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The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play

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by J. D. Grayson

  Fantasy Factory

  Edgy Role Play


  J.D. Grayson

  18,500 words

  Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play

  Copyright © 2014 by J.D Grayson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Other Books

  About the Author

  Visit J.D. Grayson's website to signup for a new release alert.


  Twitter: @JDGraysonBooks

  All characters depicted in this fictional work are 18 years of age or older. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner without written permission from the author.

  Chapter One

  Vicky Lane held a brochure in her trembling hands. The voluptuous blond aimlessly scanned it. Her crystal-blue eyes shifted between words, not reading one of them. She inched her knee-length skirt downward, covering as much skin as possible. Should I really go through with this? She silently wondered.

  Flat shoes decorated her shifting feet, nipples extended from a thick wool blouse. She was pretty yet plain, certainly not sexually edgy. A housewife by trade, Mrs. Lane wasn’t expected in a place like that.

  In reality, the Fantasy Factory targeted people like her. It was advertised as a chance to, Bring your wildest sexual fantasies to life. Although the small business catered to everyone, it mostly attracted cautious souls. Years of repression had corked their libidos, shame imprisoned their minds. While outwardly judging sexual expression, their edgy eroticism rotted within.

  The waiting room decor was normal enough, no different than a doctor’s office. An overhead speaker played a Muzak version of Michael Jackson’s, Bad. Intended to create a mood, it only put her more on edge. With one booking at a time, each customer was ensured confidentiality.

  She was joined by her husband, Mr. Gavin Lane. The physically strong man was emotionally weak. He had edgy fantasies of his own, though hid them away in macho embarrassment. Through the duration of marriage, the darker his fantasies got, the more he withdrew from sex. Pride wouldn’t allow him to include his wife.

  Upon the night of his wife’s admittance, he couldn’t believe his ears. Her long-held secret was revealed. Just weeks ago, Vicky hid in her closet. Gazing in a mirror, she wore a sheer body stocking. It hugged her curves like cling wrap.

  Tame in comparison to her unspoken fantasies, it was far from the nightly pajama shroud. Having secretly purchased it online, she hoped it’d get him in the mood. Wanting to spice things up for years, she never had the courage. Gavin certainly didn’t encourage such behavior.

  While he watched TV, she reclined on the bed. Vicky awaited a reaction, Gavin failed to notice. Spreading her legs, she grabbed his hand, leading it to the open slit. As wet lust coated Mr. Lane’s fingers, he quickly looked over. “Whoa!” he shouted.

  “You like it?” she asked, shocked at his lively reaction.

  After internally processing the sight, he inquired, “How much did it cost?”

  “Are you joking? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Actually...there’s one more thing. Did you buy anything else? Total cost?”

  “Forget it!” she shouted, pushing his hand away. “There was a time you couldn’t keep your hands off me! I’m 27 years act like I’m 100! Maybe I should just go get a lover.”

  “Just make sure he’s rich,” Gavin said, returning his attention to the TV. “Pays for that...frilly stuff.”

  Hearing his dare, she exited the room. Heading for the internet, she went to her saved websites. Hidden within folders, she clicked on the Fantasy Factory. Having seen the controversial TV ad, the government tried to shut it down constantly. The attention only intrigued her more. A place to live out my wildest fantasies? darkest one? Wow! I didn’t even know that! She thought.

  As Gavin’s interest waned more, Vicky’s desperation increased. The last line was crossed with his insensitivity. Opening the webpage, she marked the box titled, abduction fantasy. Without another thought, she hit send. All her contact information went with it.

  Returning to her husband, she dropped the application on his chest. “Filled out and already approved,” she defiantly announced.

  “He’s rich...right?” Gavin asked, continuing to watch the TV.

  “Don’t you want to know what it’s for?”

  “Tell me?” he said in disinterest.

  “The Fantasy Factory,” she said, awaiting a response.

  “Do I have to pay for...whatever that is?”

  “I saved the money.”

  An orgasmic smile came to his face. “Great.”

  “ you, at least, wanna know what my fantasy will be?”


  “To be abducted, held captive, and used sexually by men who desire me.”

  He continued watching TV, taking a drink of soda. By the first gulp, his brain had processed the info. He began choking. After multiple hacks, he asked, “What the hell did you say?”

  She kicked back on the bed, focusing on the TV. Now she was the silent one. Gavin’s red face swelled, sweat poured, and breathing increased. However, his cock was visibly hard.

  Staring at the erection, Vicky was confused. It still works? We haven’t had sex in months. He hasn’t been that hard in years...I think I see a sixth inch! Could this be his fantasy too? She silently wondered. Seeing Vicky’s eyes trained upon his cock, Gavin quickly pulled the blanket over him. Both of them went silent, not speaking of it until the present moment.

  They anxiously sat in the waiting room. There was nowhere to hide. The time had come. Throughout the week, he wanted to confront her, though couldn’t. The taboo thoughts shamed him. How could I ever explain it to her? He wondered. She’d think I’d want her harmed. In my head, she’s used every hole. I don’t even understand why it turns me on. How can I expect her to?

  Vicky faced the same problem. She managed to spill her taboo, though could never trace its roots. In reality, it was fueled by forced submission. Helplessness. One made to do unspeakable things against her will, the other forced to watch or imagine it. Even if they recognized the psychology behind it, they wouldn’t dare have acknowledged it.

  In the waiting room, Gavin finally softened up. He rubbed her back, saying, “Whatever you wanna do, I support it.”

  Vicky gasped, shocked at his rare show of emotion. She suddenly realized, I did this to get his attention. I did it, she thought in nervousness. “Good enough. Let’s go home,” she said, standing up.

  “What? We just got here,” Gavin declared.

  “This is crazy,” Vicky stated. “I just wanted to wake you up.”

  “Mission accomplished,” Gavin declared. He grabbed the brochure from her hand, flipping through it. “We spent the gas money to get here...might as well stick around.”

  Vicky’s lip snarled. She remembered, That’s the guy who made me do this. Cheapskate! I need to see it through, teach him a real lesson. “Fine,” she said, sitting back down. Her rebellious spirit returned.

  Gavin opened the brochure. The pamphlet featured many scenarios. They included medical exams, alien sexual encounters, boss harassment, monster/Bigfoot sex, cop bondage arrests, firemen rescue rewards, and school teacher punishments. There were hundreds more fantasies on the list, including an area to create your own. “Bigfoot? A man in hairy suit...or the real one? Could you catch fleas?” Gavin asked.

  “I’m doubting it’s the actual missing link,” Vicky declared.

  The main office door opened. An older man w
ith silver hair exited. He had kind eyes, an unthreatening appearance. “Welcome to the fantasy factory...where fantasy comes to life. I’m Fred Rogers. Step inside my office.”

  Vicky smiled, entering. An insecure Mr. Lane sprung up to claim his territory. Quickly following his wife inside, he attempted to look tough. The friendly company owner knew how to handle insecure husbands. Everything was set up to feel safe, including his own name.


  The couple sat down in two chairs, facing Mr. Rogers’ desk. Fred overlooked Vicky’s application. “So, Mrs. want to be abducted into sex slavery. The most popular choice with our female customers...and their husbands. The men just take a while to admit it.” He smirked, Gavin cringed.

  “Really?” Vicky asked in shock. She always thought she was alone in the fantasy, ashamed for even thinking it.

  “Absolutely,” Fred Rogers said. “They want to push the limits of their body and mind, without suffering long term consequences. Someday society will realize that fantasy and reality are worlds apart. Of course, the more real it feels...the better you’ll feel.”

  She smiled, as if someone understood her thought process for the first time. “You took the words from my head. I feel so...strange for wanting this.”

  “You’re quite normal, Mrs. Lane. In polls, 75 percent admit to having some form of this fantasy...and lets be honest, many more won’t admit anything. You’re in the vast majority. I assure you, the people who attack such thoughts...are running from it themselves.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a breath of relief.

  “Now, before we discuss payment plans, let’s tailor your fantasy to optimal pleasure. What do you envision happening?”

  She paused, afraid to say it out loud. “I...don’t know. I guess, I’m taken from places. Sometimes it’s my home, others I’m grabbed from the street. I’m brought to a strange place, used by many many ways.”

  “No shit!” Gavin Lane shouted. “You never told me that!”

  “It’s common to keep such things private, Mr. Lane. How many fantasies do you share with your wife? Particularly the dark ones,” Fred Rogers said.

  Gavin looked away, breaking eye contact. “I have nothing to hide...I’m a man.”

  Moving on, Fred addressed Mrs. Lane. “Vicky, tell me some details that...set you off.”

  She blushed, wanting to run from the room. “I really can’t recall anymore.”

  “It’s OK,” Mr. Rogers declared. “I’ll offer some common scenarios, and you can answer...sound OK?”


  “Would you like to be surprised when abducted...or prepared?”


  “Do you want to believe it’s real...or staged?”

  “Real,” she blurted out, refusing to look at her husband’s vile reactions.

  “Plot driven...or pure sex?”

  She paused in thought. “Hmm...a bit of both?”

  “We can do that. Do you want to be spanked, slapped, roughhoused? Any breath play or claustrophobic captivity...such as a car trunk?”

  “Yes,” she said in even greater embarrassment.

  “Which one exactly?”

  “All,” she said in shame.

  Gavin’s mouth dropped open even wider. Who the hell is this woman? He silently wondered.

  “Would you like to be drugged, chloroformed, chemically controlled in some way?”


  Gavin Lane interrupted. “She can die like that!”

  “No worry, Mr. Lane. Our abductors are trained thoroughly in their roles. Our anesthetizers are true professionals.” Fred Rogers returned to Vicky. “Bondage, ropes, gags?”


  “Vaginal penetration? Oral? Anal?”


  “Condom use?”

  She took another deep breath, exhaling as deeply. “No.”

  Gavin shouted, “Are you nuts? These guys could be crawling with crabs!”

  “We have our men tested daily. Each one is VAS safe, protecting against pregnancy. That’s in addition to the client’s blood test results. Cleanliness is a must in this company.”

  “Great,” Gavin sarcastically said.

  “OK, that covers the actions. How long would you like your captivity to be?”

  She thought about it. “I don’t know. I’m kids or job.”

  “Perfect. Would you like there to be a romantic element?”

  “No!” Gavin shouted.

  “Mrs. Lane,” Fred Rogers emphasized.

  After a long pause, she said, “A little.”

  “Excellent. And Mr. Lane. Would you like to play a role?”

  “What do you mean...a role?”

  “Be present during her taking...receive videos...updates?”

  A long silence filled the air, as the shame suddenly belonged to him. “I guess,” he said, shocking his wife.

  “Great. So the cost comes to $5000.”

  “OK,” Vicky said, handing over a wad of saved cash.

  Fred handed her a form and a pen. “I need you both to sign this.”

  Gavin Lane grabbed the paper, looking over the very fine print. “What’s all this about?”

  “Just legal framework,” Mr. Rogers calmly said.


  Fred answered. “Permission for the act to take place, liability wavers in case of accident, and the acknowledgment that we’re going to give you an experience so’ll both question your own sanity.”

  Gavin nervously gulped, as his curvy blond wife took the paper back. She signed, preferring not to think about it. The less she knew, the wetter she got. Mr. Lane signed as well, remaining skeptical. They handed the paperwork to Fred.

  “Thank you for doing business with us,” Mr. Rogers said, returning to his daily work.

  “So...what happens next?” Vicky asked.

  “You wait,” Mr. Rogers said.


  “Us to strike,” Fred answered. His voice turned a little darker.

  Gavin cut in. “When? Where? How? Who does it?”

  “You’ll both find out...eventually.”

  “Is there any timeframe?” Vicky asked.


  “How come so long?” she followed up.

  Fred Rogers leaned inward. His darkness went full-fledged. “’ll spend every moment anticipating it, imagining the things that’ll be done. Then, just when those thoughts fade’ll be taken.”

  Vicky’s nipples nearly launched from her chest, feeling her thighs grow moister. “Let’s go,” Mr. Lane said, standing to exit. He tried to hide his raging erection, though couldn’t. Like his wife, he was turned on by the edgy role play to come. The question remained, could either of them handle the reality.


  5 Months Later

  The first month was one of anxious excitement. With every step, the curvy blond Mrs. Lane watched her back. She expected to be taken at any moment. Every passing car or van was suspicious. Each strange man awakened a nervous, but lustful twinge in her stomach. Remaining for a few months, the feelings eventually flatlined. It declined with each passing day.

  Gavin Lane also waited anxiously, wondering if he’d arrive to find his wife gone. Though to the couple’s shared shock, a letter arrived in the mail. It read:

  Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lane,

  I regret to inform you that The Fantasy Factory has closed due to new government regulations. Please accept our apology and a full reimbursement of your $5000 fee. May your fantasies live on, even though our business did not.

  Regretfully yours, Fred Rogers.

  “That’s it?” Vicky asked, flipping the letter over, hoping it was a joke. All that accompanied it, was a cashiers check for $5000.

  “Probably for the best anyway,” Gavin said, masking his disappointment. Vicky nodded, pretending to agree.


  1 Month Later

sp; The curvy blond bombshell exited the shower. Having mourned the loss of her canceled role play, she still hoped to revive their monotonous sex life. Slipping on a silk thong, black stockings, and baby doll nighty, she climbed into bed.

  Gazing at the TV, Gavin didn’t notice. Disappointed and defeated, Vicky Lane turned over, covering up with a blanket. She’d given up on resurrecting their deceased lust. Shutting her eyes, she traded reality for the world of edgy fantasy. Little did she know, those worlds were about to merge.

  As the clock struck 2 A.M., a 4-door car pulled up to The Lane’s home. There was nothing ominous about the typical vehicle. However, the ski-masked men inside were very different. Cloaked in dark clothing, 5 men crept towards the door. Having cased the joint while the couple was out, they knew it was alarm-free. They also made a dry run, easily rigging the lock with a special key.

  Quietly unlocking the door, the intruders crept into the dark home. Knowing exactly where the master suite was located, they approached. With a silent count of three, they kicked in the bedroom door.

  Vicky and Gavin rose from a deep slumber. Frozen in confusion and fear, they heard heavy footsteps enter the room. A million thoughts filled their minds, though one consensus was shared: The Fantasy Factory canceled the abduction. Our money was returned. What the hell’s happening?

  The light was turned on, five men in ski-masks rushed them both. Vicky screamed, gagged by gloved hands. Gavin tried to throw a punch, though his fist was caught in place. He was dragged from bed by two men, roughed up. A nearby chair was pulled over, as the intruders tied Gavin’s wrists and ankles to the arm and foot rests. He only had on underwear.

  Gavin focused on his helpless wife. “Get your fucking hands off her!” he shouted. All he could do was watch.

  The covers were yanked off the frightened blond. She bit the gloved hand covering her mouth, kicking at the masked captors. With every lift of her stocking covered leg, her black thong dipped deeper into her pink slit. Adrenaline levels flowed along with her feminine juices.

  Struggling to break free like a hooked fish, her body flailed wildly. She bit the gloved hand even harder, making the lead captor slap her face. Feeling the man’s force, she went limp in submission. It was clear he was in charge. Would the Fantasy Factory people hit me? Shit, this really isn’t them, she guessed.


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