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Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy)

Page 14

by C. Michelle

  Kade is serious, but slowly smiles and walks over to us to enfold us in a group hug. “I’m so happy you two found each other. You truly make a beautiful couple, but I’m still not letting you off the hook. You’re both coming tonight and dancing your asses off! I’m gonna make some drinks to get us all in the partying spirit.”

  Kade stays back waiting for his friends to pick him up. After a few drinks, we’re feeling the buzz and can’t wait to head over to the club, so we take a taxi. While we’re in the cab, I look over at Nina and remember she’s not wearing any panties. Right away, I want to bury my face between her legs. She gives me a knowing look and smiles. I notice that we’re close to arriving at the club, I get as near to Nina as possible and slide my hand up her dress. She gives me a wary look, but doesn’t stop me. The driver is focused on the road and can’t see what I’m doing from behind. Nina instinctively opens her legs, welcoming me inside. I play with her entrance, make her wet, and insert my two fingers inside her hot, tight sex. I stroke her several times and feel her body tense up. She fights herself to contain a moan from escaping her. Moments later, I feel her juice as her orgasm clenches me. Slowly, I remove my fingers and place them in my mouth to savor. “Damn, baby…you have such a sweet pussy. I can’t wait to tear you up tonight.” I whisper in her ear.

  Nina roughly massages my dick to let me know she’s just as anxious. We get dropped off at the club; I walk up to the front of the line and meet the bouncer, who’s an old acquaintance since high school at the door. He waves us in and allows us to enter. I thank him and place a bill in his palm as I shake his hand. We walk in; I take Nina’s coat along with mine and check them in at the coat check. We stroll deeper into the dance club holding hands with me leading the way.

  The main dance floor consists of house and techno music combined with radio songs. The place is dark with strobe lights flickering among the packed crowd. I stop at the first bar we encounter and get Nina and me two double shots of Patrón along with two beers. After we pound our shots, we take our beers, and search for Emme. Right before we arrived, she sent Nina a text stating she was already here. As we’re walking through the crowd, I notice a Latin room to my right with red and gold lights. The dj is playing a mix of merengue and reggaeton for the crammed dance floor. I make a mental note to come back here later tonight. We go upstairs with Nina leading the way. Her bare skin feels like silk as I place my hand at the small of her back. I guide her through the second level to reach the V.I.P. lounge. I speak with the bouncer, inform him of everyone who will be joining us, and hand him a tip. The dance floor has a blue light setting; everyone here is swaying to the song, “Swimming Pools (Drank)” by Kendrick Lamar. Nina takes a seat in one of the half circular booths and sends everyone a text of our location. Moments later, Emme joins us at our table and asks Nina to accompany her to the restroom. The girls leave. I use this time to walk over to the bar to place an order for more drinks. As I’m waiting for the drinks, Nina comes from behind me and covers my eyes. I place my hands over hers still maintaining my eyes closed as I turn around. Instantly, I feel her lips pressing hard against mine. I open my mouth and welcome her tongue. I remove my hands from hers while she’s still covering my eyes and place both hands on her firm, round ass. Her kiss feels rough and desperate. Soon, she removes her hands from my eyes and places them around my neck. I open my eyes and to my surprise realize I’m kissing Nicole. I’m dumbfounded and alarm rapidly sets in. But, it’s too late, as I look past Nicole, I notice Nina’s shocked and hurt expression.

  Chapter 7 (Nina)

  Drunk Ass

  That mother fucker! I can’t believe he’s swapping spit with that dirty cunt! Fuck him! I urgently walk away leaving him with that piece of shit waitress to do as they wish. I’m beyond livid. I can literally feel my blood boiling. As I’m exiting the V.I.P. lounge, I feel someone yank my arm.

  “Baby, let me explain. It’s not what you think.” Josh attempts to justify the scandalous scene I just witnessed.

  “Don’t call me ‘baby’ you lyin’ ass, punk bitch! Don’t fuckin’ touch me ever again! Go swap spit with that loose whore! Leave me the fuck alone!” I yell in his face and manage to say all in one breath.

  “Shut the fuck up for one second! I don’t blame you for being upset, just let me fuckin’ explain!” He grabs me, willing me to listen.

  His touch repulses me and riles up violence I didn’t know I had. The hell with a slap on the face, I want to hurt him. So, I attempt to swing at him. Josh’s reflexes are quick and grips me in a bear hold pinning my arms to my side. Somehow, I manage to lower my body and take off my right heel while Josh is still holding me tight.

  “Let me go!” I demand.

  “Promise you’ll stop swinging at me and hear me out!” He orders.

  “Yes.” I lie.

  As soon as I feel him releasing his hold on me, with all my might, I hit Josh with my five inch stiletto heel on top of the right side of his head. Immediately, blood begins to gush down his face. He releases his hold on me and grabs my wrists in an effort to stop me from hitting him again. The strong pressure he has on my wrists makes me drop my shoe. When I turn my focus on my stiletto heel, I realize that everyone in the lounge is staring at us. Great.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? I didn’t kiss that fuckin’ hoe! She kissed me! Don’t get all psycho on me without having your damn facts straight!” He squeezes my wrists and clenches his jaw. Even then, I observe he’s holding back and doing his best to maintain his composure, but nonetheless, he’s hurting me and he’s pissed.

  But…so am I! Fuck him and his lies.

  Emme quickly intervenes as a bouncer is following behind her and tries to be the voice of reason. “Josh, let her go. You two have been drinking and are making stupid decisions. You can both talk about this situation tomorrow or another day once you’ve calmed down and have had time to think things through.”

  Josh hesitantly lets me go and instantly, I rush out. I can’t believe I allowed myself to be a part of a dramatic outburst for the amusement of bystanders. I hate drama and usually avoid it at all costs. It’s pretty pathetic if you ask me, yet here I am being no better. I feel myself suffocating in the crowded dance scene. My body feels sticky from sweat. My mind is congested with bad thoughts of Josh and the dirty waitress. I need fresh air for clarity.

  As I’m exiting the club, Kade is walking in. One look at me and right away he knows something’s wrong. He says goodbye to his friends, leads me outside, and waves a cab down. The cool, crisp air feels like heaven against my senses. Instantaneously, I stop being mad at Josh and turn the anger onto myself.

  I know better than to trust or believe in strangers. I fell for his lies and wished them to be true when he spoke of his feelings for me. I allowed him past my guard. I’ve resorted to violence out of hurt and anger. I should’ve walked away. To top things off, I’ve made a fool of myself from the disturbing spectacle I displayed in front of several people. I’m disgusted with my behavior.

  During the cab ride home, Kade and I remain silent. When we enter our home, we both sit on the floor by the coffee table in the living room. Kade patiently waits for me to speak. I can’t get the words out. I feel emotionally drained.

  “Do you want me to make you a drink? Or does this occasion require ice cream instead?” Kade asks cautiously.

  “A drink. A really strong one.” I emphasize.

  “Okay. Put on your pjs first and we’ll get shit faced drunk together as you tell me what the hell happened tonight.” Kade gets up and walks over to the kitchen to play the role of a bartender.

  I change into comfy clothes and check my phone before I begin my night of drunkenness. Fourteen missed calls, two from Emme and the rest from him. My violent actions tonight originated from his betrayal. That doesn’t justify my behavior. How I handled the situation was wrong, it felt good at the moment, but regardless, it was still a mistake. My pride is hurt, but I still contemplate on texting him an apology. As I’m hol
ding my phone, Emme calls to inform me she’s right outside. She thought I wouldn’t open the door, afraid I would think it was Josh. Hearing his name mentioned, sends me in a frenzy again. Instantly, I decide not to apologize for my actions. Fuck his cheating ass.

  Emme walks into the house completely dramatic. “Hey, you’ll never guess what happened seconds after you left! Shit hit the fan! Josh and the bouncer got into a fight! When you left, Josh was gonna come after you, but the bouncer stopped him. So, Josh threw the first hit and soon they were both throwing blows. Well, Josh knocked his ass out and took off. Man, he was pissed! I’d hate to be the poor soul who crosses him right now.”

  “Not my problem. That’s on him.” I state indifferently.

  Emme settles in and the three of us begin drinking. I tell Kade my animated version of tonight’s events. I make Kade and Emme promise they won’t allow Josh to enter the house for any reason. I make it clear that Josh is no longer welcome in my home. They both agree.

  Just then, a violent pounding on the front door startles me and makes me spill my drink on the floor.

  “Open the fuckin’ door, Nina! I didn’t do shit! It’s not my fault that bitch is thirsty and won’t get off my nutsack! Open the damn door and let me explain what you saw!” Josh continues beating the door forcefully waiting for my response.

  I’m shocked. I wasn’t expecting him to come here. I notice Kade get up and head towards the door completely agitated himself. “Fuck that shit! I know he’s not getting all psycho on you!” I grab Kade’s arm and stop him from opening the door. I pull him back into the living room.

  “Please don’t open the door. We’ve all been drinking and the last thing I need is for you and Josh to get into a fight. Let him be.” I plead.

  “Cheesecake, I can’t let him intimidate you!” Kade argues with a flabbergasted expression.

  Emme interrupts, “Don’t worry, I just called the cops. He scared the shit out of me! He won’t be out there for long.” She states with a smirk on her face.

  “What the fuck? Why did you call the cops, Emme?” I’m too buzzed to understand my emotions. Part of me wants to get him back for hurting me, but my rational side understands that what he did isn’t cause for him to be arrested.

  “Please just go away, Josh! Just go!” I beg.

  “Fuck that! Not until you hear me out! Open the damn door!” He demands. His voice sounds menacingly deep and husky. Instantly, it runs chills throughout my body.

  Minutes later, Josh yells, “I can’t believe you called the fuckin’ cops! Are you serious? That’s bullshit!” Within seconds, I hear him arguing with the two officers who responded to Emme’s call.

  I can’t handle the situation and escape to my room turning on the music loud enough to drain out any thoughts of Josh. Within a short timeframe, Kade enters my room. “The police took him, boo. He got aggressive on their asses. Do you want me to make you another drink?”

  I feel my heart ache and my chest tighten. “Yes, please.”

  As the night progresses, we’re all wasted in the living room. We begin adding different Spotify and Pandora radio stations on Kade’s phone and attach it to the stereo that’s hooked up to our surround sound. Kade hides my phone afraid that I’ll drunk dial Josh or the police to find out Josh’s whereabouts.

  While I’m lying on the floor, “Be Without You” by Mary J. Blige comes on. Oh, hell no! I love me some Mary J., but there’s no way I can handle this song right now. Next. The song, “I Need Your Lovin’” by Teena Marie begins to play, so I crank up the volume and start to sing along. Why? Because apparently, I have some masochistic tendencies while I’m drunk and heartbroken. At least, this old school song has a cool and fast beat.

  I begin to sing. “Love’s fever comin’ on strong…I don’t want the fire without the flame no...” I stop singing the disturbing lyrics. I face the stereo and warn Teena. “Fire? Girl, you’ll get burned! Fuck that.” Girl power!

  I continue to sing. “Ask me what I need…I need your lovin’…And that’s the bottom line…I need your lovin’ or…Just a little time, this will do…” I stop singing.

  “I don’t need shit, Teena! (hicc-up) Especially his fuckin’ (hicc-up) love! Screw him! I’m better off!” I yell out. I don’t understand why Teena’s trippin’. She’s clearly sending me the wrong message.

  I disregard the negativity and continue projecting my wonderful vocal skills. “Love’s comin’, so glad you’re mine…I don’t want your rhythm (hicc-up) without your rhyme, no…”

  “Shut your face, Teena! Whatever happened to girl power? I’ve had enough (hicc-up) of you. I’m stitching the station. See, Teena…I can’t even talk straight. I’m speaking crooked because of you, girl. Ugh…” And then I pass out in the living room drunk off my ass.

  Vaguely, I think I hear Kade say, “Oh, for the love of all that’s sacred, shut the hell up! If birds were flying around, they would be dropping dead from your horrible singing! Lady T doesn’t deserve her song being massacred.”

  I’m sure I’m dreaming because I know I can sing.

  I wake up the next morning with a vicious hangover. I can usually hang with liquor, but yesterday, I mixed my drinks which ended up in disaster for me. Too soon, I recall last night’s heartbreaking and embarrassing moments, Josh sucking face with the cheap waitress, me hitting him with the spiked heel of my shoe causing him to bleed profusely, and him getting arrested. Emme and Kade are still asleep. I search for my phone and find it on top of Kade’s nightstand. I check to see if I have any more missed calls. None.

  Part of me is glad, I don’t want to talk or think about Josh even though guilt is surprisingly consuming me. The other side is disappointed that he isn’t attempting to explain his actions. I know he can’t still be in jail, he has money and I’m sure he’s already been released. Who am I kidding? There’s nothing to clarify. He was all over her! He was holding onto her tight and was rubbing her ass as if there were a genie inside who was about to grant him three wishes!

  Let it go, Nina. Just let him go.

  When I return to the living room, Kade is awake and heading to the kitchen to prepare some coffee.

  “Hey, Cheesecake. How do you feel?” He asks with concern deep in his features.

  “Like shit. Sorry you missed going out last night and dealt with my drama instead.” I feel it’s necessary to apologize for my foolish behavior.

  “You should be apologizing for your singing. It’s dreadful!” He laughs.

  “What? You’re crazy! I sing all the time.” I’m offended. Clearly, he’s grouchy because he hasn’t had his cup of mojo this morning.

  “Just because you do it all the time doesn’t mean you’re any good. Next time you sing, you need to focus on all the mirrors shattering around you. That’s not a coincidence.” He chuckles.

  I give Kade the evil eye. “You’re such an ass. But regardless, I don’t care. I’m going to keep singing whether you like it or not. At least, I’m not completely clueless and sign up to audition for American Idol. I feel sorry for the ones who truly believe they can sing and sound like donkeys, poor things.”

  “I would never let you go on American Idol. You’re my best friend and if you look bad, then I do too. And we can’t have that! I have a reputation to uphold!” He’s so silly.

  I sigh. “I love how you turn everything about you.”

  “Thank you. It’s a gift. Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. What are you gonna do about Josh?” Ugh. It’s the last question I want to hear, especially from my bestie.

  “There’s nothing to do. He played me, I’m done with him, and I’m pretty sure he’s finished with me too. Hello? He was practically fucking a girl right in front of me and I busted his head open. I’m pretty sure those two things justify our breakup.” I remind him.

  Kade gives me a look of pity. “You know that I’ll always be on your side no matter how psycho and wrong you can be, but I do think you and Josh should talk things out first. Something doesn’t
seem right. I feel like he really likes you and wouldn’t do something to sabotage your relationship, let alone right in front of you. He was pissed as fuck last night, I don’t think he would’ve been so adamant about explaining himself if he didn’t care. If you still feel like he belongs in hell after you speak with him, than you and I can go to a gay bar and write his name and number indicating he’s ready for a good time all over the men’s bathroom. Does that sound like a plan?”

  “Awww you’re so sweet. I love it when you have your thinking cap on. Still not sure about talking to him, we’ll see.” I say in deep thought.

  The rest of the day is uneventful. I lounge in my pjs and substitute two of my meals with two Ben & Jerry’s ice cream pints, Phish Food and Chunky Monkey. Along with my frozen treats, I also eat three cannoli, two biscotti, half a pan of brownies, a large bag of Takis chips, and wash my food down with a large diet Coke because I’m on a diet and don’t need the extra calories. Kade gets sick of seeing me moping around and forces me to release my negativity onto Lucifer by running at least five miles. I surprise myself and run seven and a half. I feel slightly better and prepare for the work week ahead.

  My Monday morning is off to a bad start. I’m running late, don’t have breakfast or time to gather up snacks. Work is extremely busy and chaotic, more than usual. Today, my voicemail box is maxed out with solely victims’ calls. By lunchtime, I’m mentally drained after speaking to the victims or the parents and discussing their cases.

  As I’m headed to the vending machine for a quick snack, Chris, a young attorney invites me to lunch. I’m so hungry, I agree without giving it a second thought. In the past, he’s asked me out a few times, but I’ve repetitiously declined his requests. I simply refuse to date someone from work, it complicates things. Today, I just need a distraction. It’s not a big deal, just lunch with a coworker. Besides, he’s pretty easy on the eyes with his bright blues and flawless, tan skin. He’s tall, handsome, and clean cut. Usually, I don’t like attorneys since sometimes they come across as super dull and geeky or even worse, arrogant and full of shit. But this guy seems nice enough for me to spend the next hour with.


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