Book Read Free

Three Wishes

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “Sir. Sir. So good.” Beautiful. His boy.

  “Show me. Come for me.” Thor wanted that to make him come, too.

  “Yes!” Benji arched, that sweet hole gripping him with a fierce hold, and cum sprayed in thick ropes over the inked chest.

  So fucking gorgeous.

  He let go, his cum filling the condom as his body jerked over Benji. Benji’s lips opened and closed, a happy sound leaving them.

  He rested against Benji, the man’s cum hot between them. He’d have to sterilize the tattoos and cream them, but they could lie like this for a moment or two and just be.

  Chapter Seven

  Benji ached and he headed for the bathroom, just to sit in the shower, try to breathe. Maybe four days of ink was a mistake. His muscles ached, his skin burned, and his heart… Well, his heart was going to break.

  It fucking figured that he’d come to do this and fall in love. Everyone would tell him it wasn’t real. Everyone. But the problem was Benji didn’t think this kind of feeling could be faked. He was going to head back to his empty apartment tomorrow, and Thor would head back to God knew where, and that would be it.

  It would be over.

  He closed the curtain and let the water slam into his back, keeping the direct spray off his chest and thigh and the new ink. He could have a cry in here, have a moment of wallowing in the heartache that was coming before he went back out and let himself pretend for another few hours that it wasn’t over.

  He’d wanted to be altered by this, but he hadn’t thought it would be his heart that would change.

  He didn’t think he’d been in there very long when there was a knock on the door, followed by Thor coming in. “Everything okay, boy?”

  “Mmmhmm.” He didn’t trust himself to speak.

  “You’re being careful of your tats, right?” Thor pulled the shower curtain aside, eyes hot as they raked over him.

  “Uh-huh.” He turned a little, making sure the spray hit his face.

  “God, you’re stunning.” Thor stepped into the shower with him, so easy in his skin.

  “It’s your work.”

  “It is, true. But you wear it well. You are the canvas—none of it would work without you.”

  “Thank you.” Come on, man. Figure this shit out. You can cry tomorrow. Hell, tonight.

  “Come on. You’re done. I’ve saved the best for last.”

  “Okay.” He turned the water off, touching Thor on the way.

  “Mmm, sweet boy.” Thor’s look was like a touch.

  He blushed, moaned a little bit. God, he was stupid in love. Stupid.

  Thor moved toward him, lips latching onto his in a hot kiss. Benji opened up, his cock taking an interest, even as sore as he was. Thor’s tongue tasted good and it had begun to feel familiar, maybe even necessary. He wrapped his lips around the hot, wriggling flesh and started sucking.

  Groaning, Thor fucked his mouth with that tongue, pushing deep as he sucked on it. He found himself pressed close, his body eager and hard, cock moving against Thor’s thigh.

  “My sensual boy.” The words filled him.

  Thor’s. He would be Thor’s. Forever, if Thor would just ask.

  The kisses returned, Thor’s mouth owning his. A soft, sobbing gasp left him, tore from him. Thor grabbed his ass and picked him up, carrying him out of the bathroom. Strong. So strong. It blew his mind.

  “Doing you in the chair this time.” Thor plonked him down on the chair, eyes shining.

  “K…kinky.” He sprawled, his legs going out to either side.

  “Boy, this is just the edge of kinky.”

  “The edge?” Benji was going to just explode.

  “The things I could do to you in this chair.”

  He shook his head, his cock leaking on his belly. Oh God.

  “Oh yes.” Thor’s mouth covered his again, fingers going to his hole.

  He couldn’t quite shift with his legs draped over the edges, but his belly went tight as he tried to help.

  “Mmm, yes, boy, so wonderfully eager. The things I could do to you if you were mine.”

  Those fingers pushed in, went deep. He sucked in a sobbing breath, hiding his face with his hands, his hair.

  Thor growled. “No hiding!”

  “I have to.” He didn’t have a choice.

  “You’re not allowed to.”

  “I have to!” His heart was in his throat. “In a few hours, you’ll go back to your real life and I’ll go back to nothing, and I can’t keep my shit together when you tease me with something I can’t have!”

  “Who said you can’t have it?”

  “Don’t tease!” He pulled away, hurtling himself off the chair. “Please don’t. You… You’re like… This is…” He was going to short out.

  Thor grabbed his arms, pulled him up against the strong body. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I…” He ducked his head, let his hair cover his face, swallowed hard. He was going to ruin his whole fantasy, was going to fuck everything up.

  “What?” growled Thor.

  “I want to be your boy, okay? I know I can’t. I know you have a real life. I know all these things, but…” He shook his head, biting his lips.

  Thor took a long, deep breath. “Maybe all you need to do is ask.”

  He looked at Thor, then murmured his safe word. “Grandmother. Not as a fantasy thing. Not in a scene.”

  Thor nodded. “You’re right.” He frowned. “Okay. Let’s go out to the garden, just you and me. No fantasy, no scene. Just you and me.”

  “I don’t know where my clothes are.”

  “We have robes in the closet.” Thor went and grabbed them, offering a bright red, silk kimono-style robe.

  “Thank you.” He was shaking hard, feeling like he could fly apart.

  Thor helped him into it and slipped on a second kimono. Then Thor slid one arm over his shoulders, leading him out of the room.

  It was beautiful outside—sunny, the flowers blooming, the wind blowing. It helped ease back the utter horror that he’d just spilled his guts to someone who could be a passing-for-straight, married ax murderer.

  Thor drew him to a bench and they sat together. “Feeling less exposed?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I…” He drew the robe around him, peered out at Thor. “Have I fucked everything up?”

  “I don’t think you have at all. I would like to hear what you have to say, though. To ask.”

  “What if you say no?”

  “Then I say no.” Thor met his gaze. “You can’t let fear keep you from going after the things that are important to you.”

  He looked down at his hands, took a deep breath. “I want to know if you’re serious, if you are looking for a boy of your own.”

  Thor put a finger under his chin and forced him to look up, to look into the piercing eyes. “I am looking for a boy of my own.”

  “Are you looking for someone like me?” He was going to throw up.

  “Don’t go fishing, boy. Just ask what you want— No. Ask what you need to ask.”

  “Can I be your boy? For real?” He couldn’t move, and if he tried, he would just run.


  Benji swayed, the world actually going gray around the edges.

  Thor caught him and tugged him close, kissed the top of his head. “Be very sure. I want you, Benji. I want you to be my boy, but your life will change.”

  “How?” All the comfort in the world was in Thor’s arms.

  “When you’re my boy, I’m going to finish what I started here. When you’re my boy, I show you off to the people I want to see you. They’ll be able to look, but no one touches you but me.”

  He nodded. That was acceptable. He wanted to be owned, cherished, seen.

  “There’ll be rules, boy. Rules like I get to do to your body what I want. Just like here. My vision, my tats, my piercings on your body.”

  It felt like Thor was looking into his very soul.

  “I have rules too. I want to be yours.
I want you to see me.”

  “Boy, I can’t see anything but you.”

  His eyes closed, his body shifting, sliding against Thor’s legs.

  “This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was hired to give you your fantasy and then slip away when your time here was finished. But you…” Thor shook his head.

  “I’m yours. Body and soul. I tried to not fall.” He’d tried, but…

  “We both fought, but we knew, hmm?” Thor licked Benji’s lips, then deepened the touch into a kiss.

  All he could do was open, accept, submit.

  Thor growled a little and pulled back. “The things I want to do to you should not be done in public. There’s a couple of things we need to be clear on before we go back and finish out your fantasy.”

  He nodded, arms wrapped around himself. “What things?”

  “Are you keeping your safe word or are you choosing a new one?”

  He tilted his head. “Why would I change it?”

  “Because it’s real now. It’s for keeps. You don’t have to—I just wanted you to have the opportunity to do it.”

  “I’ll keep mine. I know it.” He’d used it.

  “Good. Are you coming home with me? I want you living with me full time, but if you need to pack and close out shit…”

  “I—” He turned a dark red. “I did it. Before I came. I sold my place, my stuff. I said this was my new start, the new me. I left it all behind.” He had money, a shitload of it, but that was it. Everything he owned was in the cabin. Every single thing. Even the dragons, the most special ones, wrapped and kept safe in a chest.

  Thor looked surprised for a moment, then he smiled, lips curving slowly upward. “Then you’re free to be mine, completely mine, starting right this minute.”

  Benji nodded. “Yes.” He’d lost his mind. Lost it. Totally.

  He’d never felt so free.

  Thor basically dragged Benji back inside.

  It was probably against all the rules the fine people who were paying him had. He didn’t care. He didn’t even care if he didn’t get paid. Okay, he cared a little bit because it was a shitload of money that would buy a lot of ink, jewelry and leather for his boy, but if he forfeited it by having and keeping his boy, then so be it.

  Back to the chair, he pushed Benji into it. “Now, where were we, boy?”

  “You had your fingers in my ass and I was going crazy.” Benji met his eyes. “Sir.”

  “Mmm, that’s right, boy.” He very deliberately grabbed some of the cream he’d used for Benji’s tats and slicked up his fingers.

  Benji spread again, exactly like before, half-hard cock heavy against one thigh.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  So fucking sensual. So fucking perfect. And all fucking his. His. For real. Forever.

  He couldn’t stop looking now, knowing he could, knowing that tomorrow he’d be in that jet, his boy collared and kneeling beside him, sucking him off. Thor pushed his fingers into Benji’s body. “You’re clean.” It wasn’t a question—he knew Benji was, as he was. This place did its homework.

  “Yes, Sir.” That pierced nipple was hard as a rock.

  “Me too.” He pegged Benji’s gland, bending to flick the nipple rings up and down with his tongue.

  “Sir!” His boy arched, pressed up into his mouth.

  He wrapped his lips around the little bit of flesh, sucking hard. The metal teased his tongue, but it was the cry that he heard, soul-deep. Fingers sliding out, Thor settled his cock right there, up tight against Benji’s little hole. His heart thumped loudly.

  Those beautiful eyes met his, the look naked and honest and needy. “Yours.”

  “That’s right. Mine. My boy.” Holding Benji’s eyes, he pushed right in, skin on skin, tight fucking flesh touching and squeezing his.

  “Oh. Oh God. God. God. You. It’s you.” It sounded like his boy was praying.

  “Yes. All me. Just me. Fuck.” He pushed all the way in, circled his hips.

  Benji held his knees, spread for him. So fucking eager. So good. He pulled most of the way out then started humping into his boy. He looked down, watched as his cock disappeared into that sweet, tight ring of muscles. It would look amazing with a little ring or four leading up to those tight balls. Chains strung through, attached to a plug to keep this little hole ready for him.

  “Fuck.” He punched in harder, driving into Benji. This boy was his. All his.

  The ring of muscles around his cock spasmed, jerked, milked him.

  “Come for me, boy. Let me watch your spunk coming from your plain cock for the last time.”

  Benji’s eyes went wide, lips parting as spunk sprayed between them. Groaning at the way the squeezing around his cock got tighter, Thor jerked through a couple more thrusts before it was more than he could take and he came, even as he watched the last few drops spurt from Benji’s cock.

  His cum was filling his boy. The thought made him groan. He finally stopped moving, resting against Benji, holding his boy’s gaze. Benji’s body was still moving, still working his cock.

  “You’re fucking magic, boy. My magic.”

  Benji nodded, hiding his face in one raised arm.

  “Don’t hide from me, boy.” Thor pushed Benji’s arm away.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll try.”

  “You don’t need to hide. You’re mine, all of you.”

  “All of me?”

  “Every last bit of you. From your head to the tips of your toes.”

  That sweet hole clenched again. “Where is home?”

  “Seattle.” Thor closed his eyes for a moment and swallowed, then opened them again.

  “You okay?”

  “Your ass feels fucking amazing.” Too good, if there was such a thing.

  “I can feel you—your cum—inside me.”

  “Good. I want to be inside you, even when I’m not.”

  That made his boy jerk, ass squeezing again.

  “Mmm. You were made for me.” He believed it—it wasn’t just words.

  “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

  “Yes.” He pulled out slowly, groaning as his cock slipped away from the tight heat of Benji’s body. He put one finger against Benji’s hole, encouraging his boy to hold his seed in. “Hold it tight, boy.”

  He could feel that hot, swollen ring of muscles squeeze, relax, then squeeze again.

  “I’m going to put my ring on you now.”

  “Your ring?” That sweet hole spasmed again.

  “Yes. My ring of ownership. Right here.” He pushed his thumb against Benji’s slit.

  “I. I. I can’t… I can’t keep you in. Not when you say things like that.”

  He’d just have to plug that tight hole up, then. “Then let me just…” He reached over, dug through the second drawer with the toys and grabbed a little plug.

  Benji was panting, skin glowing with a light film of sweat.

  “Beautiful.” He slicked up the little plug and set the head against Benji’s hole. “Let me in, boy.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Those lovely eyes closed as his boy sucked in air, bore down on the plug.

  “Good, boy.” He pushed it right in—it wasn’t large enough to cause any trouble. He patted Benji’s ass, then the man’s soft, sweet ball sac.

  Then he slid his fingers up along Benji’s erection. “You ready?” They’d been working toward this since the beginning.


  He smiled at the bald honesty. “We’ll do it anyway.”

  “We will?”

  He could see Benji’s heartbeat. “Yes. We will. Because you’re my boy.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “Is what bad? A Prince Albert? It’s wonderful.”

  His boy met his eyes, then nodded. “Okay. If you say so.”

  “Trust me, boy. I won’t say it won’t hurt. But it’s going to be wonderful.”

  That pretty cock was shrinking, pulling in, trying to hide from him.

  Thor chuckled softly, ran his hand over it. “You can’t run away
from your Master.”

  Benji whimpered and the sound made Thor hum happily.

  “I was going to do this anyway, but now I get to do it knowing that you truly are mine, that this is a ring of commitment.” He started stroking Benji’s flesh. His boy took a while to respond, for the sweet cock to begin to fill. “That’s it, boy. I will never do anything to you that isn’t meant to bring us pleasure and satisfaction once it’s healed, that won’t make you even more stunning than you already are.”

  He would reward this trust, this need, forever.

  Bending, he placed a kiss on Benji’s cockhead, he traced it with his tongue, learning the shape and taste before he changed it. It was never going to be the same. Nothing about his boy’s life would be the same. He closed his lips over Benji’s cock then pulled away slowly, tongue slapping at it.

  Looking up, he met Benji’s eyes. Those lovely eyes were open, watching him, glittering in the sunlight. He reached up, stroked Benji’s cheek. His. This man was his. For real. Benji’s face turned, lips soft on his palm.

  “My boy.” He couldn’t help but smile when he said the words.

  “My Sir.”

  “That’s right.” He felt those words all the way to his toes.

  Benji smiled, tongue touching the center of his palm. He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over Benji’s lips. He rubbed Benji’s cockhead with his other thumb. His boy’s lips parted, thighs spreading as those hips rolled.

  “Let’s do this.”

  He grabbed the ring and offered it to Benji to look at, to examine.

  Benji’s fingers shook. “It’s very big.”

  “It is. Part of its beauty.”

  “I might pass out.”

  “No, I want you to experience it all.” Every second of it.

  Benji whimpered softly, hand closing over the ring.

  He took Benji’s hand in his, held on. “It’s an intense experience, and our first as true Master and boy.”

  “I’m fucking wigged out.”

  “Taking you into new experiences is part of what I’m going to do for the rest of our lives.”

  “What am I going to do for you?”

  “You’re going to let me.”

  His boy nodded, shivered. “Anything.”


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