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Dark Alley: Stalker

Page 6

by D. S. Wrights

  “I had him cuff himself to a chair,” King told Belladonna and showed what the waitress had given to him: a set of keys that resembled those that unlocked handcuffs.

  As room four was on the next level they took the stairs and with every step the anticipation in Belladonna rose.

  King of Diamonds typed in the code and opened the door, allowing her to enter the room first. The chair Core had cuffed himself to was facing away from the door. All he heard was someone entering, but he couldn’t turn his head enough to see who it was.

  Belladonna felt slightly disappointed to see that he was still wearing clothes, then again, she might be disgusted by the sight of him, thinking of what he had done. So, she gestured towards King to wait at the door while she walked around to meet Core – her ex, Gary – face to face.

  Belladonna was wearing the dress he had given to her. She had thought about doing that for a long time, but with what she had in mind it was the perfect idea.

  “Hello, Gary,” she greeted him and he flinched hearing his name.

  On the way here, Alice had thought about what she exactly would tell and ask him. That he agreed to come back here, believing that she would meet up with him and talk was ridiculous. She had no idea what Henning actually had told him, but in the end, it didn’t matter.

  Alice stepped towards Gary and slapped him across his face, hard.

  “That’s the last time I will ever touch you,” she hissed at him. “You bastard.”

  “Alice, I’m sorry,” he managed to say as he moved his face to meet her glare again. “I just–”

  “Shut your fucking mouth,” she shouted at him, feeling tears burning in her eyes, and started to move up her dress. “You scared the living hell out of me. You don’t get to say you’re sorry.”

  Both Gary and Jason watched her in surprise as she pulled off her panties, walked towards her ex and shoved the piece of clothing into his mouth.

  “And it’s the last time I will wear this dress,” she told him, calming down a little. “When I’m finished here, I will cut it into pieces and use it to clean my toilet. Because that is as much as you mean to me now.”

  Gary had tried to push her panties out of his mouth but stopped moving altogether as he realized how mad Alice was at him.

  “What? Isn’t that what you wanted?” scoffed at him. “To be my doormat? Oh, no wait,” she tapped her index finger against her chin. “You didn’t want to be anything until I tried to have some fun, not knowing who you were. I wouldn’t have done what I did, if I had known it was you, even without you stalking me, trying to get me back,” she used quotation marks for the final three words. “You should have told me who you were and we could have talked, but then I would have already told you that we will never get back together. It wasn’t fun with you. Not then, and not here in the Dark Alley.”

  Her ex just looked at her, obviously wanting to say something, but her panties prevented him from doing so.

  “Do you know who is fun?” She asked him and Gary nodded, making her grin mischievously, lifting her arm to point at Jason: “He is.”

  Gary still couldn’t turn around, but he didn’t have to, because Jason started walking to step to her side.

  “You know that I can’t press charges, because it would reveal the Dark Alley,” she explained to him.

  “But your membership has been revoked,” Jason said, calmly. “And the owners have notified any other club or institution about your actions. There will be no place accepting you.”

  Alice felt a strange satisfaction hearing that, knowing that it had been Jason himself who gave that order. She placed her hand on his shoulder, just because she wanted – no – had to touch him. He placed his hand around her hip. It sent goosebumps all across her body, giving her an idea that excited her, aroused her even.

  “King?” she asked, her voice husky.

  “Yes, Bella?” he answered in the same way.

  “Would you please fuck me?” She continued.

  “You know very well how to address me properly,” he told her, making her shiver.

  Alice turned towards him, completely ignoring her ex, whose ankles and wrists were cuffed to the chair.

  “Would you please fuck me, Master?”

  “Fuck me with your sweet little mouth first,” he told her and Alice was already down on her knees before he had finished the sentence.

  She was burning with need and couldn’t wait to have him inside of her again, but she knew the rules. And so, she quickly unbuckled his belt, opened the fly, and freed his hard cock from his boxers and pants, licking him from his base to his tip with her tongue.

  From the corners of her eyes she could see her ex squirm in his chair, but there was no way he was able to free himself. He was helpless, just as she had felt when she saw all these pictures on her apartment floor.

  Alice tried her best to take Jason’s cock all the way in and enjoyed as he leaned back his head while he brought one hand to her hair, digging his fingers into it. She didn’t have to bob her head more than a few times before he pulled her up to her feet and turned her around. Quickly producing a condom from the drawer of the sideboard, he pressed her against, Jason covered his cock, before he plunged himself into her with one hard trust, making her cry. She would have bruises at her hip from that sideboard.

  “Fuck,” she exclaimed and earned a slap on her ass as a result and corrected herself, instantly. “Fuck, Master!”

  “That’s my girl,” Jason hummed, pulled out slowly and then rammed himself back inside her.

  “Yes, Master!” Alice shouted, and grew more and more aroused, knowing that Gary was watching her getting fucked hard in the dress he had bought her.

  “You like that?” Jason asked her.

  “Yes!” Alice answered eagerly, receiving another slap. “Yes, Master.”

  He answered by continuing to fuck her hard, making her almost come in a few seconds, but pulling out when she said she was about to come. Jason flung her around, grabbed her dress by her cleavage and tore it open, freeing her breasts from her bra, violating the sensitive skin with nips and bites, doing the very same to her nipples. Alice had no idea what to do with herself, as Jason gave her the sensation of him starving for her.

  Before she was able to reach out and touch him, he already had his mouth on her clit, allowing his tongue to torture her bud of nerves, sending her over the edge.

  While she was still riding out that orgasm, he lifted her onto the sideboard and buried himself into her one more time, prolonging the wave that turned her mindless. Alice was panting for air desperately, as she could feel him come inside her and a tiny, selfish part of her just wished that the condom would break. She hit the back of her head against the wall behind her in frustration. Never, ever, would she be that kind of woman.

  Coming down from her high, Alice remembered that there was still an audience and she looked at her ex, his expression sour.

  “Alice,” she heard Jason whisper, much to her surprise and she looked at him.

  All of the sudden he pressed his mouth on hers and their lips merged into one, touching her at a place where nothing could reach. He pulled out of her first, before he broke his kiss, instantly turning around to bring his clothes back in order. She did the same, as much as she could, tucking her ripped cleavage into her bra, making it look almost like that was how it was supposed to be.

  “Goodbye,” Alice said and tried to walk calmly and slowly towards the door, but she knew she had to get away from Jason Grantham right now, otherwise she would never be able to leave him behind.

  Opening the door, she saw how he pulled the keys to Gary’s cuffs from his pockets and put them into the palms behind her ex-boyfriend’s hands. She couldn’t tear her glance away, not right away, she had to take in the view of him once more, King of Diamonds, her Mr. Scotch, as she reached down and slipped out of her shoes.

  The moment Jason straightened up and looked at her, she closed the door on him and started running, only to stop at
the door leading towards the main room. With a fake smile on her lips she walked as collected as possible through the tables, ignoring the glances of the people for the very first time and went straight for the door. Even though she couldn’t see it, Alice could sense that Jason was entering the main room the moment she slipped through the doors. She pulled up her dress and started running again, knowing that Alfred would be concerned but not asking questions when she arrived out of breath. And he didn’t, instead he took her mask, gave Alice her coat, and wished her a nice evening.

  Alice slipped into her coat as she was running out of the path between Elm Street 8 and 9. She saw Henning sitting in his car, who moved as he saw her stepping onto the street. Directly behind him was one of the Alley’s sedan’s and she headed straight for that one, giving him her key card on which he could read the address of her new home.

  As the driver steered the car onto the street she could see Jason step onto the sidewalk and stop, staring at the car, not able to see her behind the tinted windows.

  Alice pressed her forehead against the cool surface and whispered. “Goodbye.”

  Dark Alley continues with

  Dark Alley: LUST

  About The Author

  D.S. Wrights was born and raised mostly in Germany.

  She speaks English, German and Dutch fluently.

  Her name is a pen name and she describes writing as her passion and calling. Two short stories were published during high school, one as a school project and one in a regional newsletter.

  Later she worked at a publishing house where she earned insight into the work, process, and production of publishing books.

  In the last few years she has published several fan fictions to which the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.


  Twitter: @DSWrights








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