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Three Wishes

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “What? What? No!”

  Little liar.

  He nearly chuckled, but it might have jiggled his hand, so he didn’t. Sometimes he worked from drawings, or an outline on the skin, but with Benji he was going to work freehand. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.

  He started inking the gargoyle in his mind to life.

  Benji was a natural, which was good. This process would take a couple of days, with rests to push and change the sweet body in other ways. It didn’t take long at all before Benji was breathing with him, focused on the rhythm of lube, ink and wipe. Lube, ink, wipe.

  He was as hard as Benji was—as into this as the pretty model.

  No more empty perfection. No more unremarkable beauty. No one could mistake Benji for someone else again. “Nobody else is going to look like you. One of a kind.”

  Benji’s answer was a soft, sobbing gasp.

  He nodded. “You’re going to feel a lot of things over the next five days, boy. That’s a good thing.”

  “Not a boy.”

  He loved how Benji’s cock responded to that name. “You are at the moment. You’re my boy for the next five days.”

  Benji didn’t say anything, just gave a rough moan.


  The gargoyle was beginning to take shape. He worked the outline in, curves and angles carved into Benji’s skin. It was good, even if he did say so himself.

  Benji was beginning to pant, to cry out.

  “Hot, isn’t it?” He kept working, knowing the buzz was making Benji wild.

  “I need to get up.”

  “No, you’re fine right where you are.”

  “I need to get up!” Benji could yell.

  “You are up.” He reached down and gave the hard cock a single tug, then went back to his work.

  “Fuck you. Let me go. Let me…” He hit a spot where skin was close to bone and Benji groaned, long and slow.

  He hummed, jonesing on the sound, on the way he knew that felt. The pain there was exquisite, too big to yell through or ignore. A glance at Benji’s cock confirmed the man was still turned on, all without a touch to his cock or a kiss. This was purely him and the pain getting Benji off.

  “Oh, God. Please. Sir.”

  Thor knew, without a doubt, that Benji didn’t know what he was begging for.

  So he gave the man what he needed, the needle buzzing in his hand, on Benji’s skin. They were riding the edge, and it couldn’t last long, not with the need. He was nearly done with the gargoyle, though, the beast fierce and strong and beautiful. The tail trailed down, Benji crying out as he finished.

  Thor put the gun down and pulled off his gloves, moving one hand immediately to Benji’s cock. He circled it as he grabbed the spray and aimed the nozzle at Benji’s chest for a spritz. Benji’s lower body convulsed as he squirted the cold antiseptic. Cum sprayed up, nearly mingling with the newly inked skin, but he kept his hand in the way, then smeared the spunk into the un-inked flesh. “Mmm. Nice one.”

  Benji sobbed softly, breath huffing out of his chest. Someone was deep into this, riding high. He kept rubbing Benji’s stomach, enjoying the way the muscles twitched beneath his fingers.

  “I need to go home.”

  “When your five days are up, you’re going to beg me to stay longer.”

  “You’ll be sick of me, and you’ll say no.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think so.” Not if Benji fulfilled the promise in him.

  Then Thor would just take his boy home, damn the consequences. That was a worry for four days from now, though.

  He got the mirror, showed Benji his gargoyle.

  Benji stared. “Why a monster?”

  “It’s not a monster. It’s a protector.”

  “A protector?” Benji licked his lips, moaned softly.

  “That’s right.” He slid his hand through the air over the ink, feeling the heat of it coming from Benji’s body.

  The chains rattled as Benji arched.

  “You’re a beautiful man, a very pretty boy. When we leave here, you’ll be stunning.”

  Benji shook his head, groaned. “I’ll belong to me.”

  Ah, there it was. The reason the pretty boy wanted to do this.

  “I’ll make sure of that.” Benji would be very unique.

  “What else?”

  “What else will I be sure of, or what else will you leave as?”

  Benji chuckled. “Well, I’d like to know both, but I mean what else are you going to do?”

  Like the surprise wasn’t part of the fantasy. “You’ll just have to wait and see, pretty boy.”

  Benji moaned, shook his head. “No fair.”

  “Too bad—that’s how it works.” He was the boss. That was what Benji wanted.

  The fantasy had been simple, straightforward. Benji needed someone to make him realize his dream.

  Thor was that man.

  Chapter Four

  As soon as Thor released him from the chair, Benji ran. The bathroom was close and he slammed the door, hand wrapping around his cock. God, he needed. So bad. So bad. Benji moaned, leaning hard against the wall.

  The door opened, Thor standing there, frowning at him. “What exactly are you doing?”

  “Nothing. Leave me be, man. Just need a second.” The endorphins were filling him.

  “I can’t do that.” Thor moved in and grabbed his hand. “This is mine, boy.”

  He cried out, cock dripping, hips snapping as he fought to come. Again.

  Both his hands were taken, pulled behind his back into one of Thor’s hands. Thor was so close, Benji just needed to get his balance back and he could rub up against one solid thigh.

  “Fuck…” His feet slipped, the skin on his chest tight. “Bastard.”

  “You’re going to say it with even more meaning before we’re done.”

  “Let me go. I need a second.” His balls ached.

  “You need what I tell you to need.”

  Thor pulled him up tight against Thor’s hard body, one thick thigh pressed between his legs. Benji cried out, the ache in his balls perfect. Just one touch to his cock. Just one.

  “I know what you want. I know what you need. And I know what you’re going to get.”

  “Just… I just need one touch and I’ll shoot.”

  “I know.” Still, Thor didn’t touch him.

  “Fuck…” He was going to kill something.

  “Oh, I don’t think you’re going to last that long.” Thor leaned in and blew across the new tattoo.

  He sobbed and pressed down, the ache in his balls enough to let him come, hard.

  “There you go, boy. You didn’t even need a touch.”

  Benji moaned. “Thank you. Oh God. Thank you.”

  Thor grabbed a towel and cleaned him up. He started shivering, his body feeling like he was in total overload.

  “You need to come again.”

  “I don’t know.” He didn’t know anything.

  “That’s okay, boy. I do.”

  Thor let go of his wrists and grabbed one of his hands instead, dragging him out of the bathroom and toward the bed.

  He stumbled along, shaking hard, gasping a bit. “I can’t breathe.”

  “You’re breathing just fine.” Thor pushed him down onto the mattress and leaned over him, breath on his lips.

  “Help me.” Adrenaline was crashing through his body and he felt adrift, lost.

  “I am.” Thor began to spread biting kisses over his body, lips, wrapping around his skin and sucking it in.

  Each bite made him jerk and moan, made him shudder. “Oh. Oh, fuck.”

  “Yeah, I will, boy. Patience.”

  “I always thought I was patient…”

  “You’ve never needed like this before.”

  “No. No, I haven’t. Nothing’s ever been like this before.”

  “That’s because nothing’s ever been the thing you wanted most before.”

  “No. No, it hasn’t been.” He wanted to be free, mark
ed, decorated, touched. Felt.

  Thor’s mouth covered his, one hand moving to trace around his newest tattoo. He cried out, tried to move away. The skin was almost unbearably tight, aching. Thor stopped kissing him only long enough to say a few words. “More spray later. And antibiotic cream.”

  “It aches.” He wanted to cry, to scream, something. Anything.

  “Good.” Thor straddled him, rubbing their groins together.

  “Hurting isn’t good!” His cock hurt, it was so hard.

  “Sure it is.”

  Thor nipped his neck, scraping his skin. He twisted, turning on the mattress, spinning away.

  “Back here,” growled Thor, hauling Benji beneath his strong body.

  “I can’t fucking cope with this!” But he could and he had to.

  Both of his hands were taken in one of Thor’s again and brought up over his head. Then Thor wrapped a thick rope around his hands, and tied them to the headboard.

  “No!” He fought because it felt so good to fight and know that Thor wouldn’t listen.

  “Yes.” Thor’s legs spread his apart, one big hand pressing against his belly, holding him down.

  “What do you want? Why are you here?”

  “I want to blow your mind.”

  He stopped, looked at Thor. “I don’t know what to do now. I let you put ink inside me!”

  “You didn’t have a choice.” Thor opened a bottle of slick and teased two fingers against his hole.

  “I…” The lube was cool and felt good, distracting him, soothing him.

  One of those slick fingers pushed right into him. His eyes closed, and suddenly, somehow, he could breathe. Thor hummed, and one finger became two, spreading him open.

  “I’m sorry. I keep freaking out.” He pushed down into the touch.

  “You’re allowed.” Thor’s fingers went deep, nudging his gland. Any answer he had was lost in a low, rough-edged cry. “Right there,” growled Thor, fingers nudging against that spot again and again.

  Benji lost himself in that shocking touch, the electricity jolting him over and over.

  He cried out when it stopped, the sudden lack of it stunning. “Please!” He pulled at the ropes a little frantically.

  “Easy, boy. I have you.” As suddenly as he’d been emptied, Benji was filled again, Thor’s cock hard and hot as it pushed slowly into him.

  Oh, fuck yeah. His eyes rolled back in his head, his ass stretched so well.

  Still pushing in, Thor groaned. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  “Full.” That burn was so good, so right.

  Thor was finally in all the way, cock pushing against his gland.

  “I don’t… I haven’t let anyone in for a long time.” Oh God, he’d missed it, so much.

  “You feel good.” Thor stayed buried inside him, not moving.

  “Uh-huh. I’m burning.” He was flying.

  “I’m gonna move now.” Thor did, that cock sliding inside him, almost pulling all the way out.

  Benji’s body followed Thor, trying to keep him in, hold tight. Smiling, Thor pushed back in, the movements slow, easy. Part of him wanted a hard pounding, part of him was relaxing, focused on Thor’s motions. That thick cock moved in and out, over and over. Spreading him. Filling him.

  “Full,” he murmured again, lips open as he sucked in air.

  “Yeah.” Thor moved faster, the thrusts getting stronger.

  Fuck, he needed this, needed to feel. “Don’t stop. Please.”

  “Not stopping.” No, instead Thor moved faster, building up.

  “Thank you. Oh fuck.” He tugged against the ropes, kicked his feet.

  Thor responded by thrusting into him even harder.

  “I…” Shit, he couldn’t think.

  His lack of words didn’t slow Thor down any—the man just kept moving into him. He started moving, too, pressing down against Thor, taking the man in to the root.

  “Yeah. Yeah.” Thor nodded, hand wrapping around Benji’s cock as they moved together.

  “I want…” So much. He needed so much.

  “I know.” Thor’s thrusts got bigger, the man slamming into him now.

  His hands found purchase on the headboard while his hips bucked and rolled. Thor nodded, moaned and kept them coming together, the hand around his cock squeezing him just right. Benji’s eyes rolled back again, his heart slamming in his chest. Yes. Yes, please.

  “I want you to come on my cock.”

  He nodded, body fighting for air, for control.

  “Good boy.”

  Oh, fuck. He loved that. The possession, the endearment and the rush of that tiny blush of knowing he didn’t have to control himself here. Thor would be there for him.

  Faster and faster, Thor’s body pushed into his. That thick cock knocked against his gland with every thrust. He could feel the spunk gathering in his nuts, making them draw up. His cockhead dragged over his belly until he wanted to scream with it. Then Thor slapped his erection once, hard, and he was shooting so fast he saw stars.

  “Yes!” Thor shouted, pumping then stilling, freezing inside him as the condom was filled.

  For a long time, the only sound was their gasps, their lungs fighting for air. Then Thor pulled out and settled down beside him. Benji squeezed his eyes shut, let himself float for a second.

  “I’m going to do a piercing next.”

  His head shook instinctively, denying the words.

  “Not your choice, boy.”

  “No…” His cock jerked at that growled ‘boy’, and he hoped Thor hadn’t seen. Given the man’s soft chuckle, he had a feeling that was a vain hope.

  When he gripped the headboard harder, that made his newly inked skin snarl.

  “Mmm. Look at that.” Thor rolled away for a moment, then returned and started smoothing cream on the tattoos.

  “Oh…” His muscles relaxed, completely without his permission.

  “Feels good, huh?”

  “Uh-huh.” Better than.

  “Good.” Thor flicked one nipple, then the other. The sting was pleasant, really, sending a jolt to his cock.

  “God, you’re a sexy little thing.”

  He shook his head. He wasn’t little.

  “Deny it as much as you want.” Thor’s fingers moved up to cup his cheek. “I know what I know.”

  It surprised him when he turned his face into the touch, nuzzling in.

  “Mmm. Sensual, too.”

  His cheeks heated, his chin ducked.

  Thor tilted his chin up and kissed him. The kiss was deep, slow, good enough to make his head spin. It went on and on, Thor’s breaths becoming his own. Benji lost himself, forgot to worry or think. It was like he was floating in a bubble. Nothing outside of this place, of Thor, could touch him.

  Benji floated, safe, relaxed, easy and right there.

  Thor let Benji just be for a while before getting up and going over to get all the piercing equipment out. He was going to start with a double piercing of Benj’s left nipple. He was planning on a guiche and a Prince Albert, but those could wait until their last day.

  Ready, humming, he headed back to the bed.

  Benji was dozing, hands still bound, the scent of sex strong and heady.

  So sexy. He climbed onto the bed and slid his hands along Benji’s body, starting at his feet and working his way up.

  “Mmm…” Benji’s legs shifted, slid on the sheets. Sexy, wanton man.

  Bending, he bit at the nipple he was going to pierce.

  Benji’s eyes flew open, lips parting. “Fuck!”

  “No, just a bite.” He grinned, flicked his tongue back and forth across the little bit of flesh.

  That made Benji chuckle, made him smile. “Feels good.”

  “Uh-huh. Gonna turn this little bit of flesh into a playground.”


  Thor chuckled. “You’ll see.”

  “I think I’ll just keep my eyes closed.”

  “Oh, no, that wouldn’t be much fun.” He gra
bbed Benj’s shoulders and hauled him up.

  Benji arched, body stretching as far as the ropes attached to the headboard would let him. Thor ran his hand along Benji’s skin, humming softly, careful to skirt the new tattoos. Those pretty eyes were closed, body shifting at his touch.

  He undid the ropes one-handed and picked Benji up, carrying the man over to the chair.

  “No. Let’s nap. I’m not ready.” Benji’s face was turned into his shoulder, hiding.

  “You’ve already napped. And if we wait for you to be ready, you’ll leave here just like you came.” He chuckled—he was pretty sure they’d already had this conversation.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “I know. You’ve already changed.”

  He laid Benji out on the chair, guiding the man’s hands to the bars. “Hold on and I won’t have to cuff you.”

  “I…” Those hands wrapped around the bars.

  “Good boy.”

  He put some alcohol on a pad. “This’ll be a little cold.” He rubbed it over the left nipple.

  “I don’t want you to put ink on it.”

  “Nope. No ink.” He grinned at Benji and prepared two piercing needles. The rings he’d chosen were white gold with tiny, black onyx beads.

  “What are you doing?” Benji sat up.

  “Piercing. Double piercing, actually.” He pinched Benji’s nipple, encouraging it to harden right up.

  “No. Double? No.” Benji’s hands wrapped around his wrist, tugged his hand away.

  He met Benji’s eyes. “Hands back on the bars, boy.”

  “Please. Don’t…” Benji’s fingers slipped away from his wrist. Obedient boy.

  “I’m going to. It’s the right next step.” He was building a masterpiece.

  Tears gathered in Benji’s eyes, chest rising and falling quickly. “No…”

  “Go ahead—let it all out.” It was cathartic.

  He pulled Benji’s sweet little nipple into the forceps, stabilizing it, focusing. Then he grabbed the thick needle and set it where he was going to place the first piercing. “Deep breath in if you can.”

  “Oh God. Oh, fuck. No. Don’t.”

  “Shh. Now.” With that he pushed the needle through.

  Benji’s entire body went stiff, eyes huge, and the man’s mouth opened like he was going to scream, but no sound came out.

  Thor threaded the little ring into the nipple. “Good job. Just one more.”


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