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Navy SEAL Protector

Page 19

by Bonnie Vanak

  Yeah, he might go to hell, but the ride with Shelby this time would be worth the price.

  * * *

  Nick Anderson had always held her heart. Never had she forgotten about how he made her feel—cherished and safe and desirable.

  Even though he’d crushed her young, childish love for him, she secretly harbored a dream he’d return one day. Now he was here, in her arms. Not wishing to think about the consequences, her body aching with sheer need, Shelby cupped his face, her thumb tracing over the wicked scar on his cheek. She stared into his eyes, seeing past pain and hurt, and desire. Healing this man of all he’d endured here at the ranch and abroad as a SEAL wouldn’t be easy, but for tonight, they would share their bodies and forget about all else.

  Nick removed his shirt and flung it aside as she tugged the sweater over her head.

  Fingers trembling, she helped him yank down his jeans and boxer briefs. He was large and hard. Ready for her. Nick unfastened her bra clasp, and helped her out of the garment. His gaze darkened as he studied her breasts, her nipples pearling. Gently he palmed them, teasing the tips with his thumbs as a shudder raced through her.

  “I’ve dreamed about this for ten long years. You haunted my thoughts, Shelby. I’ve always wanted you.” He took her hand, placed it over his heart. “I kept your memory here, so I could never forget you. When I was lying in the hospital bed, banged up and hurting so bad I wanted to die, I thought of you and it gave me the will to fight for another day.”

  Shelby traced the scar on his cheek. “Nick, I kept you in my heart as well. I’m so glad you never gave up, and came home to us.”

  He kept playing with her breasts as she closed her eyes, bracing her hands on his shoulders. Each stroke sent a lick of fire between her legs.

  He skimmed a warm palm along her hip, making all her nerves jump and sizzle. “I like women who are clocks.”

  Shelby regarded with amusement. “Say what?”

  “Hourglass figures.” His smile was wicked and filled with sexy promise.

  “With my butt, I’m more like Big Ben.”

  Nick rolled her over onto her stomach, and cupped her bare bottom. “Hoo-yah, baby, don’t diss your sweet ass. Lots more to squeeze, and love.”

  Then he gently rolled her over, so she was stretched out on her back. Nick kissed her mouth, her chin, raining tiny kisses down her body. He settled between her thighs and pushed them open wide. Then he put his mouth on her.

  Shelby drifted into a haze of pleasure, the sensations building higher and higher with his tender loving, until they reached a crescendo. She screamed as the orgasm slammed into her. He stayed with her, kissing her all over and then sat back on his haunches. Nick removed the condom from his wallet, tore off the foil wrapping and sheathed himself. He stretched on top of her, his gaze heated as he stared down at her in the firelight.

  “You are so damn sexy, Sweet Pea. So beautiful,” he murmured.

  Nick pushed inside her with a groan, all hardness and heat, his chest sliding over her sensitive breasts, his muscled thighs wedged between her outstretched legs.

  It had been a long while since she’d had sex and at first he hurt a little. Shelby winced, but wriggled closer with a moan.

  It felt so good, each long stroke filling her, his satisfied groans filling the empty spaces inside her heart. They moved together, golden firelight playing over their bodies, the wind moaning outside in unison with their groans and sighs.

  He bent over her, his fingers reaching between them to tease her wet, feminine flesh and stoke the heat higher.

  Shelby gasped as the heavenly sensations increased, and then she shattered in a powerful climax that wrung a sob from her throat. Nick dug his fingers into her arching hips, threw back his head and groaned, coming deep inside her. He said her name over and over. He stayed still for a moment, shuddering with pleasure, his muscled body heavy upon hers as she stroked the back of his head.

  Then with a sigh, he pulled away and rolled them to the side. Hearts pounding, they lay wrapped around each other. Nick stroked her hair as she nestled against his shoulder. A cold draft billowed across the floor, cooling the sweat on their bodies. Silence draped between them for a few moments, broken only by the wind rustling the leaves outside.

  “I’d love to stay here all night with you, Sweet Pea, but without much firewood, we’re gonna freeze to death and there’s no bathroom.”

  She snuggled against him. “You’re a guy. You don’t need one. All you need are the trees.”

  Chuckling, he smoothed back her tangled hair from her face. “I was thinking of you, darling. And getting some real heat, other than the kind we can make here on the floor. I want to make love to you in a soft bed, the kind you deserve.”

  “I don’t mind the floor.”

  His chuckle turned deep. Nick grinned. “Maybe, but I only brought one condom, darling. And I’m going to need plenty more tonight.”

  Arousal curled, hot and tight, in her belly. And then she remembered the earlier events, the tears on Timmy’s face, and the abandoned toys she’d promised to pack and ship to him in Washington.

  “I don’t know if I can return to my place, Nick.” Panic tinged her voice. “Too many memories of Timmy. It’s why I came out here tonight to be alone.”

  He kissed her, a brief kiss filled with promise. “You can. I’ll be with you, Sweet Pea. Trust me.”

  It was getting mighty cold in the cabin, and much as she thought spending the night with Nick here would be romantic, her practical side knew it wasn’t a good idea. Shelby hunted around for her clothing and dressed in a hurry. By the time they made it out to the ATV with the help of Nick’s flashlight, her teeth were chattering.

  He made her climb on before him, and snuggled close to her as he started up the engine. They drove slowly back to the main driveway, a mixture of sadness and excitement arrowing through her. Sadness because of losing Timmy. Excitement because she was spending the night with Nick Anderson, the gorgeous man of her dreams.

  It won’t last, a tiny voice whispered inside her. He’s going to leave.

  But tonight she wouldn’t think of the future. Tonight was for the distant stars glittering overhead through the trees like fistfuls of shiny diamonds. Tonight was for feeling Nick’s muscled body close against hers, and the desire pulsing through her veins.

  Tonight was for dreams.

  When he pulled in front of the garage and they were climbing the steps to her apartment, she felt a flutter of unease in her stomach. Tension knotted her body. Making love with him in the cabin had been spontaneous, at least to her, even if he planned it. This was taking a big step forward. Nick admitted he hated spending the night with a woman because he was a solitary sleeper.

  Would he hold her close for a few minutes after they made love, and then tiptoe off to his sofa bed? Pretend making love to her had been a memory and nothing more?

  “We’re not spending the night here,” he told her as she unlocked the door. “But there’s something inside you need to see.”

  “So we’re staying together?” She gave a little laugh.

  “I’m not leaving you alone in that bed tonight, Sweet Pea.” Nick picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I plan to hold you all night long. But first, I have a surprise for you.”

  Surprises had always been bad. Shelby didn’t like them. Surprises were her parents leaving her alone, barely fifteen, to care for her little sister. Only by Silas acting as legal guardian had they skated by the authorities. Surprises were things like her sister announcing she was moving across the globe, and leaving Timmy under Shelby’s care. All for the money, not really caring what Shelby’s plans were.

  And then there were the really nasty surprises, like the type the saboteur left.

  “I’d rather know now, unless you won the Powerball and you plan to s
plit it with me.”

  A short laugh. “Darling, you deserve the whole jackpot. But I didn’t win the lottery. You’ll have to come with me to see what it is. I promise, you’ll like it.”

  Nick was her lover now. It felt good, but odd to think of him that way.

  Because she didn’t want him as a fleeting memory of a sweet night of making love. She wanted more. Even if she couldn’t have more.

  The living room was clean, the sofa put back instead of being pulled out as she’d left it this morning. Shelby gave him a questioning look, but Nick smiled. “We’ve been busy. Check out Timmy’s room. Go on.”

  Her heart sank as she thought of seeing the empty bed, the toys scattered on the floor, the unbearable quietness. Shelby walked to the room across the hallway and opened the door.

  She gasped.

  Gone were the colorful Batman curtains she’d hung at the double windows. White blinds replaced the curtains. No more twin bed bureau, or any of the posters he’d used to decorate his room. Instead, the room had been stripped down to a plain wood desk with a gooseneck lamp, an office chair, gray cabinets, a bookcase filled with books. An art easel sat in one corner, along with a small stand filled with paints.

  She touched the paints with a wondering hand. All new, and brushes as well. Shelby glanced up at Nick, who was leaning against the doorjamb.

  “I felt bad you lost all your art supplies in the fire. And I reckoned you’d feel more comfortable sleeping here if this room functioned as a studio to foster your talent. I didn’t get rid of Timmy’s stuff—it’s all in the closet if you want it.”

  How long had it taken him to do this? Nick understood her secret dream of becoming an artist. Nick knew her preference for watercolors, not acrylics or oils.

  Fresh tears filled her eyes, only these were different tears. She turned to him. “Thank you. This is the best gift anyone’s ever given me, Nick.”

  His mouth worked, and he looked intense. “You need to pursue your dreams, Sweet Pea. It’s about time you treated yourself to a grand adventure of your own. From the time I met you, you talked about being an artist. Now it’s your turn to create.”

  He gave her rear a gentle pat. “Go pack an overnight bag and I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

  Shelby tossed clothing and essentials into a small suitcase, her heart beating hard. She wouldn’t think about the quiet command behind his smoky voice. Not tonight. Tonight was for creating magic, and pretending that she and Nick could share more than sex and passion.

  They walked along the dirt road to the main house, the wind cutting through her like a knife. It was quiet. Too quiet. Unease filled her. She didn’t like being so alone here on the ranch, with everyone gone. But there was Nick, and there hadn’t been any incidents since the fire. Maybe things had calmed down a little.

  Maybe the person trying to drive them out had decided to let the bank do its work and start foreclosure.

  Nick insisted on carrying her suitcase. The nearly full moon provided sufficient light as they walked across the dirt road to the main house. At the front porch, she hesitated. Never had she spent the night here. It felt as if she was breaking a rule.

  He opened the door and swept her a low bow. “After you.”

  “I don’t know, Nick... I don’t live here.”

  His gaze was serious. “I do. I own the Belle Creek, Sweet Pea, and you can bunk anywhere you want. Tonight, you’re sleeping in style. No hard floor for you.”

  She gave him a slight smile. “A real bed with sheets?”

  Nick winked. “I even washed them, just for you.”

  He took her hand and tugged her up the stairs. “Where are you going?” she asked. “Not that awful pink monstrosity.”

  “Hey, that pink monstrosity was once my room. Don’t mock my style.”

  “Ruffles and all,” she teased.

  At the landing, he swung her up into his arms and she laughed. Jake’s room was across the hallway.

  “Jake wouldn’t mind if we used his room for the night. He’s never there,” she pointed out as Nick strode into his former bedroom. “He was always with his girlfriend. We all thought Lynn was the one. She works as a nail technician while she’s going to college and she has pink hair.”

  “He broke up with her one week ago.” Nick marched across the threshold of the pink bedroom and gently deposited her on the bed. “He told me Lynn got too clingy. I don’t want to talk about my cousin’s sex life tonight, Sweet Pea. Tonight is for us alone.”

  He kissed her again, sending all her senses scrambling all over again. As they stripped again, she could only think of the moment, wishing it would last forever.

  * * *

  An hour after they’d made love, Shelby couldn’t sleep. Sitting up in the bed, she watched Nick. Arm flung over his head, he lay on his back, looking as innocent as a child.

  All the lines smoothed out from his face as he slept, the scar on his cheek softer in the warm glow of the bedside lamp. He looked defenseless.

  Knowing how powerful his body was, and how he moved, she knew it wasn’t true. Nick Anderson was as defenseless as a tiger. She blushed, remembering how he’d moved inside of her. Her body tingled and ached from the hard loving.

  Her feelings for him grew deeper every day. But what would happen if he decided to sell the ranch and leave?

  She’d been crushed ten years ago when he abandoned her.

  This time, she knew he’d break her heart for good.

  Chapter 16

  One week after making love with Shelby, Nick felt even more restless than when he’d first arrived at Belle Creek.

  Sex with Shelby had filled Nick with a troubled longing. The sex was fantastic, but equally so was holding her close to him, feeling her warm, soft body in the dark night. Listening to her breathe, his world felt centered for the first time since he’d left the navy. He could easily drift into contentment with this woman, envisioning a life complete with marriage, kids and life on the ranch.

  Yet deep inside, he felt a restless urge to leave. Shelby was apple pie, stability and all the comforts of a home he wasn’t certain he wanted. Or deserved. The emotions she stirred threatened to quell the restlessness he’d felt. And that bothered him, because he wasn’t certain how he’d adjust permanently to life as a rancher. Or a husband. Or a father.

  After they’d made love that night, he hadn’t time to dwell on his growing feelings or his very male hunger, because both Jake and Dan returned home. Everyone stayed busy preparing for the pumpkin patch at the ranch. Shelby had moved into the house, sleeping in the pink guest room at Nick’s request. With everything that had to be done, he felt better having everyone under one roof at night. Even Jake obeyed Nick’s edict, grumbling good-naturedly about sleeping in his own bedroom. The new security system Nick had installed at the house meant one less thing to worry about. To make doubly sure everyone was protected, he moved his belongings into the basement rec room.

  There were no more stolen kisses with Shelby, or nights spent making long, leisurely love in borrowed beds. Nick woke before dawn and worked nonstop until way into the night. Meals were quick bites grabbed haphazardly, or takeout Felicity ordered. By the time he fell into bed, exhausted, Shelby was upstairs asleep.

  Today was opening day. Shortly after dawn, Nick rode out over the trail where the hay wagon would pull happy families later. He wanted to ensure all was perfect. The proper permits had been secured, electrical lines laid down for extra lighting, portable toilets installed—everything was set. Nick also purchased a small liability policy as a condition of securing the permits for the festival.

  Satisfied the trail was good, he galloped back, and then dismounted. Nick led Tiny Dancer back to his stall to wipe him down and currycomb the horse. As he reached the stall, he saw something taped to the door. He unfolded the white squa
re of paper. His temper rose, and he crushed the paper in one trembling fist.

  Damn it. He’d thought these childish notes were over.

  You think you’re a big hero but you’re a loser. Go away before you get hurt.

  He stuffed the paper into his jeans pocket and started working on drying off Tiny Dancer. The note was supposed to mock him. Well, whoever wrote it didn’t know him well. It took more than mere words to get under his skin. Still, he was glad that he’d hired extra security guards for the start of the pumpkin patch. Jonah Doyle even promised to spare a deputy to stop by and patrol at random.

  Nick finished currying Tiny Dancer, put oats into his feed bag and gave him a pat. Feed was expensive, and the ranch was running on a shoestring budget. After this weekend, they should have enough cash.

  “Enjoy your treat, big guy,” he told the horse. “Next week you’ll have plenty more.”

  He returned to the house to grab coffee before the workers started arriving to set up the booths and vending trucks.

  Shelby was in the expansive kitchen, sitting at the breakfast bar, reading a newspaper and drinking coffee. Clad in a blue-and-pink flannel shirt and matching sleep pants, she looked sexy as hell. She glanced up when she saw him and her expression softened upon seeing him.

  “Hello, stranger. Want some java juice?”

  In a few strides, he was at her side. “No, what I want is you, Sweet Pea.” Nick framed her face with his hands and dropped a kiss on her soft, warm mouth.

  Her fingers laced around his wrists. “Me, too, Nick.” A delicate flush tinted her cheeks. “I’ve missed you.”

  Not as much as I’m going to miss you when I finally leave. The thought startled and unsettled him. Was he truly entertaining the idea of walking away? Leaving Shelby and the ranch?

  And go where?

  But he couldn’t deny the tug of restlessness that increased each day he spent at Belle Creek. Too many years roaming with the navy, and then on his own, had made it difficult for him to settle.


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