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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

Page 3

by Audrey Carlan

  The women, though, are a problem I need to deal with. The four of them are inseparable, and I want Gillian to count on me, and only me, for all of her pleasure. If she needs something, I will be the one who gives it to her. No, each one of them will be dealt with soon enough. I was already working on my plan to pick them off, one by one, like the plucking of flower petals on a ripe daisy. Kathleen and Maria would be more difficult since they now had steady boyfriends, and Maria was dating that pig. A grin slips across my face as I catch my reflection in the mirror.

  I turn down the mic on the recording device I installed a couple weeks ago in her apartment. That rich fucker only recently hired her a bodyguard. Good thing I was ten steps ahead of him. Her apartment had been easy enough to break into. The extra key she kept on top of the bookcase was a cinch to copy and put back before anyone was the wiser. I have spent more time in her apartment recently than I care to admit. Weakness is not my thing. The feeling makes my gut twist into knots, but I couldn’t avoid it. I needed to be near her. Just being around her things, smelling her perfume, and lying in her bed, gave me a blessed moment of peace. The rage that swirls heavy in my veins only cools when I feel her presence envelop me like she used to. She always had that ability. She calms me, allowing me to push back the beast within. Obsessively working out helps with the excess energy, but not enough to quiet the mind. I need her with me. Knowing she is mine, for all time, is the only thing that will make me whole again.

  I grab the wires I need and delicately connect them to the slick side of the cylinder. Slowly I twist them carefully to ensure the appropriate contact with the glass and metal. With pride, I examine the newest addition to my plan. Only decision to make now was who would be blown to bits first? I’d love to take out Chase Fucking Davis. Seeing his body parts fly into the air alongside one of his expensive toys, like his Porsche or Aston Martin, would be doubly satisfying. Taking out Jack Porter, the ex-military man, in the process would be the ultimate revenge for stealing my princess.

  It is impossible to prevent the smile that slides over my lips, the same way I can’t prevent the memory of sinking my cock into Gillian, over and over again. She never opened her eyes during sex, obviously overcome with emotion when we made love. Back then, my favorite guilty pleasure was watching her face contort as I’d blown my load. We always used condoms, but that would change when I got her back. The first thing I plan to do is lay her out and have my way with her. Fill her full of my cum. Even if it is by force, the bitch would be mine again. There is nothing her friends, her new, good mannered bodyguard, or that rich motherfucker can do to prevent me from claiming what’s mine.

  Then a name pops into my subconscious, like a song you finally remember that’s been rattling around in your head ad nauseam. It’s perfect really. The one bastard she always runs to. At first, I thought he might be gay. He hung out with the most beautiful woman in the fucking world and never touched her. Then I found out that he had. He was her first. I knew from the second I met him that he was in love with her. Once his little wifey died, he upgraded to a newer hotter model. Using that little shit daughter of his as a tool to gain my girl’s heart and trust. Well, no more. Time for me to clean up that loose end. I’ll even bet his demise will delay that sham of a wedding, giving me more time to clean house. Gillian will be mine and mine alone.

  All of those bitches, bodyguards, and that rich fucker have to go.

  First, I’ll start by making that little girl an orphan. It would be merciful of me to take out her disgusting father. A man who lusts after a woman, day in and day out, using her as bait. Sickening. I’ll be doing that little girl a favor. Give her a new life.

  Becoming an orphan was the best thing that ever happened to me. Once I’d beaten my drunk father to death and strangled my mother, it was nothing to set the house on fire. Leaving me a scarred, fourteen-year-old boy, who barely made it out of the house alive. At least that’s what the authorities thought. Then I got myself a new name, complete with a set of real parents. Ones that didn’t use me as their personal punching bag.

  Yeah, I’ll avenge that little girl and her dead mother. Barely in the grave, before the prick moves on to his next hot piece of ass. And Gillian has the perfect heart-shaped ass. White, creamy, flawless skin. My memories are no longer enough. I need more. But I have to be patient and exact my revenge at the right time. She doesn’t have any other family except for a dad who abandoned her long ago. Getting rid of the rest of her so called “family” would feel so good. Chills of excitement race up and down my spine.

  My dick hardens painfully. I slide my palm over the bulge in my jeans and squeeze. A rush of adrenaline mixed with desire slithers like a snake through me. I grit my teeth and pull my hand away, sickened at the lack of willpower. No, I won’t pleasure myself. Not unless I’m with her, or in her home surrounded by her scent. That is the only time I allow myself a moment’s respite and let go of the bitter hate and anger of not having her with me.

  Now, it’s time to focus on the matter at hand. I laugh openly into the silent room. The sound echoes off the concrete walls where all the beautiful images stare back at me. Gillian, walking down the street, doing yoga, working out at the gym, eating lunch with Davis. I’ve cut his face out of the picture and put my own in its place. It is going to be so nice to obliterate him. Instead of a bomb, though, I want to torture the pecker like he’s torturing me. Keeping me away from my property, my possession, my woman, all of those violations deserve a great deal more pain rather than a quick ka-boom.

  Her best friend. Her first fuck…there is something poetic about taking him out first. Like starting at the beginning. The cold metal cylinder chills my hand as I study its beauty. Smooth, sleek, and packed with a punch. It is almost too easy.

  Bye bye, Phillip.


  “Hey, you...” Phillip pulls me into a hug. “What are you doing here?” His chocolate-brown eyes seem to sparkle as he scans my face for signs of concern. His light hair curls a bit around his ears. He needs a haircut.

  “I thought you could use a break. I know I could.” I smile and grip his hand, squeezing it.

  “Where to?” He pulls on his blazer, then shuffles the papers he’d been poring over, into a neat stack.

  I roll my eyes and sigh. “I’d love to say Del Sol, but I’m under strict orders to stay indoors. Meaning, within the confines of Davis Industries.”

  Phillip’s eyebrows knit together, and then he looks over my shoulder and waves at Austin, my bodyguard. As far as bodyguards go, I couldn’t have asked for a better one, not that I want one in general. The fact that Chase believes I need one, and has been proven correct on multiple occasions, irks me. Austin stands off to the side scanning the area. He’s a real gentleman—hulking in size and looks like a modern day Rambo. He has a Southern twang and mannerism that I find incredibly endearing. He does his best to stay out of my way, trailing me closely, only hovering when we are outside, getting into a car or going somewhere with Chase. If my guy is around though, Austin makes a point to give us privacy, while keeping his eye on his charge. If Chase didn’t have Jack the linebacker on his tail, I would have put up more of a fight. However, now that the news of our impending nuptials is out and this stalker business has escalated, I feel safer having Austin with me. Of course, I’d never admit that to Chase. Smug, sexy bastard. I wouldn’t want to inflate his ego any larger, not that it would be possible.

  “Seriously? You can’t leave the building?” He places a hand at my back and leads me to the elevators and directly in front of Austin. “Austin, I’m taking Gillian to Del Sol for lunch.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Parks. Ms. Callahan is to stay within the building unless escorted by Mr. Davis himself.” At least Austin has the good manners to look chagrined. He doesn’t like telling me what to do, and, worse, he doesn’t appreciate chasing after me when I ignore the rules. Still, it is his job, and I want him to keep it for the time being.

  Phillip’s face contorts into a grimace. �
��That’s insane. You can’t keep her in a fish bowl.” Austin shrugs and settles as far back in the elevator as possible to give us space.

  Phillip huffs as we get onto the elevator. “Your boyfriend has issues,” Phillip says as I press the number on the elevator that will bring us to the cafeteria. They have good food, but I’ve been eating the same things for the past couple weeks, and it’s really starting to grate on my nerves.

  “With all due respect, sir, Mr. Davis only wants to keep his fiancée safe. We’ve had to ramp up security as of late, and it’s just easier if we keep Ms. Callahan where we can have a firm eye on her.”

  This conversation is old and degrading. I’m not a child, and I’m not going to live my life like this. The elevator opens, and we all walk out. Just like he does every day, Austin immediately heads to the side wall to start his perimeter check. Before the elevator doors close I grab Phillip’s arm, haul him back into the car and smash the “L” for the Lobby. The doors close just as Austin runs over to it yelling, “No!”

  Phillip laughs as I take deep, calming breaths and giggle alongside him feeling like a teenager who just escaped her parents’ house.

  “You’re a kook. You know you could have just told him you were going no matter what. He couldn’t stop you.”

  Excitement tingles on the edges of my nerve endings. Sometimes, not following the rules is fun. “I don’t know. I just reacted,” I lift my gaze to his. At the same time, we both start laughing. It’s ridiculous to think I can’t go anywhere because of some deranged admirer. Besides, I have Phil with me. Nothing could happen in his presence. He loops his arm over my shoulders just as the door dings.

  “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.” He shakes his head, a smirk planted on his sweet face.

  We make it three feet before I see Chase and stop dead in my tracks. He looks insanely hot in his light grey suit, matching vest, white dress shirt and red tie. My eyes scan him from his glistening dress shoes, up those tight, muscular thighs that I love pressing me into flat surfaces. I continue the visual caress, journeying up his body to the promised land. Just a hint of his bulge can be seen against the expensive fabric. Following the path, I enjoy his trim waist, remembering how it feels to scratch my nails along the ridges of the perfect speed bumps of his abdomen, then across the wide, finely toned chest. Finally, my gaze settles onto those bottomless blue eyes. So blue they are like the ocean waters of Cancun. Right now though, those waters are frigid, glacial in their intensity.

  “Well isn’t this cozy?” Chase says as he makes his way toward us. Phillip grips my shoulder smiling confidently. “Escaping the castle are we, Princess?” Ugh. I hate Princess. I didn’t like it when it was used in my past, and I don’t want to hear him use it...ever again.

  “You don’t have to answer that,” Phillip responds, annoyance coating his words.

  “Oh, but she does, seeing as how the moment she leaves those doors,” he points to the glass wall behind us with the rotating spinning door and exit to the building. “She’s at risk.”

  Phillip rolls his eyes. “I can handle a little paparazzi…” Phillip starts, but Chase cuts him off by stepping close to Phil’s face, leaving a scant few inches between them.

  My best friend physically bristles at the nearness and intensity. Chase speaks quietly, but the tendons bulging in his neck reveal his frustration. “It’s not the fucking paparazzo that’s the problem. It’s the sick fuck sending her threatening notes, disgusting sexual gifts slathered with his semen, and dead roses that I’m worried about.” Chase’s eyes narrow emphasizing his point. My gut churns like the sea in the middle of a storm.

  Phillip pulls away, surprised as Chase eases me to his side protectively.

  “Gigi, what’s he talking about?” I sulk back against Chase, and he pulls me out of the protective cubby hole of his warm body.

  His eyes dart to mine and are hard points when he responds. “So, you didn’t think to tell him why I’ve hired a bodyguard?” He looks down at me, clearly frustrated.

  I shake my head. “Not exactly. I told him about the flowers, and the texts but we haven’t had a chance to really get into it…” My words fall off as I see Phillip’s face morph into an all-encompassing frown.

  “The last thing I ever want to hear is a frantic call from Austin. Do you have any idea what went through my mind?” Chase grates, his chastisement like an icicle through the heart.

  Where is my Rambo anyway? He should have made it down by now. Scanning the perimeter my gaze settles on him standing off to the side along the back wall. His hands are clasped in tight fists, jaw clenched and eyes darker than I’ve ever seen them. He’s always looked at me as if I was a sweet woman. Now, though, he’s got a reason for the hard expression that draws his mouth into a thin line. I look down, ashamed, realizing that my juvenile actions actually hurt someone. I’ll make sure that Chase doesn’t fire him for losing me. Again.

  “Gigi, what’s going on? You have a man stalking you, and you didn’t think it was important to mention how serious it was?” Phillip’s eyes search my face. Concern and sadness evident in the way his eyes soften and turn a lighter brown.

  I shrug. “Honestly, it didn’t seem important. And, technically, I did tell you about the weird flowers I’d received. We don’t know anything about him. He could be an old neighbor with a crush for all I know.”

  “You should’ve told me it was more than an admirer. I would never have suggested we go to lunch or let you blow off your guard if I’d known some asshole was after you. Chase, man, I’m really sorry.” Phillip holds out his hand. Chase shakes it and nods. Some kind of man telepathy flashes between them as they come to a sort of truce.

  Chase has never been Phillip’s biggest fan. In the beginning, he may have even felt threatened by our closeness, but not anymore. Only recently since Phillip has been dating Bree have his feelings towards Phil eased into something bordering on friendship. At the very least, I’d consider them really good acquaintances. I have hope for more between them. They are the most important men in my life, and I wouldn’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have either of them. It is imperative that they get along.

  “No matter. You know now. Until we can get more information on this guy, I want her kept close and with Austin at all times.” Phillip nods. “Austin will accompany you to the restaurant and you will take one of my cars,” Chase states, firm and unbending.

  “We were going to walk—” Phillip stops when Chase snaps a heated gaze in his direction.

  “It would be safer if you took one of my cars. Jack will drive you and escort you back here.”

  “Don’t I get a say in any of this?” I’m tired of watching the men volley back and forth about my life, without so much as a peep to find out how I was feeling, or what I might want.

  “Phillip, can you wait for Gillian in the car? I need a moment with my fiancée.” I look at Phil with widening eyes, silently begging him not to go. He smiles wickedly and shakes his head, clearly giving me a “you’re on your own” look. I watch Phillip exit the building, and, just as I was about to speak, Chase’s hands are cupping my cheeks and his lips slanting over mine.

  Warmth. A wet, comfortable heaven, seeps into every pore as Chase kisses me. His fingers tangle into my hair as he pulls my head back, devouring me completely. His kiss is indecent and erotic. I could vaguely hear the sounds of heels clacking along the marble floors, and the elevator’s repeated ding, announcing the cars arriving on the lobby level. I slide my hands under Chase’s blazer and up his muscular back, scraping my nails down the taut surface while he plunges his tongue greedily into my mouth.

  After long minutes, he pulls away. I chase his lips, plucking at the bottom one to get at that last bit of flesh before it is gone. Chase groans and cups my ass grinding his pelvis into my belly. I can clearly feel the hard ridge of his excitement through the thin fabric. Moisture fills the space between my thighs making my sex feel heavy and needy. I moan without regard to who may be watching, as he dra
gs his lips along my neck.

  “Never scare me like that again.” I nod. “Promise me,” he says with a firm clench of my ass.

  I am wallowing in a pool of lust, barely able to keep my feet on the ground, though the honesty in his request ruffles me, bringing me back to the present. “I promise,” I say, holding him tight, trying to make him believe that I’d never willingly frighten him.

  He separates his body from mine, bringing me a full arm’s length away but I’m still held at the biceps. “Now, enjoy lunch with your friend. And stop looking at me like that, or I’ll fuck you against this column.”

  I gasp. “You wouldn’t dare...”

  “My building, my woman. Don’t test me.” And right then, I knew he wasn’t joking. The man did what he wanted, when he wanted, and little would prevent him from getting his way. That power draws me in and holds me captive, and I never want to be free of the way he makes me feel.

  “I really am sorry.” His tie is askew so I reach up to adjust it and slip it back in place, tucking it perfectly under his vest. God, the man is sex personified. It takes mammoth effort not to crawl up his body and cling for dear life.

  He tips my chin up to meet his gaze. “I know. Just please be careful. Text me when you’re back.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure Austin, or Jack, or even the building security guard will tell you when I return.”

  He snaps his fingers at Austin and waves him over. I hate it when he does that. It seems like he’s calling over a dog.

  “Chase, don’t snap at people. Your staff are not dogs or children.”

  His gaze darts to mine. He takes a deep breath through his nose, nostrils flaring slightly. Then on his exhale, his eyes soften, turning impossibly kind. “You’re right. I’ll work on it.” His lips crook into the sexy curve.


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