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Club Prive: Book II

Page 7

by M. S. Parker

  He didn’t give me a chance to figure out what that meant. His mouth closed over my nipple and I cried out. The wet heat sent a jolt of arousal through me and then he began to suck.

  “Shit,” I cursed, my back arching.

  He knew just the right amount of suction. Not too little or too much. Hard enough to pull the tip up into a point, but not so hard it was painful. His tongue swirled around my flesh and was followed by teeth scraping and nipping. I fisted my hands in my bedspread, panting as he alternated between bites and licks, one causing little pinpricks of near pain, the other soothing.

  My eyes were squeezed shut, my head tilted back. I could hear the sounds coming out of my mouth and knew that I was being too loud, but I couldn’t stop myself, not with the wonderful things his mouth was doing to me. When he switched to the other breast, the cool air caressed the wet skin he abandoned, sending a whole new sensation through me. He wasn’t touching me anywhere else, only his mouth on my breast, but it felt like every inch of my body was on fire.

  He bit down, just this side of painful and I cried out, an orgasm crashing over and through me. He sat back, letting me ride out my climax untouched. I’d never known I could come just from a mouth on my breasts. I’d heard women say it, but I’d never believed it until now. There was no denying the pleasure coursing through my body.

  It wasn’t until I opened my eyes that I saw Gavin was watching me. I blushed, part of me wanting to cover up, as if he hadn’t already seen everything there was to see. It was different this way, though. Coming while we were touching was one thing. Having him sitting back, almost separate from the experience, was something else.

  “You’re beautiful when you come, you know,” he said.

  He ran a finger over my calf and I shivered. Something so innocent should never feel that good.

  “At some point,” he continued. “I think I’d like to watch you pleasure yourself, just your fingers. See how you touch yourself. Watch your face when you bring yourself to orgasm.”

  I made a sound that I wasn’t sure was either disapproval or agreement. I hadn’t done that with any of my previous lovers. Granted, there had been times I’d helped myself along, but it was always while we were having sex. If I ever had to finish myself off because he didn’t get the job done, I waited until I was alone. That had always been a private thing for me. Now, I found myself wondering what it would be like, to touch myself in front of Gavin, knowing that he wasn’t going to do anything but watch. Would he then return the favor? I’d never thought about watching a man masturbate, but the idea of seeing how Gavin touched himself turned me on more than I’d thought possible.

  “Someday,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. “Tonight, however, I have other plans for you. We’re just getting started.”

  Chapter 11

  I started to sit up, but Gavin put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he teased.

  I smiled up at him and ran my tongue out to wet my lips. It was time for the bold me to come forward again. “I want to go down on you.” I was rewarded by a low oath and Gavin’s hand tightening on my shoulder.

  Something crossed his eyes and then he said, “I’d like that very much.” He shifted so that he was straddling my waist. “But how about we try something a little different?”

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I nodded.

  “Do you trust me?”

  I wasn’t sure about the answer to that one. Hadn’t that been what I’d been puzzling over since I’d met him?

  Gavin’s expression grew serious. “I’d never do anything to hurt you, or anything you wouldn’t like. All you have to do is ask me to stop and I will.”

  I could read the truthfulness in his eyes. I might not know if I could trust him emotionally, but sexually... I believed I could. He hadn’t done anything I hadn’t wanted him to do, and he’d always made sure I was okay with anything he did. I nodded, pushing down the sliver of panic that wanted to ruin it.

  A pleased look crossed Gavin’s face, and it wasn’t just lustful. There was something deeper there that made my insides squirm.

  He didn’t speak as he took my wrists in his hands and moved my arms above my head. The long fingers of one hand wrapped around both of my wrists, effectively trapping them. His grip wasn’t too tight and the angle wasn’t painful, but my breathing quickened anyway. He raised himself higher on his knees and leaned forward.

  I watched as his face moved out of sight, but it wasn’t until I saw his stomach and lower that I realized what he was doing.

  “Fuck,” I whispered as he reached my mouth. He was long and hard, hovering just above my lips, and I wanted him. I knew he was waiting for a signal from me to know that it was okay. I flicked my tongue out to touch the tip of his shaft and felt his fingers twitch against my wrists.

  He lowered his hips as I opened my mouth. I swirled my tongue around him, tasting every inch of the hard flesh that passed my lips. Now I understood why he’d asked about trust. I had no control, no way to stop him from going too far and choking me. Arousal and panic warred inside me. I closed my eyes and focused on the weight sliding across my tongue.

  He drew back until the tip rested against my lips. I teased across his slit with the tip of my tongue. I wanted him back in my mouth. He got the hint and began to lower himself again. He didn’t go far, only letting a couple inches inside before he started to withdraw. It took only a few strokes before I caught his rhythm and began to work with it, using my tongue on the downward movement, hollowing my cheeks to apply suction as he pulled out. The first time I did it, he swore, more loudly than he should have, but I didn’t say anything about it. Speech would’ve been a bit difficult with my mouth stretched so wide around him. He may have been thinner at the top, but he was still big enough around that my jaw was going to start aching soon.

  Before that could happen, he drew back completely. I opened my eyes as he released my hands. His cock was flush with blood, a deep red that glistened with my saliva. He climbed off of the bed and reached for his pants. I propped myself up on my elbows as I watched him bend over. I normally wasn’t much of an ass person, but he had a nice one.

  “Seriously?” I asked as he straightened with a condom in his hand. “Another one? Just how lucky did you think you were going to get?”

  He grinned as he tore open the wrapper. “What can I say? I’m an optimist.”

  “Good thing,” I said. “I’m pretty sure I only have one I keep for emergencies.” A sudden thought occurred to me. “And I don’t think it’ll fit.”

  His smile widened at that one. “Guess it’s a good thing I have a couple more in my jacket, huh?” He paused as he rolled the latex over his cock, then added, “I guess it’d be too much of a guy thing to ask for a comparison?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, that would be too much of a guy thing.”

  He shrugged. “We all like to get our ego stroked now and then.”

  I moved up onto my knees. “It’s not your ego I want to be stroking.” The words popped out of my mouth before I thought about them and I saw surprise flash across his face before it was replaced by something darker.

  He climbed onto the bed and started to reach for me. I shook my head. He hesitated, desire dampened by confusion. He’d had his moment of control. It was my turn, and there was something I’d been wanting to do since I’d first seen him. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle push. It wasn’t enough to actually move him, but enough to convey what I wanted.


  I put both my hands on his shoulders, applying more pressure. He laid back, his eyes on me as he stretched out. When he was finally still, I swung one leg over his waist and placed my hands on his chest, leaning forward so that our faces were just inches apart.

  The bold me was still in charge. “I’ve been fantasizing about this since we first met.” His eyes widened. “Riding you until you can’t see straight.”


  “That’s the idea.” I grinned as I straightened, moving myself back until I was above him. I kept my eyes locked with his as I reached beneath me and held him in place. I wanted to see the expression on his face when he entered me.

  I was still stretched enough from our previous encounter that there was no discomfort as I slowly lowered myself onto him, only the delicious sensation of being filled. Gavin’s face was an array of emotions as I moved, so varied and complex that I couldn’t separate them. The muscles in his neck and arms stood out as his hands opened and closed convulsively against my bedspread. I put my hands on his stomach to keep my balance and felt the minute tremors going through him.

  “So tight. How are you still so fucking tight?” The words came out in pants.

  My eyelids fluttered as he reached that point inside me where he was rubbing against my g-spot. I answered, barely aware that I was doing so, “Never had anyone so big inside me.”

  His hands slid up my legs to my hips. I could hear amusement in his voice. “Guess that answers my question.”

  I laughed and the sound was cut short as the vibrations made Gavin and me both groan. He was almost completely in now, the end of him already past where my other lovers had gone. The muscles in my legs were trembling now with the effort, but as I dropped the final two inches, that wasn’t important. I rested for a moment, my body struggling to adapt to the intrusion. We hadn’t done it this way before, and the difference in position changed things enough that I needed a minute.

  Gavin’s fingers twitched on my hips and I began to move. I started with a simple back and forth movement, letting myself get used to the feel. I opened my eyes as I switched to raising myself up and then sliding down. Gavin’s pupils were blown so wide I could barely see any blue around them and I wondered if my own looked that way. I slid my hands up his stomach to his chest and back again, matching my movement with the rhythm I was setting. I lost myself in the motions, giving my body over to instinct as I rode him.

  I could feel his hips rising to meet my downward motions, driving him deeper than should have been possible. The end of him hit something inside me that made me cry out as stars burst behind my eyes. I dug my nails into his chest and he swore. He sat up, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me against him, our bodies joined as closely as possible.

  His mouth slammed into mine, his tongue pushing its way between my lips as it greedily plundered my mouth. His teeth scraped against my lips, nipping at them until I was writhing against him, my body barely able to move in his tight grip. I needed to move. The pressure inside me was too much, and I was going to explode if he didn’t do something.

  Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, he lifted me. For a moment, I thought he was going to put me on my back, finish it that way, but he didn’t. Instead, my back slammed into my headboard. My hands automatically went out to my sides, grabbing onto the top of the carved wood. One of his arms stayed around my waist while the other held on to the top of the headboard as well. I was pinned between him and the polished wood. He was on his knees, my legs on either side of his waist; the only thing keeping me from falling was where his body held mine.

  “Fuck me–” The words had barely gotten out of my mouth before he was doing just that.

  I keened as he thrust into me, each stroke sending a wave of ecstasy through me. The base of him rubbed my clit even as his shaft pressed against that spot inside me, and the friction alone would have been enough, but it was more than that. It was the sound of him grunting in my ear with the force of each thrust. The raw, almost primal feeling that he was somehow claiming me, that this was just the end of something that had started earlier tonight, something that went beyond a good fuck.

  My body opened for his, welcomed the shockwaves that rolled over my nerves, driving me towards a release that promised to be bigger than anything I’d experienced before. I released the headboard and wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him as he pounded into me.

  I wasn’t even aware that I was speaking until I suddenly heard my voice.

  “Oh, fuck! Yes, Gavin! Yes!”

  I thought I sounded like a bad porn star, but the words just poured out of me. His name. Various expletives. And, of course, the singular affirmative that came out in a wail.

  His hips jerked as his rhythm faltered and I knew he was close. He pulled me away from the headboard enough to get both of his arms around me. He lifted me until he was almost completely out and then pulled me down. The force of gravity and him combined buried him almost painfully deep, and I screamed as I came, the sound carrying me towards darkness. I felt him pulsing inside me and heard him call my name, and then, nothing.

  Chapter 12

  I wasn’t out for long. I knew that less than a minute had passed, because the first thing that I was aware of was that Gavin was still inside me and not quite back down to his pre-erection size. The second thing that I knew was that he was holding me against him, and his breath was hot against my ear.

  He moved, maneuvering us so that he was pulling out as he lowered me to the bed. He leaned back, pulling off the condom with a grimace and tossing it into the trashcan next to the bed. He then collapsed next to me, turning his face towards me. We lay like that for several minutes, me on my back and him on his stomach, trying to catch our breath.

  “You know...” He broke the silence. “It’s a good thing you were so quiet.”

  I scowled at him.

  “You think you woke her? If those first couple ones didn’t get her, I’m sure that last scream did.” Gavin grinned at me. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if your neighbors called the cops.”

  I hit his shoulder with an arm that still felt rubbery. “That was nothing compared to what I’ve heard coming from Krissy’s room.”

  Gavin looked thoughtful for a moment. “So a threesome would be like having surround sound?”

  “Funny.” I rolled onto my side. Now that all of the sexual tension had been sated – at least for the moment – I found my thoughts returning to the night’s previous events, and not the sexual ones. “Howard offered me a job.”

  Gavin’s eyebrows shot up, the surprise on his face so genuine that I couldn’t doubt he hadn’t known. He rolled onto his side as well, so we were facing each other. “Are you going to take it?”

  I shook my head. That wasn’t why I’d brought it up. “I got the feeling he was looking more for another conquest than he was for a new employee.”

  Gavin laughed. “Don’t worry about that. Howard’s not like that. He’s just a flirt, which has obviously been a problem in his marriage, but he doesn’t act on it. Besides, he’d never try anything with you because he knows we’re together.”

  A thrill went through me at his words. He said we were together. I’d wanted to think of us that way, but hadn’t let myself since I hadn’t known how he’d felt. Now I did.

  Gavin continued, unaware of what his statement had done to me. “I hope your boss knows her stuff. No one’s going to believe that Howard just flirts. His wife’s convinced he’s been cheating on her for years. Proving otherwise is going to be difficult.”

  I reached out and brushed hair back from Gavin’s forehead. “How did you meet him, anyway?”

  Something dark crossed Gavin’s face. “Some years back, I was going through something really bad and Howard helped me get out of it.” He twisted one of my curls around his finger. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. I owe him everything.”

  I put my hand on his cheek. I could see a deep pain and grief in his eyes, and my heart ached. “What happened?” I asked.

  Gavin shook his head. “Let’s not spoil the mood with my sad story.”

  He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. Our mouths met, but this kiss was slow and lingering. His hand ran over my side to rest on my hip. I let my hands slide over his chest, up to his shoulders. The kiss lasted only a minute, but it chased away some of the hurt I’d seen on his f
ace. It wasn’t enough, though. I wanted to make him forget we’d ever discussed it.

  I raised myself up slightly, letting my mouth follow where my hands had gone. I wanted to taste every inch of him. His fingers teased at my nipple, but I didn’t let him distract me. I kissed my way up his neck to his ear.

  “I want to explore your body with my mouth.”

  He went still next to me.

  “Run my tongue over every inch of you.” I flicked his earlobe with my tongue. “And this time, you’re going to finish in my mouth because I want to taste your cum.”

  “Fuck, Carrie.”

  A shudder ran through him and I felt his cock stir against my leg. That was a start. I resumed my exploration, licking down the side of his neck, pausing to suck at the pulse point in his throat. He’d given me a hickey. He deserved one in return. Once I was satisfied with the mark I’d made, I turned him so that he was lying on his stomach again. I started to make my way across the tops of his shoulders when his tattoo caught my attention. The second my tongue traced along the edge of one of those angel wings, I felt him tense.

  I leaned back, but not completely away. Instead of my mouth, I used my finger to run along the wings. He relaxed a bit, but not much. They couldn’t hurt. The tattoo was too old for that. It had to be something else.

  “What do they mean?” I asked, keeping my voice soft. When he didn’t answer, I lightly ran the tip of my finger over the date just between where the wings met. I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss in the center of the closest wing. “You can trust me.”

  “It’s not that,” he said. His voice was thick with emotion. “The date represents the worst day of my life. The initials are for the best and most important thing in my life.”

  Oh. I resisted the urge to trace the letters. SC. I sat back and looked down, but Gavin’s face was turned away from me.

  “You know.” I tried to keep my voice casual but wasn’t sure I was succeeding. “Initials like that, they’re usually done for a woman. Someone that has such a hold on your heart that you can’t let her go.”


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