Three Wishes

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Three Wishes Page 14

by Sean Michael

  “You’re whacking me.” It was hot.

  “Only because you’re not doing what I say.” Pierce was a wet dream—firm voice, firmer hand, those eyes looking at every inch of him. This was what he’d needed for so long.


  His ass got another pop. “You’re supposed to be calling me Doctor.”

  “Stop hitting me!” It burned so good.

  Pierce’s slap was good and solid this time, landing on his ass where it hung over the edge of the table. “You don’t give orders.”

  Oh God. Oh God. Yes. Please. “I don’t have to listen to you.”

  “Excuse me?” The next slap was just as hard. “That’s exactly what you signed up for, Quinn. And I’m going to see that what you signed up for is exactly what you get.” Pierce hit his ass again. “You’re going to eat lunch with your ass well spanked. And you’re going to do it naked. That should teach you who’s in charge here.”

  He was going to shoot so hard. It wasn’t going to take much more. Or maybe it would. Whatever. He was flying.

  Pierce kept spanking him. There was nothing expert about it, but they were good, solid hits and his ass started to burn. His eyes closed, soft sounds pushing out of him, spanked out of him. Pierce gave him a little tug, pulling more of his ass off the edge of the table so there was more to spank.

  His thighs tensed, ready to pull him back up. Pierce’s free hand landed on his belly, as Pierce pressed down against him. Pierce danced and bounced his other hand on Quinn’s ass.

  “Please. Please, fuck. Fuck…”

  “No, this is spanking. If you’re lucky there will be fucking. Later.”

  “I…” He couldn’t think. Fuck.

  “You’re being punished, Quinn. For being a bossy prick.”

  “N…not a prick.” He wasn’t. Bossy, yes.

  “That’s what you want to focus on right now?” Pierce’s hand just kept coming down on his skin.

  “No. No, Doctor. Fuck, it burns…”

  “Good. Maybe you won’t sass me next time.”

  His cock jerked, wetness gathering on his belly. All of a sudden, Pierce slapped his cock, not hard enough to hurt, but it was a huge shock. He jerked away, only the bindings keeping him on the table.

  “I have your attention now.” Pierce sounded smug.

  “Uh-huh. I do. I mean, you do.”

  Pierce slapped his ass a couple more times, then fondled his balls. “No coming.”

  Quinn could only whimper, toes curling, his body hot everywhere.

  “That looks pretty good.” Pierce squeezed and pinched his ass. “I want to see it while we lunch. You’ll have to lie on your stomach on a lounge chair.”

  His eyes went wide, but he nodded. “Yes. Yes, Doctor.” Fuck him, he was going to have a meltdown from pure…shock? Joy? Horniness? Who the hell knew?

  “Good. Very good.” Pierce stood and uncuffed him.

  He slid off the table, knees buckling, surprisingly weak.

  Pierce caught him, held him close. “Careful.”

  “Sorry.” He was just…so hard.

  “We don’t want you to really need a doctor, huh?”

  “No. No, I need you.” Only Pierce.

  “Right here, babe.” Pierce slid his hand over Quinn’s ass, squeezed just a little.

  He stumbled forward a step, licked his lips. “Burns.”

  “Good thing I’m going to make you lie on your stomach, isn’t it?”

  Pierce led him out to a courtyard, the sun making it well lit and warm. There was a gazebo there with several deck chairs in it, and Pierce took him to one, pointed to it. “Get settled while I arrange for some food.”

  “Okay.” He headed over, arranged himself on the chair, careful not to catch his cock.

  Pierce disappeared back into the cottage, and for a moment Quinn was entirely alone, the place quiet enough he could plainly hear the birds, the waves of the ocean. He crossed his arms under his head, the sun beating down on him and leaving him dozy.

  All of a sudden, Pierce’s fingers were dancing on his ass. “Look at that.”

  He groaned, shifting away from the touch.

  “Tsk, tsk. This is what you wanted, Quinn.” Pierce’s hand slid across the burning flesh, the touch gentler this time, though still very much there.

  He nodded but didn’t answer. It was. It was what he wanted.

  “I’ve ordered a light lunch. Cobb salad, along with fruit and iced tea. It should be here soon.” Pierce settled in the chair next to him.

  “I hope there’s pineapple.”

  “You and your pineapple.”

  He chuckled and reached out, touched Pierce’s slacks. “We’re good, huh? You and me?”

  Pierce met his eyes and nodded. “We are. I… It’s hot, how much it turns you on.”

  “I love you. More than any fantasy.”

  “Yeah?” Pierce smiled and stroked his cheek, pushed his hair off his forehead. “Good. The fantasy is good, too, though. Way better than I was expecting.” Was that color on Pierce’s cheeks?

  He could go with that, with hoping this could work, at least for this week.

  “Oh, here comes our food.” Pierce sat up and patted his shoulder. “You can stay where you are.”

  Quinn hid his face, closed his legs.

  He heard a tray rolling noisily along the walkway as Pierce directed someone to leave the food on the table. “Thank you very much.”

  Quinn didn’t look. No way was he looking.

  “What do you think of my handiwork?” Pierce asked suddenly, hand stroking across Quinn’s ass. “Color good?”

  “Very nice, sir.”

  “Thank you, I thought so.”

  “Was there anything else, sir?”

  “No, I’ll call if anything comes up.”

  Oh God. Fuck. No looking. None. Oh God.

  “He liked the color of your ass,” Pierce told him once the footsteps had retreated.

  “Hush!” He covered his face with his hands.

  Pierce laughed. “I read your file. I bet you’re hard as a rock right now.”

  Quinn wasn’t going to answer that. No way.

  Pierce didn’t seem to be upset about that. “Are you hungry? I know Cobb salad is your favorite, and this one looks particularly good.”

  “I am. Thank you.” He leaned up, took a piece of egg and offered it to Pierce.

  “No, you enjoy it. I have a spinach salad with strawberries.”

  “Thanks.” He brought the salad down, nibbled on it, enjoying the bleu cheese, the bacon. He could feel Pierce’s eyes on him. His lover’s gaze was like a touch. Quinn didn’t eat much—his nerves were too high, his anticipation—but what he ate, he loved. There was even his beloved pineapple, fed to him piece by piece from Pierce’s fingers.

  He moaned, licked and lapped Pierce’s fingers clean. By the time the fruit was gone, Pierce was writhing in his chair, erection pushing hard at his scrubs. Quinn couldn’t stop looking at it, at the wet spot on the dark scrubs.

  “You want something, Quinn?” Pierce knew, had to.

  He nodded, eyes still caught. “You look like you do. Want something, that is.”

  Pierce shrugged. “Maybe.” Clearly going for casual, Pierce missed the mark.

  Quinn slipped one hand under him, adjusted his cock.

  Pierce shook his head. “No touching yourself, Quinn. On doctor’s orders.”

  “I was just…moving it.”

  “Next time, you ask permission or there will be another punishment.” Pierce was really getting into the role.

  He groaned, fingers curling along with his toes.

  “I think it’s time for the rest of that examination. Starting with an enema.” Pierce got a wicked grin on his face. “And then a good, solid probing.”

  “I…” His hips moved, almost humping the lounge.

  “Don’t try to deny you want it.”

  “I didn’t say anything!” He just knew he needed to try it.

Pierce gave him a knowing grin. “You done with food?”

  “Yeah. I think so.” He couldn’t eat any more, lying on his belly.

  “Then let’s go. You have an appointment with the doctor.”

  * * * *

  Enemas were something that the nurse usually took care of, but Pierce knew how to do them, and he’d brushed up last night when he’d taken this ‘job’, so he wasn’t nervous about doing it per se. What he didn’t know was just how much Quinn wanted to be stretched, how far his lover wanted to be pushed.

  He took a peek at the file again, making sure he knew what Quinn’s safe word was. That way, if he went too far for Quinn, his lover would let him know, right?

  Right. That was how it worked.

  “You know your safe word,” he reminded anyway as Quinn hopped back onto the examination table.

  “I do.”

  Quinn met his eyes, so sensitive to his moods. “You don’t have to do this. I won’t be angry with you.”

  “I don’t mind doing it, especially if it makes you react like this morning. I just need to know that if I’m doing stuff you don’t want, you’re going to say something.” And really, if Quinn was going to get off from getting an enema, Pierce wanted to be the guy giving it.

  “I will. I’m not a masochist.”

  Right. Of course not.

  “Assume the same position as earlier,” he ordered, taking on his ‘doctor’ mantle again.

  Quinn moved up, settling with his eyes closed. Pierce strapped Quinn’s legs into the stirrups again, helping to get that rosy ass hanging over the edge of the table.

  Pierce resisted the urge to rub his cheeks against Quinn’s thighs. Instead, he rubbed his fingers against the heat of Quinn’s ass. He’d done that. He’d made Quinn hard by doing that. He’d made Quinn writhe and beg. Him.

  It was rather heady. Definitely sexy.

  “Okay. Let’s get this enema started. Gonna fill you up fuller than you’ve ever been.”

  Quinn’s answer was a soft whimper.

  He grabbed the kit and attached the long tubing to the tap. The sink was close enough that the tubing made it to Quinn’s ass. “I’ll open you up first.”

  “I… I don’t…”

  Pierce could see the nerves starting to get to Quinn. Did he calm his lover? Did he stop this for a minute until Quinn got it together again? No. If Pierce had been some random man like he was supposed to be, he would stay in persona and keep going unless he heard the safe word. So he lubed up his finger and pressed it into Quinn’s ass. That pretty hole squeezed his finger tight, gripped him.

  “Loosen up—this is easier if you relax.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “I’m moving forward whether you think you can or not.”

  “I…” Quinn’s body went deliciously rosy.

  Pierce felt his cock harden up. He was more turned on than he’d dreamed he would be by this.

  He pressed a second finger in with the first. He could see Quinn’s cock start to fill, and that tight ass was so hot around his fingers.

  After a couple strokes in and out, he said, “Okay, you’re prepped,” and removed his fingers from Quinn’s hole.

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea…”

  “It’s too late for that, Quinn. This is what you came for.”

  He lubed up the end of the enema tube and put two fingers back into Quinn’s body so he could guide the tubing in. Quinn moaned softly, that sweet little hole squeezing him.

  He pressed the tubing in between his fingers. “We just need to get this in…” He pressed it in, refusing to give Quinn time to breathe or complain. “Filling it now.” He turned the water on low.

  Quinn started panting almost immediately, started trying to move.

  “No moving. You’ll make a mess.”

  Quinn stopped moving, still and stiff, careful.

  “You need to be prepared. You’re going to feel very full.”

  “I…” Quinn moaned, cock filling faster, curving above his belly.

  God, Quinn was beautiful, sexy. Pushing him like this was… It made butterflies appear in his stomach. He took Quinn’s wrist, ostensibly checking the man’s pulse. He slid his fingers over the thin skin, caressing gently. Strong, but fast—Quinn’s heartbeat proved his excitement, built Pierce’s own.

  He moved his hand to Quinn’s belly, rubbing the muscles there. He wondered how much would be too much. How far could he push Quinn?

  “I’m full.” Quinn moaned for him, abdomen taut.

  “You can take a bit more.” Not a lot, but Quinn could manage more, and that way it was his decision to stop, not Quinn’s.

  “Fuck…” Clear drops were forming at the tip of Quinn’s cock.

  Pierce had to bite back his moan. There was just something about doing this to Quinn… He was pretty sure he liked it—he knew his cock did. And Quinn had almost let a stranger do it.

  He turned the water off. “I’m taking the tubing out now. You have to hold everything in.” He waited for Quinn’s tight nod, then he matched actions to words.

  He set the tubing in the sink and returned to his stool between Quinn’s legs. “You need to promise me something.”

  “Anything. I need a toilet.”

  “Not yet, you don’t.” He stroked Quinn’s belly. “You need to promise me that you won’t hide stuff from me anymore. Not something like this. I don’t want anyone else touching you.”

  “Oh, fuck…” He felt Quinn’s abs contract.

  “Promise me, Quinn.”

  “I swear. I do. I didn’t want you to hate me. It would have killed me.”

  “Next time, it doesn’t matter if that’s your worry. You tell me.” It was important. He needed to know Quinn wouldn’t hide something like this ever again.

  Quinn grabbed his hand, dragged him up until he could see those serious eyes. “I promise.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, squeezed Quinn’s hand. “Good.” He bent and kissed the leaking tip of Quinn’s cock.

  He could do this now, knowing it was just him, that it would always be just him.

  “Pierce. Love… Oh, fuck. So hot. Please.”

  “Please what?” He imagined he knew what Quinn needed, but he wanted to hear it from Quinn.

  “I need. I gotta. Oh, jeez.”

  “What was that?”

  Mild humiliation, the file had said. If making Quinn say it out loud didn’t do it, Pierce didn’t know what would.

  “I have to. The toilet. Fuck, Pierce. Come on.”

  “No, you have to say it. And you need to remember that it’s Doctor to you.”

  “Let me up. I have to get rid of the water. Oh God. Fuck.” Quinn’s cock was red-tipped, leaking.

  “I have a bucket here. Just a moment.” He grabbed the bucket from the floor and held it up to the edge of the table, where Quinn’s ass hung. “You may release now.”

  “I… God. I need a toilet.” Quinn was sheened with sweat.

  “No, no. I have a bucket here. It won’t make a mess.” He patted Quinn’s cock.

  “Oh, fuck. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t do this.”

  Wrapping his hand around Quinn’s cock, he slid his thumb across the dripping head. “You will.”

  “No…” Quinn was moaning, cock swelling in his hand.

  There was no way Quinn would be able to hold back through his orgasm. “I say you will.” He rubbed the head of Quinn’s cock again.

  “No…” Quinn’s eyes were squeezed tight, body shuddering.

  He slid his thumb round and round, pressing against the little slit. “I’m going to fill you here, touch you inside. You know that.” At his words, Quinn almost screamed. “It’s called a urethral sound.”

  “Pierce… Fuck…”

  “Oh, no. Not for a while. The sounds come in different sizes, you know. They start thin. They don’t stay that way.” He could see Quinn’s sac draw up—the release was moments away. “This is just the beginning, Quinn. Only the first of
many things I’m going to insist you do.”

  Quinn’s body submitted—he could resist no longer.

  Once Quinn had come and had let the enema go, Pierce put the bucket in the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth. He ran it under hot water then came back to clean Quinn. Quinn was teary, breath hitching, arm over his eyes.

  “Very well done, Quinn.” He rubbed the cum into Quinn’s belly then used the cloth on his lover’s ass and hole.

  Quinn’s answer was a whimper, a soft moan.

  He patted Quinn’s belly. “Now you’re ready for your probing.”

  That sweet, pretty cock bobbed, throbbed for him. For him, damn it.

  He reached over for the speculum used for anal examinations and took off the plastic cover. “I’ll be opening you up, taking a look.” Stretching Quinn. He greased the speculum up, then pushed his fingers into that pretty, clean hole.

  Quinn was still stretched from the water, though his muscles fluttered, tightened around his fingers. “Let me in. The more you fight it, the harder it’ll be.”

  “It’ll be cold.”

  “Yes, it will be. And unyielding. And it’s going to stretch you.”

  Quinn’s little noises settled right in his balls. He was going to make the man suck him before this was over. He was going to plunge into that hot, hungry mouth, fuck those pretty lips and come down Quinn’s throat. He was going to do this first, though, and blow Quinn’s mind.

  “Here we go.” He placed the speculum at Quinn’s hole and used his fingers to begin to push it in.

  Quinn’s breath came faster, the lean body seemingly caught between pushing down on the instrument and pulling away.

  He patted Quinn’s inner thigh. “Breathe. This won’t be comfortable, but it shouldn’t hurt.”

  “Breathing. Right.”

  “Yes. Breathing.” He pushed slowly, but steadily.

  “Fuck. Fuck, it won’t fit.”

  He chuckled softly. Quinn took more than this with his cock. “It’s not that large.”

  “It feels huge.”

  “I could get the bigger one. That one would feel huge.” He bit back his smile.

  “Mean bastard.” Quinn winked at him.

  “And you’re loving it.” Once he had the speculum seated, he began to open it.

  Quinn stilled, toes curling, body trying to pull back.


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