Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 21

by Audrey Carlan

  “I’m gonna come, Chase.” My body arcs, nipples pointing to the sky, back curving up, hair dangling over the edge. He grips my hips, holds my legs high and open then crushing my clit. He grins sexily as the orgasm rips through me. He doesn’t stop, and he’s not done.

  “Nowhere near done fucking you. Want your pussy so sore you have trouble sitting tomorrow,” he pounds harder, again hand over mouth has I shriek into the second orgasm. His thumb comes down over my clit and he starts moving it around in rough circles.

  “No baby, I can’t, not again,” I plead as the pleasure mounts, my body tired from two magnificent orgasms. He leans forward fucking me at a new angle that propels his cock deeper into my tightening channel to rub along that spot inside of me. Instantly I soar into bliss, his giant dick plunging into me over and over again. It’s like he can’t stop, won’t stop fucking me.

  “Who owns you?” Chase asks as I’m right on the edge of my fourth life altering orgasm. His face is pinched, breath coming in harsh gasps, sweat beading at the hairline as he slams into me.

  I spiral into the abyss as he continues to pound into me. It’s reckless, uncoordinated, and somewhere through it, I Iose my guy to it. He’s a machine and I don’t know where the off switch is.

  “Chase, no more, stop!” I cry out and shove against him. He holds me fast, not leaving my body but the glazed unfeeling look in his eyes slips away at my harsh tone and physical response. Suddenly his ocean eyes are back and tracing my features. His dick is still, throbbing, swollen and splitting me in half. With all that, four orgasms for me, and my guy hasn’t found his own release. “Talk to me.” I beg. He lets me lean up and clasp his neck wrapping my legs around his back. He sits down in the chair behind him, not letting me or our connection go. My limbs go over the sides of the chair and I settle heavily against him, gasping air, my sex throbbing and tingling. Aftershocks tingling through me as we sit quietly.

  Finally he speaks. “We got another note.” I close my eyes and lean against him. Now I know what the need to have me was about. The fierce way he wanted to prove his ownership, that I was his woman, and that he could please me over and over again makes a lot more sense now. When Chase is threatened, he reacts like a caveman would.

  “It’s okay, baby, I’m here, I’m safe. You’re making sure I am.” He clasps my back pulling me hard against his chest.

  “I can’t lose you, Gillian. I wouldn’t survive it. You’re my world. Life doesn’t exist if I don’t have you to share it with,” he whispers into the soft skin at my neck. Shivers skitter down my spine and I tighten my grip. I love this man.

  “You’re not going to lose me,” I let my feet dangle along the floor. Just my toes touch but it’s enough. Slowly I lift up and come back down, allowing him a bit of relief. He moans and kisses my neck. I place my hands on his shoulders and stand up fully. Just the tip of his erection is still embedded. His eyes open and he takes a pink nipple into his mouth tugging softly, sending strings of renewed excitement to pool between my thighs.

  Chase tips his head back letting my nipple go with a plop. I take his wet lips into a long kiss while I slide along his length, letting gravity pull me down. I land against his lap. He groans and closes his eyes. I squeeze him as hard as I can with the muscles inside, slide back up and slam down again. “You feel me, Chase, I’m right here. Where I want to be.” Another up and then a hard slide down clenching the entire time. “Making love to you,” I say grinding into his lap.

  After several more up and downs, slowly making love to my man I can feel when the moment changes for him. His body goes tight and his grip around me hardens. I can almost sense when his cock swells.

  “Baby I’m there,” he licks his lips and I slide up, put my mouth to his, squeeze as hard as I can and fall back down, and he crashes into bliss. Chase’s hands grip my hips and holds me to him, his back bowing up as he thrusts, pouring hotly inside of me while he rubs out the last of his pleasure.

  We lay there for a long time just being together. Chase is still almost completely dressed while I’m in my red push up bra with the cups down around my boobs sitting in his lap. He got as far as taking out his dick. I got as far as opening up his shirt. His tie is askew but tightly knotted just under his neck. The scenario is too funny for me to contain. I start to laugh. Big, loud, guffaws have me hiccupping and wiping away joyful tears.

  “What is so funny?”

  “Look at us. We look a wreck.” I point to my lack of clothing and his state of undress. He looks down at himself and then at me.

  “I’d say we look damn fine. Office sex suits you,” he nuzzles my neck and sucks on the tendon.

  “Nu-uh, no way! I can’t physically handle another orgasm. Didn’t anyone ever tell you to keep the multiple orgasms to the bedroom? I still have to work the rest of the day!” I scold him and lift off his lap. Before I can move he stops me. As I expected, his release slowly starts to trickle down my thigh. He watches with a dirty grin. I smack his chest. “You’re sick, you know that?” I grab some tissue and wipe up.

  “Can’t help that it turns me on to see my mark on you. See,” He stands up and his dick is hard all over again.

  “No!” I point a finger and run around my desk half naked.

  “Where you gonna go?” He bites his bottom lip, leans down and picks up my clothes. “Looking for these, sexy?” He says.

  “Chase, I swear to God, I cannot handle that,” I point at his package. “Another time, tomorrow. You broke my vagina okay?”

  He laughs and lunges. “Then I guess I’ll have to kiss it better,” he leads me over to the couch at the back of my office and sets me down. Before he can get on his knees and do what he promises, I challenge him.

  “Or, I could suck you off?” I offer.

  Chase groans, tilts his head back and looks at the sky. “Thank you for giving me the perfect woman,” he says to noone but I presume he’s talking to God.

  Less than a minute later, speaking is not an option.


  That mother fucking, cock sucking, piece of shit is going down! I’m going to find him, and cut off every appendage starting with his precious fucking dick!

  I listen as Chase moans while my girl puts her perfect fucking mouth on his tiny dick! “Arrrggggghh, he’s fucking DEAD!” I scream and throw the earphones. Then I pull out my dick and hit the speaker button. Anger surging like white-hot fire pokers through my veins.

  “I love sucking on you,” Gillian says, her voice raspy and horse. I imagine it’s me she’s got those pink lips wrapped around. “Gonna make you feel good,” she says and I tug hard on the tight flesh between my thighs.

  Male groaning sounds spill through the speakers, then he starts to open his stupid mouth. “Take it down your throat, yeah, all the way, like that. God, Gillian, so deep, you’ve got all of me, Baby. You’re so beautiful,” he says and I pull my hand up and lick from palm to fingertip wetting the surface then wrapping it back around my cock jerking over and over along with the sound of the couple’s moans.

  “Come on me, between my tits, on my face, wherever you want,” she says sounding like a two-bit whore. It’s not her fault. I know it’s his influence because that’s what he likes to hear.

  More moaning, “Never on your pretty face. Love you too much, swallow me. It’s all for you,” he says then a long string of wet sucking followed by a male’s obvious orgasm, with me following right along with her, spurting hotly into my hand. All for my girl, my Gillian.

  “That’s it, Gillian. You’re mine,” the bastard says and then I hear kissing sounds. Blech. I’m about to vomit so sickened by hearing her blow him, but more turned on than I ever have been in my entire life. It was easy to remember those perfect lips and imagine them wrapped around my cock once again. I need to get her back.

  “She’s yours, Chase. Yeah right, over your dead body!” I promise to the room. Looking at all the images of my girl staring back at me. Her image calms me and I’ve got thousands of them now, plaster
ing the walls like wallpaper. My own Gillian room.

  “Can’t wait to bring you here, my love. Soon. Soon we’ll be together again. I swear it.”

  Chapter 16


  “He’s driving me crazy already!” Bree groans dramatically, slumping into the booth. We’re at our favorite Irish Pub sitting at our table. I caress the shape of the trinity symbol in the table with my finger, appreciating the familiarity of the trinity in our lives and the circle protecting it.

  Maria pushes the plate of melted aged cheddar towards Bree. “Eat. You’re bitchy already and you’re only like what, all of three months pregnant?”

  Bree huffs loudly. “It’s just that he wants it all the time now, and I don’t want to hurt him,” her bottom lip puffs out.

  “What did the doctor say?” I ask genuinely interested in the details about sex while pregnant.

  She pinches a crusty piece of bread, plops it in her mouth then swings the piece around. “He said I’m totally fine. Baby is healthy, heartbeat looks good. It was so sweet when Phil heard the heart beat and got to see the image on the sonogram.” Her eyes light up and she hugs herself. “He was mesmerized by the image of our baby. He’s really going to be great. Hopefully, he’ll teach me a thing or two.”

  “So what’s the problem? His pene roto?” Maria asks.

  Nudging her arm I respond, “Stop it! You always think men’s penises are broken.” I laugh. Maria shrugs and sips her Poorman stout, our standard drink when in our favorite pub.

  Bree exhales loudly. “It’s just he’s finally starting to feel better and he’s crazy horny which makes me insanely turned on. I don’t know, this baby just makes me want dick. You know,” she looks at both of us. As if on cue both Maria and I shake our head no at the same time then burst out laughing.

  “What’d I miss!” Kat runs up sliding into the booth next to Bree giving her a hug. Then she leans down and gives the belly a pat. “How’s our girl doing,” she says.

  “Which one?” Maria and I say simultaneously. Again, the laughter takes over. We’re on a roll!

  Maria controls herself first. “Bree’s telling us how horned up she is, but too afraid to break her man’s pene,” she says by ending with a crunch to a piece of baguette smothered in cheese.

  Bree’s mouth forms an O. “That is not true! It’s just I’m worried about Phil. He’s still healing but we’re both jonesing to be alone.”

  Once I’ve controlled the giggles I jump in. “As long as you both take it slow, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just talk to him about your concerns. Chase and I will take Anabelle to the movie room and put on one of those Disney movies she likes. We’ll pretend we’re at the movies. She’ll love it. Sound like a plan?”

  Her hand comes out over mine. “Sounds like Heaven. Thanks, girl.”

  “No problem. Besides, it’s the least we can do. I know it can’t be easy with all of us living under the same roof.”

  Kat chimes in after waving over the waiter. “It’s really not a big deal. I mean, the house is huge, and all the rooms are spread out. The only time I see you guys is if we’re down for dinner. The rest of the time, I’m working or spending time alone with Carson. Which, by the way, still is a problem!” she pouts.

  “What problem?” Maria asks. “He not being good to you? Need me to hablar con él, speak to him? He better be treating my hermana right!” Oh, I can see Maria’s spine straightening and her feathers ruffling just like a peacock readying for battle.

  “Relax, Ria. If Kat wants us to butt in, we’ll butt in. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t. Right?”

  “Right!” she gets the waiter’s attention with a hand wave, points to the drink in front of Maria, and holds one finger up. The waiter nods back. “Exactly, Gigi. It’s just, remember guys, I told you that Carson hasn’t said he loves me? Well, he still hasn’t. It’s starting to piss me off. So I’ve stopped telling him that I love him, and you know what’s weird?”

  Bree straightens up and gets close to Kat. “What?”

  “He keeps trying to force me to say it. For example, we’ll be playing around or have just had sex and he’ll say, “You love me, huh sweet cheeks?” She mimics a male voice lowering her own for effect. “And instead of saying, “Yes, I do. I just nod. It’s driving him nutty.” She snickers. The waiter drops off her drink. “Thanks,” she smiles and takes a sip. A bit of froth gets stuck to her lip.

  “You got a little something right here,” I point to my upper lip. “Got Poorman!” I joke.

  Kat licks it off and smiles. “No, I got rich man who won’t say he loves me! So what do you guys think?”

  I shake my head not sure where Carson’s at with their relationship. I know him, but not well enough to really have a solid opinion on the inner workings of his mind. Bree tilts her head and seems to think about it, twirling a long blonde lock of hair. “What if he’s just afraid to say it? Like he’s a serious commitmentphobe?” she offers.

  Kat puts her elbows on the table and sighs. “I don’t know what to do. I mean, if he doesn’t love me after this long, he’s never going to. But I’m so deep in love with him, I can’t imagine not wanting to be with him—ever.”

  Maria reaches out. “You’re going to have to talk to him. I know you don’t like confrontation but I think it’s time to be direct. Straight up ask him why he doesn’t love you.”

  When the words leave Maria’s mouth, Kat cringes. It’s heartbreaking watching her hurting like this. I’ve seen the two of them together and they’re perfect for one another. It’s obvious theirs is a deep connection, and what I see is definitely true love. I’m just not sure what Carson’s problem is. But it’s really not up to any of us girls to get involved. This is something that Kat has to do on her own and in her own time. I just hope for Carson’s sake that when she does bring it up, it isn’t too late. I’d hate for this to come up during a fight or something petty. It could easily tear them apart.

  “I’m sure you’ll work it out. Just think on it, and if you want to hash out your plan of attack with one of us, you know where we live.” Bree giggles and Maria puts up an “L” shape using her thumb and forefinger.

  “Lame joke. You need to work on those,” she chastises.

  “Speaking of work!” a voice I hadn’t heard since earlier today bounds over attached to the body of Chase’s assistant, Dana.

  Maria looks at the tall blond business goddess with disdain. “Does she ever take a load off?” she whispers and I bonk her elbow. “Owee,” she rubs her elbow.

  “Hi Dana, what can I do for you?” I ask with as much politeness as I can manage after a busy week at work and hiding out from my missing in action stalker. Haven’t heard a peep since he sent those images of the young girl he murdered thinking it was Bree over a month ago. All he wrote on each picture was one word.


  Chase didn’t share the images with me and I’m thankful for that. I don’t need the reminder of what the psycho did to that girl; it plays over and over in my nightmares including every time I think back to what could have happened to our Bree.

  “Chase told me you’d be here with the bridesmaids so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to finalize the details for the wedding. There’s still several things that need to be ironed out and there’s only a month left!” She sets down the bane of my existence. The evil wedding binder. It’s now three times the size it once was with tons of tabs that have perfectly typed titles.

  “Can’t you see that we’re trying to relax here?” Maria buts in, she just can’t help herself.

  “Look, Ms. De La Torre,” Ria’s eyes get big at the formal approach. “Chase has put me in charge of making this the best day of their lives, and I intend to do just that. You’re either with me, or against me. I’d rather not have to tell Chase that you’re in the way of him marrying Gigi. You and I both know that won’t go well for any of us. Will it?”

  Maria looks at her, looks at me, then at each of our friends and back to Dana. “You j
ust put me in my place, threatened me, promised a bad time for my girl, and gave me a layer of guilt all in one breath.” Dana nods. “Are you sure we’re not related?” Maria laughs and then smacks the book. “All right all right, you can ask your questions, but if you’re going to be making us all work, then we’re going to do it getting tipsy!” she proclaims.

  Dana bites her lip. “Fair enough.” She shrugs and turns to the first tab with a sticky note poking out. Maria waves over the waiter and orders all of us another round and Bree a fat piece of Irish Potato Cake with a decaf coffee with Irish Cream creamer. It’s one hundred percent alcohol free but tricks the senses into thinking you’re having Bailey’s. For a pregnant woman, that’s key to not feeling left out.

  “Love you, girl,” Bree smiles and shimmies in her chair finishing off the cheese and bread appetizer.

  “First on the list, the location. I have reserved half of a resort down in Cancun. It’s one that Chase owns.”

  “Half? Why so much? This was supposed to be really small. Just family and a few friends.” Instantly the nerves start to prickle against my hairline.

  Dana takes a sip of her Poorman Stout. “Wow, this is really good!” she licks her lips then responds to my question. “It is going to be small. About forty people at most. Chase just wanted to make sure things were extremely private so we’ve cordoned off any rooms that might face the ceremony location.

  “Oh, okay.” I nod, less worried now.

  “I know the flower issue from before was problematic but can we talk about it now? I need to have them ordered for the arbor we’re having built, the walk, the reception tables and such.” Dana scribbles notes down and I sigh.

  Not sure what would work best, I blow out a slow breath. “I just don’t want you flying in flowers or whatever.”


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