Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 20

by Audrey Carlan

  Chase sees the change in me, always aware of subtle changes or maybe it’s just the pheromones calling to him. “What?” He says sweetly.

  “You’re mine,” I say quietly and grab his knee under the table.

  “Staking your claim?” he whispers leaning over toward me while the table is alive with boisterous conversations, each person trying to out-talk the other.

  “You got a problem with that?” I offer with a little attitude.

  “Not even a little bit.” He reaches down and adjusts his pants. I grin, knowing he’s already getting hard, picturing what we’re going to do to one another later.

  Licking my lips, I take a sip of wine and exhale. Just thinking of being with him intimately has my heart pounding, my panties wet, and desire running through my veins.

  Chase’s eyes have turned dark, swirling with intensity. “You are so going to get it,” he growls into his wine glass taking a large sip of the rich fruity liquid.

  “You gonna give it to me?” I throw back.

  “Many times over. Plan to ache with how many times I’m going to stuff you full of my cock,” he grits through his teeth.

  I look him dead in the eye. We stare each other down. His eyes are still filled with lust, probably mirroring my own. I can no longer hear the conversations around us. There’s nothing but his eyes, mouth, and beautiful face and the desire pumping through the two of us.

  I want him more than anything in this lifetime.

  I need him more than air.

  “Bring it!” I challenge plopping another bite into my mouth.

  Without preamble, Chase stands, grabs both of my hands, pulls me up, leans down pushing his shoulder into my stomach and lifts me up into the air.

  “Chase! What in the world?” his mother cries out.

  “Put me down!” I bang on his ass then fondle it a couple times enjoying the feel of his tight glutes flexing. It’s a great ass.

  One of his hands holds my legs the other firmly gripping my ass. “Sorry everyone. It’s been a long day and my fiancée and I are going to retire for the evening. Please enjoy the food, wine, and dessert I know the chef has prepared.”

  “Chase, sit down. You’re embarrassing yourself,” his mother scolds. I snicker behind him trying to hold myself aloft balancing on his waist and see the group.

  “Buenas noches,” Maria waves and throws a thumbs up my way.

  “Have fun,” Kat laughs and twirls a lock of her hair. I don’t think she’s too far from taking her own man the way that Carson’s eyes are devouring her.

  “See you tomorrow,” Bree waves.

  I wiggle my fingers at them as Chase carries me out of the dining room. Colleen’s red face is the last thing I see.

  Once in our room, Chase tosses me on the bed. I can’t help but giggle and shriek with joy. He jumps on the bed and cages me between his thick thighs. I scratch my nails along them enticingly.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he looks at me, licks his lips and then starts to unbutton my, well his, shirt.

  “Everything!” I whisper as he kisses my neck moving down between my breasts.

  “As you wish.”

  Chapter 15


  I cannot believe that fucking prick survived a bomb and a building collapsing on top of him. His will to live must far surpass my desire to have him dead. At least he’s going to suffer for the next few months through healing and physical therapy. Who knows, maybe I’ll cut the fucker in his sleep one night soon. Make that child an orphan once and for all. Already took care of his other spawn by cutting off the life source of the acrobatic blonde. One girl down, two to go. Remembering the moment that knife pierced her pretty jugular makes my dick stir with excitement. No time for that though. Now that the prick isn’t in the hospital, I need a new source for my information.

  Stepping off the elevator, I scan the space. A huge sign made of chrome boldly says “Davis Industries, Inc.” on the wall directly opposite the car. Slowing my gait, I hold a briefcase and pretend to be on my cell phone talking quietly. Anyone I pass ignores me. Nothing to see here. Just a random guy cruising the halls to his next meeting. Only I’m not here for a meeting exactly, I’m here for intel, to scope out the place. I can feel my girl’s essence here, although I know she’s not here now. Watched her walk out with the bastard and their two bodyguards. Now I just need to find her office. I’m sure it’s next to that rich fucker’s. Having a woman like that makes a man want to keep her close. One of my biggest mistakes was letting her get away. Not again. I’m taking my time. Being smart about how I get her back.

  It’s early, but since she’s gone, I have the perfect ruse. As I approach, a huge wide smile adorns her pretty face. The same face I’ve been fucking every other night since we met. I must say, I was surprised to find out Dana Shephard is a wildcat in the bedroom. She’ll take my dick any way I give it to her. It’s unusual to meet a girl and fuck her in the ass within a week. Just proves how much of a whore she is under all those elegant business suits.

  “Hey you,” she says as I approach. Before I reach her, I can see the double doors that are most certainly Chase’s. Then to the left I see a dark office. Right there beside the door is the nameplate I was looking for—Gillian Callahan—proudly displayed in gold letting. It warms my heart seeing my girl’s name looking important. Only it won’t be for long. She needs to be important to me and me alone. Once I reach Dana’s desk I lean over and give her a wet kiss. She accepts it willingly moaning into my mouth. Another hint that she’s an easy lay, sucking face with her brand new boyfriend on the job. Dumb bitch.

  Holding up a white bag I set it on her desk then bring around a latte. I’ve purposely loosened the lid so that when I shove it toward her, the brown liquid splashes all over her white blouse.

  “Oh shit, no!” I say giving an Oscar worthy performance. I grab the napkins inside the bag. They aren’t going to do much with coffee on a silk blouse.

  “Sugar,” she says as she holds out the soaked shirt.

  “Honey, I’m so sorry. I was just trying to bring you lunch and give you an afternoon pick-me-up,” I grip her around the wrist and drag her to my side. “You know, after I kept you up working that fantastic body last night” I whisper in her ear and she giggles like a schoolgirl. “You should go rinse that in cold water.”

  “It’s okay, I have back up shirts,” she says as she turns to the wall of cabinets behind her and opens one. Several women’s blouses and skirts hang neatly in a line. “When you work the hours I work, you always have to have plenty of backups,” she grabs a new, almost identical white blouse.

  Looking down at my watch I cringe. “I’m really sorry honey, but I have to go back to work. Like I said, I just wanted to stop in and give you the treats.”

  Dana comes over to me, clasps my cheeks and then kisses me long and hard. My dick turns semi-erect at the thought of flipping her around and taking her over her desk like the whore she is. “See you tonight?” she says hopefully.

  Shaking my head I turn towards the hall I came from letting her think I’m in a hurry. “Afraid not. Have to work late into the evening, then work out, but tomorrow I’m all over you,” I grin.

  A blush creeps over her face. “Okay, then I’ll see you tomorrow. Looking forward to it,” she waves and starts down the hall to what I assume is the ladies restroom. Once she’s out of sight, I walk over to the dark office and step inside. I’m instantly surrounded in her vanilla goodness. It’s everywhere. I remember she used to use vanilla scented body wash. The scent catapults me back to a time when we were happy, enjoying every moment together and life seemed better.

  Letting the past go, I get down on my knees and pull out the chip from my pocket. Removing the sticky side I slide it directly under the file cabinet on her solid wood desk. This should give me direct access to listen to my heart’s content to what my girl is planning, doing, and hopefully learn more about where she is. So far, I know she’s still with the fucker, but she hasn’t
been staying at the penthouse. Today was the first day she showed up to work. Her credit cards haven’t been used and she’s not staying with any of her friends. As a matter of fact, all of her friends have up and disappeared. Guess I scared the rest of those bastards off when I killed the blonde bitch.

  I’m sure her funeral will be soon. It’s been over a week since I slit her throat. That will be a nice event to watch from a distance. Seeing all those people crying over a stupid cunt like Bree Simmons. Might even be comical. The more I think about it, the more I know I did the world a favor killing her off. Had she stayed out of the way, not been so close to my girl, maybe she’d still be here. Every human is born with free will, and I warned all of them that nothing would keep me from getting to Gillian. Maybe now they’ll listen. The other two should have been told about my note. They’re next if they don’t fix their shit and disappear. So far so good. I haven’t so much as heard a peep from any of her gang in over a week.

  Then I saw her exiting the building right before I was going in. I’m glad she didn’t see me. It’s been nice flying under the radar, her not having a clue where I’m at. It’s strange though. I’m the one that loved her like no other, took care of her, helped her handle all her problems. Doesn’t make sense why she wouldn’t automatically assume it’s me. Probably the gold dick is making her stupid in the head. I’ll fix her though. When she’s mine and I have her hidden away in my special place, she’ll have no choice but to remember the love we shared. How beautiful and unique it was then and could be now.

  Still undetected I make it out of the office and set the envelope with Gillian’s name under a couple sheets of paper in Dana’s inbox. She’ll find it within the next day or so and give it to my girl, and I’ll be able to hear her open it. While I’m daydreaming about Gillian finding the present I left for her, I’m propelled back to the here and now by the glass door being held open for me. Looking up, I stare right into the face of the enemy. Chase Fucking Davis.

  “Here you go, sir,” Chase holds open the door, his bodyguard standing directly behind him. Jack Porter’s eyes take in my appearance, a brief moment of recognition passes through his features but disappears as I tilt my head down and away. Boring suit, briefcase, nothing to see here

  “Oh, sorry, ‘cuse me,” I grumble distorting my voice just in case.

  “No problem,” Chase says as I walk through. He steps in and hustles down the concrete stairs. Just as I turn around to make sure everything’s fine, I see that Jack Porter is in the same position at the doors, staring me down. His cold, dark eyes calculating everything about me.

  God damn it! Not good. The last thing I need is a suspicious ex-military man on my tail. I’ll have to keep my ear to the ground and give it another week or so before I strike. Let them think everything’s fine again. Of course, that’ll be shot to hell when they find the envelope.

  It’s fine. I’ll lay low and enjoy listening in on my girl and fucking Chase Davis’s secretary for the hell of it. Maybe I’ll take pictures and send them to Gillian. Eventually, yeah, I’ll show her the pictures. Then she’ll be beside herself. Seeing me taking something that was Chase’s. Letting another woman put her hands on me. I’m sure it will make her insane with jealousy.


  “How are you settling in?” I ask Phil over the phone.

  I can hear his long exhale. “As well as can be expected. Gigi, this isn’t my home but it’s nice having Bree and Anabelle by my side. Anabelle is so excited to be here. She thinks we’re having a vacation.”

  Laughing into the phone, I press the receiver into the crook of my neck and flip through some emails. “Chase’s offer for a tutor still stands. If you want Anabelle getting the extra schooling she would be receiving in preschool we’ll make sure to have a teacher come out,” I remind him of the offer Chase made.

  “No, it’s okay. It’s not going to be for that long and ‘sides. Bree is taking the next month or so off. She can’t bear to go back to the studio after what happened. I’m thinking she’s going to close down her business and look into doing something else.”

  A deep pang starts up in my heart. “She can’t,” I whisper. “Opening I Am Yoga was her dream. It’s all she ever really wanted to do.”

  “But sweetie, a girl was murdered there and in her place. Would you want to go back and teach on that pedestal knowing that someone was killed there, that you should have been killed there?”

  I exhale and suck in a shaky breath. “No, I wouldn’t. I’ll come up with something. Either way, did you get her to agree to see a therapist? Dr. Madison is on speed dial for me, and I’m certain he’d see her. On our dime of course,” I explain.

  “I’ll talk to her about it. Thanks, Gigi. And thank Chase too for his hospitality. I’ve already thanked Charles and Colleen.” I can hear a scuffling noise through the receiver. “Hey, the nurse is here for therapy down in the mansion’s gym. Apparently, Chase had a bunch of equipment sent over so I wouldn’t have to leave. Sneaky fella that one.”

  I laugh. “He is that. I’m glad you’re on the mend and so thankful that you and your family are safe now. Thank you for agreeing to stay as we get this situation dealt with. I hope for all of our sakes it isn’t for too long.”

  “It’ll be fine. Since Chase owns my architectural firm, he’s made it so that I’m not missing any pay, still receiving full salary. Bree and Anabelle and the baby are all healthy and safe. Can’t ask for much more.”

  “I’m glad, Phil,” I say just as the door opens and Chase enters. His long body looks fierce and imposing in the midnight black suit. He has a light blue dress shirt on and a yellow tie. That blue shirt makes his eyes pop, melting me on the spot. His dark cappuccino-colored hair has fallen in sexy layers that I’m dying to run my fingers through. He closes the door, locks it, then shifts the blinds to closed before leaning his back on the door.

  “Okay, gotta go. Love you, Gigi,” Phil says as I lick my lips, enjoying every speck of seeing my man standing against the door, his arms casually crossed, and a come fuck me look in his eyes.

  “Yeah, love you too,” I respond breathily. Chase’s eyebrows quirk at the sentiment. He really doesn’t like me telling any man but him that I love them.

  “Uh, you okay, Gigi? You sound off.” Phil asks right before I’m about to put down the phone.

  My eyes never leave Chase’s as he pushes off the door and walks over to the desk. His warm hand clasps my wrist and he tugs me up into a standing position plastering our bodies against one another. He’s deliciously hard. Liquid fire burns through my body sending moisture to the thin lace between my legs.

  “I’m perfectly fine. About to be so much better. Talk soon. ‘Bye Phil,” I rasp into the phone and then blindly try to put the receiver into the cradle. Chase grabs the phone and hangs it up for me right before pulling me into a searing kiss. His hands tunnel into my hair as his tongue delves deep.

  Rapture. With swift hands, Chase untucks my shirt and unbuttons it, leaving it open. The red pushup bra leaves very little to the imagination. “Those panties match this bra,” his tone is heavy with lust and the dirty office sex we’re about to have.

  “You know it does,” I bite down on his bottom lip.

  “I fucking love you,” he slides the shirt off.

  “Mmm, I fucking love you more,” I moan as he takes my nipple through the red lace, rubbing his tongue in hard strokes so that the texture of the lace scrapes delectably against the aching flesh. “What’s going on, Chase?” I ask after unbuttoning his shirt, getting right to his golden chest. He leans back long enough for me to swirl my tongue around his nipple and bite down.

  A growl escapes his mouth. “Need to be in you. Right now. Gonna take you hard against this desk, baby.” He bites down on the tender skin of my neck then traces the column with his teeth. With one hand, he undoes the zipper of my skirt, and it falls to the floor in a puddle. In less than a second, my back is on the desk and my man is between my legs, rubbing his length against
my sopping panties.

  I groan. “What changed? Why now? Not that I’m complaining...” I thrust my hips just as I hear the scratchy snap of lace shredding and the pinch of fabric breaking at my hip. “Another pair of panties? Seriously Chase!” The man is going to have to purchase a women’s lingerie store if he keeps this up.

  “I seriously need to be in this pussy right now, so yeah, panties are gone. It would be easier if you’d just stop wearing them,” he grumbles as he holds my legs wide open assessing me. He is fascinated with having me spread open for him, completely vulnerable. It gets him hard as concrete. “Fucking perfect, and all mine,” he leans down and licks my wet center from bottom to top, swirling around the bundle of nerves that’s aching for attention. “You taste so good. I could eat you for hours.”

  Breathing hard, I continue playing with him. Trying to get to the bottom of his immediate need to fuck me here at work where anyone could interrupt. “If I wasn’t wearing panties...” I stop, inhaling as he spears his tongue deep into me over and over. Pleasure roars through my body in waves. I grip his hair and shove him harder into me. He growls, sucks hard at my pussy then bites my clit in retaliation. I hold him there panting, tremors skipping along every nerve ending. “If I wasn’t wearing panties, anyone could figure it out. Know I was ready to be fucked any time…”

  He pulls back looking almost angry. Apparently, I poked the bear. “The fuck you are, you’re ready for my cock. You see this Gillian,” He unzips his pants and pulls out a huge erection. His dick is so hard and swollen I physically ache to touch it, have it near, deep inside, and all around me. “You see how I’m bursting to be with you. To fuck you. Mate with you. My fiancée.” He lines up his cock at my entrance and spears into me. His hand goes over my mouth just as I scream into it muffling the sound. “My cock knows where it feels good and that’s in you. Only you, baby.” Chase rears back and plows into me again. I bite down on his hand at the onslaught of the pleasure and pain coalescing into one. He winces when my pussy clamps down in the first tightening of orgasm. He doesn’t stop, just grins.


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