Three Wishes

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Three Wishes Page 13

by Sean Michael

He would have laughed if the pain on Quinn’s face hadn’t been so real. His lover was many things—wild, brilliant, frustrating, maddening—but normal wasn’t on the list.

  “Since when have you ever aspired to be normal, love? If either of us were that worried about what other people thought, not only would we not be together, but we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

  “I care about what you think.”

  “Well, I can’t think anything if you don’t tell me.” He felt like they were talking in circles. “So just tell me already what your fantasies are, what you want.” He knew the details, of course, from reading the file, but he needed Quinn to tell him, needed to know that Quinn wanted and needed this. Hell, he just needed to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

  “I… I want. I dream about getting an exam, getting things put inside my… And not being able to say no…”

  He’d read the file. Quinn had asked for shaving—balls and pubes and hole. Had asked for punishment enemas, for a series of sounds to be inserted in that pretty cock. For in-depth anal stretching and exams. Clamps, binding, mild humiliation and total submission.

  He figured they were maybe covering the mild humiliation now, by making Quinn tell him. “You can’t say no, now. Tell me all about what you want.”

  “I— I—” Quinn’s eyes searched his, and he could feel Quinn’s erection, hard as nails against him.

  He put on his stern doctor voice, the one he used when he had patients who weren’t following his directions. “I said tell me.”

  Quinn’s hips began to rock, and he didn’t think Quinn even knew. Quinn moved closer, lips near his ear. “I asked for shaving, for enemas and sounds and plugs. For my hole to be stretched. For clamps. I asked for the whole scene.”

  “And if I want to give that to you? If it turns me on, too?”

  Those lean hips moved faster. “Don’t tease me. That’s mean.”

  “I’m not teasing. I’m trying to talk to you about this.” He put his hands on Quinn’s hips, encouraging the movements.

  Soft cries brushed his ear. “Oh. Oh. Oh.”

  “You should have trusted me,” he whispered. “No one can do this for you like I can.”

  “You’re too important. I didn’t want to fuck up.”

  “I’m so important you lied to me. That’s fucked up, Quinny.”

  “I didn’t lie!” Quinn reared back, glared at him. “I didn’t ever lie to you. I just didn’t tell you a fantasy!”

  “One that was so important to you that you spent all this money to make it come true.”

  “I just wanted it to stop. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Don’t you understand? I just wanted to do it and hate it so that I’d stop thinking about it before you found out and thought I was sick!” There was true pain in Quinn’s voice, in the dark eyes.

  “You could have trusted me.”

  “I didn’t trust me.”

  “Oh, Quinny…” He brought their lips together, kissing his lover hard.

  Quinn tasted like tears, but there was desire underneath it, hunger, and Quinn opened up like a flower to the sun. He kept kissing, encouraging Quinn to start rocking against him again. He hadn’t felt that hunger directed at him for years.

  His own cock was growing, filling to meet Quinn’s need. The hammock swayed, his lover starting to make little noises, cry out into his lips. He put his hand on Quinn’s ass, squeezing as their bodies moved together. He knew every inch of this man, every inch, and he hadn’t felt this hot in so long.

  “I’m going to turn you inside out,” he promised.

  “Pierce…” Quinn was leaking, a wet spot of pre-cum on the loose pants.

  “I think you should call me Doctor while we’re here.”

  Quinn’s body jerked, convulsing, and Pierce knew Quinn was right there, on the edge.

  “And you’re going to obey every order or you’re going to be punished.”

  Those lovely eyes searched his, and Pierce knew Quinn was looking to see if he was just humoring.

  He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t believe me? Go ahead, test me. See just how quickly I get your ass back in that room and give you an enema.”

  Quinn’s eyes went wide, the scent of spunk sudden and sweet.

  Oh, fuck. His cock swelled at Quinn’s reaction, hard as could be, his balls aching. Fucking look at that. Quinn’s lips were parted, his lover flushed and sweaty. Perfect.

  “Quinn…” Fuck, he could barely catch his breath.

  Quinn eased the zipper down on Pierce’s slacks, fished around for his cock, then started stroking it with slow, strong strokes.

  “Did I say you could do that?” he asked. It was ruined a little by the huskiness and need in his voice.

  “You need it, and I can’t suck you in the hammock.”

  “I still didn’t say you could. Isn’t that how this works? I’m in charge—you do as you’re told or suffer the consequences.” Though, God knew, he didn’t want Quinn to stop.

  “I’ll suffer them, then. I know what you need.” That hand moved faster.

  “Bitch.” His hips were pushing up as best as they could, though, into Quinn’s hold.

  Quinn nodded, thumb working the tip of his cock, pushing at the slit. Groaning, he clenched his fists in Quinn’s hair.

  “I can smell you. You’re going to shoot.”

  “I am.” He groaned, so fucking close.

  “Love you.” Quinn met his eyes. “More than life.”

  “Oh, fuck!” He jerked, spunk spraying up over Quinn’s hand.

  “Mmm.” Quinn’s touch slowed, the touch gentling.

  He tugged Quinn closer and held on. “Mmm… I’m going to have to punish you for that, you know.”

  Quinn moaned, shook his head, but there was need there.

  “You need to go wash up,” he told Quinn. He looked at his watch. “You have a doctor’s appointment in a half an hour.”

  That should give him enough time to make sure they still had the ‘doctor’s office’ cabin and to review the file again, set stuff up.

  “I—” Quinn’s lips opened and closed, over and over.

  “You heard me. Go.” He smacked Quinn’s ass for good measure.

  Quinn slipped out of the hammock. “Are you sure?”

  “You want another punishment before you’ve even had the first?” He met Quinn’s eyes. “I’m sure. Don’t question me again. Not while we’re here.”

  “Okay. Okay. I— Okay.” Quinn looked at him, then took off.

  Fuck him raw. He couldn’t remember his lover ever looking hotter. This was going to be a hell of an interesting and amazing five days.

  Chapter Twelve

  Quinn stood at the door of the cabin, shaking so hard he thought he might die.

  This was— This whole thing— He just— He couldn’t believe. He couldn’t think. Oh God. Pierce. His Pierce. His Pierce. Was waiting. Inside. With notes on his deepest, darkest, most secret fantasies.

  He was going to throw up. Blorp. Just like that. He couldn’t have written something so deeply fucked up.

  The door suddenly opened, Pierce there in his lab coat, stethoscope around his neck. “Come in, Mr. Williams.”

  His lips opened, his cock suddenly, painfully hard. Oh God.

  One of Pierce’s eyebrows went up. “You are coming in, aren’t you?”

  “Y…yes. Yes, D…Doctor.” Oh God.

  “Good. Close the door behind you, and then strip and lie on the exam table.”

  He wasn’t sure he could remember how to walk, how to function, how not to have a screaming meltdown. He stepped forward, closed and locked the door with trembling fingers.

  Pierce put on a pair of gloves, the latex snapping around his wrist. Quinn shuddered, feet sliding on the floor. He’d lost his mind. Lost it. Completely.

  Pierce’s attention focused back on him. “Do hurry up, please. I don’t have all day.”

  “S…sorry.” He didn’t know what to do—he couldn’t breathe. “I’m nervou

  “Nerves are allowed, being frozen by them are not.” Pierce’s eyes narrowed. “We’re here for you, Quinn.”

  He nodded, so ashamed. “I’m sorry.”

  He stripped his clothes off, head down, arousal almost—almost—gone under the weight of worry about what this would mean for them.

  “As long as you’re sorry for making me wait and not for wanting this in the first place, I accept your apology.”

  He nodded, scooted up onto the table.

  Pierce patted the foot stirrups. “Ankles in here, and scoot down until your ass is hanging off the end of the table.”

  “I…” He put his feet up, crying out as Pierce wrapped a strap around his ankle.

  Pierce’s hand smacked the underside of his thigh. “Come on, wriggle out to the edge.”

  He jerked, the motion pushing him down. “I— I— This is…”

  “This is your intake examination. I’ll probe you with my digits for now. Then I’ll shave for a more thorough examination.”

  His cock started filling, and a deep, raw sound caught in his throat. Once his ass hung over the edge of the table, Pierce moved the stirrups apart, spreading his legs. Fuck, he was all exposed and vulnerable. His thighs tensed and he had to fight not to pull back.

  “Let’s see what we have here…” Pierce’s fingers slid over his ass, almost cold through the latex gloves, impersonal.

  He jerked, biting his bottom lip hard enough to sting.

  “Oh, we need to shave the entire area, from the top of your crack all the way to your balls, cock and surrounding woods.”

  “I… Do we have to?”


  He moaned, sliding his hands down his body, trying to soothe himself.

  “I didn’t say you could touch.”

  “What?” His eyes popped open, and he hadn’t even been aware they were closed.

  “Hands down.” Pierce slapped his ass again.

  The sting made him cry out, made him buck on the table.

  “Let’s get to the meat of this portion of the examination.” Pierce pulled a stool over and settled on it between his spread legs.

  “I— I don’t— We—” He shoved his fist in his mouth, forcing himself to shut the fuck up.

  He heard what sounded like lube being squirted, then Pierce’s finger pushed into him. He clenched, his balls trying to crawl back up into his body.

  “Relax, please.”

  He took a deep, shuddering breath, trembling violently.

  “Another breath.” Pierce’s finger wriggled inside him. In and out, in and out, then Pierce touched his inner thigh, letting him know they were together, here.

  His tension ratcheted down.

  “Everything seems to be in order, but I do need to make a more thorough examination, as well as clean the area.” Pierce took off the gloves, making them snap again.

  Quinn wiggled on the table, eyes on his lover.

  “Nervous?” Pierce asked, meeting his eyes.

  “Yes.” He loved Pierce, was panicked about losing him, but he needed this.

  “Trust me, Quinn. I’m a doctor. And your lover.”

  “Still? You promise?”

  “Babe, I wouldn’t be here doing this if it wasn’t still true.”

  Quinn took a deep breath, let it out. “Okay. Okay. I just needed to know I haven’t messed everything up.”

  “You haven’t. Now let’s get back to fulfilling these kinky little dreams of yours, shall we?”

  His cheeks heated, and he slid his hands over his thighs. Yes. God, yes.

  Pierce popped his ass. “No touching during the examination.”

  “I— Sorry, Doctor.” He jerked a little, hips bucking off the table.

  “Very good.”

  Pierce went over to the little sink and washed his hands. Then he filled up a small metal bowl and grabbed a razor, before returning to the stool between Quinn’s legs.

  “I want you shaved clean for the duration. I’ll do it this time, but I expect you to do maintenance every morning in the shower before you come to my office.”

  He swallowed hard, nodded.

  “What was that?” Pierce asked.

  “Okay. Okay, yes. I can… I can do that.”

  Pierce tilted his head. “Try, ‘yes, Doctor’.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” He moaned, cock leaking.

  “That’s better.”

  Pierce dipped a cloth into the water and patted down the hair around his cock, his ass. His ass cheeks clenched—he couldn’t help it, the touch was so intimate, so unexpected.

  “No moving now. I’d hate to cut you by accident.”

  “No. No, I won’t move.”

  “Good, good.” Pierce used a shaving soap, working the lather up slowly between his palms.

  Quinn couldn’t stop moving, touching his belly, his ribs.

  Pierce growled. “Do I need to tie your hands?”

  “What? I’m not… I just…” Fuck, that was hot.

  “If you can’t stay still, I will.” Pierce watched his face for a moment before applying the foam to his body.

  He closed his eyes, his ball sac feeling so tight. The touches seemed bigger with his eyes closed, Pierce covering his ass and his balls. He focused on breathing, on the slow, steady in and out.

  “Let’s see what’s under all this hair.” Pierce began to shave him, the scrape of the razor surprisingly loud as it slid across the skin above his cock.

  “Just skin.” His skin was tingling, awake, aware.

  “Yes, but skin that’s never been bare before.”

  “No. Never.” They had the most vanilla love life…ever.

  “So, not so much ‘just’ anything.” The scrape of the razor continued, moving slowly over his skin, baring him to the air. To Pierce’s gaze.

  He wanted to move, to shift his hips, to buck up into the touch.

  “Yes, that’s it. Stay absolutely still. There’ll be a reward for you if you manage it.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” Reward. He clung to that word, that idea, forcing himself to stay still.

  Pierce grabbed his cock and pushed it out of the way of the razor as the shaving moved slowly downward. Quinn didn’t move, but he moaned, long and low, the sound pushing from him.

  “God, that’s a sexy noise, Quinn.”

  His entire body heated, things getting suddenly hot enough to scorch.

  “Careful now. Your balls.” The razor moved down.

  “I can’t help it if they move.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to let anything happen to them.”

  “Good. I need them.”

  Pierce started to chuckle—he actually pushed the stool back a bit, hands and razor away from him. Quinn didn’t look over. He stayed still.

  “Sorry, sorry.” Pierce moved back in and the razor slid over his balls again. Then Pierce tugged and stretched his sac.

  “Oh. Oh, gentle…”

  Pierce gave it a little jerk. “Trust me.”

  “I do.” He hadn’t, but he would.

  “Good.” The shaving continued, carefully, around his balls.

  His ass was next. His hole pulled away, tightened.

  “Grab your ass cheeks and spread them apart for me.”

  “I…” Oh God. Oh, hot. “Okay.” He reached down, ass muscles so tight.

  “Look at that pretty hole.”



  “You… You’ve never said…” He was shocked.

  “Never admired your hole before? I should have—it’s sexy.”

  His mouth opened and closed, over and over.

  “Okay, hold your cheeks apart and stay still.”

  He almost couldn’t breathe, but he did it, listening to his heart pound in his ears. The razor slid across the skin of his hole.

  “Oh God.” Pierce’s voice was husky.

  He tensed.

  “You’re gonna be so sensitive.”


/>   “More sensitive, then.”

  He whimpered, then Pierce’s finger brushed his hole, and he thought he’d just shoot.

  “Good, Quinn?” Pierce’s words were followed by a lick of his lover’s tongue.

  He cried out, barely keeping himself from moving.

  Pierce licked again then slid away. “There. You’re bare.”

  His thighs were shaking, trembling, his cock bobbing over his belly. A warm cloth slid over his newly shaved skin. “Can I…can I move?”

  “Not yet. You can come, though, if you need to.”

  “Without moving? Is that possible?”

  “Don’t know. Not my problem.”

  He could hear the grin in Pierce’s voice.

  That made him chuckle, easing his tension again. Pierce patted his thigh then started touching, fingers light on his skin. Each touch felt huge, amazing, overwhelming.

  “If I tell you to come, will you?”

  He whimpered, gasped. He thought he just might.

  “Come on, then. Show me how much you want this. Come.” The word was accompanied by the briefest touch to his bare balls, and he shot, body jerking. “Oh, fuck. Quinn…”

  “Love.” He moaned, shivering.

  “Sexy man.” Reaching up, Pierce rubbed the cum into his belly.

  “Thank you. I want to be.” Maybe needed to be.

  “You are. Christ, so hot.” Pierce sounded a little awed by it. By him.

  His toes curled and he tugged at the bonds a tiny bit, his cock trying to make a comeback.

  Pierce kissed his inner thigh. “I think we should break for lunch. Give you some recovery time before the next examination.”

  “Okay. Sure. I… Do you know how it works? Lunch, I mean?”

  “We order food and then eat it.” Pierce gave him a wink.

  He stuck his tongue out at his lover. Pierce’s hand landed on his hip, hard. He cried out, his cock jerking. Oh. Oh God. Please.

  “No sassing me, Quinn. I’m in charge here.”

  “I…” His breath came faster, his tongue wetting his lips.

  “You have something to say?”

  “N…no. No. I mean, no.” God, he was burning up. Pierce was so intense.

  “I think you mean ‘no, Doctor’.”

  “N…no, Doctor.” His hands slid along his hips, just barely.

  “Better. You’re touching yourself, though.” Pierce’s hand smacked his fingers.


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