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Deception, Dominance, Desire (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

Page 8

by Kalissa Alexander

  They seated themselves. Kevin sat across from her and grabbed the menus from behind the napkin holder handing one to both her and Joshua. Joshua didn’t even look at his. She opened hers and studied it with interest. She hoped they would start talking and leave her out of the conversation.

  The waitress approached their table with three waters. The older woman smiled broadly, placing them down on the table. “Good to see you again,” she said, looking directly at Joshua. “What can I get you?”

  “Did you decide what you wanted?” Kevin asked her.

  “A cheeseburger, french fries, and a vanilla shake.”

  The waitress laughed. “A girl after my own heart. You ever eaten here before?”

  “No. This is my first time. But you’ve come highly recommended.” Rose smiled, closing her menu.

  “You’ll be back. People who enjoy eating food that tastes good always come back.”

  Joshua and then Kevin gave the waitress their orders and she winked at them as she turned and headed toward the kitchen.

  “I think Dee likes you, Rose,” Kevin said. “You didn’t order a salad.”

  “I like salads, but this doesn’t seem like a salad kind of place, and you both said you like the burgers and fries here.”

  “Joshua and I have similar tastes when it comes to food and”—he hesitated for a second—“women.”

  Joshua stretched out his legs and leaned back against the booth. “True. Our shared tastes in most things have kept us close. But there’s always an exception.”

  “Oh, the things I could tell you, Rose.” Kevin smirked. “But of course I won’t. Well, not unless Joshua brings them up first.”

  “Tell me, Kevin, what happened to that girl you were seeing. I think her name was Misty or Bitsy or what was it? That was one woman I didn’t share your attraction to.”

  “Her name was Kristy, and as you know she and I parted company a while ago. There’s been several since, but I’m free as a bird at the moment.”

  “She seemed pretty clingy. I didn’t think she’d go so easily.”

  Rose folded her hands in her lap. She really didn’t like hearing them discussing other women. It made her feel cheap. They certainly weren’t acting like they were best friends.

  “You were right about her. She wasn’t really my type.”

  “Since you’ve got some time on your hands, I thought maybe you’d have time to look in on Rose when I’m in Dallas for the next few days,” Joshua said, ignoring her shocked expression.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Kevin said, staring at Rose.

  Joshua’s expression remained bland. Something wasn’t right here. He had warned Kevin to stay away from her, and now he was giving him the green light to check in on her when he was gone. What kind of game was he playing?

  She almost jumped when Joshua’s hand clamped down on her thigh and then slid in between her legs. Her immediate reaction was to slap his hand away despite the fact that his touch was exactly what she wanted, but touching her like this, it was wrong . However, she stopped herself from closing her legs, knowing all too well what kind of punishment would be in store for her. Whatever game he was playing, it was a dangerous one, and she had a feeling she better learn to play it better than either of these men if she were going to survive the summer without losing more than her virginity.

  Chapter Nine

  Rose had felt it was her duty to help Joshua pack for his trip to Dallas. His suitcase was by the front door and his briefcase was on the sofa. She picked it up and sat it down next to his suitcase. He had been quiet for most of the morning except when he had fucked her in the kitchen before breakfast. She had just pulled out a dozen eggs from the refrigerator when he came up from behind her and started fondling her breasts. She had leaned back into him. When he didn’t stop, she had managed to set the eggs on the counter and kick the refrigerator door shut.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Rose,” he had said as his hands had lifted her T-shirt over her head, leaving her in only a pair of terrycloth shorts.

  He pulled her shorts down quickly, leaving her completely naked. It never ceased to amaze her how she could always be ready for him. No matter what time of day or night, all he had to do was reach for her or look at her with those beautiful eyes and she dripped for him.

  He had bent her over the counter and rammed his hard cock into her pussy. There was no foreplay, but she hadn’t needed it. She never did. She had gripped the counter as his thrusts had become more demanding and fierce. They had both come quickly. When he had pulled out of her, she had turned to face him and gone to her knees. She wanted his cock in her mouth as it would taste of both of them. She knew how much he liked to watch her clean him.

  Everything about the man turned her on. It was good that he was going to Dallas for a few days. She needed separation from him and what he was doing to her. She kept telling herself to keep their relationship in perspective and not to make any more of it than it was, however, being his on-call sex toy was making that difficult. She wanted him way too much and it scared her that she was going to miss him while he was gone.

  Joshua walked out of his bedroom looking so handsome she wanted to run to him and tell him how much she was going to miss him. Of course she couldn’t. Instead, she eyed him warily, wondering what type of orders he would leave her with before he walked out the door. Did he really expect Kevin to stop by to check on her?

  “I left the number for my hotel on my desk in my bedroom. If you need anything, you can call on my cell, but if for some reason you can’t reach me, call the hotel.”

  “I should be fine. Thank you.”

  “Kevin’s the only one who should stop by. Don’t answer the door for anyone else. Understand?”


  “Do you have any questions, before I go?”

  She was surprised he hadn’t left her a list of dos and don’ts. She decided it was best to not ask or she might not like the answer.


  “I’ll call you at some point. But I’ll be pretty busy.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I really don’t need Kevin checking in on me.”

  “I’d prefer he did.”

  He pulled the handle up on his suitcase and put his briefcase over his shoulder. “See you soon.”

  He shut the door behind him without a backward glance. He hadn’t even kissed her good-bye. She stood for a minute and stared at the door and shook her head as if to clear it. What had she done to deserve that? His mood swings were making her crazy and not in a good way. However, on the bright side, she had a few days to herself without worrying about pleasing anyone but herself. Why then, was she feeling anything but happy? Because, you stupid girl, you’re going to miss him.

  These feelings were new to her, and if she could turn them off, she would in a heartbeat. However, it seemed they were beyond her control. This must be, she thought suddenly, what it was like to care for a man. She wasn’t in love with Joshua, she couldn’t be. He was her master and would never be anything more than that regardless of the lust between him. They had the summer and that was all…unless he wanted her for longer. But that would cost him and she didn’t think he was prepared to pay for her himself. Although she knew he could well afford it financially, he would probably be bored with her like all the other women he had slept with after a few days, weeks, or months.

  He would send her back. That was the way it would be and there was no getting around it. She would have to see Mistress Adams again and she knew it would not be pleasant. The woman had plans for her when she returned. She would no longer be a virgin and that would mean that whatever restrictions had been placed on her would be lifted. She shuddered, her body going cold. When Joshua was with her, it was easy to forget about what would happen to her next. But now that he was gone, it was hard to think of anything else.

  If it hadn’t been so early, she would have poured herself a drink. She had never been a drinker, but that could easily change. She wanted to numb her
brain until nothing mattered. It was torture to think of another man touching her and doing whatever they pleased when she wanted only Joshua’s touch. How could she have gone from being a virgin to this in such a short period of time? But then again, she had never met anyone like Joshua before, someone who could make her body respond the way he did. Was it the training she had received? Were there subliminal messages in the movies she had been forced to watch? Whatever it was, she wanted him and what they were doing together was consensual no matter how she might want to believe otherwise.

  Turning away from the front door, she wandered into the kitchen, trying to think of something else. She had already loaded the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher and with just the two of them, the house never got really dirty. There wasn’t anything for her to do. Regardless, she opened the closet where the cleaning supplies were stored and pulled out a mop and bucket along with a scrub brush. Without thinking she filled the bucket with warm soapy water and got down on her hands and knees. She began to scrub every tile as if her life depended on it. She continued until every inch of the floor was cleaned to her satisfaction. Then she mopped it. When she looked up at the clock, she realized a couple of hours had passed. She was tired, but it felt good because she had focused on something other than her uncertain future.

  She tried to hold back her tears, but like everything else in her life, she had no control as they cascaded down her cheeks. She was weak. She had always thought she was strong, but now she knew the difference. She was a pawn in a game and all she could do was what she was told or the consequences would be devastating for the people she loved.

  Giving in to the unhappiness that took hold of her, she curled up on the cool tile of the floor. All the pent-up hatred for Mistress Adams and the hurt she felt from her aunt’s betrayal as well as her own frustration for wanting Joshua the way she did became more than she could bear. With an animalistic cry, she let go of her anger as she cried her heart out. When the tears finally subsided, she didn’t have the strength to move. Exhausted, she closed her eyes and let the darkness take her to where she didn’t have to think.

  “Rose! Wake up. Are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes and for a moment she had no idea where she was. Kevin was bending over her, shaking her shoulder.


  “What the hell,” he breathed. “You scared the living shit right out of me. I thought something had happened to you. Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she said groggily. “I’m okay.”

  “What are you doing sleeping on the floor?”

  She pulled herself up and looked around. “I scrubbed the floor and after…I don’t know, I guess I just fell asleep.”

  “On the floor? You don’t like beds?”

  She tried to smile. “I guess I was more tired than I realized. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her up with him. “That had to be uncomfortable.”

  “I am a little lame,” she admitted, rubbing her legs.

  “I would think so. Next time try and at least make it to the sofa. I didn’t know what to think when I saw you lying there,” he said, relief in his voice.

  “Sorry I scared you.” It then dawned on her that he was in the apartment and she hadn’t let him in. “How did you get in here?”

  “I’ve got a key. When you didn’t answer the door, I got worried. I’m glad I still had it on my keychain.”


  “Why don’t you sit down…in a chair.” He smiled. “I’ll get you a juice. You look like you’re still a little out of it. Plus your eyes are all puffy like you’ve been crying.”

  “Sorry. I guess I’m not a pretty sleeper.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I’m just glad you didn’t fall and hit your head or something.”

  The orange juice he handed her was chilled and felt good going down her dry throat. “Thanks.”

  “Have you eaten lunch?” he asked, sitting down at the table opposite her.


  “Me either. How about I whip us up something? I can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich. You got cheese?”

  “Yes, in the small crisper in the refrigerator. But I can make us something. You don’t have to.”

  “Just sit and drink your juice. I’ve got this.”

  She was hungry. She watched as Kevin moved around the kitchen with the knowledge of someone who had cooked in it before.

  “You’ve spent time here haven’t you?” she asked.

  “I’ve crashed here more times than I can count.”

  “I can tell. You’ve obviously had to cook.”

  “Yeah. Joshua’s not too handy in the kitchen and the women we usually end up with aren’t known for their culinary skills.”

  “Oh. I should have realized that,” she said dully.

  “Sorry. That was unkind.”

  “It’s okay. I know the score. Don’t worry.”

  “Do you really, Rose? I mean, know the score?”

  “I know that I’ll be leaving by the end of the summer if not sooner. Joshua will get bored, right?”

  “Are you in love with him?”


  “Most women fall in love with him, and then he dumps them.”

  She just stared back at him.

  “Shit. I shouldn’t have said that. He’s not an asshole. He just has a short interest span where women are concerned.”

  “No, to answer your question. I’m not in love with him. We enjoy each other’s company. That’s all.”

  “I hope that’s all it is. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Well, you needn’t worry about that. I’m not going to get hurt.”

  “Good. But if you do, I’m pretty good at picking up the pieces.”

  “I’m not going to fall to pieces, Kevin. We don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “Okay. If that’s the way you want to play it. But remember, I’m here for you if you need me.”

  “I won’t.”

  He turned back to the stove and she sat silently watching him. He was so sure that Joshua was going to break her heart. If he knew the truth, that thought would never cross his mind. She cringed inwardly. She didn’t want him to know. He would judge her just like anyone else who knew she was nothing more than a paid submissive. The real word was “whore.” It didn’t matter that she was being blackmailed. He could never know that. All he would see was a woman who was paid for sex.

  The grilled cheese was delicious. She was hungry, and as her aunt always said, food always tasted better when someone else cooked it.

  “It’s delicious,” she said.

  “Don’t sound so surprised.” He laughed.

  The easy, fun Kevin was back. She was relieved. She didn’t need or want his concern. Pretending to be something she wasn’t was easier when he was flirting. Just as long as he kept it light. However, the way he looked at her told her that he if she said the word, he would do a lot more than flirt. She hadn’t wanted to think about it before, but if she read in between the lines, it was obvious that Kevin and Joshua shared more than their friendship. Was that what this was all about? Had Joshua changed his mind? Did he want to share her with Kevin? And if he did, what would she be able to do about it?

  Chapter Ten

  Rose felt Kevin’s eyes watching her intently as she finished the sandwich he made for her. When he found her lying on the kitchen floor, she had felt his concern that was real. She knew he didn’t believe her story. Her puffy eyes and face had told their own story. There was no hiding the aftermath from a hard cry with skin as sensitive as hers. She was just relieved he hadn’t pushed her.

  Joshua had said that he and Kevin had been friends since grade school, so it stood to reason that he knew Joshua was a dominant and who knows, maybe he was one himself. He must know that Joshua could be difficult at times, especially with women. She’d be willing to bet this wasn’t the first time he had found one of Joshua’s women in tears.
  “You’re different, Rose. You’re not anything like Joshua’s other women.”

  Startled, her head snapped up as she put down what was left of her sandwich. “Why would you say that?” Was she really that transparent?

  “He usually dates women who are upper class, brittle, and devoid of any real personality. He chooses them because he doesn’t have to think when he’s with them and when he leaves them, it’s easy.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would he want someone like that?” As soon as the words the words left her lips, she knew the answer. They wouldn’t argue with him. They were easy to control.

  “He grew up in a house with a mother that loved him, but couldn’t seem to stay home for long and when she was home, she always had some young stud hanging around. His father loved him, too, but he remarried a few times to women Joshua wasn’t too fond of and that left scars along with his mother’s somewhat promiscuous lifestyle.”

  “So, he picks women that will never ask more of him than he’s prepared to give and if they do, he moves on? He’s just like his parents.”

  Kevin shook his head. “He’s not like his parents, but he can be possessive.”

  “Possessive is as good a word as any for it,” she said sarcastically, before catching herself. Pasting on a smile, she continued, “But he must trust you because he asked you to look in on me.”

  Kevin looked away. “Maybe that was a mistake,” he muttered.

  Rose swallowed her last bite of the sandwich, wishing she had the nerve to ask Kevin more about Joshua. Instead, she said, “You really do make a mean grilled cheese.”

  “Told ya,” he said, his eyes moving to hers, the humor back.

  “Thanks again for everything. I feel a lot better now. I should have eaten something earlier.”

  “And missed my cooking?”


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