Book Read Free

Three Wishes

Page 17

by Sean Michael

  “Yeah.” He smiled and closed his eyes. He was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to a lot of things, really. “Next time you’re nervous about telling me something—remember how well this time went.”

  “I promise. Next time I’m lonely, though, I’m coming to you.”

  He swatted Quinn’s ass again. “That’s what I meant, doofus.”

  “No more hitting!” Quinn shifted on his legs.

  He chuckled. “I don’t know, Quinny, it’s pretty hot.”

  “No more.” Quinn twisted, landing in his lap again.

  “That’s my decision, boy. Not yours.” Not unless Quinn used his safe word.

  Those eyes flashed up at him, the heat there again, immediately. Perfectly.

  “That’s right. You’re my boy. That makes me in charge.”

  Quinn’s white teeth sank into that full bottom lip. “Yes, Sir.”

  His cock twitched at the words. He reached up, took one pink nipple between two fingers and pinched it, tugged it, watching the heat, the amazing wonder in Quinn’s eyes. It was like not getting what you’d asked for at Christmas, but finding out that the toy you did get was better than anything you could have dreamed of asking for.

  He couldn’t wait to take his boy home and play.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Tell me I’m brilliant, Wheels.”

  “Fuck you, Damien. I cannot believe you didn’t tell the doctor who the sub was. That could have cost us a fortune!”

  Yup. James was still so hot when he was pissed off. Damien grinned, leaned back against the door frame. “And then there’s body-mod boy led out to the plane in a collar? Whoa hotness.”

  “You are such a sleazy perv,” Guard accused as he walked in, nearly blinding everyone within a mile of the place. Damien didn’t know where Guard managed to find all the crazy shirts, but he needed to find out and pay the place a visit, put them out of fucking business. It would do the world a favor. Today’s shirt was fucking bright blue and green on even brighter red, and the shorts matched. It was a fucking crime to dress that body in those clothes.

  “He’s a menace. We’re lucky we didn’t get sued,” James noted

  He chuckled. “I met them both. I knew I was right. I was so right.”

  “J’s right—we were lucky.” Guard pursed his lips before adding, “That you were right.”

  He pumped his fist in the air, grinned. “I knew. I knew, damn it.”

  Guard gave him a look from beneath his lashes. The man wanted, he could read it in the way Guard held his body, looked at him. “Don’t be obnoxious.”

  “Your shirt is obnoxious. I’m brilliant. Wheels, tell him.”

  James flipped him off. “Go to hell, Dame. Don’t you have work to do?”


  “What have you guys got against my shirt?” Guard frowned and looked down at himself. “It even matches my shorts.”

  “You two go on. I have work to do.”

  Damien looked over at James. “No. No, that’s not how this works. We have a beer now and look at applicants.” This was his favorite part.

  “And then a celebratory boff.” Guard said it like it was going to happen.

  It almost had, too, the other night. Before all the bells and whistles. Guard kept it up, and one of these times James would be overwhelmed by Guard’s sheer stubbornness.

  “I’m so in.”

  James rolled his eyes, stared over. Guard didn’t look away, just looked. Finally James nodded. Once. “Beer.”

  “As long as the last guest has left.” God, Guard could be such a stickler for the fucking rules.

  “I’ll see you two tonight. I’ll have new dossiers for you.” James looked at the door, pointedly.

  Guard’s eyes narrowed. “There’ll be beer? And dinner? And talking about more than just our next clients?”

  “There’ll be beer and dinner.”

  “And talking about more than just our next clients. Deal. We’ll get out of your hair for a couple hours. I’ve already spoken to Carmen about dinner.” Guard bent and kissed James on the corner of his mouth.

  James blinked at Guard, and Damien went over, rubbed their noses together. “You’re going to have to give in eventually.”

  “Fuck you, Dame.”

  “Maybe later. It’s Guard’s turn.”

  He followed Guard out, whistling under his breath, ignoring the constant voice that followed him, reminding them that this—that James—was his fault.

  “He’ll come around,” Guard said as they headed toward Guard’s cottage.

  “You always say that.” He wanted it to be true.

  “We almost had him the other night, before the alarms went off. He’ll come around.” Guard unlocked his door and motioned him in.

  Guard’s place was warm, flooded with sun, lovely. A total contrast to James’ cottage.

  “You want a glass of water or anything?” It was cute, the way Guard was playing host.

  “No. I want you to treat me like you’re dying to get into my pants.”

  Guard blinked for a moment then grinned. The eyes that met his were hot, all Guard’s pent-up need right fucking there.

  The next second, he was pushed up against the wall, Guard’s mouth landing on his. He wrapped one leg around Guard, dragging them together as he tongue-fucked those beautiful lips. Guard fed him a noise. It wasn’t a whimper or a groan, but it spoke of a deep need left too long.

  The strong body pushed him harder against the wall. Fuck, yeah. He got one hand between them, pushing at Guard’s cock.

  “Dame.” No one could say his name like that, like he was exactly what Guard needed.

  “You want my mouth? My ass? My hand?” He was easy. Notoriously easy.

  “Fuck, yes. Mouth first.”

  Fucking A. He slid down the wall, dragging Guard’s shorts down on the way. Guard’s skin was tanned beneath the horror show shorts—no tan lines, not one. How the fuck did James not jump this on a regular basis?

  “Fuck my mouth, stud. Missed you.” He opened up, dropped his mouth over Guard’s fat, thick cock.

  “Fuck!” Guard grabbed hold of his head, beginning to move, driving the hot cock between his lips, deep into his throat.

  Hell, yes. He sucked hard, forcing Guard to take him, push deeper, slam into him.

  “Damien! Fuck!” Guard made a lot of noise, shouting and calling out, grunting as he thrust over and over again.

  He wrapped his fingers around Guard’s balls, stroking, twisting, tugging. The shout was loud, and spunk poured down his throat, Guard giving it up to him. He chuckled even as he swallowed. Damn, but Guard was needing.

  “Fuck, yes. You keep me up—I’m going to make sure your ass doesn’t soon forget we’re here on the island, waiting on you.”

  Like he could forget. Ever. He kept his head moving, kept sucking while he slowly jacked himself off.

  Guard pulled out of his mouth and slapped at his arm. “You come around my cock or not at all.”

  “Bastard.” He grabbed Guard’s legs, tried to get him closer.

  Guard had more success grabbing his arm and hauling him up onto his feet. The man stepped out of the godawful shorts and started down the hallway to where Damien knew full well the bedroom was. “Bed. Where I can do you right.”

  “Pushy blond. Who says I’m going to let you in?” He almost managed not to crack a smile.

  Guard just snorted. “Right. You want it as badly as I do.”

  Guard’s bedroom was clean and neat, everything done in black and grey and white. It was funny, really, how someone with such dreadful taste in clothes could manage such good, solid masculine decorating.

  “Who did your decorating again? I know James’ was done by the crazy geek school of design.”

  “I told J what I wanted, he made it happen. He’s good like that.”

  They stopped by the bed, Guard wasting no time in pulling at Damien’s clothing. His cock popped out, slapped his belly, hard enough to stin
g a little bit. Guard was looking hard, watching as he bared Damien’s body, tongue sliding on his lower lip. “God, Damien, you need to come home more often.” There was hunger, sheer need in Guard’s voice.

  “You know I can’t.”

  James hated him. Blamed him.

  “I don’t know anything of the kind!” Guard grabbed his arms and pulled him in for a hard kiss. “All I know is that I’m in fucking love with two of the most stubborn idiots on the face of the earth.”

  “Good. Fuck me. Let me feel it.”

  “Horn dog.” Guard accused, but it was Guard who pushed him down onto the bed, climbing up with him after shucking the Hawaiian shirt.

  “Yes.” He dug his fingers into Guard’s hair, dragged their mouths together.

  “You still clean?” Guard asked when their mouths parted.

  He knew what Guard was asking—had he slept with anyone while he was off the island. They were clean, all three of them were, and James made sure they were tested once a year, so if he’d been celibate, he’d still be clean just like he’d been at his last test.

  “I told you before—I know what I lost, what I did.” He wouldn’t cheat on them, even if it meant only getting fucked once a year when Guard had time.

  “Stop blaming yourself, Damien.” Guard glared down at him, body holding his in place.

  “Yeah, you tell me how that works, asshole.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Guard’s lips covered his again, this kiss hard, almost harsh as their teeth clicked, Guard’s tongue invading his mouth.

  He could taste blood and he didn’t care whose it was. It was hot, either way.

  “Want you so fucking badly.” Guard growled out the words, eyes hot, burning.

  “Then take me.” He’d been fucking empty for so fucking long.

  Guard leaned up over him, body pushing him hard into the mattress while Guard fumbled with something. Moving back, Guard pushed his legs open. Damien spread, hips rocking up, begging for it.

  “Hot.” Guard’s fingers pushed into his hole, slick with lube. “Fuck. Tight. Dame…”

  Fuck. Fuck, it’d been a while. He panted through the stretch, the burn. Guard worked his fingers in then back out, repeating the movements over and over until Damien wanted to scream from it.

  “More.” He needed it.

  A third finger joined the two working him loose, Guard stretching and pushing now, fingers twisting and brushing across his gland.

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Guard. Guard. Fuck.” He was going to lose his shit.

  “So tight. Fuck. Dame.” Guard’s fingers pulled out, the blunt cockhead pressing against him, but not into him. “Ready?”

  Not a chance. This was going to burn so good. He nodded.

  Guard started pushing in, eyes dropping closed as a low, tortured grown came out of the man. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, Damien.”

  Oh, fuck. Yes. Love. So bad.

  The thick cock inside him kept pushing deeper and deeper until he could feel Guard’s balls snug against his ass.

  Guard’s eyes met his. “Damien.”

  He moaned and nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Guard bent to kiss him, cock pushing even deeper, banging hard against his gland. He poured all he could into the kiss—love, need, regret. Everything.

  When they broke apart, Guard started to pound into him, long, strong thrusts. Somebody needed. Bad. Fucking shit, it was good.

  Guard moaned, the sound drawn out. “Could do this for fucking days.”

  “Okay. You got a deal.” James could wait for him to get back to work.

  “Yeah.” Guard just kept pounding, filling him up over and over like there really was nothing else the man wanted to do.

  His asshole felt stretched, his body full, and fuck, but his cock ached. Like Guard could read it in his eyes, the man’s hand suddenly gathered his cock up, squeezing the tip, making drops slide out to pool on his belly.

  “Fuck yes, more.”

  “Yeah, I’ll give you more.” Guard shifted slightly, the thrusts becoming long and slow, the hand around his erection moving them, sliding along his flesh.

  His eyelids got heavy, the bed springs creaking as they moved.

  “Look at me,” growled Guard. “Wanna see your face when you come.”

  “’M right here. I know who’s in me.”

  Their eyes met. Guard held his gaze, hand tightening, everything speeding up. Fuck, he loved this man. Loved him.

  “Come on,” growled Guard. “Need to feel you come around me.”

  He nodded, once, then he squeezed Guard’s cock hard.

  “Fuck!” Guard’s thumb pushed into his slit as that fat cock hit his gland, hard.

  Cum shot from him, his balls hurting, he shot so hard.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Dame! Love!” Guard thrust in two more times, then heat filled him.

  Love. He held that word to his heart.

  Guard collapsed down onto him, still buried deep inside him. He wrapped his arms around Guard, holding on tight.

  “Not letting go,” Guard whispered.


  “I swear it.” Guard put a sucking kiss on his neck. “I’m not letting go of either of you.”

  “Thank you.” He was sorry. Still. He thought he always would be.

  “Shh. It’s going to be okay.” He was pretty sure Guard believed it.

  Damien nodded. For now, he’d play along, at least until he brought the next set of clients in. Guard took a deep breath and seemed to let it go, body growing heavier as the man began to fall asleep.

  He kissed Guard’s temple, holding on for a moment longer before sliding away. It was time to go.

  He had work to do.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Guard headed for James’ condo, trying to get his growls under control. Damien, the fucking asshole, had disappeared while he’d been napping.

  Oh, he’d left a note. ‘G. Email details. Hate goodbyes. Miss you. Still sorry. D.’ Bastard.

  Guard shook his head. One of these days his dysfunctional family would be whole again. He rapped on James’ door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Who do you think, J? Let me in.” Open all the fucking locks, quit hiding from us, from me.

  “Are you alone?”

  He was going to beat the son of a bitch.

  “No, I have a troop of Girl Scouts with me, they want to sell you cases of Thin Mints.”

  “I love those.” The words were so soft he almost missed them.

  Guard made a mental note to send an email to Damien. If the man couldn’t get them a couple of cases of Thin Mints, then he didn’t deserve his job. “Let me in already.”

  The door unlocked, James rolling backward. “Damien left.”

  “Yeah, I know. Asshole.” He followed James in, closing the door behind him.

  “He’s got his assignments. He’ll call when I cut his credit cards off.”

  It made him want to growl, the way Damien ran away, the way James let him. “Is dinner here yet?”

  “Yes. Beer, too. Come on.” James headed for the table, which was set with lovely plates of fish and rice and vegetables.

  Guard moved the chair from across from James to right beside him.

  James looked at him, but didn’t say anything, just handed him some folders. “Next month’s clients.”

  He put the folders down on the table. “They can wait.”


  God, that look made him ache.

  “Let’s just have dinner and share a beer or two, eh? The folders can wait till we’re done.” He didn’t figure he’d capture that moment again, not so soon. But there were other moments.

  “I— Okay. Okay, sure. The kitchen promised apple crisp if I ate fish.”

  “Oh, they’ve got your number.” He reached over and grabbed the plate of fish, dishing a portion of it onto J’s plate.

  “They know me.” James almost—almost—smiled at him.

  “Yeah.” He added rice and vegetables to
James’ plate then put a fork into the fish and held it up. “Have a bite.”

  James reached up to take the fork.

  He pulled it back. “No. I’m feeding you.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because it’s sexy, it’s intimate. Because I want to.”

  “We aren’t lovers anymore.” Still, James’ lips opened for the bite.

  He tried not to let the words cut him, tried focusing on the fact that J was letting him feed him. “We could be again,” he said softly.

  James looked at him, eyes vulnerable, sad, devastated, but only for a second. “No. We can’t. Eat your fish.”

  He held onto that second, that bit of truth. “I’ll eat mine if you’ll eat yours.” He handed over James’ fork and grabbed his own.

  “We have some good clients coming. Some are unknown.” James started eating, nibbling at the fish.

  “Tell me after dinner, J. This is just you and me, sharing a meal. How’s the fish?”

  “Good, and I don’t love fish.”

  “I know, which means it must be really good.” He had a bite himself, humming happily at the flavor. “It is good.”

  “It is.” James ate a few more bites. “Damien didn’t stop back by. I sent his files via email.”

  Guard sighed and turned his neck from side to side. “He’s still blaming himself. I think a part of him hopes we’ll stop wanting him to come home.” He just wanted things to go back to normal, or what passed for normal for them.

  James didn’t answer that.

  He looked at James, met his eyes. “I love you, J. We both do.”

  “I know. Eat your rice.”

  “I’d rather eat you.” He hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, but they’d just kind of slipped out.

  James looked at him—stared, eyes wide—then they both started laughing, hard.

  They ate the rest of their meal easily enough, grinning and talking about nothing in particular. It felt good. It gave him hope. One day, he’d have his family back together.

  He finished his beer and reached across the table for the domed tray that, he figured, contained dessert. “You think it’s still hot?”

  “It should be, yes.”

  James loved apple desserts, crisps, pies, cakes—it was bizarre. He pulled off the dome, just barely keeping his lips closed on a ‘ta da!’ The dessert looked fabulous—rich and warm with the apple filling thick along the sides.


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