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Just One Bite: Dances With Werewolves Book One

Page 9

by Nora Snowdon

  Lucas started laughing and then changed his mind and smothered her with kisses. “You are the love I always dreamed of. Having said that, I don’t actually have an engagement ring for you yet, but…” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I’d always dreamed of meeting someone exactly like you and I bought this when I was very young—very, very young mind you. It was to symbolize what I wanted in a woman. Clear blue eyes, sparkling wit, playful, deep and beautiful…” Lucas pulled out the little toy ring and wondered if she’d take it the right way.

  “Oh my, it’s beautiful. I’ll wear it always.”

  “No. It goes into a drawer somewhere and I’ll get you a real ring to display for others. I just wanted you to have the ring that tells you that you are, have been, and always will be, the only woman for me.”

  “You were pretty sophisticated for a very, very young child.” She sounded suspicious.

  “Well maybe I added traits to my dream love as I aged. I think as a child I just wanted someone as beautiful as you.”

  “And I always wanted someone as romantic as you. But with a long bushy tail, of course.” She laughed as he growled in her ear. “But will your parents mind, I mean, since I’m not a… I don’t know… born werewolf?”

  “Hell, no. Mom will be pleased if we can use a lot of her wedding plans. And I’m sure the dress Annabelle picked will be perfect on you.”

  “What?” She cuffed him upside the head. “That’s not funny. Stop laughing.”

  “Well it was Annabelle who made this all possible. Just one bite and now you can be mine forever. Does that mean you don’t want our first two children named Anna and Bella either?” He grabbed her hand before she could hit him again, but she was now laughing too hard to make the effort.

  “You are one sick puppy, mister.”

  “I know, but a very happy sick puppy.” Lucas sat down on the marble floor and pulled her onto his lap. “Thank you for coming into that bar and into my life.”

  “Hmm, I think maybe it was destiny for us to meet. Or maybe love at first sniff?”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

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  Hey Kids!

  Here's the first chapter to the second novel in my Dances With Werewolves Series, First Bite is the Deepest. Soon you can find out what happens with Lucas' older brother, Robert–yeah, the neutered one. It was a bit challenging thinking how to get around that aspect in a romance book, but I think I nailed it. (Or should I say, Robert did?)




  Book Two of Dances With Werewolves Series

  By Nora Snowdon

  Can a woman bitten by a werewolf choose not to become one herself? Ella is not persuaded by rich, handsome, and (unfortunately) neutered werewolf, Robert Colbert that his bite need change her life. Despite her annoyance with his arrogance, she agrees to let him take her to dinner if he’ll let her interview him for her gossip magazine LoveLifeStyle about his previous job as a designer/host for a reality TV show.

  Trying to convince her to accept her werewolf fate before the rapidly approaching full moon, Robert finds himself falling in love with the stubborn bitch-to-be. But with some dark secrets of her own and a scarier suitor on her horizon, Ella may prove to be the one woman able to resist Robert’s wolfish charm.

  The sequel to Just One Bite is about Robert’s brother, Lucas, this steamy tale of mismatched lovers will have you dreaming of catching your own werewolf lover. Playing fetch? Not so much…


  “Oh, Ella! You’ve got to see this.” Leanne dragged me by my arm toward the side wall of the cavernous warehouse. Dust, the smell of mold, and something else disgusting I’d probably prefer not to identify, competed for dominance of my nose. I didn’t know which was winning.

  The loud, mostly incoherent spiel from the auctioneer reverberated from unseen speakers. “…twenny-five, thirty, thirty-five, thirty-five, thirty-five, do-I-hear-forty? Forty-five…”

  Leanne skidded to a halt in front of a dark blue framed portrait of about thirty wolves with a full moon behind them. “It looks almost realistic, but they mucked up a bunch of stuff. Do you think it’s a painting trying to look like a photo or did someone actually photograph a bunch of wolves?” Off to the side an odd looking wolf with curly fur was slinking out of the frame. “You should buy this for over your fireplace.”

  “Yeah, right.” I snorted. “It’s gotta be photo-shop, there are no brush strokes. But why would they have all the wolves facing the camera? You’d think they’d position them howling at the moon.”

  “I love this weird looking one. It almost looks like a poodle.”

  “Imagine getting that close to a pack of wolves to take a picture. Too scary. I love the colors, though. And it would match my couch.”

  “Are you going to bid on it?” She knew me too well.

  “Maybe. If I can get it for five bucks, I guess. The frame is probably worth that much.”

  The picture was growing on me. Although the scene was dark, you still felt like the wolves had different personalities—the grumpy big one sneering at the poodle, an old wolf lying down.

  I checked around to see if anything else caught my eye. There hadn’t been much fun junk at this auction. They were probably saving up the good stuff for antique day next week. But there also weren’t as many people. We got to the photo quickly and no one bid against me. Don, the auctioneer, gave me a bemused smile as he wrote down my paddle number.

  After they’d gone on to auction off the big Buddha statues, I turned in my paddle and paid for my objet d’art.

  “I can’t believe I bought it,” I grumbled to Leanne as we headed toward the exit.

  She laughed. “You’ll thank me later. You know you love quirky crap like that.”

  A sudden crashing open of the double doors had me almost dropping the picture.

  Two tall guys, backlit by the sunlight pouring in from the parking lot, slammed through the doorway and rushed to the side wall where the picture had been propped against an end table.

  Oh frig, are they looking for my picture? They turned, scanned the room and then swiftly narrowed in on me. I glanced around hopefully, but no one was standing behind me.

  The taller, more muscular of the pair, strode over and stopped in front of me, suspiciously eyeing the back of my picture. I resisted the urge to step back. Frig. I wished I was a little taller so I didn’t have to look up so much to meet his gaze. And double frig, he was gorgeous. My cheeks started to burn under his intense stare. I swallowed and tried to stand taller.

  “Excuse me. Did you just buy a photo of some wolves?”

  I clutched the frame tighter to my body. “Yes.”

  “Damn!” He glared at the shorter guy lurking a step behind. They must’ve been brothers. They had similar brown eyes and straight, perfect, noses. Wow, did they ever win in the gene pool. Even his voice was deep and sexy. “What did you pay?”

  I glanced at Leanne. She tore her eyes from the two men to meet my gaze with a look of, “Jackpot!” Should I tell him?

  She grinned and shrugged.

  “Eight bucks.”

  “I’ll give you fifty.” Something about the way he barked the sentence got my back up. Gorgeous or not, I hate pushy men. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

  “No thanks.” I went to walk by him and he grabbed my arm. The warmth of his hand through my thin jacket surprised me. I detest physical contact with strangers but somehow I wasn’t as unnerved by his touch as I expected.

  “Well, how much would you like?”

  On second thought, Piss off. I stared pointedly at his hand on my arm and then at his face. He really didn’t look so handsome now. More
like an obnoxious CEO or something, used getting his way. “I don’t want anything. I bought this picture and intend to keep it.” I wrenched my arm away and marched out the door. But not before noticing the shocked expression on the jerk’s face. Ha!

  Leanne caught up with me by my car. “What? Are you nuts? You coulda made forty—” She squinted one eye as she made the calculation. “—two dollars in ten minutes. And he might’ve offered, God, who knows how much more?”

  I beeped open my Fiat. “I like my picture.” Although making an instant profit would’ve been fun and I could’ve used the extra cash, seeing that guy’s expression when he didn’t get his way? Priceless. I smirked as I stowed my prize behind the driver’s seat.

  “Honestly?” She slid into the passenger side. “I thought you bought it for the frame.”

  “Maybe,” I admitted. “I just really didn’t like that guy.

  “Even more reason to take him to the cleaners. Too bad he was such an asshat, because he sure looked yummy.”

  “Not my type.” Men that attractive expect women to fall all over them. I’d rather an average-looking guy who’d treat me as an equal. I started the car and looked in the rear view mirror. The man had followed us outside and was by the auction house door staring at us. There was something familiar about him. When he glanced at his watch I suddenly realized why. “Hey! Wasn’t he on that decorating show a few years ago, you know where they designed and decorated swanky places? What was that series?”

  Leanne glanced back at him. “Oh yeah, you’re right. He’s Robert Colbert from Designed by Colbert. Wow, he’d seemed so classy on that show! I guess he was just acting nice.” Her eyes widened in wonder. “And he wants your picture. Jeez, it must actually be valuable. Don’t forget, I was the one who pointed it out to you, so if you sell it for millions…”

  “I’ll Google the picture when I get home. I can’t believe it’s worth much, it’s still incredibly tacky.” As I turned the corner I took one last glance at the guy. Now he looked more defeated than hostile. I stifled a wave of pity. If he’d really wanted that picture he should’ve gotten to the auction sooner and he could’ve been nicer when he offered, no demanded, I sell it to him. His brother joined him standing there. Had the brother ever been on the show? I only remembered the one host, but he’d often referred to his family’s furniture and antiquities business. They’d sounded very posh, so probably he could easily afford fifty more wolf pictures.


  “Damnit, Lucas. If you hadn’t stopped to help that lady with her groceries, we would’ve gotten here in time to buy the picture.”

  “She was struggling. You would’ve done the same.”

  Robert shrugged. Probably, but at least he’d have driven faster to make up the lost time. They should’ve taken his sports car, but Lucas had wanted his big Lexus in case he bid on a side table. And even that was already gone.

  Damn Janette, for letting the family portrait go to auction. He rolled his eyes. No, it wasn’t fair to blame Janette. She’d always felt like an outsider in the pack—it wasn’t her fault her mother had run off with a poodle.

  “I’ll run that woman’s plates and get an address on her.” Robert headed back to Lucas’s car. “As long as she doesn’t take the picture out of the frame, she won’t see everyone’s names on the back.”

  “I still don’t get why Mom wrote out our names. Did she think Janette would forget who was who just because she stopped coming out for the full moon runs?”

  “I think that was the point Mom was trying for. But who’d have figured Janette would sell the pic? Since she started hanging with that Los Lobos gang member, she’s been getting more and more rebellious. Between Janette and the Parker family, this pack is really becoming divided. The sooner you take over leadership from Dad the better.”

  “I know.” Lucas signalled a left as he pulled out of the parking lot. Robert pressed his right foot against the floor, willing his brother to actually use his gas pedal. He growled quietly as his brother waited for three more cars to pass.

  Lucas shook his head at Robert’s impatience. “I’ll talk to Dad tomorrow. You should really be alpha wolf, if only you hadn’t had that run in with the SPCA.”

  As usual, Lucas’s voice dropped to a mumble on the last part of the sentence, tip-toeing around mentioning his “accident.” God that was annoying. Saying it quietly didn’t make his neutering any less real.

  Robert shifted in his seat. “At least this way I can have tons of sex and save a bundle on condoms.”

  “Yeah, but not able to have pups? Doesn’t that bug you? I think I’d have gone back and peed on everything that vet owned.”

  Robert laughed. “Honestly? I don’t think I wanted to be a father anyway. And my inability to procreate saved me from a lifetime of misery with Annabelle.”

  “But didn’t you want to be leader of the pack?” Lucas persisted.

  “Yeah. You know I like to run things.” Robert smiled. “Did I mention EL TV called and wanted to talk to me about a new show?”

  “And so the fan mail and groupies all start up again.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “You dog.”

  “You bet.” He grinned.

  Lucas signalled right a block in advance. “I’m glad the producers on that show never asked me to appear. I know it was great publicity for the Colbert Enterprises, but I don’t know how you dealt with those crazy female fans.”

  Robert chuckled. “It was a burden.” He unlatched his seat belt as Lucas pulled up to his front gate. “Thanks for the lift, and don’t worry, I’ll think of a way to get that photo back.”

  “That woman sounded pretty determined to keep it.”

  That woman. A vision of her pale face and bright blue eyes peering up at him came to mind. He’d just assumed she’d sell him the picture. Then her face had hardened and she’d suddenly dug her heels in. Strangely enough he’d been turned on by her steely determination. For a moment he’d wanted her even more than the damn portrait. “If it comes down to it, I could steal the picture and replace it with a copy that Mom hasn’t scribbled on.”

  “I can see the headlines, ‘Robert Colbert, millionaire TV star, caught stealing photo sold at auction for eight dollars.’ Then all the dealers would think the picture was worth something and we’d never get it back.”

  “Have faith.” Robert reassured his brother before closing the car door and turning to disarm his security system. No point both of them stewing over the damn picture.


  The phone nagged me from the other side of my door as I jiggled the key, then punched in the four digits on my alarm pad. Five-thirty on a work day? Probably a salesman. Despite the temptation to let it go to voicemail, I ran into the living room to catch it before the fifth ring. Jeez, I wish I hadn’t lost my cell phone. Yet another frigging expense and annoyance.


  “Congratulations, E. Wilton. You have been selected—”

  I disconnected with a grumble. How could anyone be so stupid as to be duped by those computer phone scams? Dropping my purse and scarf onto my navy couch, I contemplated which frozen entrée to pull out for dinner. I should cook something healthy for a change, but after a day of dealing with whiny editors, I didn’t feel like expending extra thought on cooking. I should also get a better job. Then I could at least afford better fast food.

  The wolf photo resting on my mantelpiece caught my eye. I guess I could’ve been fifty or a hundred bucks richer if I hadn’t been so stubborn. There hadn’t been an artist’s name anywhere and no indication on Google that it could be worth anything. So why had I clung onto it? Was I just being snarky because that guy was too good looking and self-assured? Wow. That was childish. After all, it was a silly picture. I stepped closer to study it again. I’d become fascinated by the interactions between the wolves. And the grumpy big wolf looked familiar.

  Ha! As if I’d ever seen a wolf up close.

  I might as well hang the pictu
re. It’d been leaning in place for almost a week since the auction while I dithered about whether or not it should stay in the living room. I can always take it down later if I find a better one. Forget that. Who am I trying to impress? No one else is ever in here anyway. I rooted in my kitchen drawers for ten minutes before remembering my picture hanging stuff was in the garage.

  Unlocking the door to the garage, a strange tingle of warning shot up my spine. Of what, I hadn’t a clue. But inside the darkened garage, even the air smelled a little off. Hostile? Frig I wished I’d gotten around to changing the light bulb. As I walked toward my shelving unit, my foot connected hard with something solid, warm and fuzzy. A yelp, followed and then some fierce teeth dug into my calf.

  “Ow!” What the hell? Jumping back I saw a pair of shiny eyes glaring up at me. I did a double-take as my own eyes adjusted to the darkness. The bloody thing looked like a wolf from my picture, but heaven knew there weren’t any wolves in Seattle.

  I backed up slowly, keeping my eyes locked on the dog. My leg hurt like the dickens, but I didn’t dare look down to check it out. Probably couldn’t have seen anything anyway. The dog sat and blinked as if just waking. He didn’t appear ready to spring at me again, but I wasn’t going to give him the chance either. Jeez, the thing must’ve snuck into my garage in the morning when I took out the garbage.

  I punched the key code into the automatic door opener. As the door opened I finally had enough light to see the thing. Man, it really did look like a wolf with its wiry, black-tipped, golden fur and its hard yellow eyes. And the frigging size of it? Maybe it’s one of those wolf crosses people keep advertising on Craigslist. As if we don’t have enough scary breeds of dogs. People should keep cats instead. They’re much nicer, safer and cleaner. The dog hesitated and then slowly loped outside and down the street, looking incongruous amongst the neatly manicured lawns and gardens.


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