Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2) Page 25

by Audrey Carlan

  All of a sudden, we’re rewarded with a mix of techno pop and funky beats by none other than the Beastie Boys. Dana has some serious skill. I didn’t even see a DJ but all of a sudden over in the corner is none other than a mixing board and a man spinning records. The moment we hear the cowbell it’s on. If this was a “Dance for Your Life” competition, the four of us would win. The second the guitar gets going we are no holds barred dropping it like it’s hot. Dana joins in, wearing her prim little business suit. Chloe, Chase’s cousin bounces over shaking her breasts which currently look like two awesome ripe peaches jumping around in her tube top and blazer combo. How she hasn’t been scooped up by a man I don’t know but as soon as things settle down in my world, the girls and I are going to find a hot man to hook her up with.

  For the next couple hours, the chicks get their dance on while the men either watch lustfully or join in. As I gyrate my hips I can hear a conversation between Chase and Carson. Instead of letting on that I can hear them, I just “Shake, shake, shake,” as Taylor Swift’s song continues on.

  “Cuz, look at this. I feel like I’ve won the lotto. I’m…shit, you ever seen this many fine women who can dance like that!” he clucks his tongue.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I can see Chase’s eyes aren’t on everyone else but solely on me. He watches my ass like it has a homing device. He runs a hand over his jaw and I imagine I can feel that stubble scratching delectably against my skin. “Lucky bastards, for sure,” he swears.

  After another couple songs it seems my guy has had enough of watching me shake it for everyone. Before I know it, I’m bumping and grinding into his body. Chase is a gifted dancer. I lift my hands up and sway, his hands running over my curves from behind. I clasp my hands behind his nape and rub into his erection. He groans into my ear and bites down on the side of my neck. Its slick with a hint of sweat but that only seems to turn him on even more. His tongue comes out and licks up the side to land at my ear where he nibbles. The beautiful torture of my ear, feeling his breath skate along my nape has me moaning and pressing harder against him.

  “Careful, you don’t want to unman me right here on the dance floor,” he curls an arm around my waist holding me close. The DJ plays Christina Aguilera’s “Dirty” which prompts a whole host of severely risky dancing all around. The men get the hint based on how the women are moving their hips sensually. Each guy cuddles up to his girl. Dana is nowhere to be seen. Probably missing her boyfriend. Chloe however is rubbing all over one of Chase’s business associates.

  “Who’s that with Chloe?” I mumble getting into the music and the thrill of Chase’s erection digging into the soft curve of my behind.

  Chase slides his hands from my wrists around his neck, down my arms over the sides of my breast, ribs, then grips my hips possessively grinding harder into me. I moan while he continues to kiss the back of my neck. “Mmm,” he exhales. Between seduction of my senses he finally answers. “One of my attorneys. He’s a friend, but will also make sure the marriage license and documentation is taken care of after we’re married.” He bites the tendon in my neck and I swoon. Chase feels the moment I’m too far gone and twirls me around. His eyes are as black as the night sky over the open water. “I’m ready for my surprise under this dress. Say goodnight, Gillian.”

  “Goodnight Gillian,” I say completely lost in him, this desire. If he doesn’t touch me soon, I fear I may implode. He chuckles and lifts me into his arms. He really is my knight in shining Armani about to take the damsel in distress and make her sing.

  Without a word, he walks through the crowd toward the door that leads to the rooms below. A bunch of raucous laughter and innuendos float over us as he makes his way down into the belly of the beast. At the very end of the long hallway is a set of double doors. He opens them with one hand, still supporting me with the other.

  Once we’re in the room he sets me down and pushes me against the door, lips greedily taking mine. Flashes of our first sexual encounter stream across my vision. His hands are everywhere at once, burning a fiery trail across the exposed inches of needy skin.

  “Chase, I need…” comes out in a breathy whisper that loses steam when his hands yank up the slinky fabric of my dress to find thigh high stockings and nothing else.

  “Christ on a cross, you’ll ruin me,” he says through the ever present clench in his jaw. Always trying to keep his control in tact but I want none of that when it comes to me. He’s the only man I could ever trust to lose control and not abuse it.

  The heat radiating off his body is enough to bring a small city to flames. His nostrils are flaring and his teeth are bared. He nuzzles the space between my breasts, pushing the top of my dress low in front before biting down on the expanse of smooth uncovered skin. He sucks at the soft swell of my right breast. With a swirl of his tongue, he soothes the quarter sized purple mark. Ever since Justin’s attack, Chase has made an effort to leave his own passionate reminders of our coupling. He wants only his love bites to mar my skin. Now, fully healed from the attack, I’m ready to claim this man as my own.

  Watching Chase lose his mind over me is exactly what I need right now. It’s fueling the naughty side in me and I want to have some fun. I push Chase back, leading him backwards until his legs hit the bed and he falls into a seated position. I back up a few feet and slowly sway my hips from side to side, rubbing my hands all along my body seductively giving him a private dance. My guy’s eyes are dark and hyper focused on each sway and dip as I twirl slowly around presenting him my backside. I move my hips bringing my dress back up over my bare ass. The moment he sees bare skin a slew of profanity fills the room. I curve my head over my shoulder holding the dress at my waist.

  “See something you like, Sailor?” I grin.

  “Fuck yes, and it’s all mine. Come give it to me,” he growls.

  I would but I’m not done teasing him, so instead I shake my head no and wink at him. He tugs on his tie, pulls it over his head tossing it aside. Inch by inch, I remove the dress moving each hip from side to side in time to music only I can hear. Once the dress is off, I hold it in one hand still facing away from him and let it fall from my fingertips.

  “Now Gillian, I won’t ask again.” He’s losing his mind, and I love every second. Pride fills my heart and arousal slicks my thighs, readying me for what he’s sure to make a memorable night.

  “One minute, baby,” I coo then go for the sucker punch and lean over still wearing only heels and stockings to remove my shoes.

  “Fuck me!” he barks before his hands are on my ass cheeks holding them apart, his knees to the carpet and his tongue is devouring the dark little hole no man has touched but him. My hands are balanced on my shins as he licks up the arousal coating my thighs, delving his tongue where I want it most then back up to his newest obsession. “I’m going to take your ass tonight, baby. It’s the only place my cock hasn’t been and it’s time.”

  Nervous fear coupled with equal parts excitement rush through me like a hot swallow of aged whiskey. My throat goes dry but that’s the only part of me not soaking in pleasure.

  “Chase…” I warn not sure about this step.

  He spreads open the rounded globes of my ass even wider, sticking his tongue deep into the tiny rosette. The sensation is unique, different yet dark and exhilarating. Giving this last piece of me to Chase somehow makes our union seem deeper, darker in the most sensual ways.

  “You going to give me what I want, baby? Let me take your little asshole, fill it full with my cock,” he starts that dirty talk that never ceases to skyrocket me into a haze of unbridled lust. His words along with his seeking tongue are rocking me into a place of deep submission. I’m becoming a slave to his desire and I never want to be free.

  “All of me. Everything I am is yours. Just touch me, Chase.” I breathe out through the pleasure. At my words, he goes wild, standing, lifting me up and plowing his tongue into my mouth. I suck on his tongue and give him everything. Anything that I am and more. He brings
me to the bed and lays me down, slowly peppering every speck with a kiss, a nibble, a swirl of his talented tongue until I’m so dizzy with the need to come I can hardly think straight.

  Chase removes his clothes, and I watch as every inch of golden skin and hard earned muscle is revealed. He’s the most stunning man I’ve ever known inside and out and in three more days he’ll be mine forever. With a quick hand, he reaches into the side table next to the bed and pulls out a brand new bottle of lubrication. I’m not sure what it’s for because I’m soaking wet.

  With more boldness then I’ve ever had before, I open my legs letting him see how much I want him. “Don’t think we need anything, baby,” I lick my lips and trail a hand down between my thighs. With a quick finger I swirl two digits around the hard button of nerves moaning desperately before moving down to coat them with the proof of my need.

  I hold out my hand, fingertips glistening. “See,” I offer. He leans forward and pulls both fingers into his mouth swirling his tongue around the two digits. My sex clenches at the sight, so ridiculously turned on, physically aching to be filled.

  Chase removes the rest of his clothes, his gaze focused between my thighs. He loves when I’m open like this, and with him, I’m not embarrassed. Much the opposite, I feel sexy, beautiful, and losing every ounce of control.

  He leans down and kisses me long and hard. There’s something different in this kiss, perhaps a bit more seductive. It works because I’m squirming under him. “It’s not for your pussy, baby,” he reminds me.

  Chase kisses his way down my body and goes to work between my legs. Within minutes he has me screaming out his name, holding his face, thrusting wildly against his lashing tongue. After two back-to-back orgasms—he rarely allows for only one—he finally surrenders. When Chase Davis goes down on his woman, it’s a feast, not an appetizer. I’m positive if I let him, he’d lick me relentlessly, bringing me to endless orgasms until I passed out.

  I tug on his hair. “Had enough?” He smiles, my arousal coating his mouth and chin. It’s fricking hot and makes me want to ride him. I pull a leg up and try to turn him around. He shakes his head then pulls a nipple into his mouth tugging and nipping at the erect tip.

  “Mmm,” I moan and hold him to me as he brings me to another sexual peak. The attention he lavishes on my breasts has me thrusting my hips up again, wanting him to fill me. Instead, he pulls away and rolls me over, and with a strong arm, he lifts me up onto my knees.

  “Gotta have your ass, Baby. Need to make every inch of you mine,” he whispers against the shell of my ear. Then he scrapes his teeth along my spine, pausing to kiss and caress as he goes. Once he reaches my bum he bites and nips on the space where the rounded part meets thigh. It tickles and I laugh. “Hmm, interesting,” he says biting it again, eliciting another giggle. I fall down onto my forearms when he brings his fingers to my pussy, coating them with my essence before swirling them around my anus. He works one finger in pressing deep, the little muscle stretching against the intrusion. Then he licks my center as he fingers my hole. Soon I’m pressing back into his finger. He adds another finger and the muscle tightens and burns around the two questing digits.

  With his tongue, he licks and flicks at my clit, the burning in my bum leaving completely as he stretches them out, I suspect making room for his cock. When he’s got me moaning and begging for release he removes his fingers. The sound of the lubrication cap opening and closing breaks through the lust induced haze until a cold gelatinous sensation replaces his fingers at the small entrance. Chase leans over me and brings one hand around to flutter against that powerful bundle of nerves reminding my body I was just on the edge of orgasm when he pulled away.

  Once he’s got me moaning and delirious with pleasure he places the tip of his cock at the tiny puckered flesh. “This is going to burn a bit, but I promise it will go away and feel amazing. Do you trust me?” He asks. On that, I press back, pushing the head of his cock right into my ass. ”Fuck!” he roars and grips my hips tightly. The invasion burns like a branding, fire hot pokers sizzling and centered at the spot where he’s imbedded only a mere inch.

  “Breathe, baby,” he whispers as three fingers run over my clit then down to plunge shallowly into the wet heat between my thighs. He presses in further, centimeter by centimeter as sparks of pleasure skitter up my spine. I moan. “That’s it,” another full inch and I exhale with the force of his girth. Those fingers of his slip up and down, swirling around my clit as he goes a little deeper.

  Full, so full.

  Every nerve ending seems to be prickling throughout my limbs. “Almost there, just a couple more inches and I’ll be in you…” he groans and pinches my clit. Tingles ripple through me as if raindrops were suddenly pelting my naked body when he presses the rest of his thick cock in. He pinches my clit forcing the inner walls of my sex to clamp down hard. “Jesus, so tight. God, I love being in your little ass.” He pulls out slowly and I feel every rigid inch of his massive cock sliding along swollen, pulsing tissue.

  I close my eyes and inhale when he thrusts all the way back in. No pain, only fullness, pressure, and an enormous amount of pleasure moves through me. Chase shifts his giant erection in and out of me in soft, gentle movements. I can’t take it. I need him to move! To take me there. Tremors and prickles of an oncoming monster orgasm rock through me. “Fuck me!” I yell completely beside myself with passion.

  Chase’s voice comes out strained, barely able to control himself. “Don’t. Want. To. Hurt. You.” He grates out through his teeth still moving his dick barely an inch or so in and out.

  Those skilled fingers continue to run over my clit and into my pussy and back in a repetitive motion that’s making my clit throb and ache. I clench down as hard as I can, using only my sphincter muscle. “Fuck me!” I beg. “Hard. I need it,” I whimper my back arching pulling at his length. He feels like a metal pipe, strong and unbreakable as he fucks my ass in slow motion.

  Finally, the words break through. His fingers move to my clit and twirl and pinch at the tight bundle. I scream out, “Yes!”

  Then he’s gone. He’s a wild animal rooting into my body seeking his release. The constant pounding of his cock into the tight confines of my ass, feels like he’s reaching high into my belly with his length. It shoots me into orbit. Gone. Every muscle I have tightens and cinches like a coat of armor, metal and unrelenting.

  While I’m soaring, he lifts me up leaning my back against his slick chest. He curves one hand around my breast and the other around my hip for leverage before pulling back and slamming into me over and over. This angle has me hung up on his cock, reaching so deep inside me I see stars. Over and over he bounces me on his cock, allowing gravity to add to depth. When I think I can’t take anymore, that I’m going to lose my mind, he tweaks my nipple tugging it hard, sending ribbons of excitement between my thighs. The pleasure is never ending, and then he proves he is in fact a God, by bring that hand between my legs, pinching my swollen knot and shoving that colossal cock deep into the tight dark hold wracking my frame with a brutal orgasm. Lights flicker behind my eyes and my body feels like jelly but I hold strong, wanting, no needing him to get there.

  Finally, he loses it. “I love fucking you!” Chase roars, holding my hips to his, he leans me back over, my hands barely make it to the bed to hold myself up when I feel his balls slapping against my pussy. The grip of his hands on my hips is bruising, his body so tight and bowed back as he forces jet after hot jet of his release into my backside. With a shaking hand he lifts me to him, and we tumble to the side. Both of us breathing so rapidly you’d think we just won a marathon.

  “This proves it.”

  I can barely keep my eyes open, wonderland tipping me into darkness. “What does?” I mumble.

  “We’re definitely going to fuck each other to death.”

  A wide grin and two strong arms hold me in place. “It would be a good way to go,” I whisper before blackness takes me.

  Chapter 19

nbsp; Gillian

  Bang…Bang…Bang Screeches through the warm snuggly place, forcing me out of a really beautiful dream about marrying Chase. The noise continues to thud loudly against the door. I sit up and look at the offending piece of oak wishing a vortex would open up and swallow the entire thing whole giving me a full eight hours rest. Hell, I’d settle for a solid six hours. Chase hops up bare-assed naked and the banging starts again.

  “Davis?” I hear Tommy’s voice flit through the wooden door. Groaning I flop back down allowing the comforter to fall over my head and wait it out.

  I can hear a ruffling of clothes. “Just a minute,” Chase hollers, while likely putting on something. So much for a lazy Friday morning in bed with my guy.

  The door opens with a rattle of the hinges. “What is it?” His tone is harsh and accusing.

  “We’ve got a problem,” he whispers and I pull the coverlet from my face and hold it against my bare chest. Clearing my throat both men look over at me. Chase is wearing a loose fitting pair of pajama bottoms I packed for him and nothing else. Drop dead gorgeous. I should be the one using that particular endearment he sprinkles in every so often. The long layers of his hair are a wild mop on top of his head making him look younger and less conservative. Tommy twists his head lifting his chin to the open hallway then the two walk through and close the door. Fine, leave me out of the loop.

  Falling back to the bed, I wait and try to imagine every possible reason that Tommy could be knocking down our door at, I lean up and look at the clock, at seven in the morning. I’m certain we didn’t get to sleep until well after two a.m. once we finished having the most intense and kinky sex of my entire life. Thinking back to it, the way Chase eased me into this new territory was so seamless. Made me wonder if that’s how our marriage would be. Even though he’s only five years my senior, it’s as if he’s so much more knowledgeable, wise in the ways of the world that I haven’t scratched the surface of in my twenty-four years. Definitely in business, and between the sheets. With those two areas he’s got a full leg up against what limited experience I bring to the table.


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