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Going Insane--A Psycho Thriller

Page 6

by Tim Kizer

  "Do this money and the necklace belong to you?" asked Lewis.

  "No, I’ve never seen them before."

  "Can you explain how they got in your house?"

  "I guess somebody planted them there."

  "Planted? Do you think it sounds plausible? By the way, can I see your bicycle?"

  "I don't see it in my house. Somebody has stolen it."

  Yes, his bike was gone. Or it was hidden very well.

  "Someone has stolen your bicycle? What for?"

  Don't forget the bike, said Norman.

  Jesse’s heart started throbbing. Damn, all this stress had made him completely forget yesterday’s poker night.

  "Listen. I couldn't have robbed that woman because last night at nine pm I was at my neighbor's place, playing Texas hold ‘em.”

  "What’s his name?"

  "Norman Cooper. We played poker till midnight. Talk to him."


  Jesse shifted a triumphant look from Detective Lewis to Norman, then back to the detective. Now this misunderstanding would finally get resolved.

  "Where were you last night at nine o’clock?" Lewis opened his notepad.

  "I was at home," answered Norman.

  "Did you see Mr. Greenburg at that time?"

  "Jesse? No, I didn't."

  "Norm?!" Jesse exclaimed as a thousand goose bumps popped up on his skin. "What are you saying?!"

  "Is anything wrong?" asked Norman.

  "Tell him the truth!" shouted Jesse.

  "I told the truth. What's going on?" Norman stared at the detective.

  "So, Mr. Greenburg was not at your house yesterday at nine pm?"

  "No, he was not. What happened?"

  "What happened?!" Jesse was ready to charge at Norman, but restrained himself, being aware that it would only harm him.

  "I guess we're finished here," said Lewis with a smile.


  "This necklace...How much is it?" Paul put his arm around Jane's waist.

  "I don't remember the exact price." Jane kissed Paul on the cheek. "You made a great robber."

  "And you made a great victim."

  "Having fun, kids?" Norman entered the room.

  "Mr. Cooper, are you sure it was Jesse who killed your dog?" asked Jane.

  "I am positive. I wish they had driving schools in prison.”

  "Bad thing he’ll never know why we framed him," said Paul.

  "Why? I'm going to send him a postcard to prison," said Norman. "A postcard with a picture of a dog. A dog riding a bicycle."


  The following is a sample of Tim Kizer’s horror novel “Days of Vengeance” (about 106,000 words).

  “Days of Vengeance” description:

  With the last six years of his life wiped out of his memory, Frank begins to suspect he may have murdered his wife Kelly, who went missing shortly before the car crash that caused his amnesia. While struggling to remember his wife and the events surrounding her disappearance, Frank is shocked to find out that Kelly's family has the same suspicions as he does.

  As memories trickle back to him, Frank is still unable to figure out why he slaughtered his wife and what happened to his accomplice. He is not even sure he has nothing to do with the disappearance of his young daughter, who went missing a few months earlier. Things take a darker turn when he realizes that his in-laws will stop at nothing to make him remember what he has done to their beloved sister. The situation gets even more complicated as an anonymous blackmailer accuses Frank of the murder and demands money to keep his mouth shut.

  Frank's search for answers becomes a fight for survival after he rediscovers that his wife's relatives are a clique of bloodthirsty serial kidnappers serving a mysterious one-legged man. His chances of prevailing are slim: one of the in-laws is a cop and another is a multimillionaire.

  However, the question still remains: Why are these people so hell-bent on getting hold of Kelly's dead body?

  His options are limited: he either finds his wife--dead or alive--or dies. In his race against time Frank has all the clues to the puzzle, he just needs to remember them before it’s too late.

  The novel is currently available for $0.99 on Amazon kindle

  Please visit Tim Kizer’s website for more news.

  Tim Kizer

  Days of Vengeance

  Chapter 1.



  The note read: “Dear Frank, I know you killed your wife, and I can prove it. You are a reasonable person. I’m sure you don’t want to go to prison. All I need is a $20,000 loan. Please think about my request very carefully.”

  But before this, the last six years had been wiped from his memory.

  Then there were darkness and dreams...


  Owl. Owl. Owl? This word flickered at the edge of his mind for a few seconds and then vanished. Frank somehow knew that it was not the word he’d been trying to recall. His very life depended upon this important word buried deep inside his memory, and he had to fish it out as soon as possible if he didn’t want the one-legged man and his people to cut his throat. He had no idea who the one-legged man was. Sometimes he doubted this man actually existed.

  The word sounded similar to ‘owl.’

  He would give it another shot later. Right now, he would like to focus on something else. Those dreams. Yeah, on those amazingly vivid dreams.

  Frank had been having bizarre dreams while he was in a coma. When he regained his consciousness, he did not remember their contents. As a matter of fact, he was not even sure he’d had any dreams at all.

  Very hard. Really damn hard! It was so hard to open his eyes. To unglue his eyelids, which, as he had begun to suspect, must have been sewn together, otherwise how could one explain the fact that he had been trying to put them in motion for ten minutes now (or maybe ten days), and they had not budged one bit?

  Then two flashes of recollection lit up his mind. First, Frank remembered that there was a steel-plated safe holding a body the one-legged man’s people would love to get back. He had no clue where he’d hidden it. Within seconds, this memory disappeared into the ether.

  The second flash was one of those strange dreams.

  Frank remembered seeing a man who stood by the bathroom door, collecting his thoughts. The man clasped a nine-inch long knife in his right hand, but Frank knew he was nursing a hope that he would not have to use it. Strangle... He would prefer to strangle her.

  Frank could also see a woman in the bathroom. She was in the shower cabin, carefully rubbing soap on her shoulders, forearms, and breasts, firm jets of hot water massaging her back, her hands sliding smoothly on the soft lather. The man wrapped his fingers around the knob, turned and pulled it, swore at himself—this door opens inward, idiot!—and then began pushing the door slowly until the gap became wide enough for him to see the woman.

  The woman’s progress was easy to observe since the bathroom fans had been doing a great job of venting most of the steam out. The man asked himself if he should wait until she finished showering. The answer was no.

  The woman turned around towards the showerhead and remained in this position for a while as the water rinsed the front of her body. Then she grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed some of its contents into her palm. She seemed preoccupied with the task at hand and would have hardly noticed if someone had sneaked into the room, especially with all that mist on the shower door. After gently lathering the top of her hair, the woman poured more shampoo into her palm and applied it to her hair in the back.

  The man gathered his courage and finally stepped over the threshold. He quickly shut the door behind him so as to prevent the draft of cold air from breaking into the bathroom and thus alerting the woman. Frank still couldn’t discern both the man’s and the woman’s faces—they were the only blurry spots in this vivid dream—but at the same time he had a feeling he knew these people very well. The man stood mere feet away
from the shower cabin, watching his target massage the shampoo into her scalp. He was excited she didn’t see him enter the room. Lucky for him, the woman usually closed her eyes when lathering up her hair, which meant he had the surprise factor on his side, just like he’d hoped. Now there was a chance he wouldn’t have to hear her ear-piercing scream after all.

  With a pleased smile, the woman breathed in the hot steam, letting it warm up her nasal passage and lungs, as her hands slowly moved from her forehead to the back of her head, her fingers digging into the shampoo foam in circular motions. She obviously enjoyed taking shower.

  Hiding the knife behind his back, the man made the first step towards the cabin. Through the water jet noise, he heard the woman start humming some tune, and he froze for a second to shake off the momentary doubt that he would be unable to yank that bitch out and accomplish what he had planned. She’d better shut up and quit distracting him! He inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth and quickly calmed down.

  The tune reproduced by the woman was Dancing Queen by ABBA. Like millions of other people, the woman loved singing in the shower, where there were no critics or gawkers.

  With her eyes still shut, the woman stepped closer to the showerhead, allowing the water to rinse her hair. As the shampoo lather streamed down her naked body, she kept humming Dancing Queen, while running her fingers through her locks. She was enveloped in puffs of steam, the water noise drowned every other sound in the bathroom; oblivious to the world outside the foggy shower door, she didn’t see the man approach the cabin.


  The memory expired as abruptly as it had come to his mind. A few seconds later, he only had a vague idea of what the dream had been about. And the memory of the one-legged man had vanished completely.

  So, one, two, three. He was summoning his strength. Summoning his strength. He had to open his eyes. And here was the light. His eyelids finally opened. Focusing, and...

  A woman's face. Perhaps, he should go to the bathroom and wash his face and brush his teeth. He also did not want to be late for work. By the way, where did he work?

  “Mister Fowler,” the woman said in a low voice, putting her warm palm on his hand.

  Lying in bed was pleasant. The woman’s palm was very warm, as if it had rested on a hot towel for a while before landing on his hand. He had no desire to get up. It felt as though he had grown into the bed, become part of it. The woman was apparently kind. Kind as a mother.

  He moved his lips apart and forgot to register how difficult this action was because all of his attention was drawn to the face of the kind woman clasping his hand. His right hand. Or was it his left hand? Damn, which hand was she holding?

  “Mister Fowler, if you can hear me, move your right thumb.” A pause. “Move any finger if you can hear me, Mister Fowler. Hang on a second. I'm going to get the doctor.”

  Yes, sure, he could hear her. He moved (or so it seemed to him) his right index finger. Yes, it was the index finger on the hand the woman was squeezing. He wagged it with sufficient amplitude so that the woman would easily notice the movement.

  “Hang—” the woman fell silent after seeing his finger twitch, which meant he had actually moved it. “Very good, Mister Fowler. I'll get the doctor.”

  As she rose from the chair, she poured a pleasant sweet smell over him—everything coming from this woman was pleasant. Then she left the room, her heels knocking softly on the floor. Or maybe it wasn’t her heels. Now he wasn’t even sure he had heard the knocking.

  Knocking? And what about breakfast? Or was it time for lunch?

  Or dinner?

  “Hello,” he whispered. He realized it had been a whisper and wanted to believe he had intended to whisper that word, but in reality he had been going to shout it. The sad fact was his vocal folds were not up to the task at the moment. Right now he sounded like a punctured balloon.


  You might as well just keep silent, buddy, considering that your voice is so faint. It’s as if you are afraid of waking up a little child. Yeah, keep silent, man, don't make people laugh.

  After the last thought had fully formed in his mind, there was another fleeting memory flash—the final half of the dream.

  He opened the shower cabin door. The woman was applying conditioner to her hair and was completely absorbed in this task when he grabbed her by her left arm. To his surprise, she didn't scream. He attempted to step inside the cabin, but the woman managed to push him out. However, it was too early for the woman to celebrate because he pulled her out of the shower as he stumbled back.

  He lost his balance, they fell down on the floor, and he began to strangle her, holding her torso tightly with his left arm and crushing her throat with his right forearm. The woman was kicking, wiggling, and scratching his arms as she tried to writhe out of his grip. They rolled over, and the woman found herself on top of him, but it didn’t help her one bit. His grasp remained firm and his arm kept blocking the air from entering the woman’s windpipe.

  He throttled her for a minute or two as she wheezed and squirmed like an epileptic. At last, she fell silent and her body went limp. He breathed in the steam coming out of the shower, shook the woman up, checking if she was actually dead, and finally let her out of his hold.

  When he rose, his hands were trembling and his legs were giving way, as if he had just run five miles without a break. Damn, it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes since he had dragged the woman out of the shower cabin, but it felt as though a whole day had passed. Thankfully, everything was fine. Everything was fine! Now he could relax and maybe go to a bar later tonight; he had done the deed and earned a few hours of leisure time.

  He had never thought it would turn out so simple. Not complicated, at any rate. He wiped sweat from his forehead, nearly scratching his nose with the knife, which thankfully hadn’t had a chance to cut human flesh tonight. He didn’t want bloodshed; blood tended to splash every which way, and he would hate to throw away the fairly new shirt he was wearing.

  He sat down on the brim of the tub and listened to noises in the room and in the hallway. A chill ran down his spine when he thought that his life would be over if someone caught him here, next to the corpse, with a knife in his hand. But, you see, he had remembered to properly lock the front door, and the privacy of his rendezvous with the dead woman was guaranteed.

  He touched the edge of the blade with his left thumb and grinned. Everything was fine, the job had been done; he could get some rest now.

  He breathed out sharply as if marking the end of the venture he had just undertaken, poked the woman’s body with the tip of his right foot—she was dead as a rock—and got up. He was happy he hadn’t had to use the knife; this realization came to him as he walked to the shower cabin to turn off the water. We should save water, dear friends; otherwise our planet is doomed.

  Then he left the bathroom. And displayed a remarkable psychic ability by lingering by the open door for a few seconds: the woman moved.

  Yes, she moved, turned her face to the door. She looked dazed and upset as if she’d been woken up by a street noise at four o'clock in the morning, right before the culmination of a fabulous dream. She didn't see the man lurking at the entrance as she touched her neck and rose slowly.

  The sight of the naked woman struggling to her feet, with a sulky expression on her face, fascinated the man. Somehow this picture seemed a bit surrealistic to him: a hundred and thirty pounds of naked flesh (adorned with beautifully shaped breasts shaking in unison and a neat patch of trimmed pubic hair) standing in the middle of a semi-steamy bathroom. Someone with a perverted mind could come up with a really weird caption for this image.

  The man braced himself and ran back into the bathroom. ‘I'm like a projectile,’ he thought, ramming into the woman and pushing her towards the tub.

  One more thought: he would have to use a weapon. With this idea in his mind, he stretched forward his right hand, which was gripping the knife as firmly as a vic
e. The blade slowed down for a moment as it pierced the skin and then proceeded deeper into the rib cage of the woman, who was sliding into the tub after hitting the wall, her legs spread widely apart, the back of her head cracked and bleeding. When the man yanked the knife out of her body, the woman squirmed and crashed down to the bottom of the tub, twisted in an awkward manner.

  He plunged the knife into the woman’s chest, aiming for the heart, kept the blade inside for a few seconds, afraid that his victim would recover if he withdrew too soon, and then pulled the knife out. He stabbed the woman two more times, each additional cut within inches of the original one. Now the woman was dead, or they would have to rewrite all books on penetrating trauma. A perforated stomach, a gutted (hopefully) heart, and a fractured skull—he had no doubt the woman had kicked the bucket. He had killed her at last.

  After examining the face and the hands of the corpse, he pulled a towel from the bar and began wiping the blood off the knife. Of course, he could wash the knife under the faucet, but there was a reason he didn’t want to do it. As he finished cleaning the blade, he noticed that there was blood on his palms. For a second, he was frightened he had inadvertently cut himself. He quickly wiped his hands and was relieved to find that his hands were fine. He dropped the stained towel on the woman’s body and fixed his eyes on a dark brown fleshy stain the size of a quarter on the wall above the tub. A narrow translucent streak of blood was coming down from the stain all the way to the brim of the tub. He had a hunch the stain was a piece of the woman's brain.

  Damn, it had to be her brain! It had splashed out of her skull—like a piece of flesh out of a crushed melon—and was the best gift for the man, who was impatiently twirling the knife now. Yes, she was dead, there could be no doubt about it. She was dead at last.

  He caught himself thinking that he didn't feel the specialness of the moment at all, that the situation lacked solemnity, which ought to be present in something very few people had done.


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