Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Audrey Carlan

  Bree pulls away and Chase looks relieved as he tugs me back to his side. I go willingly, not to save him, but because I love touching him.

  “Thank you guys. It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given. And, the message is loud and clear.” She sniffles, wipes her eyes, Phillip by her side, there to hold her.

  “What do you mean the message?” I ask.

  “Do you see his hand gesture with his finger and hand up like that?” We both nod. “That position is called abhaya mudra. It’s a gesture that means blessing, reassurance and protection. Literally, it translates to, ‘Do not fear’.”



  ook at that piece of scum with his hand feeling my girl up in the middle of a restaurant. What a depraved human being. So sexed up that he can’t treat her like the beautiful woman she is. And she is fucking gorgeous. That dress hugs her curves like a second skin, and the black contrasts perfectly with her fiery hair and creamy white skin. She’s perfect. A princess. That’s how she’ll be treated again when I’ve got her firmly in my arms, under me, and in my bed. Then, I’ll never let her leave.

  “Another drink, sir?” The waitress steps in front of me, blocking my view of the private party. I asked to be seated right next to the room with a clear view through the one set of windows next to the entrance. I made certain that I was still far enough in the shadow to ensure Gillian didn’t see my face, otherwise I’d be playing my hand a lot sooner than planned.

  I never do anything on impulse. Even killing both my parents had taken months of preparation. The only plan that didn’t come to fruition was Gillian. She is a chink in my armor, but no more. My inability to keep her is just water under the bridge. Once I get her back, she’ll remember her place. Even if I have to spend months hurting her, breaking her down, eventually she’ll succumb. Owning her mind is just as important as her body, and I’m a patient man.

  When I lay my hands against the white of the tablecloth, the waitress gasps. “Sir, you’re bleeding. You’ve cut yourself.”

  I look down, dazed, and realize that she’s right. Bright red blood drips down from the center of my palm onto the fine white linen leaving a crimson circle stain. Just like my bleeding heart. How fitting. Apparently, while watching Chase rub his slimy hands all over my girl, I clutched a steak knife so tightly it cut clean through the skin on the palm of my hand. Great, I may even need stitches.

  “It’s nothing. Just bring my bill.” The waitress looks at me wide eyed, mouth agape, clearly concerned, not knowing what to do or say. Moron. “The check. Now!” I grate through my teeth, keeping my voice as low as possible, yet still holding enough conviction to set the young woman scampering off.

  Rich fucker can’t even hire competent staff. The food was mediocre as well. I’ve had better, and for the price, the shit should have tasted like eating gold.

  I can see that the party has ramped up. The staff just delivered some type of giant statue on a dolly. Leave it to the bastard to woo using his money. Well, he obviously doesn’t know my girl as well as he thinks he does. She was with me first, and I didn’t have a one hundredth of the money that asshole brings in. I wonder what the price of that smug face would cost a man. Doesn’t matter. I have plans for Chase. If he thinks he can keep my Princess locked away in his tower, he’s dead wrong.

  In the meantime, though, I stare at her ex, Phillip. The man that’s always hovering. He’s like a dick in a glass case. Break in case of emergency. Yeah, he’d like to have her again. Who wouldn’t? You can see it across his pretty boy face. Oh, he makes a good show of taking up with the friend. Bree. She’s going to be the easiest to pick off, owning her own business. All the late nights she spends alone, closing up her studio before heading out. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel with that one. I’m going to save her for when the pickings are slim. Phillip, though, is about to get a new friend. Instead of following my girl, I’ll be tailing his ass waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

  I remember the smooth metal cylinder waiting at home. It’s going to be so sweet to see him explode.

  Chapter 5


  The morning sun streaks through the mostly closed drapes. A thin line of exposed sunlight lands directly over my eyes, waking me. A heavy arm holds me in place as I try to escape the sun’s rays. Instead of turning over, I turn into the warm body surrounding me. My face lands against heated, bare, male flesh. Mmmm. His scent is intoxicating and seems to have a direct path to my pleasure button. Chase is my personal scratch and sniff. When my nails scrape along his toned pecs his arms tighten and hips thrust. Reminds me of one of those pop up toys you give to a baby. Slide the switch one way and a lion pops up. Turn a knob and a monkey exits its cubby. Scratch a Chase Davis and his dick rises to attention. Admittedly, it’s a pretty fun game. Seeing my man’s cock swell and harden from my touch...it’s heady stuff, and endless entertainment.

  Without jostling Chase too much, I wrap a firm hand around my favorite appendage. I’m rewarded with a low, raspy, groan. The kind from a man whose voice is thickened from sleep. With one finger, I trace a path from base to tip, appreciating the velvety softness. It’s quite possibly the softest thing I’ve ever touched. Pulling back the covers, I spend a few moments admiring Chase’s manhood.

  He’s still asleep, but I’m certain he’ll be awake soon. It’s taken a good few months for Chase to become accustomed to sharing a bed with a woman. Before me he didn’t have sleepovers, and to my greatest relief, he’d never brought a woman to what is now our home. In the beginning, he’d often wake with nightmares or sleep very little. Now that I’ve moved into the penthouse and we’ve been sharing a bed, he says he sleeps more soundly than ever. As long as I’m in the bed where he can touch me he’s fine. If I get up in the night to use the bathroom, upon returning, I usually find him awake, already pulling the comforter back to welcome me once again into his arms.

  He tells me I’m noisy when I get up and that he’s a light sleeper, but I know his secret. He senses when I’m gone, as I do him. On the rare days that he does make it up without disturbing me, he has taken to kissing my forehead before he leaves for work, knowing it bothers me to wake and not have him there. Usually I’ll feel a whisper of minty breath fall across my face on those mornings with a “soon my love” against my hairline. Chase never says goodbye. We haven’t really talked about it, but I suspect it has something to do with his upbringing. It must be significant to Chase. I make a mental note to ask him about it.

  For now, though, this long, broad, toned god is mine for the taking. It’s Sunday and we don’t have to be at brunch at the Davis mansion until 11:00 a.m. A quick peek at the clock says its only 6:00 a.m. Plenty of time to gorge on my man without losing my appetite.

  Quietly, I straddle Chase’s thick thighs, appreciating how his cock seems to surge up toward its mate, instinctively knowing I’m close. I hover just over his groin, keeping deadly silent, not wanting to wake him before I’ve looked my fill. Chase’s face is soft, angelic in sleep. All the tense lines of his jaw and eyes are gone as he slumbers. My businessman, my strong Superman is more a Clark Kent in the quiet of morning.

  He has one arm down at his side and the other up over his head, hand curled into a loose fist. Even in sleep, the tendons and sinewy muscle of his forearms show his strength and capability. Those arms curve into squared off shoulders and the most perfect chest I’ve ever known. Not only is it wide and smooth, with only a smattering of dark hair, it’s a haven. When I lay my head on his chest over his heart, I feel as though I’m home. Safe, wrapped in the blanket of his arms. That is how I fall asleep, every night, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Never fearing what will happen to me, because I know that Chase will protect me. I no longer have to worry about being harmed in my sleep by the man I thought I loved. With Chase, I’m cherished in his arms and am comforted, knowing I alone belong there.

  My gaze drops down past his tight abs to his lovely cock. I push further down his
legs so I can get closer to the object of my affection. In my experience, which hasn’t been vast, a man’s cock is anything but pretty. With Chase, every inch is mouth wateringly beautiful. His penis is more pink in color and free of wiry hair along its length. Only a light patch of curls surround the base. I don’t know when he does it, but he’s perfectly groomed.

  Chase’s manhood is devastatingly thick, as large as my wrist, and well above average in length. He doesn’t have one of those God-awful porno-sized dicks, but it’s the most impressive in size and aesthetics that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. But the part of Chase that makes my body thrum, pulse quake, and pussy twinge, are the twin dips at each of his hip bones. God, how those dips where pelvis meet hips, torture me. They take me from zero to a thousand in one flash of bare skin. Even when I’m trying to be sneaky, I can’t help but lean down and bite and lick the tender flesh. It’s hard to hold back the violent growl and bite of the word mine that wants to rip through my throat and put fear into the hearts of any woman within a mile radius of my man.

  Leaning back further, I grip the sides of Chase’s hips and lick and suck each indention. The twinge of salt and man hits my taste buds seductively. It’s not enough. I need more. Always more. Digging my teeth into the tender patch, I tongue and suck until pain lances my tongue, and Chase’s hands tangle in my unruly hair. When I pull away, a bright red strawberry sized hickey is left.

  “Marking your territory?” Chase’s low voice tunnels through my lust. When I look up, all I see is the sky. The room has gotten considerably brighter and Chase’s eyes are directly in the strip of light from the sun streaming through the drape’s opening.

  “Yes,” I admit with absolutely no shame.

  “Why?” There’s no malice in his tone. No irritation, only curiosity.

  “Because I want to. Because I can.” Apparently, that was the perfect answer. His eyes darken as the pupils dilate, nostrils flare, and his fingers tighten in my hair.

  “Come here,” he growls.

  I shake my head. “Not done.”

  He sucks in a deep breath. “Now,” he says curtly, teeth clenched, fingers tightening along my scalp. Just the hint of discomfort at the roots excites me further. Chase knows exactly how and when to exert a little more control.

  “No,” I say with equal conviction right before my lips encase the wide knob of his cock and I suck...hard.

  “Jesus!” he grates through his teeth.

  Smiling around his cock, I pull as much of his length into my mouth as I can. Wanting to prologue the experience for him, I let his wet cock fall out of my mouth to slap against his abdomen. Before he can complain, I trail the flat of my tongue from the base, and up the column to tongue the slit at the top. He groans and thrusts his hips up a couple more inches. I know he wants me to pull him into my mouth, but I want him dizzy with lust, with the need for me to please him. He has me begging for his cock regularly, I want him begging for my mouth or pussy. He can have either one, but he must beg for it.

  “You like this, baby? My mouth on your dick?” I ask coyly trailing my tongue along the side, swirling it around the tip.

  “Fuck, yes. Keep going.” I grin and enjoy the powerful feeling of knowing I’m tying him into knots of sexual need. He does an ab curl, his abdominal muscles flexing as he props himself on his elbows so he can watch. One hand sifts into the hair at my nape, trying to bring me closer to his cock, take control. Well, he’s not getting it. Not until he begs for it.

  I sink my fingers into his hips and place my mouth over the wide head of his cock, and inch by inch, take him down my throat. I make sure to avoid dragging my tongue along the surface to torture him a bit more. A fine sheen of sweat builds in the hollows between his abs. The sight sends fresh liquid to the needy space between my thighs. I can feel the wetness pool at the lips of my pussy as I suck on Chase’s cock. I’ve never been turned on to this degree when going down on a man.

  Chase sits up further, grips my thigh and trails his fingers to tickle just the edge of my ass, where thigh meets cheek, before he cups my sex with intent.

  “Christ Baby. You’re drenched. Turn around and let me suck on that sweet cunt.” His words obliterate all plans to make him beg. At this point, he’d have me begging if he doesn’t touch me. Without question and having lost all resolve, he lays down flat as I spin around on my knees. Before I can lift a knee to straddle him, Chase’s large hands grip the fleshy handles of my hips and lift me into the air, settling me directly over his face. The pillows put him at the perfect angle and before I can even grip his cock, he’s buried his mouth between my thighs, his tongue hitting its target with precision.

  I cry out in pleasure at how fast Chase can bring me to the edge of orgasm with a couple of flicks of his tongue. His dexterous fingers pull apart the petals of my sex, leaving no space hidden from his greedy mouth. He’s everywhere. It’s as if he has swallowed me whole. I can feel my essence flooding my sex. He moans, sucking and drinking from me, as if he was dying from thirst. Like a sex-starved whore, I buck into his face crudely, desperate to reach the blissful end. Chase pulls away from my mound and I cry out.

  “No!” My head falls down against his bobbing erection. Tingles skitter through every inch of my body, poised just on the edge of release.

  “Suck on my fucking cock,” Chase groans and thrusts towards my face angrily. When he turned the tables, I forgot he was on the edge of bliss himself.

  “Oh,” I whisper then get back to the business of making him fall apart.

  His entire body tenses, his tongue piercing me so deeply I almost come on the spot. Violent spasms rack my body as we take each other as far into our mouths as possible, joining in a way that’s almost more intimate than intercourse. Every surface of his front is pressing against mine. I can feel his heart thumping heavily in his chest, pounding against my belly. Chase holds my thighs wide apart as he ravishes me.

  When I lap at his swollen crown, he finds the hood covering my clit. He uses his thumb to press and rub deep circles around the aching nub before he swirls and flicks his tongue against it. I feel my body splinter, as if it will crack and explode against the pleasure. Wanting to give as good as I’m getting, I plow ahead, shaking and twitching, my fingers digging into Chase’s hips as I hold on, getting and giving the ride of a lifetime. With the little bit of resistance I have left I push back from Chase. His mouth releases me with a wet smack.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” He keeps a firm grip on my ass to keep me in position. “This weeping cunt is all mine!”

  A tremble tears through every limb. If the dirty talk didn’t seal it, the moment Chase’s teeth graze the small heated knot, coupled with the slight press as he bites down, did. I scream so loud you’d think I was on fire, literally melting. The orgasm hits me like a wall of flames, searing me from the inside out. I buck against his face wildly, not capable of concern that my flailing could hurt him.

  As I come back down, I’m greeted by Chase’s erection. I lick my lips and then lave the head, kissing the top lovingly. Chase is breathing heavily behind me, the rhythm faltering with each stroke of my tongue. I take advantage and lick his stalk from root to tip, wetting the entire column with my saliva. Once I have him moaning my name and rubbing my thighs and ass cheeks, I take him into my mouth. As I pull him into the wet warmth, I tongue the sensitive underside. He jerks up, pushing a couple more inches of his length inside, bottoming out at the ridge of my throat. Now that I’ve had my release, I want him to beg.

  Pulling back I ask, “What do you want, baby?” I flick my tongue against the patch of skin just under the head.

  He groans. “Gillian, suck on me. Now,” he calls out, his voice beyond strained.

  I do as he asks alternating between slow sucks and long laps of my tongue. Pretty soon, it’s not enough and he thrusts his hips towards my mouth. Just when I think I have the upper hand, Chase pushes two thick fingers deep inside my pussy. I stop and moan. He laughs, a bit of a sadistic sound from my vanta
ge. Well, not this time. He’s not getting the better of me. Hopefully.

  Doubling my effort, I take him into my mouth and suck hard, hollowing out my cheeks, and flattening my tongue. I ride him fast and hard. The movement has his fingers steadily fucking me and I’m back to being driven by lust. With my right hand I lift and fondle his balls and stroke along the skin just behind.

  “Fuck, Baby,” He jerks his hips up going deep into my throat, almost gagging me. “I can’t help it. Need to fuck your pretty mouth.” He’s losing control, and I love every minute of it. I reach past his balls and find the tight rosette of muscle, opening and closing with each suck and pull of my mouth along his cock. Quickly, I lick my finger and then place it firmly against his anus. On a strong thrust of his hips followed by a hard suck of my mouth, I press my finger deeply into his warm ass. He howls.

  Sweat slickens our bodies as I suck his cock and finger-fuck his ass. A burst of precum spills into my mouth and I swallow it hungrily. Chase’s hips hammer up into my mouth roughly, and I take it all. Relaxing my throat, I let the large knobbed head of his cock push past the muscle at the back of my throat so he can sink into the tight cavern. “Shit, fuck, baby. I’m gonna come,” Chase grits through his teeth as I swallow and hum. He is grinding his teeth, the tendons in his neck straining with effort.

  My second orgasm is right on the edge. Using my hand on his cock, I stroke him up and down in quick succession, then lick around his balls and anus wetting a second finger. When I bring his cock back into my mouth I take it straight down my throat and push another finger into his ass, right past the tight sphincter muscle.


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