a summer’s day. He imagined her spread eagle on his bed, those blue eyes looking up at him expectantly. He’d pour honey all over her—

  Nick shut his eyes to savor the moment, which was interrupted by the dowager’s “harrumph.”

  After the introductions, the dowager gave Casey a look of disdain.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the Meyers in Dallas,” the older woman sniffed haughtily.

  Nick nearly lost it when Casey said, “Really? I thought anyone who was anyone had heard of the Meyers.” Then she threw her hand to her chest as if she were shocked.

  Even the bored niece, who hid behind her aunt, smiled at that one.

  “Excuse us, please,” Nick said politely as he guided her away from the cranky old witch.

  “I thought you said you weren’t good at these kinds of things,” Nick chuckled as he grabbed two glasses of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray.

  “I’m not, but I can’t stand snooty people,” she said. “I don’t care that she insulted me, but I didn’t like that she made it seem you were somehow tainted by me. What a rude old—” She stopped talking abruptly.

  Nick turned to see what made her pause. His spine stiffened as Alvinia entered the room, making a beeline for them.

  Fuck. Why was she here? This was bad.

  “I don’t like her,” Casey said before the other woman strode two steps.

  “You have very good instincts,” Nick whi
spered back.

  Alvinia’s wicked black eyes narrowed in on Casey, and it was all he could do not to throw Casey behind him and go after Alvinia’s throat.

  Poison. There was no better word for the creature that neared them.

  Casey was in danger now, just because she was beside him.

  “Nicholas,” she said with her Romanian accent pulling at her vowels like a knife through peanut butter. “So long, darling, since you’ve come to visit me.”

  “Alvinia. I’m surprised to see you. I understood you were in Romania.”

  “Funny boy,” she accused without mirth. “I know your man told you about my invitation, the one you so rudely declined. Is she the reason why?”

  Alvinia pointed a long black nail at Casey.

  “Hey there, I’m Nick’s friend, Cassandra Meyers.” She waved and smiled sweetly. “I can’t believe I finally get to meet the famous Alvinia.” Casey wrapped her hand around Nick’s bicep. “He’s told me so much about you.”

  The confusion on Alvinia’s face was priceless. Her mouth looked like a fish gasping for breath on a wooden dock. Then her gaze settled on the ring, and her gaping mouth turned into an evil sneer. “What’s this?” Alvinia hissed as she reached for Casey’s hand.

  Nick’s hand intercepted Casey’s in a blur and pulled her into his arms.

  “Do. Not. Touch. Her.” Nick growled.

  Casey’s body tensed, as if she were ready for a fight. Little did she know that with one swipe of Alvinia’s hand, her throat could have been ripped open. He shouldn’t have brought her.

  “Go back to Romania, Alvinia. I warned you and I meant it. You have no protection here.”

  Casey’s head lifted against his chest, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of the wicked creature in front of him. One wrong move, and Casey would be dead. Then he’d rip that witch into tiny pieces for the horde to consume—something he should have done centuries ago.

  “Oh, but Nicky, darling. I no longer need protection. Didn’t you hear? I’ve been nominated to the Council.”

  Oh, he knew. Including the fact that the only way she’d be a part of the Council was if he were dead. And that wasn’t about to happen.


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