Book Read Free

Three Wishes

Page 1

by Sean Michael

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description

  Trademarks Acknowledgement


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  Three Wishes

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-439-4

  ©Copyright Sean Michael 2016

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright June 2016

  Edited by Sarah Smeaton

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2016 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Pride Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  Rainbow Island


  Sean Michael

  Book one in the Rainbow Island series

  Come to Rainbow Island, where all your sexual fantasies will come true.

  In Three Wishes, James, Guard and Damien bring in three different couples for their special fantasy-granting services. Handsome model Benji is tired of being perfect, and he wants to make his body his own. Thor, tattoo artist and piercer, as well as Dom, is just the man to do it. Will Benji find what he’s looking for?

  Meanwhile, Alan and Roman are a long-time sub/Dom couple looking to have a few outside Masters give Alan all the things that Roman can’t. Will their relationship survive Alan’s strong reaction to one of the Masters?

  The last couple to visit the island are Quinn and Pierce. Quinn has medical fetishes he’s embarrassed to tell his lover Pierce about even though Pierce is a doctor. So he’s going to get it out of his system in this safe environment. At least that’s the plan…

  Don’t miss out on these fantasies come true.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  iPhone: Apple Inc.

  Crush: Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.

  Girl Scouts: Girl Scouts of the United States of America

  Thin Mints: Girl Scouts of the United States of America


  “Listen to me, you sneaky little fuck…” James slammed his hand down on the desk, snarling into his headphones. “No. No fucking way, Warren. You listen to me. I want that equipment delivered and I want it delivered quietly and on time. We spend an amazing amount of capital with your company, and I have clients arriving in twelve hours.”

  Twelve hours to get the compound ready for three scenarios. Then five days to ensure that everything went off without a hitch. He had been planning this week for three months, and getting the table in was the last piece of a vicious fucking puzzle.

  Three months of work for an income of one and a half million dollars.

  James would be damned if Warren’s lack of planning on the mainland fucked this up. He got the assurances he needed, Warren sniveling and simpering, the fool. The last thing he wanted to hear when he finally hung up on the man was a sharp knock on his door.

  “What?” He didn’t allow visitors in his cabin.

  Guard’s voice came through the door. “Let me in, James. Your fucking phone has been busy all damn day.”

  “I’ve been working.” Asshole. He wheeled over to the door, checked the monitor. “Are you alone?”

  “No, I have twenty naked twinks with me waiting to rush you as soon as the door’s open. Of course I’m alone, James. Come on.” He could almost hear Guard’s eyes roll.

  He worked the locks open, one after another, click, click, click.

  Asshole. Pushy, bossy, beautiful fucking asshole.

  He swung the door open. “What do you want? I’m working.”

  “I want to check in with you and make sure we’re all set for this week. I have clients to greet at the airport in less than two hours, and I’ve been trying to get ahold of you since this morning.” Big, blond and beautiful, Guard towered over him, all muscles and stupid Hawaiian shirt.

  “That shirt is atrocious.” He wasn’t going to back up, even an inch. Except that he couldn’t shut the door with Guard there.

  Guard’s annoyed look was replaced by a shit-eating grin, and he brushed at his shoulder with one hand. As if lint would be caught dead on anything as atrocious as that. “I like it. It brings out my eyes.”

  “So would a sharp spoon.” James wheeled himself backward.

  “You’re in a fine mood.” Guard stepped in, closing the door behind him and coming toward James.

  James kept backing up. “I’m busy.” Too busy to play with Guard. Too-too.

  “Then let’s get right down to business. Where are we with the medical?” Guard hit a few buttons on his iPhone and looked at James expectantly. God, the son of a bitch was beautiful.

  “All set but the table and the lights. I have confirmation from Warren that delivery is in four and a half hours.”

  “That’s cutting it close. The doctor wants a chance to look things over before the patient comes in.”

  “He can look in the morning before the scenario starts. I arranged for both parties to take a meal each on their own this evening.” Their scenario didn’t start until seven a.m.

  “The doctor comes in at five, the patient at seven, and we’ve set them up on two different ends of the island. The last thing we need is for them to run into each other before the fantasy begins.” Guard’s voice was deep and husky. A voice for seduction.

  James ignored Guard’s voice and his so very loud shirt. “That’s your job, stud. Lock the patient in his cabin if you have to. Whatever. How about Mr. Valenti? That’s a delicate situation, and I want it handled right.”

  Body modifications were a sensitive thing, and that man was in for a week, had paid double.

  “All the forms have been filled out, as have the waivers. He has a private cabin. It was a smart move, bringing in medical fetish guy’s partner as a consultant on Mr. Valenti’s fantasy—an excuse to get him here, but nothing really for him to do. With Mr. Valenti, that is.” Guard scrolled through his iPhone, made a few notations.

  “That’s what you brought me in for.” James checked his files. “I have a group of five pros in for the Vicuna and Nedders scenario. Medical files on record, no one new. Oh. Kevin Matthews has given notice—he got a movie deal. We’ll need to hire a replacement leather daddy for an on-call status.”

  “No shit? That sucks—he was fucking good at his job. Five pros, huh? Can you double-check we have enough kitchen staff and foo
d on hand?” Guard was good with details. Not as good as James was, but good.

  “Absolutely. Carmen and Luis are in the kitchen, and they brought in Carlos and Tino. No booze available for any scenario, as requested.”

  “Cool. The Vicuna and Nedders couple are already here, ensconced in their private bungalow. Everyone else is still running on schedule. So from what I can see, we’re good to go.” Guard looked up from his electronic files, met his gaze.

  “Of course we are. I made the arrangements. Have you heard from Damien?”

  One of Guard’s eyebrows went up. “You mean in recent history?”

  “No, I mean in your lifetime.” Jackass.

  Guard stuck out his tongue. “I’ve had the same fucking business emails you have. That’s it.”

  “Huh. He’ll have to stop in eventually. He’ll need money.” James wasn’t stupid. He’d cut all the credit cards off if the sneaky bastard didn’t check in.

  “I suppose.” Guard shrugged and shook his head. “Whatever.” Then his light blue, laser eyes were trained on James. “You going to have dinner with me tonight, after all the guests are settled?”

  His body responded immediately, viciously, the desire that he ignored every second of every day flooding him. Torture. Having Guard this close and not begging for a touch was torture.

  “Sure. Carmen’s making me pizza.”

  Guard smiled warmly. “Chicken and onions?”

  He nodded. “Feta cheese.”

  “Make it a double and tell her I want the nice cream soda, not that pink Crush shit.”

  “Spoiled brat.”

  “I just have good taste. In men as well as food.”

  He could feel Guard’s look, right in his gut.

  He opened his mouth then spun around, headed back for his computer. Guard deserved someone whole. James didn’t participate in the physical world if he could help it.

  James heard a low growl and something that sounded suspiciously like “damned stubborn asshole,” then Guard called out, “I’ll see you at ten,” and the door slammed closed behind him.

  James closed his eyes, let himself remember when there had been three of them—healthy, whole, laughing, loving. If the boys would just give up on him, this whole thing would go easier.

  Guard was proving to be stubborn, though, and Damien was probably too mean.

  The phone rang, caller ID showing the number for their pilot’s cell.

  Time to get back to work.

  Chapter One

  Guard changed into a lilac shirt with huge green and yellow flowers on it. He had matching shorts, but they were probably a bit much. Instead, he put on his bright yellow board shorts and his flip-flops.

  Grabbing his clipboard with maps, room service menus, keys and stuff attached, he walked down to the water, where the deck ran out into the ocean. Aldo would be here any minute with their medical fetish client. What was his name?

  Guard checked his clipboard—it would be better not to call the guy Med Fetish to his face. Names were a good thing and made the clients feel comfortable.

  Sage Q. Williams.


  What kind of name was that?

  He’d bet the man’s mother was a hippie. Or at least had been when Sage was born. He would keep that tidbit to himself, too.

  The radio on his belt went off and he picked it up. “Guard.”

  “It’s Aldo, we’re three minutes out.”


  He clipped the radio back on his belt and waved to Carmen’s nephew Luis. The kid came trotting over with the wagon for luggage, and they made their way down to the end of the dock together.

  “Buenos tardes, Señor Guard. Is the man for cabin D, sí?”

  “Sí. He’s Señor Williams.”

  “Sí.” Luis nodded, smiled at him. The kid wouldn’t remember for ten minutes, but it didn’t matter. After tonight, no one would see Sage Williams until it was time to fly back to LA.

  He heard the motor of the plane and shaded his eyes. There it was. Cool. He was ready to get everyone tucked in and go see J. Maybe tonight was the night. He laughed a little to himself. Right. He had faith, though. He had talked to Damien back at the beginning of this nightmare, and they weren’t fucking letting James just fade off. Not now. Not tomorrow.

  The plane eased down, landing in the water with surprisingly little splash before heading to the dock. Guard watched as it came in and waved when he could see their client through the little window.

  As soon as the plane stopped next to the dock, Luis grabbed the rope Aldo had thrown, and Guard moved up to open the door for their guest. “Good evening, Mr. Williams. Welcome to the island.”

  “Thank you.” Sage was lovely, muscled and tanned, bright blue eyes picking up the colors of the sea.

  “I’m Guard, and if there’s anything I can do for you while you’re with us, you just need to hit the pound sign, then three on your phone to get me. Zero gets you the concierge on duty, though, and he can probably help you with most of your needs.” He could see Luis had the luggage ready to go. “If you’ll come with me, please.”

  “Of course. I… I was told that everything would be arranged for tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, everything’s ready for you. And the kitchen is at your disposal this evening—they’d be happy to prepare whatever you’d like.” He led the man to the little golf cart Luis was loading the luggage into.

  “Oh. Okay. Yeah. I’m… I’m a little nervous.”

  Guard would bet the farm that Sage was more than a little nervous.

  “Everything’s set up to run as smoothly as possible. It’s our job to make sure your fantasy happens just the way you want it. So if there’s anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable…”

  “I… I just. I’ve never done anything like this before, you know?”

  “It wouldn’t be a fantasy if you had.” Guard had a lot of experience soothing nervous guests. Hell, he knew being nervous enhanced the whole thing for most clients.

  Sage’s laugh was warm, self-deprecating. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Of course I am.” He gave Sage a wink then turned the golf cart up the long drive to the private bungalow he’d assigned the guy.

  “It’s lovely here. Is there a place to swim?”

  “You’ve got a pool behind your bungalow.” There was also the entire ocean, but they didn’t have life guards. Besides, most of the guests were looking for privacy, and while there were no outsiders here, there were other guests.

  “Excellent. Is it private?”

  “Of course. Your privacy is assured.”

  “Thanks.” Sage looked around, smiled. “I hope I can sleep tonight.”

  “I could have a masseuse brought in, or someone to guide you through some meditation.” Unless he missed his guess, though, the nerves and lack of sleep were part of the fantasy.

  “I… Can I think about it? I really need to find my headspace.”

  “Of course. You can ring the concierge or me if you need anything at all.”

  Sage nodded. “Thank you. I know I’m being a nervous Nelly, I just… This is such a big deal for me.”

  Guard pulled up in front of the man’s bungalow and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, and I hope it gives you what you want.” He wanted to be a fly on the wall, actually. It was amazing what made some people tick. Amazing and captivating, even when it otherwise seemed weird.

  “I do, too. Thank you.” Sage stood up, smiled back at him. “Will…someone come get me tomorrow?”

  “Yes. At seven. He won’t speak, he’ll simply lead you to the place where you’ll…see the doctor.”

  “Oh. Okay.” The man pinked, but the tent erected in the loose pants Sage wore was impressive.

  Man, it took all kinds. It really did fascinate him, the things people wanted. The things people needed. That thought sent his mind back to James, back to those near black eyes, the pointed chin, the brilliance.

; He was smiling as he helped Luis get Sage’s bags into his bungalow. “If you need anything at all…” He handed over the keycard and the information pamphlets.

  “I… My safe word is on file. My… The doctor will know it?”

  “He’ll have your file, yes. Should you use your safe word, everything will stop.”

  Sage grinned at him. “That’s comforting. Thank you. I’ll call about my dinner decisions.”

  “Terrific. Enjoy your fantasy, Mr. Williams.”

  “Thank you.”

  Guard made sure his client made it into the cabin, luggage and all, before he left.

  He drove the golf cart back to the dock to let Luis off and glanced at his watch. He had about an hour before the next guests came in. Maybe he could go find some flowers to bring with him for dinner.

  * * * *

  “Señor James? The men are all in their cabins and settled, and the big house is ready.” Carmen smiled at him, put a huge pizza on his dining table.

  James checked the last few items off his to-do list. The main house held the kitchen and housed the staff. He’d make sure the morning alarm would get the staff up early enough to deal with the beginning fantasies, though if he knew Carmen, she already had that well in hand. “Thank you, ma’am. The pizza smells amazing.”

  “It does. Whatever did we do to deserve you?” Guard came in and kissed Carmen’s cheek. “And you got me the good cream soda. Thank you.”

  “De nada.” Carmen hugged Guard tight. “You boys try to rest, sí?”

  “We’ll be fine.” Guard gave her a one-armed hug and turned half away as he locked the door behind her.

  James shivered, watching that fine ass. Even if it was covered in the loudest fucking yellow pair of board shorts known to man.

  “Everything good?”

  “Yep.” Guard turned and brought his hand around in front of him, holding out a bouquet of flowers at him.


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