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Alex Drakos: His Forbidden Love

Page 6

by Mallory Monroe

  He looked at the house his people had rented. It wasn’t exactly the kind of house he was accustomed to living in, even temporarily. It was smaller than his apartment in Manhattan, and was probably the size of a bedroom at his estate on the Hudson. But it would have to do as a home base for his operations, at least until he got that referendum approved!

  He got out of the SUV, and used his key to get inside.

  Inside, Kari had completed her walk-through of the big, colonial-styled home on Whimble when she heard the front door open. “What did you forget this time, Nan?”

  Nancy Cooper, along with a small crew, had just left the house a few minutes earlier, and was one of Kari’s best employees. But she was scatterbrained when it came to her memory. She was always forgetting her pocketbook or her cellphone or even her car keys one time.

  But when Kari didn’t get a response, she peeped around the side wall beyond the hall, and then made her way toward the front. “Nan? That you? Nan?”

  She stopped in her tracks. Standing at the front door, still in the foyer, wasn’t Nan, or any of her maids. It was a male. A tall, big and muscular, white male. Kari’s heart dropped.

  “I didn’t answer,” Alex said, “because I wasn’t certain you were speaking to me.”

  “It’s you,” she said. It was the man she had been thinking about all last night.

  “It’s you,” Alex responded with a smile. It was the woman he had been thinking about all last night. The woman with the eyes. And the warmest smile he’d ever seen. “Were you speaking to me?”

  “I thought it was one of the maids coming back through,” she said. He wore a suit this time, she noticed. And not just any suit, either. The material looked so expensive that Kari wanted to reach out and touch it. “But that’s what I get from assuming,” she added.

  “What are you doing here?” Alex asked.

  “My company was contracted to clean the place,” Kari said. “What are you doing here?”

  “My company contracted to live in the place,” Alex said.

  Kari immediately felt better. She even smiled. “Oh, I see!”

  Alex found himself staring into her mouth. Her smile was so warm and inviting that it seemed to capture every ounce of his attention.

  “My ladies just left,” she continued, when she, too, noticed his stare. “I was doing a walk-through to make sure everything was in order. I was hoping to be out before the tenant arrived. Before you arrived.”

  “And is it?”

  Kari didn’t understand. “Is it what?”

  “Is everything in order?”

  “Oh! It is, yes. They did a great job.”

  The door opened, and Alex’s assistant, Priska Rahm, walked in. As soon as Kari saw the tall, older redhead, she didn’t know what to make of her. Was she this man’s wife? Lover? Neither?

  It seemed unlikely she was one of the first two. She was carrying a briefcase, and seemed totally businesslike. “Where do I put this, sir?” she asked Alex.

  Alex looked at Kari. “The office?” he asked her. “I understood there to be an office here.”

  “There is, yes, sir.” Kari looked at Priska. “Right down the hall, ma’am, and the first door to your right.”

  “Thank you,” Priska said without breaking a smile, and headed down the hall.

  The door opened again, and a group of men came in carrying suitcases and computer equipment and all kinds of gadgets Kari couldn’t even name.

  “Where to, Boss?” one of the men asked.

  Alex looked at Kari once again.

  “The office is down the hall,” Kari said to the men. “The bedrooms are upstairs.”

  Unlike Priska, the men didn’t thank the help, as Kari was certain they viewed her as, and began heading in both directions: those with equipment toward the office. Those with suitcases upstairs.

  Alex was staring at Kari, however, when his men first came in. She was a tad above average, height-wise, maybe five-six if he had to venture a guess, but she was smallish and slender. She wore a pair of jeans and a pullover sweater, and her long hair was in a thick ponytail that sat up high on her small head. Her eyes were the biggest thing on her body, and they were massive. He couldn’t decide, on first blush, if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Eyes that big weren’t going to be able to hide what she felt inside. Just no way. That could spell trouble for her.

  As he noticed last night, even when she was waiting tables, she had that air of sophistication about her that told him she was a natural born leader, and a person who wouldn’t fit as a mere worker. And she had street in her too. He saw that right away. Not struggling maid or poverty kind of street. But hustler street. “I have a question for you,” he said, after his men left the area.

  “Fire away,” she responded.

  “Is the test of whether or not the maids did a great job, as you suggest, based upon your interpretation of a great job, or the tenant’s?”

  Kari smiled. That smile again, he thought. “The tenant’s, of course,” she said. “I’m sorry. I can show you around so you can see for yourself. If you’d like.”

  “That would be brilliant, thank you,” Alex said.

  Kari found him to be so different than any man she’d ever met that the idea of him coming to live in little Apple Valley, a town of just forty-thousand people, didn’t fit. But that wasn’t her problem. And she learned long ago to never ask people about their personal business. Especially since she didn’t want anybody asking about hers.

  She began showing the home to Alex by starting in the living room. It was spacious, and the stagers had done a good job with their furniture choices. And although the house was among one of the best in Apple Valley, Kari still didn’t see a man like him living there. But since the kitchen was the pride of the house, and gourmet to boot, she decided to make that her next stop.

  Alex walked behind her as she escorted him through the dining room, which was large enough for his needs, and into the kitchen area. Her ass was perfection, he thought, as she walked in front of him. Tight and round and plump. Just like he liked it. Nothing flat about it. He could imagine himself holding her by those hips, bending her tight ass over, and plowing into her so deep that it made her scream.

  And then he caught himself. What the fuck? Holding her hips, and plowing into her? What was he thinking? She already had issues. The fact that some wise guy mobster had run her off the road already proved that. And he was thinking about plowing into her? This lady was the personification of drama-ville when drama was the absolute last thing he needed in his life right now. He’d had his fill six months ago. He wasn’t going to allow any more.

  He decided to get down to business and stop focusing on fucking her, and focused, instead, on the tour. He even opened the refrigerator once they entered the kitchen, and peeped into some of the cabinets.

  “It’s a beautiful home, as you can see,” Kari said, feeling as if she had to do what Faye should have been over there doing: selling its best features. But since he’d already signed the rental agreement, Faye had probably moved on to her next commission. “It’s probably the best rental property on the market. And the decorators did a beautiful job, too. Don’t you think?”

  “Yes,” said Alex.

  “How long is your lease?” As soon as Kari asked it, she was surprised. How was that her business? And why was she even asking him such a personal question???

  But Alex didn’t mind. If she stepped out of line, he would call her on it. “It’s a month-to-month,” he said. “If I like it, I’ll buy it. If I don’t, I won’t.”

  But Kari was already distracted. “No, those heifers didn’t!” She suddenly noticed what she did not notice during her first walk-through.

  “What is it?” Alex asked, surprised by her outburst.

  Kari got down on her knees in front of the stove and, with her hand, slid out a lot of trash-like debris. “I don’t believe they did this!”

  Alex felt compelled to crotch down beside her. “What did th
ey do? And who are they?”

  “My maids. Instead of properly sweeping this kitchen floor, they swept the trash underneath the stove and anywhere else, I’m sure, their asses could hide it.” Kari moved to stand up. Alex placed his hand beneath her arm and helped her, and himself, back up. It appeared, however, given his bulkiness, he needed more help than she did.

  “Thank you,” Kari said as she stood up. She began brushing the dirt from her hands. “I’m going to have to get them back over here to do this job right. I apologize if it’s going to cause you any inconvenience.”

  Alex smiled. “They won’t have to return,” he said. “It’s okay.”

  “With respect,” Kari said with that hardened, sincere look in those big, beautiful eyes of hers, “it’s not okay. If they swept this shit under the rug, so to speak, and in the kitchen of all places, they swept it under rugs all over this place. And they know I don’t play that. They know I don’t play that! They will be back. And I promise you, they will do the job right when they get here. I’ll see to that.”

  Alex had never seen such sincerity and such distress over so little before. Was she this intense all the time? And if she was, how could she manage it? He looked deep into her eyes. Not only were they very big, with long, natural eyelashes that enhanced their beauty, but they also had that milk-chocolate appearance that made them look creamy. Even dreamy, Alex thought, in that her-dreams-were-not-coming-true kind of gaze.

  “If you feel that strongly about it,” he said, “then by all means, let them come back at your convenience.” He just wanted to end that conversation.

  “Thank you,” Kari responded. “Will tomorrow morning be okay?”

  Alex smiled. This woman was all business. “That’ll be fine,” he said, and they continued the tour.

  “I think that’s everything,” Kari said, when they ended the tour back downstairs. They had to navigate their way around the various people coming in and out of the house to bring in so much equipment. She couldn’t imagine one person needing so much, unless he worked from home and needed it all for his business. But that wasn’t her business.

  “I’d better go,” she said, “or I’ll be late for the meeting.”

  “A meeting tonight?” Alex asked. He wondered if she meant the meeting about the referendum.

  “Yes, sir,” she said. “Our city leaders want to bring casinos to Apple Valley, believe it or not, and they want community input before they have the vote.”

  “A casino?” Alex asked. Two of his men, who were bringing in equipment to set up in the office down the hall, listened too.

  “A casino in little ol’ Apple Valley,” Kari said as she put on her parka that hung in the foyer. “There’s already one in Mobile, and everybody around here goes to that one. The Indians run it. But this one is supposed to be non-Indian, privately-owned, and even bigger. With a massive hotel to boot.”

  “How do you feel about all of that?” Alex asked.

  “I don’t know yet,” Kari said honestly. “But I know for certain, if that referendum passes, it’s going to forever change this town. I know that much. And not in a good way, either. But it’s commerce, right? It’s progress. What can you do? Anyway, have a nice evening, sir,” she said as he opened the door for her. “And welcome to Apple Valley!”

  It was certainly a far warmer welcome than that bleak sign at the entry into the town. “Thank you,” Alex said, feeling her warmth.

  But as Kari walked out of the door, her shoe got caught in the threshold step, and she fell sideways, against Alex, to avoid falling head first. Alex instinctively placed his arm around her waist to break her fall, but that only pushed her further against him. Kari was so embarrassed by her clumsiness that she looked up at him. But the kindness she saw in his striking blue eyes was only minimized by what she felt.

  She felt his erection.

  It wasn’t full-bore, but it was hard enough for her to feel the stiffness against her. And, even more remarkable, she thought, was the size of that stiffness!

  And it was Alex’s time to be embarrassed. He wasn’t making an effort to have a sensual reaction to her. It usually took a lot for him to get it up just by being around a woman. But this woman, this unlikely lady he already had to rescue when he wasn’t in that business and didn’t care to get into it, had his dick throbbing.

  “Thanks for the catch,” Kari said, moving away from him and attempting to conceal her embarrassment; not to mention the sudden heat she was experiencing from the feel of his penis against her. “Have a good evening.” And she got away from there!

  Alex had to reposition his penis, to get it to settle back down, before he turned toward his men, whom he knew was in the hall waiting to comment. And when he turned and closed the door, they did.

  “Not very promising,” said one. “Is it, sir?”

  “What isn’t very promising?” Alex asked.

  “What she said about the casino. About how it’s not going to be good for this town. If she’s a sampling of what we can expect at that meeting, we’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  “I agree,” said another one. “They aren’t going to make it easy for us, Boss.”

  “Good,” Alex said, although his mind was still on the young lady rather than business. “Nothing worth having has ever come easy.”

  Then Alex realized that he had forgotten, once again, to ask her her name!

  When Kari left, and got into her Tercel, she was feeling some kind of wonderful. Not that the tour went perfect. It didn’t. She could still slap those maids for cutting corners on her in that kitchen. But he was such a nice guy about it, her anger couldn’t last.

  But there was something else that had her upbeat. She had turned him on. It was just a physical reaction, she realized, but it was surprising to her that he had gotten any reaction at all. And she felt so comfortable around him. Like she knew him already. And the way he came to her rescue last night. He was so elegant, and nice, and . . . She had to smile, and slow her roll.

  If she was on his level, moneywise, and if she had more going for her in the confidence and looks and every other department-wise, and if he showed her far more signs of interest than just a sexual one, she’d give these bitches around here a run for their money.

  Then she laughed and shook her head. If, if, if, she thought. Too many ifs for one human being to overcome!

  She picked up speed, as if she was trying to get away from her own thoughts, and made her way on.


  The meeting was packed. The town was all abuzz about the casino referendum, and they showed up in force to voice their concerns. Some showed up to listen. Most showed up to talk.

  “Over here, Kari!” Faye Church yelled above the boisterous crowd noise when Kari entered the city council meeting room. Faye was seated beside her husband Benny, a local attorney, while Lucinda Mayes, the owner of the diner next to Kari’s office, the diner Kari sometimes worked in, sat next to Faye. Kari hurried over, and sat next to Lucinda.

  “Thanks for saving me a seat,” Kari said to Faye, leaning over Lucinda to address her.

  “I thought you weren’t going to make it,” Faye replied.

  “I went by the house on Whimble to make sure it was ready. I ran into the tenant.”

  Faye smiled. “Oh, you saw him!”

  “Yes, I saw him. Who is he?” Kari asked.

  Faye smiled. “No wonder you were late,” she said, and winked.

  But Kari was confused. “What are you winking about?” she asked.

  “Very funny, Kari.”

  Funny? Kari was confused. She wasn’t trying to be funny!

  “I hope this doesn’t drag on and on,” Lucinda said. “I have a date later.”

  “A date?” Faye asked. “Child please.”

  “What’s wrong with a date? I’m eligible. Because you aren’t, isn’t my problem.”

  Kari wanted to know what Faye meant by being funny, but she gave up, and leaned back. When Faye and Lucinda got into
their back-and-forth, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to get a word in edgewise.

  Kari could see that the city leaders were upfront, all of them propped up on a dais as if to remind everybody else that they ran this town. Most of them were businessmen themselves, all were white, and all stood to profit from a yes vote on the referendum, and therefore were the casino’s biggest supporters.

  Faye and Benny were big supporters too. Lucinda even more so. But Kari wasn’t so sure. She liked the small-town feel of Apple Valley. She liked the warmth and friendliness and almost nonexistent crime rate. If a world-class hotel and casino came to town, the town was going to change. No question about it. And she seriously doubted that it was going to change for the better.

  And just as she was thinking about how she might vote, papers were passed out explaining the various pros and cons, and Kari put on her pair of Dean-style reading glasses to read the fine print. She could also hear, as she read, a conversation by a group seated behind her, who were far surer than she was.

  “They say he’s a billionaire,” one of the men said. “And a greedy one at that.”

  “Wonder why he picked Apple Valley, if he’s such a big shot?” asked another one. “What we got going for us?”

  “I heard we’re going to be like his pilot project to see if it can work first, and then he’ll be taking over small towns all across this state with them there casinos.”

  “Gambling means gangsters,” said a new voice, this one female. “And gangsters mean gambling. We don’t want that in our nice town!”

  And that was the mantra. They didn’t want it in their nice town. This evil billionaire, whomever he was, didn’t stand a chance, Kari thought.

  But she thought that until he walked into the meeting room.

  Alex strolled in, with the same team of people behind him that was at the house on Whimble, and he walked in as if he owned the meeting. Kari was floored. He’s Mister Casino? He’s the evil billionaire? He’s a BILLIONAIRE???


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