Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 6

by Audrey Carlan

  I take a deep breath and shrug my shoulders. “If you say so. I’m not really interested in sharing our love with anyone, but if you think it will get them to back off, I’ll do it.”

  “I do.” He pulls me into a hug clasping his hands behind my back. I mimic his pose crossing my hands at the wrist just above his tight ass. “Thank you,” he pecks my lips then rubs his forehead along mine. “You look incredibly beautiful tonight. Did I mention that?”

  “Yes, but a lady never tires of hearing it.” I grin and he nuzzles my temple before placing one last sweet kiss there. His hand trails down my arm, and our fingers automatically entwine.

  The table is alive with excitement when we arrive. “Greens” is an upscale, gourmet restaurant, where everything they serve is one hundred percent organic. It’s also like entering a secret night garden. The ceiling is dark with tiny, soft, twinkling lights that look like stars. I can see the constellation Orion built into the design. The big and little dippers sit above our massive table. Everywhere you look is lush foliage of varying degrees. Some flowers, some plants, overall a bold display of nature’s beauty. It’s magnificent and different, just like the man that owns it.

  Bree is practically bouncing in her chair when she jumps out and hugs me, then twirls and plants a full mouthed kiss on Chase, squeezing his cheeks. Chase grasps her biceps and his eyes open so wide you’d think the poor man was being electrocuted. Bree pulls back, leaving a splotch of red lipstick smeared across his lips.

  “I love this man!” She pats his chest affectionately.

  “Uh,” Chase is at a loss for words.

  Phillip tips his head to the side, looks at me, then at Chase, and, with a snarky grin, grabs me by the neck to pull me in for a wet one. “Only fair Dude!” Phillip laughs as he tries to kiss me. Before Chase can respond, thick arms yank me back from behind. My friend practically falls over as I’m lifted in the air and placed to the side.

  “You can kiss me, sweetie pie!” Austin says and makes a fish face. I had no idea he was still trailing us.

  “Blech!” Phillip backs up with a laugh.

  Chase pulls me against his side then wipes the lipstick away with his handkerchief. He looks over at Austin who saved me from the perils of getting a revenge kiss from my best friend. Chase points a finger at Austin, still clutching the white handkerchief in his hand, the one now stained red with Bree’s lipstick. “You’re getting a raise! Five hundred more a month for that move alone!”

  “What about me! I was the one that kissed you!” Bree puffs out her lip. “Oh sweetheart, your present will be revealed soon,” Chase grins.

  Again Bree continues bouncing around, happily sipping a fruity looking cocktail. Her tight body highlighted in all the right places. I can see Phillip’s appreciation. He can hardly keep his eyes off her. She’s dressed to kill tonight and everyone knows it. Her dress doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. The skin-tight, tank style, in a deep aubergine compliments her tanned skin and golden hair. The scooped neckline on the front is dangerously low, revealing perky breasts that are the perfect size to match her tiny frame.

  Chase leans over and places a hand at my nape and his lips to my ear. “If Phillip keeps eye-fucking Bree so openly, I may have to take you in my manager’s office.” His fingers trail from my neck down to my waist where he tickles the dips at the base of my spine. Chills race up my back, instinctively I arch into his hard body. He smirks and then slides his hand discreetly into the open back laying a hand on the top swells of my bare ass. I watch in delight when he realizes I’m not wearing anything under the dress. “Gotcha, baby,” I giggle into his neck.

  Chase takes a deep breath and presses the evidence of his arousal against my hip on a quiet groan. “You realize that if I wanted you, right here, right now, nothing would stop me from having you. At this point, your friends could watch,” he growls against the base of my neck as he sinks his teeth into the tender skin.

  “I’ll try to behave,” I promise him while he drags his teeth along the column of my neck. My knees weaken while lust starts to make me dizzy.

  “You do that,” Chase warns with one last press of his hips against my side. From nothing to something in a tiny moment. He turns me on quicker than a match lighting.

  Changing the subject before I combust and allow him to do exactly what he threatened, I turn my head and gesture to Phil and Bree. Chase’s gaze follows mine. Quietly, I whisper against his ear, letting my voice float along the thin cartilage. “I think it’s sweet how much Phillip wants her. And as for the other thing, it wouldn’t do to leave our guests when you’ve invited them here for a party. Now, let’s mingle so we can go home and you can sink that thick cock so far into me I forget my own name.”

  I kiss his cheek, and saunter across the room, sitting down in an empty chair at the long table prepared for our party. A steward offers me a glass of wine.

  Chase grins evilly as he sits next to me and hooks an arm over the back of my chair. Just before his lips reach the glass he chastises, “Sunshine, you’re going to pay for that one.” Sunshine? Ugh. Where is he coming up with these? I swear he must have a book of overused endearments he’s testing out like the dictionary’s “Word of the Day.”

  “No to Sunshine,” I flip my hair over my shoulder curving away from him then looking coyly from the corner of my eye so he can get a nice long view of my open back. He takes the bait instantly. His eyes sweep from mine down my exposed back and up again. “I always do,” I arch an eyebrow and bite my lip just for effect.

  He clenches his teeth and drums his fingers along the table’s surface. I slide a finger around the rim of my wine glass enjoying our little sexual cat and mouse game. Finally, Chase sighs loudly and then is interrupted with a handshake, man hug, type thing from Thomas, Maria’s boyfriend. Thomas immediately updates Chase on the latest inner workings of crime fighting. Chase is friends with the San Francisco Chief of Police and they briefly chat about it.

  Carson and Kat come over and greet us both. Kat looks stunning in one of her own designs. “Gigi, I can’t wait to show you some of the fabrics I received today from Italy. Chase is a miracle worker!” she says happily.

  “How so?” I’m genuinely interested, because last I heard, she was working on the dress designs and Chase was paying her. What more could he have to do with it.

  “Well, when I called Chase to thank him for the money and the job of making your dress…”

  “Technically, that was me,” I interrupt, my feathers feeling a little ruffled. Just because Richie Rich is paying an exorbitant amount of money for a dress doesn’t mean it wasn’t me who chose her in the first place. I’d never let anyone beside my best friend make my dress.

  Kat twists her lip and tilts her head. It’s her “cool it girlfriend” patented look. If Kat thinks you’re being ridiculous, you get the lip twist and head tilt. You’ve said something that would normally offend one of your best friends, lip twist, head tilt. You’re ranting on and on complaining about something lame, lip twist, head tilt.

  “Sorry,” I mumble.

  She smacks her lips, “Anyway,” she draws out the word. “As I was saying, I called to thank him, and he asked how it was going and what I was waiting on. We chatted, and I explained that I was waiting for the fabric to arrive from Italy. He asked for the vendor info, and today, only two days later, it arrives. Poof! Magic!”

  Yeah, no poof, no magic. There were probably a whole lot of dollar bills being exchanged with extra doses of “Yes, sir!” if my guess was correct. I look over at Chase and he throws me a sexy wink. Damn, that man is powerful in more ways than just his overflowing bankroll.

  “So, maybe tomorrow I can bring the samples by and show you the new crystals I got,” she says happily.

  “Can’t. Have forced family fun at the Davis’ tomorrow for brunch. Oh! You should totally go!” I clasp her hands just as Carson puts his arm around her shoulder.

  “Where should you go, sweet cheeks?”

Sweet cheeks? I choke back a laugh and swing my head around to catch Ria’s gaze. “Sweet cheeks?” she mouths and I nod. I remember when Chase tried to give me that one, but at least he did it in private.

  “Gigi was just telling me that she has to go to brunch at your Dad’s. How come we weren’t invited?” she sounds concerned. I didn’t mean to put doubt in her mind. Leave it to me and my stupid insecurities to mess something up.

  “I don’t know. Hadn’t heard about it either. But, either way, if you want to go we’ll crash it.” He smiles and she ruffles his hair. His eyes never leave hers. Seeing two people so well suited for one another fall in love is a remarkable thing to witness.

  “Yes, please, please. I’ll so owe you. I don’t want to be alone with her,” I whisper, hoping Chase doesn’t hear.

  “Who? My Aunt Colleen?” Carson asks, his voice loud and booming. Kat elbows him, and I glance her way giving a silent thank you when I hear the resounding “oomph” from the stomach punch.

  “What’s this about my mother?” Chase’s arms wrap about me from behind.

  “Nothing, just telling Carson and Kat that we’re having brunch there tomorrow and they should come.”

  Hopefully, that covers Carson’s big mouth. I’m sure Kat’s going to give him hell later. It’s our job as women to teach our men the best way to gossip. You never give away your best friends. Ever. You blame yourself before getting one of your girls stuck in a compromising position. These are rules that a well-trained man in a long-term relationship will eventually catch onto. Obviously, Carson hasn’t been in many long-term relationships, or he’d be better at discretion. That could be good or bad news for Kat.

  “It will definitely make Gillian happy. She’s still finding her footing with Mother,” Chase answers but doesn’t seem altogether happy about the option.

  “Really, it’s fine, you don’t have to,” I hedge trying to calm the waters before they turn choppy.

  Carson shrugs. “Okay, cool. Then I’ll be keeping my sweet cheeks all to myself,” he nuzzles her nose in a sickening display of public affection.

  And with that, Maria grabs Kat and me and pulls us over to the end of the table where Bree and Phillip are getting cozy. His hand is on her bare knee and slowly making its way farther up her thigh. A waiter appears with a couple bottles of champagne and another finishes setting down several large trays of noshes and nibbles.

  “Let’s get this party started, chicas!” Maria exclaims loudly. The steward fills four glasses and hands one to each lady. “Gracias,” she tells him. He fills the other four glasses and hands them to each of the men whether they want it or not. “A toast!” she says.

  “Ria, remember where we are…” I warn. Her toasts are a blast for us girls, but are usually peppered with colorful language or profanity. Sometimes both.

  “Relax, this will be PG. I just want to congratulate our Bree on her twenty-sixth birthday.” We all raise our glasses. “Very few have accomplished so much. Having your own studio and building a business is something to be proud of.” Everyone nods, Kat and me tearing up a bit. “On top of that, your body is muy caliente. Am I right Phillipe?” She nudges Phil in the arm. He grins and wiggles his eyebrows. “Besos girl!” she finishes.

  We all laugh, and Bree shushes Maria. I lift my glass, “To you, beautiful, Besos,” I say.

  “Yes, to you our sunshine girl, Besos!” Kat finishes.

  We all take a sip. “Now let’s eat!” Carson cuts in.

  In front of us are several large platters filled with small finger-sized bites and little bowls of dips and sauces. I grab a triangle shaped item and take a bite. I’m treated to a rich spinach and cheese mixture of pure bliss. Chase tells me it’s a Mediterranean dish called Spanakopita. It has flaky pastry layers that hold the melted cheese and veggie goodness. A steward comes and fills our wine with something jammy and red that is to die for. Bree takes a sip of her wine and closes her eyes, basically having a winegasm. I know the feeling. Chase is marvelous at picking wine.

  I look over and catch Phil eyeing Bree again. Poor guy. He doesn’t stand a chance. That dress she’s wearing and those moans she’s throwing have me feeling a bit like I’m intruding on a private moment. Chase leans in to whisper in my ear. His breath tickles the hair at my nape. I’d worn it half up, even though he prefers it down, because I wanted him to get the full effect of the dress. He did. Speaking of the dress, his hand keeps creeping its way down my spine, the pad of his fingers trailing along each bump in my spine.

  “So what’s their deal? Why does it look like Phillip has a serious case of blue balls?” Chase whispers in my ear.

  An unladylike snort slips out and Chase snickers. “Probably because they haven’t had sex yet,” I confide.

  “What?” He practically yells. Everyone at the table looks over at us. I know my face has turned bright red.

  “Sorry, everyone, just asking a question. Chase couldn’t hear me.” Apparently, Chase needs training on gossip maneuvering as well. Though instead of being annoyed, I’m rather pleased he hasn’t been in a long-term relationship where his girlfriend would have already taught him these subtleties. Now it will be his wife teaching them to him.

  Once everyone starts mingling and eating, I lean over. “Try to contain yourself. They haven’t had sex yet.”

  Chase stares at the two, probably trying to find some blatant rationale as to how something miraculous like this could be possible. “Why? Is there something physically wrong with him?” I shake my head. “With her?” His eyebrows shoot into his hairline.

  “No, god. He’s just gun-shy after Angela, okay. He wanted to take his time.”

  “I see. Looks like that self-inflicted celibacy is going to end tonight. His hands have been all over her tonight, and she hasn’t been any better,” he finishes with a smirk.

  I smile and watch two of my greatest friends fall for one another. It’s lovely and I couldn’t be happier. They both deserve happiness, and I really believe they could be a great match.

  “What’s that look?” Chase asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You were staring at them with a smile as bright as the sun.”

  Taking a deep breath then a sip of my wine, I stare at Bree and Phillip. Their heads are close to one another, his hand on her shoulder keeping her close, her making repeated efforts to touch him in simple ways. “I want it to work. They deserve it.”

  “I think it will work. They look good together.” Chase offers.

  I turn, fully facing him. “Mr. Davis, that was very romantic of you.” I goad, knowing that he usually doesn’t give his opinion on matters of the heart, unless it involves my heart, of course.

  “Lately, I will admit to feeling a bit more on the sweet side,” he comes close and nips at my bottom lip. He loves sinking his teeth into me. Doesn’t matter where. I’m not complaining.

  Maria heard the word sweet and pounces on it lightning fast. “Speaking of things that are dulce, what about our gato’s “sweet cheeks!”” she points at Kat. Her face turns crimson, and she tosses her napkin at Maria.

  “Can it, sister!” Kat bellows over the table.

  “What, wha’d I miss?” asks Bree.

  “Oh just that Carson here calls our girl ’sweet cheeks‘!” They’re pretty rosy right now,” I laugh.

  Carson looks at her face then at the rest of us. “Those aren’t the cheeks I was referring to when she earned the nickname.” I didn’t think it was possible for Kat’s face to get any redder, but it did. The rest of the table howls in laughter. Even Chase guffaws a few times, letting go of his more conservative nature.

  “You guys are terrible.” Kat complains then takes a big gulp of wine.

  The rest of the dinner carries on with a lot more wine and an exorbitant amount of food. Soon dessert is delivered, and we all sing a drunken version of Happy Birthday. Though Maria sings feliz cumpleaños repeating the entire song in Spanish for the hell of it.

  After dessert, the wait
er serves an after dinner drink, which is really unnecessary because we’re all pretty lit, by the time it arrives. Chase has drivers and cars arranged for each of our friends knowing they were all taking taxi’s here. My guy thinks of everything, sparing no detail. Bree opens all her presents. On top of the statue—I wasn’t sure how we were giving it to her—I give her the book Eat Pray Love in hardback and a copy of the movie starring Julia Roberts. The four of us are all closet Julia fans. We have all watched Pretty Woman more times than we could count but we’d only admit to it under extreme duress, though, because cool girls didn’t have a thing for chick-flick stars.

  Bree gives us all a round of hugs and thanks Chase for the dinner. He stands and walks over to an area that had an Asian-style shoji screen. It is opposite the wall that had the door the waiters were using, but this one wasn’t used all evening.

  Chase steps behind it. “Go ahead and bring it in, boys,” Chase says into the darkened space. From behind the screen, a couple of gentleman in navy coveralls enter. They are maneuvering the statue, which is draped in something while they push buttons on a mechanical dolly/mini-forklift, type of thing. Whatever it is, it was pushing the heavy statue into the room. Everyone’s eyes are large, wanting to know what’s hiding under the sheet.

  “Bree, Happy Birthday from Gillian and me,” he hugs me to his side.

  She walks up to the large drape tentatively and pulls it off. It slides to the floor with a flourish revealing the ornate limestone Buddha statue.

  “Holy shit,” she whispers as she stares at it. Her hand shakes when she reaches out seemingly almost afraid to touch it.

  “It won’t bite you, and it’s pretty strong. Being made of stone and all,” I giggle and hold Chase while she inspects her gift.

  Tears spill down her cheeks as she takes it all in. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?” Chase asks placing a hand at her shoulder. She burrows into his chest. He hugs her tight. They hug like that for a couple moments. Chase looks concerned. I’m about to cry myself at the beauty of seeing her connect with him. My bestie loves my guy. Something inside Bree clicked with this gift. That hug and those tears are from joy, only Chase isn’t used to consoling a crying woman other than me. His shoulders are ramrod straight and his hand movements on her biceps jerky.


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