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Queen Takes Queen: Their Vampire Queen, Book 3

Page 13

by Burkhart, Joely Sue

  “D isn’t your alpha though, is he, sweetheart.” He tugged Daire’s head back toward him, bowing his back, seating himself deeper. “Though it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that he’d be licking that cream every chance he gets. He always was a licker.”

  Sensation screamed through me, making me twitch, gasp, and jerk in Rik’s grasp. I couldn’t stop it. It didn’t feel bad. In fact, it felt pretty fucking fantastic. I just didn’t like that I couldn’t control my own reactions in the slightest.

  If he actually started thrusting…

  I was pretty sure I’d lose my ever loving mind.

  “Biology is a pretty fucking amazing thing.” He pushed up again, sending another earthquake quivering through my body. “A queen wants a strong alpha to continue her line, and if she’s breeding, she wants him to empty himself thoroughly, ensuring as good a chance as possible that she’ll conceive. So your cream tastes extra special and will make me empty everything in my balls at once. I’ll be wiped out for at least a couple of hours. Even more, my dick has a little extra power now, too, because it’s to the alpha’s advantage to please his queen well and long, so she’ll not only want him in her bed, she’ll want him to taste her again and again.”

  “But I’m not—” My eyes flew open. I needed to talk to Dr. Borcht again and run some more tests so we could pinpoint my reproductive cycle. I’d thought I bled every month because I was doing the normal human menstruation thing. But if I wasn’t even half human… Had I really been breeding? Or would I ovulate in a few days like a normal human would?

  “You would know if you were pregnant,” Rik said, breaking the frantic chain of thoughts crowding my brain.

  I focused on his face. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded, eyes solemn. “You’d know. We’d all know. We’d feel it. You’re not pregnant.”

  “Hold on,” Ezra said. “She’s already been breeding? This young?”

  “Just days ago,” Rik replied. “Though we haven’t figured out her biology yet.”

  “Fuck me,” Ezra muttered. “Too bad I didn’t hoof it a bit faster through the mountains.”

  Daire wriggled in his grip, making them both groan. “What he failed to mention is that she says she breeds every month without fail.”

  “Fuuuuuuck,” Ezra groaned again. “Yeah. I’m no alpha but I’d tap that.”

  Rik didn’t make a sound, but his bond swelled as if he was shifting to his rock troll.

  “Uh, after you, of course, alpha,” Ezra added hurriedly in the most polite tone I’d ever heard him use.

  I met his gaze, irritated, yeah, because he didn’t care what I thought about being tapped at all, let alone on my period. I didn’t say anything, but his cheeks blazed red and he ducked his head. “No disrespect intended, my queen. Please forgive my rough and oafish habits. I’m not used to caring what anyone thinks about the fool words that come out of my mouth. I’ll do better.”

  Not surprising anyone, it was Daire who managed to break the ice and ease the straining tensions between us.

  “He fucks better than he talks, my queen. Maybe you’d better hurry up and show her, Griz.”



  The three people I loved most in this world were here. Together. Made possible only by Shara fucking Isador, my queen.

  I’d forgotten how sexy Ezra could be. Rough and crude on the outside, yet behind closed doors, amazingly tender and gentle. Shara might not realize how rare and special it was to see him like this. While I loved the shit out of Rik and would follow him anywhere…

  I loved this big old grizzly bear too. And I was right. He could fuck like no one else.

  “I guess you’re wanting to put on a good show, huh, D.” Lazily, Ezra reached around my waist and wrapped one of his beefy hands around my dick. He didn’t stroke or even squeeze me. That wasn’t why he took hold of me.

  It wasn’t about pleasure, though I loved his touch.

  It was about control.

  Which was why I always wanted alphas or at least big, powerful dominants. I wanted to be wild and silly and out of control and bratty and even dangerous. I wanted to scratch, wrestle, fight, and still know that my partner had control of the situation. That if I fell, my partner had me. Even if I fell apart.

  I braced my hands on the mattress, though I managed to slip one hand up beneath Shara’s lower leg so I was at least touching her a little. I let my head drop down, my hair falling in my eyes. Then I gave complete and utter control of my body to Ezra.

  He used my dick like a steering wheel and a gear shift. Revving me up, slowing me down, making me change gears. He pulled me back deeper into his lap, shifting so I basically sat on his fat dick with my knees barely touching the bed. And he rocked me. He stroked me. He pulled me back by my hair and nuzzled my throat and bit my ear hard enough that I hissed at him.

  “Ah, there’s the bad kitty. Look at our queen while I fuck you.”

  I groaned, because I knew seeing the heat in her eyes would only make me crazier. I squeezed my eyes shut, tight, refusing to look. I wanted him to make me.

  Goose bumps raced up and down my arms, waiting for him to set the hook. He’d only teased me a bit earlier.

  “The hook?” Shara asked, picking up my thoughts in the bond.

  Her voice stroked over me like thousands of fingers. I knew she was watching. I knew she was turned on. Fuck. I wanted to see that heat in her glorious eyes, the flaming destruction of thousands of falling stars streaking across a midnight sky. But if I looked at her, it’d be over. I’d fight to touch her, and Ezra would pop that hook, and I’d be done.

  “Some species’ males are equipped with another biological miracle that improves their odds of reproduction.” Fuck, Ezra even sounded gruffly sexy when lecturing like a college professor. “The Great Bear gave her male descendants a hook to maximize my mate’s pleasure and keep her entertained long enough to ensure my swimmers get to their destination. But oddly enough, the hook works fucking great on guys too. Doesn’t it, D?”

  I didn’t answer. I didn’t open my eyes like he’d said. He didn’t have to see my face to know I’d disobeyed him. He knew me too well to actually expect me to meekly do as he said.

  “Though it’s not really a hook with a pointy end,” Ezra continued in that gruff, lazy voice, slowly rocking deep inside me. “It’s more of a ring that flares off the head of my dick. So what’s already stretching our fine purring kitty will suddenly grow and press on new territory. And won’t let me pull out at all. Not until I’m done. Or nature’s done.”

  I tried not to whimper as the memory of what that hook felt like washed over me. Heat prickled up and down my arms, making me shiver.

  “There’s a damned good reason there are plenty of Ursulas left in this world. My goddess sure knew what the fuck she was doing when she created us.”

  He pushed deep and released the hook. My back arched viciously and I pierced through my lip to keep from bellowing at the top of my lungs. Fuck. It felt like the tip of his dick suddenly blew up a hundred times larger.

  And being a big, strong grizzly bear with plenty of dominance, he squeezed me down hard on that swollen dick and wouldn’t let me move an inch to relieve the pressure.

  I thrashed in his arms. Tore at the bedding. Strained to break his fierce grip.

  “You’re scaring our queen,” he barked out against my ear. “She thinks you’re scared, or that I’m hurting you. If she blasts me to save you, I’m going to be fucking pissed.”

  “Not scared,” I panted, forcing my eyes open. I could only imagine what I looked like. Eyes glazed over, lips swollen, cheeks red, sweaty and frantic and twitchy. Like I’d taken a massive snort of cocaine. “Or hurt. Shara.”

  Staring at me, she licked her lip, showing the fangs that had descended again. It made me twitch and fight again, because I wanted those fangs in me. If she bit me, I’d at least come and he couldn’t squeeze my dick any more. “You’re okay?”

  Ezra shifted b
eneath me, making me yelp and scramble frantically again, my arms windmilling desperately. I wanted something to hold onto. I lunged toward her, but he sensed my intention and dragged me back tight against him, refusing to let me get even a finger on her.

  “Oh no, you don’t, D. You’re going to sit right here and watch her squeeze every drop of come out of our alpha. I hope and pray she’ll sink those glorious fangs in me and make me come inside you. Then I’ll let you go but not before.”

  Rik lifted his hips in a slow, circular swirl that made her eyes roll back in her head. She groaned deep in her throat and smoothed her palms over his chest and shoulders. She leaned forward, changing the angle so she could grind her clit on him. Her pleasure rose, a punishing wave that rode the fine line between too much and too fucking good that made me insane. I was right there with her, tiptoeing down that razor blade edge. So fucking good it was impossible. Too much. No one could absorb so much sensation without losing their fucking mind. It was more than I could endure, and it went on and on.

  “Give me some of that kitty cat blood,” Ezra murmured.

  I turned my head, craning my neck so he could run his tongue in a wide swath across my jaw and chin, licking up my blood from my bleeding lip.

  “You taste damned good, D. But not as good as our queen.”

  Fuck, yeah, nothing tasted as good as her. I wanted to agree. I wanted to tell him to wait until he had a taste of her when she was breeding. The rush of power that had flooded me every time she let me taste that dark, rich blood flowing from her pussy. I’d lick her eagerly every day and love the hell out of it…

  But I’d do just about anything to get my tongue on her when she was breeding. Anything at all.

  “Yeah,” he whispered against my ear. “I see your head between her thighs while I’m fucking you.”

  Evidently she picked up on that image too because she jerked against Rik’s grip, and this time, he let her go. Head back, hands braced on his stomach, she rode him hard, plunging up and down as much as she could without his help. Her pleasure rained down on our bonds, sweet and cool like the first spring rain, but quickly darkening with thunderclouds and lightning. She burned. She needed. Her fangs throbbed so hard that mine ached in sympathy, her thirst an insatiable wildfire.

  I leaned toward her, eager to feel her fangs again, but Rik growled, “no,” at the same time that Ezra planted a forearm between my shoulders and pushed my head down out of his way so he could offer his throat instead.

  I would have bitten the crap out of him, if I could have gotten my mouth on him. She’d fed on me already, but I was still fucking pissed as hell.

  He leaned on me harder, bending me in half, his weight on my back, his dick impossibly thick inside me. Stuffed and bent like a pretzel, I was starting to feel a little sympathy for Mehen after the way Rik had fucked him last night.

  Her voice broke on a soft cry that made me writhe and heave, but I couldn’t get free. Not even to put my mouth on her skin.

  Ezra suddenly jerked beneath me and I felt her fangs sinking into his throat. I had a half second to brace, and then he exploded inside me. He roared with release, his hand clamping down on my dick so hard the last brain cell I possessed worried a second that he’d break it in half. Then I was coming too, and Shara and Rik like dominoes. Only when Rik came, he let out a deep bellow like a volcano had gone off inside him. His body jerked so hard that the bed shook and thudded against the wall, spurt after spurt emptying into our queen. Her body drank him down as eagerly as she sucked blood from Ezra’s throat. Gulp after gulp after gulp.

  When he started to sag toward her, I finally worked free of him and cuddled around her waist, easing her off Rik and down to the mattress.

  Our alpha was sweaty and barely conscious, his chest still heaving for air after such a mighty climax. His instincts still drove him hard. Protect the queen at all costs. He tried to roll toward her, but he could barely lift her arm.

  :It’s all right,: I whispered for him alone. :We’ve got her. Rest.:

  :She.: His eyes flickered, his mighty muscles slowly sagging into the bed. :Hungers.:

  :I’ve got her,: Ezra whispered in our bond. :With my bulk, I can tide her over until Mehen and Xin come.:

  We shifted her down between us, Ezra’s throat still in her mouth. I pressed against her back and did what I did best.

  I purred. Slow and deep and steady. While she fed so long that even the mighty grizzly sagged unconscious in her arms. She made a soft sound of disappointment, but her bond felt relaxed and sleepy. I kept up that steady purring, easing her to sleep. She needed as much rest as she could get in between feedings. It’d help her strength return.

  Now that I was back in her bed, I wasn’t ever fucking leaving again.



  I wasn’t sure who came and went the first few hours. Daire picked me up at one point and they changed the sheets on the bed. I was too sleepy to look, but I figured after I’d fed and fucked so many of them, the entire room probably would have glowed like a nuclear detonation.

  Rik pressed a glass to my mouth and I drank it all. Then I drank from Mehen and Xin while Daire and Rik wolfed down some sandwiches. Rik tried to make me eat one too, but I didn’t want food.

  I had what I needed.

  They all fed me again in the wee hours of the morning. It was a strange feeling, this hunger. It tormented me in my sleep, but I was too tired to even consider sex or biting one of them. I kept wandering in my dreams, searching for one of my Blood, my fangs throbbing. It was horrible. Like dreaming about trying to find a bathroom all night, only to finally wake up and realize your bladder was about to explode.

  I woke again when they switched guard rotations. It felt painfully early and my body was still heavy and sluggish, but I made myself get up.

  I had too much to do to lie around in bed all day. Though Rik glared at me as I shambled around the room, trying to find my other shoe. That I was already carrying in my hand.

  “Even you are not invincible. The stronger you are, the more energy you expend, and you’ve completely depleted your reserves. You need to rest and feed and rest some more.”

  “I will,” I insisted, holding on to Daire’s shoulders as he helped me pull on a pair of jeans. “But I’ve got to learn as much as I can about court life before this trip.”

  “Etiquette lessons won’t help anyone if you’re falling down into a faint because you’re too weak.”

  Goddess, he was so sexy standing there, frowning so fiercely. My big protective alpha. He’d completely depleted his reserves last night, too. All inside me. I could still feel the hot splash of his semen deep inside me. Maybe he was right. If I took him back to bed…

  My stomach growled and that decided it for him. “We’ll get you some breakfast and talk with Gina for an hour. Max. Then you really should take a nice long nap if you can.”

  “Deal. And a bath, if we can find a tub big enough.”

  He tugged on some pants and then tucked my arm through his. “I’m sure we can find something big enough for at least two.”

  I barely recognized my own property when we stepped outside. A massive oak tree with sweeping branches sat just off the path to the main house. Roots had pushed up through the ground in places and though the branches didn’t have many leaves, I could easily imagine the shade in the summer. The bare limbs were heavy with a large murder of crows. Nevarre’s friends, I guessed. “Good morning,” I said to them with a nod. I didn’t know if they could understand me, but what would it hurt? “Thank you for your help last night. I hope you enjoyed the feast.”

  One of them opened its wings and hopped off the branch to glide down toward me. I didn’t move or duck, but it did freak me out a little. I’d seen what these birds were capable of and I didn’t care to have my eyes gouged out…

  But the crow settled on my shoulder and squawked.


  It hopped up my shoulder, closer to my head, but I didn’t get any
bad vibes from it. Its talons tangled up in my hair and then it nestled in close to my neck. “Aw, look. I made a friend.”

  Daire snorted. “Wait until it craps all down your back.”

  The bird on my shoulder didn’t move or make a sound, but half a dozen up in the tree suddenly dive-bombed at Daire. Wings flapping, talons reaching for his hair. He waved his arms around and yelled until they settled back on the branch above, but he kept a wary eye on them.

  The crow on my shoulder was surprisingly heavy. Its talons dug into my shoulder, though it made a low chirp and rustled its wings in apology.

  :Nevarre, can you talk to the birds?:

  :On my way, my queen.:

  I hadn’t meant to order him back from his duty, but I was interested in what the crows had to say. Or what they wanted, if anything. They were on my property now, in my nest, and after they’d helped me, I felt responsible for them. If they were hungry… I needed to know what kind of bird seed they’d eat.

  As we reached the back door, Nevarre swooped down still in his gigantic raven form. He cocked his head to the side, lifted a wing, then the other. His tail feathers flipped up, down, in a complicated greeting. Or maybe that was their language. I wasn’t really sure.

  :She’s the equivalent of their queen.: Nevarre finally replied in our bond. :She likes you.:

  “Aw, I like you too.” Gingerly, I reached up with my hand, not wanting to frighten her. I stroked my index finger over her wing and she made that soft chirp again. “Are they hungry? Do they need us to build birdhouses or anything?”

  :They’re not hungry and appreciate the offer of a house, but they much prefer their own nests. They’re building new ones now. She will swear her clan to you in exchange for a token.:

  I’d always heard that crows liked sparkly and shiny things. I didn’t have much in my bag that might interest her, other than my pocket knife, and I didn’t want to give that up. Though I would if that was what she wanted.


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