Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 24

by Audrey Carlan

  When every tremor has left and I’m a lifeless bag of flesh and bones Chase kisses my lips. I can taste myself on him, and it tastes a whole lot better than the coppery acidic taste of my busted lip. He’s careful as he kisses me, moving slowly down my neck. He makes it to my bruised chest and kisses each finger mark. Then his eyes settle on the dark nipple and bite marks. I cup his cheeks and he holds my gaze, then he gets close to the tortured flesh and with the tip of his tongue he licks around it, coating each wound with his gentle brand of ownership that’s uniquely Chase. Using a softness I didn’t think was possible, he brings the entire nipple into his mouth, swirls his tongue around the bruised aching flesh then pulls back, giving the tip a soft kiss. I can’t control the tears as they wet my chest. He licks them away as well then kisses me again, making sure not to press too hard. He’s the only man that’s ever worshiped me.

  Once he’s made sure that every inch of my body is dry, cherished and replete, he dresses me in a clean shirt of his with no underwear. I can only hope that means good things for me tomorrow. He pulls on a pair of clean boxer briefs, his arousal still high and hard. I look down at it longingly. He shakes his head and pulls back the comforter on our bed. We both slip in, him behind me, spooned close so I can feel every bit of him plastered along the back of me. Moments later, his fingers tickle their way over my hip and under the shirt until his hand cups the breast that’s not damaged. Well, not as damaged as its twin. With a heavy sigh he says, “I love you, Gillian.”

  I swallow down the lump in my throat, snuggle more deeply into his body and hold his hand against my body. “I love you, Chase. Thank you, for making it go away.”

  “I’ll always bring you back to me.” He reminds me of his constant promise. And he does. Each and every time.


  “That’s great news!” she exclaims into the phone. “Finally,” she sighs. “Yes, okay, I’ll make sure everything is cleared from his schedule for the next week. Thanks for letting me know, Jack,” she says happily then hangs up the phone. She flops back to the bed, her small naked breasts jiggling. They’re not as big as I usually like. Gillian’s are at least a full size larger than hers but they’ll do for now.

  “What’s going on?” I ask knowing something is up with the rich fucker.

  Dana smiles bright in the dim light. She’s really not bad looking. If she was a redhead with eyes the color of shamrocks she might do it for me. “They caught him!” she clasps her hands in front of her and bounces up to a seated position crossing her legs so I have a perfect open view of her cunt.

  Sitting up, I extend a hand to hold myself up. “Caught who?”

  “You know how I told you my boss and his fiancée had some crazy stalker following them around and hurting their friends?” Her eyes are happy and bright. This does not bode well for me.

  Again, pretending to vaguely recall it, I crunch my brow together and lift a hand to my hair. “Yeah, you said something about it. Not much though.”

  “Well tonight, when I was at the pub with the fiancée and her three girlfriends he was there!” Three girlfriends. Should be two. I took care of Yoga Barbie.

  “I thought one of her friends died? Didn’t you say that?” I fist my hand into the blanket as her eyes narrow and she shakes her head.

  “You see, that’s what everyone thought, but it was actually this girl named Charity. So sad. She was only twenty but she looked so much like Bree everyone thought it was her at first. It wasn’t. Bree’s been laying low. Tonight was the first time she’d been out in the past couple months. And she’s so cute with her tiny little baby belly,” Dana smiles. The fucking bitch is alive? It takes everything I have not to punch this stupid cunt in front of me, but I need her. Deep breaths in and out.

  After a moment I shake my head. “So, the one survived. But now you said the stalker was at the dinner with Gillian?” I ask.

  Dana stops telling her story and looks at me. “How did you know her name?” Her eyes narrow.

  I played it off with a smile. “Honey, I know who your boss is. Everyone knows who he’s marrying. It’s all over the smut mags,” I grin.

  She nods again and pushes her blonde hair behind her ears. “So the stalker was there and attacked her in the men’s bathroom.”

  “What!” I yell then try to cover my outburst. If she doesn’t start talking quick I’m going to have to cut her. “That’s crazy!” I act surprised mostly because I am. Who the fuck attacked my woman and pretended to be me! Take credit for all my hard work? Fuck no!

  “You see, it was her ex-boyfriend from years ago.” That filthy dick. I warned him to stay away from her. “I think his name is Justin.” Yeah, Justin Durham. I know exactly who he is. Last I heard he’d left town and disappeared when he found out Chase Davis and his goons were looking for him. “So anyway...” she smacks my thigh. I look down at the hand and cringe. She does that to me again and we’re going to have a serious problem. As in she’ll not have that hand any longer.

  You need her to get to Gillian. Calm the fuck down.

  “...and now he’s undergoing surgery. Apparently, her bodyguard beat him up so bad he bled inside. Isn’t that wild?” She finishes on a huff. “The horrible part is that he did a number on Gillian. He beat her up and tried to rape her.” Her voice softens on that last bit.

  Rape her? He tried to rape my woman! He’s a dead man.

  I look at Dana’s naked body and think about how I’m going to get out of here and not piss her off. I’ll have to wait it out.

  “What happens next? She’s pressing charges right?” I ask knowing there were many times in her past where she didn’t press charges that could have sent that fucker packing long ago.

  “Yeah, Chase will make sure she has the best lawyers. He’s definitely going to jail. Chase’s lawyers are ruthless. Never lost a case,” she says proudly. Again, I want to remove that from her face. Every time she talks about Chase like he’s some saint I want to sew her lips shut and make a sick patchwork out of her lips, maybe like a scarecrow. She wouldn’t be so chatty then.

  I lean back and think about what I’m going to do to good ol’ Justin. “So you say he’s at the hospital now? Which one?”

  “Why?” she turns her head and looks at me confused.

  “Curious, is all,” I pull her close and tweak her nipple. A moan slips from her lips. God, this cunt’s easy. “San Francisco General” she says on a breath as I pull at the tightening tip. That’s a good girl. I think I’ll fuck her into submission then go check on Justin. Make sure he never makes it out of the hospital.

  No one lays a harsh finger on my girl but me. And rape? Oh, he’s going to pay for that. With his life.

  Chapter 18


  “Keep your eyes closed,” I cover Chase’s eyes with my fingers and awkwardly lead him out of the car, down the dock to his yacht. If it hadn’t been for Dana, I wouldn’t have even known he had a boat. However, boat is the wrong word. It’s definitely a water vessel, but the thing is ten times the size of my old apartment. It’s white and aptly named “Angel” the words scrawled in gold cursive lettering just under the place where Dana is standing. All of our friends arrived at least an hour earlier. I wanted this to be special. He doesn’t even know it’s our combo bachelor/bachelorette party. Slowly, I assist him up the ramp.

  Chase laughs and holds my hand tight as I trip over one of the rungs. “Careful,” he smiles, eyes still closed. Even when he can’t see me he’s there, holding out a hand to catch me. I’ll never get over finding my match, the man I’m going to grow old with and how in three days I’m going to be Mrs. Chase Davis. Like he always says, it boggles the mind.

  We get to the top of the yacht and I lead him to the railing and set one of his hands on it. “Okay do you know where you are?” I ask, incapable of keeping the excitement out of my voice.

  “Well,” he grins and tips his head. “I hear water and can smell the ocean air. I’d say we’re at the bay on a boat.” Smug bastard. A
lways guessing.

  I come close to him and wrap my arms around his suit-clad body; I captured him directly from work not leaving him any time to change. “Yes, and no. Open your eyes.”

  He does and all of our friends and his cousins, sans Cooper, yell, “Surprise!” His eyes light up with merriment and something akin to joy. It’s not a look I see cross his features very often, but right now, it’s undeniably precious.

  “What is this, Baby?” He slings an arm over my shoulder, bringing me close. “What did you do, gorgeous?” He kisses my temple.

  I’m practically bouncing with glee. “It’s our combined bachelor and bachelorette party! Dana and I planned it.” I grin. She comes over and holds out her hand and I high-five her. “Thanks girl!”

  “Anything for the big guy and his bride!” She clasps her hands over her heart. It’s amazing how happy she is for Chase, especially when the whole time I was envious of their close relationship. Now I know they are far more like brother and sister, the same way Phil and I are with one another. Besides, she has a boyfriend. Speaking of…

  “Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” I ask.

  Her entire face falls into a pout. “Had to work. He’ll be arriving when we get to Cancun. Slave to the job, you know how it is,” she glances at Chase and I giggle. Boy, do I ever. Usually Chase is knee deep in his work but lately, since the attack, he’s been sticking close to home. We allowed everyone to go back to their homes but Chase still has people keeping an eye on everyone. Austin hasn’t lost his job, and of course, Chase has Jack with him at all times, though I don’t foresee us ever not needing security. As long as Chase is still bringing in crazy money and his companies stay successful, there’s always going to be a risk. One he refuses to take, especially when it comes to my safety.

  “Are you surprised?” I ask, wrapping both arms around Chase’s neck. His hands go to my waist where he grips firmly.

  He shakes his head. “You know, I’ve never been surprised or had anything planned for me. I’m flabbergasted.” He blows out a breath smiling at all of our friends and family. “You constantly blow me away with your kindness.” There is wonder in his tone and it fills me with warmth. Though it does sadden me that his mother, once she was back in good health never made a point to surprise him. At least she’s meeting us in Cancun alongside her brother Charles. Wouldn’t mind his Uncle here, but two full nights on a boat with Colleen Davis…this yacht is big but not large enough for that.

  I smile and he kisses me softly. “I’ll make note that you like surprises…like maybe the one I have for you under this skin tight dress.” Wiggling back, I stealthily slide a hand down to caress alongside my breast, then ribs and over my hips. Chase sucks in a breath between his teeth, his eyes following the movement like a hawk watching its prey.

  “There can’t be much under there, baby.” He grips my hip letting his fingers dig into the flesh there. He leans close and nuzzles my neck and ear. “Don’t feel anything here,” he slides a hand over my ass then squeezes the cheek.

  “That’s because I’m not wearing panties,” I lick the side of his neck, letting my wild curly red hair hide the audacious move. He groans and hugs me close.

  When I pull back and look into his eyes, they are dark and swirling with lust. “You temptress,” he scolds. Now that one I like. I grin wickedly. “How am I supposed to enjoy my party knowing at any moment I can lift that dress and slide into home.” He yanks me back to him, thrusting his very impressive erection against my belly. I laugh and kiss him several more times in succession.

  “Um, hello, amigos here! Conseguir una habitación! Maria yells.

  Chase chuckles. “What did she say?” I ask.

  He grins and nips at my lips. “She said to get a room.” I turn around and shoot daggers at her with my eyes. After all these years, I think it’s time I get Rosetta Stone and learn Spanish. It’s not smart allowing these two to have a secret way to speak to one another.

  “Bring it!” she flexes her hands in a come-hither gesture.

  “Only if you’ve got booze!” I holler as she walks over to the freestanding bar. Chase releases me as I take a few steps away to take in the view. Since we’re the last to arrive the crew readies the boat to set sail. Once we’re out, heading deeper into the horizon I finally allow myself to relax. It’s been a horrendous few months but right now, a giant tranquil expanse of blue water and nothing but happy days are ahead for all of us. The time to let loose, be ourselves, enjoy one another’s company and celebrate life.

  A hand lands on my shoulder warmly. I turn and see Phil, brown hair blowing in the wind, a pair of Ray Ban knockoffs perched on his nose. He looks so good. Three months has done wonders for his healing. He’s walking well, even with a little limp. Broken bones have mostly healed and he’s doing well in physical therapy. One of his long arms curves me to his side and we both look out over the ocean.

  “It’s finally happening,” his voice is a soft rumble over the sound of the yacht moving through the water. It will take a couple days by boat to get to Cancun but no one minds.

  “What is?” I smile. I have a feeling I know what he’s referring to.

  “The elusive redhead is getting married. At least this man I wholeheartedly approve of,” he grins.

  I laugh and turn around locking eyes with Chase across the span of the boat. He’s being entertained by Maria, Kat, and Carson. Those blue eyes sparkle as the sun hits the horizon. I blow him a kiss and he pretends to bite at the air. Phil laughs next to me. “You know, when I first told you we were dating you didn’t think it was a great idea,” I knit my brows together for effect.

  He sighs loudly and then the corner of his mouth crooks up. “Well, in my defense, you were dating your boss, and my boss!” I continue to stare at him unimpressed. “Okay, okay, I was wrong, you were right, I owe you lunch or something. Will you drop it now that I’ve admitted the error in my ways?” He laughs.

  I pretend to think about it bringing my finger up and twisting my lips. “Um hmmm…”

  “Come on!”

  “No, I forgive you for being an overprotective friend. It’s okay. I’ve had a lot of practice between you and the girls. Chase though, his protective streak borders on insane. Sad thing is, I can’t prove him wrong because of all the crap that’s happened.” I lean both forearms on the railing of the ship and look down at the water. “I just hope it’s all behind us.”

  Phil pets my back. “Should we have reason to think otherwise? I mean they got Justin, he’s going to trial for the assault and attempted rape. It’s only a matter of time before they connect the dots between the gym explosion and killing that young girl.”

  My heart sinks. “I hope so. Right now, he’s laying low but Tommy and Chase have people on him just in case. I don’t really even know where he is. Last I heard from Maria was that he made bail and was living with his mother until the hearing.”

  “Good thing is in three days you’ll be getting married and whisked away to your honeymoon. You don’t have to think about any of it for a while. Unless you’re staying in Cancun for the honeymoon.”

  I shake my head. “No, we’re staying in Cancun for the ceremony and three days after to enjoy the resort and time away with all of you, but after that we’re going to Ireland for two whole weeks. I can hardly wait!” The wind picks up and gooseflesh tickles my skin. Running my hands up and down my arms to warm them isn’t helping. That is, until two much warmer hands cover the bare skin and run up and down.

  “Cold, baby? I saw you from across the way and thought you might be chilly.” Always aware of me. He’s made it very clear that he plans to be a doting husband in all the ways that count. Apparently, my body temperature is included. “Here.” Chase removes his suit jacket and places it over my shoulders. Sandalwood and citrus, the scent that has become a beacon of comfort, surrounds me as the heat from his body and jacket warm me straight through to my soul.

  “Mmm, better. How about a drink?” I turn to Phil and he holds ou
t a hand.

  “Lead the way m’lady,” he gestures toward the bar.

  Chase nudges Phil in the shoulder. “I think you mean, my lady, Phillip,” he says without an ounce of humor, but I know better.

  “You were right, Gigi. Possessive much?” He shakes his head at Chase then hooks an arm around Bree as he passes. She whoops in delight when he swings her around. She’s wearing a form-fitting turquoise blue dress that accentuates her perfectly round baby bump and swelling cleavage. The inflated breasts have been a much-appreciated side effect of pregnancy that Bree is riotously fond of. Even though she’s only four months along, the bump is a nice size and the focus of attention. Maria constantly taunts Bree that it could be twins and one baby is hiding behind the other. I’m just excited to see her healthy, happy and glowing with Phil’s baby.

  Chase’s eyes follow Phillip’s move with Bree. “Takes one to know one, buddy,” he grins.

  “Oooh, he so got you, Phil!”

  We all laugh and Chase leads me to the bar. I order champagne and down the first one in no time flat then hold my glass out for another. Chase leans over from behind me. “Not too fast. Wouldn’t want you out of commission later on this evening.” He uses that low throaty tone, the one that gets me hot faster than a hundred degree summer day in the California Valley.

  I slam another glass and shimmy. “I’ll burn it off on the dance floor.” I grin sexily then make my way toward the most amazing women in the world. “Hey ladies…” I yell loudly with some serious voice inflection and wait for it.

  Three instant rounds of, “Get funky!” come out of their mouths. Maria’s hands go up in the air snapping her fingers. “Dana, get that DJ playing some tunes. It’s time to sacudir el culo!” She shakes her ass. I watch the men around us. All eyes are on that tight dancer’s behind as she rotates her hips like the expert she is.


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