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Daddy Play: A Millionaire Age Play Romance

Page 7

by Lucy Wild

  “In the club, you need only say the safe word and whatever is happening will stop.”

  “What safe word?”


  “I just say that and it all stops?”

  “In the club, yes. Once you are in room three, there is no safe word.”


  “If you agree to go in there, all rules go out the window. It is a private space only for the bravest and boldest. There you might encounter anyone or anything. You are not to speak unless spoken to in there. Do you think you can handle it?”

  She was silent for a moment. “I will have to see.”

  “You will. Whatever happens in there stays in there. Privacy and confidentiality are integral to the club. You do not share what happens with any outsider. Is that clear? Breathe a word as my guest and I may lose my membership. Understand?”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  “For now,” I muttered, grinning at the thought of parting her lips with the tip of my already stiffening cock. “If you agree to enter room three, you walk in there, you remove that dress. You face the back wall, you close your eyes and you wait. Is that clear?”

  “Then what happens?”

  “That is not your decision. You just wait.”

  “I just wait.”


  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said quietly, more to herself than to me.

  “I’m glad you are,” I said, reaching across and squeezing her leg. “More than you realise.” I slid my hand up her thigh before returning it to the steering wheel, leaving her to her thoughts for a while.

  When we arrived, I parked as near to the entrance as I could, not wanting her to get cold feet if she had to walk too far. I climbed out and opened her door, giving her my hand and helping her out. “I’m not sure about this,” she said, looking up at the club and then back at me.

  “I am,” I said, holding out my arm.

  She hooked her hand through and together we walked up to the doorman. I nodded to him.

  “Good evening,” he replied, pulling open the door for us.

  In the corridor inside, I stopped, turning to face her. “If you cannot do this, say so now.”

  She blinked up at me, looking as innocent as ever despite the dress. “I can do this.”

  “Good girl.”

  I pushed open the door at the end of the corridor and took her into my world. The place was already full, the booths containing many people I knew, politicians, film stars, businessmen, some of them recluses like myself who only indulged here. Many eyes turned to look at Donna. It wasn’t often that a new submissive appeared here. “Isn’t that…?” Donna asked, pointing across the room.

  “Yes it is, and that’s his wife stripping over there. What would the voters think if they knew? Now, don’t point, it’s rude.”

  “George,” a voice said and I bristled at once.

  I turned and there was Simon Green, looking as froglike as ever. “Good evening, Simon,” I said, my fingers clenching into a fist as I thought about his plan to knock down the theatre.

  “Where did you find this one?” he asked, looking greedily at Donna. “She’s quite the delight.”

  “She is also capable of speaking for herself,” Donna said.

  “Of course you are, my dear. Well, if you want some company that is more agreeable than this sour old thing, come join me over there anytime.”

  “Donna,” I said, drawing her eyes back to me. “Go to room three. Through that door there.”

  She opened her mouth as if to say something but then closed it again, turning and walking away.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” I said to Simon, enjoying the shocked look on his face. I knew what he was thinking. No one ever went straight to room three on their first visit. “I have someone waiting for me.”



  I walked into room three with my heart thudding so hard, I thought it might explode. My hands were shaking and all I wanted to do was leave. But I couldn’t do it. If I did that, I might never see him again. The permission to perform his play would vanish. I wouldn’t get to feel him inside me.

  But was that what was going to happen? He had said in the car that anyone and anything could come in here. There were no rules. Was that why he had brought me here? Not so he could do things to me but so someone else could?

  I was terrified but excited at the same time, a hard feeling to get used to. I closed the door behind me and looked around the room. It was very different to out there. The club itself just looked like a private members club anywhere, no different to a nightclub from the outside, apart from every car in the car park was worth more than my house.

  The main room had tables and booths and there were people everywhere. Some of the women were wearing so little, I almost felt overdressed. My tits weren’t on display like that woman on the tabletop over on the left when I’d looked that way, a mouth reaching down to suckle on her nipples and yet a few feet away, a meal was being enjoyed as if it were just a normal restaurant. It was a surreal sight.

  Room three was very different. Over in the corner was an armchair, hidden in the shadows. All the lights were on this side of the room. Above my head, ropes dangled besides chains. There was a cabinet over by the wall and through the glass door I could see a cane, a whip, dildos of all shapes and sizes, jars of lube, pacifiers, buttplugs, and some things I didn’t even recognise.

  I stood under the lights, facing the back wall. Taking a deep breath, I muttered, “I can do this,” before slipping out of my dress.

  I was naked underneath it and I shivered despite the warmth of the room. Who was going to come in behind me? What were they going to do to me? It was an impossible question to answer until it happened.

  I didn’t have to wait long. I heard the door open behind me and someone crossed to the armchair. I stood in silence, waiting. I could feel their eyes on me. Was it a man or a woman? I had no idea.

  The door wasn’t locked. I could turn and run. I didn’t have to go through with this. But feeling their eyes on my body, I couldn’t move. I had to know what was going to happen. I’d regret it forever if I left. I did my best to control my breathing but it soon felt like all the air had left the room and I was gasping at emptiness.

  The person stood up after an eternity of looking at my back. They crossed the room slowly, finally coming to stand behind me. All of a sudden, they grabbed my right wrist. It was a man, I could tell by the feel of his hand as he brought my arm up above my head, looping it through one of the ropes dangling from the ceiling.

  He did the same with my other hand and in a moment my wrists were tightly bound. I tugged slightly but it was no use. Any hope I had of getting out of here was gone. I was naked and held in place for whoever it was that was stood behind me to do anything to.

  A second later, a blindfold was slipped over my eyes, blocking out the light. I could see nothing, my senses on high alert as a face brushed the back of my neck, making me shudder with mingled fear and desire. Who was it? What were they going to do to me? One night, no rules, the words echoed round my head again and again.

  The stranger pressed himself to my back, his hands sliding round and grabbing my nipples, tweaking them hard, making me wince with pain whilst bringing them to life at the same time. Was it George? I wanted to ask but he’d warned me not to speak unless spoken to. I hoped it was him. I wanted it to be him. But then a tiny part of my brain liked not knowing.

  I’d always had a fantasy of being taken by a complete stranger and if I found out it was George, much as I’d rejoice, that fantasy would die away. Without knowing, I was able to indulge that most secret of desires, to just be used for someone else’s pleasure. The thought made wetness form between my legs. It could be anyone. It could be him. Either thought made me ache with need, lust overcoming my fear.

  Soft lips kissed the back of my neck, the hands on my chest becoming rougher, groping my breasts, fingers digging int
o my flesh. I began squirming in place but all of a sudden the sensation stopped. I barely had time to work out what was happening before a hand slammed down on my ass, the sound of the smack echoing round the room as I let out a pained gasp.

  Spanks rained down on me one after another, making me fight to move my body away from them, the sensation just too much to cope with. Just when I was about to beg him to stop, he did, his hands sliding round my hips, settling me down on the ground, my ass burning hot from the spanking, making it impossible to forget what he’d just done.

  I did forget though. I forgot the moment his hand slid between my legs. His fingers spread my wetness over my pussy, delving into every fold, stroking his way towards my entrance. When he brushed past my clit, I groaned but I barely had time to register the movement before he was in me, a finger sliding deep into me so far, I lifted onto tiptoes, not knowing how far he was going to penetrate me.

  A second finger joined the first a moment later and I could do nothing to stop it. It stretched me and I winced, the fullness turning to pleasure in moments as I widened to accommodate him.

  I could hear his breathing in my ear, a hardness digging into my lower back as he began kissing the back of my neck before he yanked his hand free, leaving me feeling emptier than I ever had before. I needed him back in me and I almost begged him as I heard footsteps moving away. Where was he going?



  He returned a moment later, kissing my neck again, making me shudder as his hands went to my ass. My nerves were already shot from the spanking and I could feel every motion of his finger as it slid between my buttocks. I squirmed away. No one had ever been in there and I knew he was going to try.

  I tried to clench my buttocks and move away but as I did so, his other hand went between my legs, finding my pussy. Whichever way I moved my hips, he made me writhe in ecstasy, his fingers in my pussy, his other hand seeking out my ass. As I went to thrust my pussy against him, his finger slid straight up my ass and I let out a deep moan, feeling no pain, just a tight fullness, a dull throb that brought a climax racing towards me.

  I moved my hips back and forth, impaled on his hands as he explored inside me, his lips endlessly kissing me, his body against mine. But as soon as it began, it stopped. He moved away. I heard him walking, his slow footsteps loud in the silence, the only other sound was my laboured breathing.

  He was standing in front of me. I knew it. What was he going to do to me? Was that it? Was he done with me? He couldn’t leave me like that, I was in agony, I needed to come. I needed him to make me come more than anything in the world.

  I heard the rustling of clothes and I realised he was undressing. I thrust my hips towards him, trying to hurry him up, make him realise how desperate I was for him to be inside me, to give me the climax I so craved.

  His body pressed against mine and I could feel the heat of a rock hard cock digging into my stomach as he reached up and undid the ropes holding me to the ceiling. My arms fell away as he grabbed my shoulders, pushing me down onto my knees. I could feel the heat of his cock by my face and I knew he was right there, staring at me. A hand grabbed my cheeks, pressing until my mouth opened and then his shaft was in me, the thick veiny length sliding over my lips, making me gag as he reached the back of my throat.

  He pulled back a moment later, slapping the tip on my lips, using me like a slut, sliding it over my face, thrusting into me again, my tongue tasting its heat, the drip of precum at the head as he grabbed my hair, drawing me onto him, holding me in place until I thought I was going to pass out. Then he pulled free, leaving me gasping for air as he dragged me across the room, bending me over, shoving me down onto all fours, my ass in the air, my face pressed into the carpet at my feet. He spanked me again and again, leaving me moaning into the floor as I wondered if this was going too far.

  All of a sudden, a cane whipped across my ass. The pain was like nothing I’d ever known. I screamed into the carpet and was about to turn and run when he was there, his hands on my hips, his cock sliding between my legs. I didn’t want to run anymore. Even with the pain in my ass, all I could think about was that length sliding into me. I almost cried out and he seemed to know I couldn’t take much more waiting.

  The tip of it slid down between my buttocks, finding my wetness, circling my clit before with hovering at my entrance. I pushed my hips back ineffectually but he held me still, stopping me from impaling myself on his length. I pushed back harder and heard a growl of anger and then he spanked me. I kept still, realising I was being punished for my impatience. Then after what felt like hours, he eased forward, the head of his cock slipping just into me, widening me, stretching me to accommodate his sheer size.

  I groaned loudly in frustration as he pulled out before doing the same again, teasing me for minutes on end before grabbing my hips and suddenly yanking me back all the way onto his length. It stretched me to capacity as he buried himself in me but he was no sooner in there than he left again, making me feel bereft. All I wanted was his cock in me but he instead pushed a finger in my ass, making me scream once more into the carpet.

  He was torturing me, building my lust up to obscene levels, knowing the impact it was having on me. His finger remained in my ass as he pushed his cock into me once more. It slammed into me as he thrust at lightning speed, forcing the air from my lungs. But all too soon he slid free, grabbing me and pulling me over to the chair. He threw me down in it, yanking my knees apart as he buried his face between my legs.

  His tongue lapped at my wetness, circling my clit, teasing me ever closer to an orgasm. He kept up the motion until I began to squirm in place but just when I was sure I was going to come, he stopped, standing up and shoving his cock into my mouth again. His hands tugged at my nipples as I choked on his length, his hips pressing to my face, his hands on the back of my head, making it impossible for me to move.

  When he finally slid free, I fought for breath, hardly knowing what was happening. Something tight was attached to my nipples, some kind of clamp that kept its presence felt as he tightened the grip before tugging at the chain holding them in place, my nipples moving in agony as his cock again slid into my mouth.

  The next few minutes were a blur of sheer need. He pulled my lips apart, his fingers lightly swatting my clit, making me wince. He thrust three fingers into me, more than I thought I could ever take. He bent me over the chair and licked my ass, his face buried in my buttocks. It all happened seemingly at once until I was a wreck. My legs lost their strength when he tried to make me stand and I fell to the floor on my back. He was on me like a tiger, pushing my knees apart, his cock in me at once, pushing all the way inside me.

  He brought my hands to my chest, making me tug at the clamps on my nipples as his fingers played with my clit, his cock slamming into me as I opened my mouth in a silent scream of lust.

  In seconds it hit me. The most powerful, overwhelming, all consuming orgasm of my life took over my body. It began deep inside me, his cock drawing it out of me as it slammed inside my pussy. Then it spread to my clit an instant later, his fingers stroking softer than before, teasing the sensation from me, making it all the stronger as it began to wash over my entire body. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t do anything but bask in the utterly impossible to deal with strength of it. My limbs shook, sweat washed over me, my skin felt like it was on fire. Through it all he kept fucking me, barely slowing down for a second.

  I have no idea how many orgasms I had after that. I lost count. I was used in so many ways that my entire body ached. Every part of me was touched, caressed, groped. By the end, I was adrift in an ocean of pleasure, hardly aware that he was still fucking me from behind. My hips were pulled back onto him as from a great distance I heard a groan and then felt his cock jerking inside me.

  Hot cum spurted out of him and filled my pussy, so much of it that I could hardly believe it was possible. He thrust once more, his cock still twitching as more poured into me. He barely mad
e a sound, the only sign of his pleasure that of his breathing growing heavier and then slowing once again.

  He slid from me, leaving me to slump onto my front. I heard the door open and close and then I was alone. I rolled slowly onto my back, sliding the blindfold from my eyes and blinking around me. I felt like I had entered room three as one person and had changed into someone else in there. I had never known pleasure like it. All from someone who hadn’t said a single word. It was a long time before I was able to stand up and get dressed.



  I met her outside room three. Did she know it was me in there? Did she think a stranger had used her in such an intimate way? Only I knew just the right things to do at every moment. She had the most perfect body and when I’d slid into her, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to stay in there forever. It was only because I was controlled that I was able to take my time. It was taking my time that had got her to agree to go to the club and then into room three. Taking my time when I was in there meant she had a night she would never forget. Nor would I.

  I could tell how she felt when her legs stopped working just before I came in her, something, incidentally, I had never done in any of the other submissives. There really was something different about her. Something special.

  It was a long time before she came out and when she opened the door, she looked as if she’d tried to straighten herself up. Her hair was still a mess, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bewildered. She was in a daze and I didn’t bother to ask any questions straight away. Instead I walked her slowly through the club and out to the car, waiting until we were driving to speak.

  “How was room three?” I asked, glancing across at her as she stared out into the darkness of the night.

  “Huh?” she asked, blinking as she turned slowly to look at me.

  “How was room three?”

  “I have no words.”

  “That good?”


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