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Mystic Mountains

Page 31

by Tricia McGill

  Gracie returned her wave with exuberance. By now they were near enough for Isabella to see the young man standing beside them.

  No, it couldn't be, surely it wasn't . . .?

  "Jeremy?" she whispered as the wagon rolled to a standstill and Gracie came at a near run, her arms above her head.

  Tiger followed, reaching up to help Isabella down. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked him as Gracie reached her and they hugged each other fiercely.

  "I didn't want to influence your decision."

  "Let me look at you, girl," Gracie cried, easing back to stare hard at Isabella's face. "You'll do." She patted Isabella's tear streaked cheek and winked.

  "Gracie? I can't believe it's really you. I have such a lot to tell you. But what are you doing here?" Isabella brushed at her face, laughing and sniffing back tears as she gripped Gracie's hand.

  "Well, now." Gracie nudged her arm. "Your man 'ere tells me you're in dire need of a woman to 'elp in the kitchen of your fine new 'ouse when it's finished. I got me pardon and was a-thinking of marrying this bloke who's 'ad 'is beady eyes on me for a while." Gracie plumped up her breasts and guffawed. "But, lawdy no, I thought to meself. What do I want to be lumbered with 'im for at this late stage in me life, eh? 'E was only after a skivvy and a bedwarmer in 'is old age. So, 'ere I am."

  Gracie spread her arms, waving the hand Isabella gripped up and down. "And look at yer fine boy." She grinned at Tim. "And I 'ear you 'ave a baby as well." She gazed fondly at Isabella. "Seems you 'ave yer 'ands full."

  "Aye, Gracie, we have a bonny daughter. Wait 'til you see her. And Tim here is spoilt by everyone. He needs a firm hand like yours to pull him in line."

  "Crikey, Bella, it's gonna be grand. Just the ticket." Gracie took a look around, beaming. "This man of yours tells me you've been a bit stubborn starting out on yer own like, but looks like yer back to stay, ain't yer?" Gracie winked as she waited on Isabella's answer.

  "That depends." Isabella turned her attention to the man who stood, his cabbage tree hat held by the brim.

  "Hello Bella," he said quietly, and she stared, her mouth agape. "Don't you recognise your own brother?" His grin was wide and achingly familiar.

  Isabella put her fingers to her mouth. "Remy? It is you." Her eyes went from his scuffed boots to the top of his head, where dark red hair curled about his smiling face. "Is it really you?"

  "That's right, girl, it's me." His voice cracked as he reached for one of her hands and squeezed it. Isabella could feel the rough callused skin against her palm.

  "You're all grown up," she declared, surveying the face that bore signs of hardship. His eyes were lackluster, as if they'd seen far too much suffering. "You're so tall." Although his frame was large his skin seemed to hang on it; what she could see above his shirt and on his bared arms. He looked as if he'd been starved of sustenance over a great period of time.

  "I'm twenty-two. And changed a mite since we last met, eh?" He wagged her hand up and down, smiling crookedly.

  "You certainly have, Remy." Isabella pulled him into her arms. More tears flowed as she rubbed his back, much as she'd done when he was small and she'd offered him a measure of comfort. "How did you get here? I mean, how come you're out here? How's Ma? And the other little 'uns? Oh God, it's so good to see you." With the heels of her hands she wiped at her face.

  "I was sent over six months ago, Bella. Got a seven year sentence, instead of going to the hangman. Your man here—" he nodded to Tiger, who watched them cautiously "—he got me afore they could send me to the hellhole at Newcastle. I'm afraid to say I've not been a good boy, Bella, love, and they were sending me there to work in the quarries. Tiger here found me working on the treadmill."


  Everyone knew the treadmills, built alongside the Carter's barracks on Governor Brisbane's orders, were one of the cruelest forms of punishment. They were so bad some prisoners requested solitary confinement instead of working on the large revolving frame where they were forced to step up or fall off.

  Jeremy looked at his palms. "Yes, not the best of things, Bella, but me hands are healed well now. The blisters I got from hanging on were almost as bad as the swelling in me legs. But all's well now. Your man here got me off there and assigned to him." He nodded at Tiger, his gratitude clear in his face. "On the way over he told me about you and how you've been with him from the start. I guess we're both lucky for that, eh?"

  "Aye." Isabella looked at Tiger, wondering just how much he'd told her brother. Turning back to Jeremy her smile faded as she asked, "And Ma?"

  Jeremy's face twisted in a kind of agony, and she went cold all over, shivering. Looking at a spot over her shoulder, he shrugged. "I'm sorry, Bella, she's gone. Went last year during a real cold spell. I don't think she wanted to live without Pa anyway. And life was such a struggle; could be she's better off where she is. You wouldn't want to know how bad it got after Papa died. Ma sort of gave up and it was so awful for all of us." He rubbed his chin and blinked a few times. "She's at peace now."

  Isabella slumped onto a log, dropping her face in her hands as she took in a shuddering breath. Gracie laid a hand on her shoulder and Isabella covered it with one of her own. Tim stood at her side, a worried frown marring his fair features.

  Looking up, Isabella asked quietly, "And the others? What're they doing, Rem?"

  With a small shake of the head he said, "Thieving and struggling to live, same as we all were. Likely they'll all end up over here." He cheered up. "But that'll be grand, Bella. Then at least we'll all be together again."

  "Aye, that'll be grand," she agreed. "Now then, you look as if you need a few good meals inside you. How about we see about roasting some mutton, eh, Gracie?" Isabella lifted her head to stare at Tiger. "You can see to unloading my wagon," she said, nodding at the question in his eyes.

  Her gaze shifted and went across the paddock to the house taking shape higher up the ridge. The house Tiger declared he was building for her. The men worked industriously under the watchful eye of the foreman Tiger hired as overseer.

  He now had twenty acres under wheat and sixty of Indian corn. He grew enough potatoes and other vegetables to feed his own people as well as selling some in Bathurst to the medical officers and magistrate's household and the occupants of the barracks and hospital. A windmill was under construction alongside the house so they would soon be able to grind their own flour. Already a wealthy man, Tiger was growing richer by exporting his merino wool to England.

  * * *

  Isabella rocked Annie's cradle gently, smiling as her daughter made a small snuffling sound. Touching a finger to the pink cheek she marveled again at the petal softness of her baby's skin.

  The others were now in their beds but Isabella had no desire to seek her own. After all that happened this day it was useless trying to sleep. They'd sat over the meal reliving old times and catching up on a small part of the present, grateful for their good fortune while also shedding a few tears over loved ones they would never meet again.

  Isabella could not believe her mother was gone, that she would never see her beloved face again; never hear the sweet lilting voice that sung lullabies; helped her family to forget their bellies were empty while ensuring their lives overflowed with love. Of course she'd felt deep inside that their farewell was final when she'd been transported, but at least she'd cherished a small hope they would be together again once her sentence was served. That hope was now dashed.

  Still and all, there was little point in dwelling on things that could never be. The past was gone. She had her own family now; her children were her life. And then there was Tiger.

  After making sure Tim was settled and asleep she drew her shawl about her shoulders. For a moment she stood smiling down on where Gracie softly snored on the makeshift pallet beneath the window. How good it was to have her dear friend with her again. Gracie would help to take away the ache of sadness left by Thelma's passing. Still not a day went by without her thinking of Thelma and all she'd
done to help her settle in this strange and seemingly hostile land.

  Yes, despite all the heartache and sorrow she'd suffered, she was sure the fates looked kindly on her that day at the wharf.

  Stepping outside she breathed the fresh night air deeply into her lungs. A gentle breeze lifted tendrils of hair that escaped the confines of the coil at her nape and she sighed as she looked to the heavens where not a single cloud marred the majesty of the stars spread out there.

  She wandered to stand beside one of the almond trees, planted last year and already growing strongly. Everything seemed to flourish in this rich soil. She ran a hand up its trunk in silent prayer.

  "Couldn't sleep, eh?" Tiger moved out of the shadows, his quiet question making her jump. "Too much excitement for you."

  As he strolled towards her, a certain alertness in his manner, the moonlight shone on his mane of gold and her breath caught in her throat as she recalled the first time she'd set eyes on him all those years ago; how she'd thought him some sort of golden god. Then she'd done her best to ignore his effect on her. But now she had no thought to deny it; what was to be gained by that? He was everything to her. Always would be.

  His mouth curved in the smile that always set her heart to skipping as he stopped in front of her, hands on hips, his stance arrogant and commanding in the way that once set her teeth to gnashing.

  "Yes, I had no thought of sleeping this night," she admitted, touching a hand to her hair. "I have so many things going round in my head. What a day. How can I ever repay you for bringing Gracie and Jeremy back with you, Tiger?" She clasped her hands in front of her, making a steeple with her first fingers. "I don't think I thanked you properly, did I?"

  "You know how to do that easily enough." Stepping a pace closer until she could feel his warm breath fanning her flushed cheeks he took her hands in his.

  "I do?" She lifted her brows, her heart beginning to flutter madly as his thumbs brushed over her knuckles.

  He closed the gap, then drew her to his hard body, his hands firm on her waist. Directing her hands about his middle he ordered softly, "Take that prissy look off your face and kiss me."

  "Prissy, am I?"

  "Aye." He pinched her chin between a finger and thumb, his eyes like molten honey as he stared long and hard at her. "You're wearing the look that warns me to leave you be, yet your body welcomes me. I can feel your heart pounding as hard as mine. Can see you're wanting my kiss as much as I'm craving yours."

  Isabella let out a shaky sigh as he ran a knuckle over her breast; a knuckle she noticed shook as her own limbs trembled. He muttered something low as he embraced her, tightening his hold as his mouth met hers, hot and hard, instantly bringing her every sense alive.

  She heard a soft moan as her pulses leapt, then realized it had come from her own mouth. Every part of her body was sensitive to his touch. Even her toes curled.

  Sliding her arms about his shoulders she reveled in the firm strength of him, the springiness of the hair curving at his neck, the smoothness of his freshly shaven jawline, the width of his strong shoulders. Surrendering to the delight of being close to her lover again, of feeling the hardness of him and the gentleness that combined to make him all she could ever desire, she felt as if she was floating, drifting on a sea of pleasure.

  She murmured his name in a breathless whisper as his hands travelled the length of her spine to settle on her buttocks, pushing her against the familiar hardness of his body. He left her with no shred of doubt as to what effect the kiss had on him.

  "Promise you'll never leave me again, Bella," he murmured, his voice heavy with desire as he lifted his mouth to stare down at her.

  Tiger waited with baited breath for her answer. Sweet heaven, how he loved her. "Do you think I'll ever win your love again?"

  Her shoulders lifted in a small shrug. "I'm not sure if this thing between us isn't more a sort of obsession that has naught to do with love, Tiger."

  She was wrong, and each and every day he would prove it to her. What he felt for his land was an obsession overriding most other passions. But he'd come to learn he wanted love, needed the love of this woman more than anything else on earth; more than his land, because land was something that could always be sought, farmed, developed. But he now understood that wherever Bella and his children lived was where his heart and soul would always be, where his home would lie.

  "Tim wants to call me Papa." He gnawed on the inside of his mouth. "You told him."

  "I thought he had the right." Her eyes roved over his face.

  "Thank you." Tiger touched a finger to her chin, then dragged her into his arms, kissing her until they were both having trouble drawing breath. She gave what he demanded. Oh, how sweet she was. And what a fool he'd been. But never again. He would show her she meant everything in life to him, if it took him until his last breath.

  Lifting his head a fraction he cupped her dainty chin in a palm. "You're an obstinate woman," he muttered, touching one of her cheeks then running his thumb across her kiss swollen lips. "But I missed you more than you'll ever know. I missed your sharp tongue." He traced her mouth with a fingertip, his eyes growing molten as her lips parted. "Missed your beauty and your stubborn ways." His mouth met hers again, fevered. Sucking in a deep breath he groaned, "Ye Gods, I feel as if I haven't held you in a year. Next time I go to Sydney I think I'll take you with me." Bending his head he whispered at her ear, "I want you so badly I think I'm about to burst."

  Isabella's insides melted like butter in the heat as he made gentle sweeps up and down her back with his hands until she was shivering with pleasure. While nibbling her ear until she sighed her delight he said softly, "I have one more surprise for you."

  With him nuzzling at her ear and pressing tiny kisses below it on her neck he made it difficult to think. With her face pressed into his shirtfront she shivered as she inhaled the fresh clean scent that was Tiger's alone. Shaking her head, she whispered huskily, "You've done so much for me already. Just seeing Jeremy and Gracie again means everything to me. I still can't believe they're here."

  Tiger cupped her chin in a palm to lift it and gazed down at her, his eyes gone serious to match his tone as he said, "The Reverend is staying at the commissariat, Bella. You can get our Annie baptized tomorrow."

  She rested her hands on his lean hips as she returned his gaze, sure he had more to declare. "That's grand, Tiger, I've made her a new gown especially for the occasion."

  "Good." He nodded, then sucked his top lip in, before asking, "And do you also have a suitable gown for yourself, for I told him he'd have a marriage ceremony to perform."

  Isabella gasped as she drew back her head to peer up at him. "Marriage eh?" A glow began to fill her insides, starting from the region of her heart and slowly filling every part of her until even her toes started to tingle.

  "Aye, marriage. I told you I wouldn’t take no for an answer when Annie was born. You have no excuse not to wed me now." He seemed to be holding his breath as he narrowed his eyes, his stance clearly stating he dared her to argue with him.

  "No excuses eh?" Isabella touched a finger to his brow, then ran it down his straight proud nose until it reached his bottom lip. When it rested there he bit it gently, making her feel faint with her love for him.

  "Then I suppose I must marry you. I can't disappoint the reverend, can I?" A small smile played about her mouth.

  "No, my sweetheart, I'll not hear your excuses any more." He shook his head, his voice growing intense as he assured her gravely, "You won't marry me because you feel 'tis what you must do out of duty, or because it pleases the reverend. You'll marry me, dear love, because you crave it as much as I. You'll wed me because of the love you hold in your heart for me." His hands on her waist tightened as if to enforce his will on her. "A love that can never surpass what I feel for you, for I love you with a depth you cannot imagine.

  "You'll marry me, Bella my girl, because you want to bring more babies into this world bearing their father's name. My
name. D'you hear me?" He shook her gently.

  Isabella gazed at his face, his beautiful mouth, his unusual eyes, now glinting with his intent, and knew that nothing in this life would keep her from becoming his wife.

  "Aye, Tiger, I hear you." Her voice shook as she stood on her toes to place a kiss on his mouth.

  Tiger's warm breath sent shivers up and down her spine as he brushed his mouth over hers and whispered hoarsely, "So, my love, what's it to be then? Will you take the final step that binds us together in the name of God, as we've been bound together since the day we first set eyes on each other?"

  "If that's what you wish, master." Isabella gave him a look from beneath her lowered lids, running her fingers up and down his chest as she allowed, "Then so be it."

  "Thank the Lord," Tiger groaned. "I don't think I could have borne it if you refused me again, my love."

  "Just don't ever give me cause to regret it, Tiger." Isabella took his face in her palms, her thumbs smoothing across his cheeks. "I'll be a jealous wife and should I ever find you even glancing at another woman with lust in your eyes I give you notice now that I'll kill you both."

  "You have my permission to do just that if I ever let you down. I vow on our children's lives, sweetheart, I'll never so much as give a thought to any woman but you for as long as we both live and then beyond to eternity."

  Tiger sealed his promise with another long kiss. When he lifted his mouth from hers he lightly traced the shape of her mouth with his tongue. Desire coiled inside her as she struggled to catch her breath.

  Trying to ignore the fierce tugging low in her body Isabella opened eyes grown heavy to watch him as he tucked a stray strand of her hair behind an ear.

  "I hoped and prayed you'd see sense, Bella. If you hadn't, I was going to woo you in earnest. I nearly died when I returned to find you'd run off."

  Isabella put a hand over his heart to find it thumped in unison with hers. "I think our wooing has all been done Tiger, wouldn't you say?"


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