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Beauty and the Billionaire Boss: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 7

by Elliot, Nicole

  Grayson abruptly flipped her around and balanced her back on the railing, hoisting Kaylee to his hips and entering her once again. A third of her body was leaning off the edge, but she felt completely safe in his arms. Every time he slid into Kaylee, it felt as if he was getting bigger and harder, almost as if his cock was pulsing inside of her with the same rhythm. The effect was intoxicating.

  He brought Kaylee down so that she could stand on her left leg. Raising her right leg up, Grayson shifted into a position and Kaylee folded into his body. He was going to make her come and come hard. Noticing her signals, he shifted slightly up and slammed his cock into her g-spot as if he knew it was there the entire time. Kaylee struggled to catch her breath as pleasure rushed through her body, increasing with each thrust. Kaylee’s explosion reached a breaking point and she gripped Grayson’s strong shoulders, screaming in pleasure as she came all over him.

  Both Kaylee and Grayson were sweating. Kaylee pulled away from him and kissed him deeply. His face was content and voice gruff. “I told you I couldn’t stop myself if I continued…”

  Kaylee chuckled slightly to herself. When Grayson was inside her it really did feel like it was all a dream, even if I knew it wasn’t.

  This whole thing with Grayson was too good to be true. Kaylee’s thoughts drifted to Emma. She wondered what happened to her. Did she really leave or did he fire her? Did he fire her because she wanted something more than just a lay? Did she think that they were starting a relationship when she really only was his personal assistant to him? Kaylee shook her head in frustration. She didn’t want that to be what happened to them, because Grayson was starting to mean so much more to her.

  Deep down, Kaylee was afraid that she was out of his league. She sighed and gave herself some time to think it over. A man like him could have any girl that he wanted. Women would line up to be with him. Maybe that was why she felt the need to entice him and make herself desirable for him. Kaylee never had to make the effort with Adam; it was the complete opposite sometimes. She used to wish that he wouldn’t find her so attractive and would run around in sweats to make sure of that. It never worked.

  It definitely wouldn’t work with Grayson either, he was too sophisticated for that. Kaylee remembered what Megan had said one day, “He’ll use you like a toy, so remember my warning. You’ll just be another Billionaire’s toy.”

  Is that what she was to him last night, some toy, would he throw her away once he got bored?

  Is that what he did with Emma?

  Is this why no one talks about her?

  Even Olivia goes quiet when Kaylee asked her about Emma, and she never goes quiet about anything.

  Kaylee rubbed her hands gently up Grayson’s chest as she tried and take in her surroundings. It was too dark. There was only a bit of natural light coming into the room, but it didn’t matter. She lay back down, thinking that things seemed too good to be true.

  It would be fun to be his toy for now. But eventually Kaylee knew that she would want more than that.

  Kaylee allowed herself a chuckle. She just had to make sure that she kept her emotions to herself, make sure that she knew my place. But there was no reason why she couldn’t have fun for a little while.

  Kaylee was single, and Grayson was single. They would not be hurting anyone. Kaylee would just have to let her emotions get tangled in the web, so she wouldn’t let herself get hurt.

  Kaylee used her other hand to cover the sheets on her a bit more, she was naked on what felt like silk sheets, and she let her body sink into the bed more.

  Kaylee lifted them up to her face and take in the smell, they smelled of Grayson’s musky cologne, and it made her want to put her head back on his chest and snuggle up closer to him.

  Last night or tonight, she still can´t figure out if it was a new day or not. Either way it was amazing. It was absolutely fantastic. Kaylee lifted her leg slightly and wrapped it around his.

  “You awake sleepyhead?” he asked as he kissed my forehead.

  Hmm, how long have you been awake? Kaylee wondered as she lifted her head again and looked into his eyes. His eyes were shut and only those soft lips were moving.

  “Maybe, but I´m hungry...”

  “For what?”

  Good question. The first thing she thought about was food, but now she could feel his hardness up against her leg.

  “Hungry for you,” Kaylee said mischievously. Grayson smirked and rolled his body on top of hers.



  The work trip to London was a complete whirlwind. After a week and a half of travel, Kaylee was so happy to no longer be living out of her suitcase. It was fairly late at night when she finally had arrived back, so she had quickly rushed into her apartment and collapsed onto her bed. Kaylee rolled over and she was suddenly sad that she was in her own bed and all alone.

  The limo had stopped in front of Kaylee’s tiny building in Brooklyn, and she looked longingly over at Grayson. The driver opened the side door and she was about to slide out when Grayson grabbed her hand. She immediately felt sparks pass between them.

  “You sure you don’t want me to come inside and keep you company?” he said with a smirk on his face. Kaylee bit her lip in thought. A part of her wanted him to come up to her place. But another part of her also knew that they were getting too close, and after the last few amazing nights in London, her emotions were getting too tangled up in the fun. As much as these past couple of weeks with Grayson had been amazing, he was still her boss, and she was still his personal assistant.

  Kaylee had actually really started to enjoy her job, and she didn’t want to risk losing it because of what was going on between the two of them. It was like the gorilla in the room that they never spoke about. Both Kaylee and Grayson knew it was there, staring them down, but they both avoided it at all costs. Kaylee knew why she didn’t want to bring it up. It was because she was truly afraid of his answer. As hard as Kaylee tried to stop it, she realized that over the last few days in London that she had started to have feelings for Grayson and she did not think she was ready to hear if he didn’t have the same feelings for her.

  Deep down Kaylee knew that we wouldn’t be able to keep this charade going on for much longer. Hell, it was exciting to be sneaking around with Grayson from everyone else at the office. Jackson may not have known the full extent of their relationship, but he certainly was aware of what was going on, which he made clear to warn Kaylee about several times throughout our trip. Kaylee bit her lip as she thought about Grayson’s offer to come up to her place. His eyes bored into her own and she could tell that he wanted her.

  “No, I’m honestly really tired after our flight,” Kaylee said hoping that he wouldn’t read into her words. Had I really just turned him down? Kaylee thought. Grayson stared at her for a long minute. Kaylee desperately searched his eyes for some sign of him not wanting her to go. For a moment she thought she saw something flash through his eyes, but before Kaylee was even able to build up hope, he nodded and the limo driver opened up my door. Before Kaylee exited the limo, she quickly looked back at Grayson and he gave her a tight smile. Kaylee rushed up to her apartment before she could let herself think about what that smile actually meant.

  Kaylee grabbed her phone, hoping that there was a message there from Grayson. She let out a loud sigh of frustration when there wasn’t. When did I turn into a love sick school girl? With Adam, Kaylee never once acted this way. Sure in the beginning when they were high school teenagers things between them were slightly exciting. However, now Kaylee blamed all of those emotions on their out of control teenage hormones. Once Kaylee and Adam had been together for several years, the spark just seemed to fade away. Kaylee placed her phone back on her nightstand and tried to force her body to sleep.

  The time change between London and New York was completely throwing her off. She knew it would be a struggle to fall asleep, but she didn’t think it would be this hard. Kaylee laughed to herself. It was probably because she could
n’t stop thinking of Grayson’s hands on her.

  Kaylee let out a sigh and nearly jumped up when her phone beeped. Butterflies erupted in her stomach. Kaylee knew Grayson had to be thinking about her as well. She rolled over and grabbed my phone. When she read the message she felt all of the butterflies quickly fade away. Grayson wasn’t messaging her, it was Adam.

  It shouldn’t be this way.

  Kaylee let out a frustrated sigh and quickly typed back to him.

  It is this way, Adam. I really wish you would try and move on.

  Kaylee rolled her eyes when her phone beeped again.

  You are supposed to be with me, Kaylee. We were meant to be together and you ruined it all by needing to leave our town. Why don’t you quit playing your stupid game? I’m sure you haven’t amounted to anything in New York yet. You are just wasting your time there.

  Kaylee slammed her phone down in frustration. Adam was unbelievably infuriating. He never understood that she left because of his control issues.

  Kaylee’s phone vibrated again and she fought the urge to fling it across the room. Why couldn’t he get it through his dammed thick skull that she was not coming back? Why did he, along with everyone else in their stupid small town have to think that she was going to be such a failure in New York? Kaylee hated that they all thought that she wasn’t smart enough or had enough drive to make it in the city.

  Determination bubbled up inside of Kaylee. She would prove them all wrong. She would show them that she was smart enough to make it on her own. Kaylee leaned her head back into her pillow. But how would she prove that to them when she was sleeping with her boss?



  Kaylee woke up in a complete daze. She looked around her and tried to get her bearings. Was she in her own apartment? Or was she in Grayson’s penthouse? Kaylee rolled over and realized that the bed was empty next to her. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was still in her clothes from the day before.

  Kaylee looked at her clock on her nightstand. 5am. She smiled slightly to herself knowing that her mother would probably already be up already. As much as she had wanted to get out of our small town, Kaylee missed her family. Kaylee reached over to her nightstand and picked up her cell phone and dialed her mother’s cell number. Kaylee smiled when she picked up on the first ring.

  “What are you doing up so early? Is something wrong?” she said in a rush. Kaylee stifled a laugh.

  “Mom, I’m fine, I just got back from London and my time schedule is all out of whack.”

  Kaylee’s mother let out a long sigh. “I forgot that they had taken you to London.” That was a lie. She’d nearly had a heart attack when Kaylee had told her that she was going out of the country for a week and a half. Kaylee knew she was trying to be strong on the phone, but she could hear all of the worry in her mother’s voice.

  “It was wonderful,” Kaylee replied reminiscing about the cobble stone streets. While London was a big city, it still had a lot of charm. “Maybe one day I could take you on a trip there.”

  Kaylee’s mother let out a long laugh, and Kaylee fought a stab of disappointment. Deep down, Kaylee knew that her mother would never travel anywhere outside of the small town of Angie, Louisiana. It was almost like she was too afraid to leave the security that she felt there. Part of Kaylee still wished she would even try and visit her in New York, but she knew that she would never even do that.

  “Well if not London, maybe you could come visit me here?”

  There was a long moment of silence. For a second Kaylee thought that her cell phone had dropped the call, but her mother finally she responded.

  “Kaylee you know I can’t do that.”

  Kaylee bit her tongue to stop herself from yelling at her mother. Why couldn’t she be supportive of me? Kaylee understood that she did not grow up to be the model child that her mother wanted her to be, but she could at least show that she supported her decisions even if she didn’t agree with them.

  “Kaylee, I know that this upsets you,” she continued. “It’s just that I can’t bring myself to go. But you are more than welcome to come home to visit if you want. I’m sure everyone would love to see you.”

  Kaylee thought about it for a minute. At the end of the trip Jackson had given her the rest of the week off. Kaylee thought in reality Jackson was doing it so Grayson and she would be forced to have some space between them, but he had played it off as though he was doing her a favor by letting her get back on a normal schedule.

  Could I survive going back home and seeing everyone? Kaylee thought. Or maybe she could use this trip to prove to her family that she was actually making something of herself in New York. Before Kaylee could change her mind, she agreed that she would visit for a long weekend. Kaylee’s mom let out a loud squeal that forced her to pull the phone away from my ear.

  “Mom calm down,” Kaylee laughed. “I’m just coming back to visit. I’m not moving back.”

  Kaylee’s mom let out a frustrated sigh. “I know you aren’t moving back. But that doesn’t stop me from at least trying to convince you.”

  * * *

  “Mom, I’m happy,” Kaylee said as she walked through my parents’ house. The place she used to call home. Kaylee arrived on Thursday evening, and from the moment she walked through the door, Kaylee’s mom had been hounding her about her state of mind.

  “But you’ve had your fun in New York now. You even got to travel to London. Why don’t you consider moving back home?” Not even a hello or a hug, she went straight for the questioning. Kaylee had known that coming back here was a mistake. It was clearer to her than ever that her mom hated that she had left town, and she would stop at nothing trying to convince Kaylee that New York wasn’t for her. If she ever found out about Kaylee’s relationship with Grayson, she would have her leaving New York before she could even protest it.

  Deep down Kaylee had missed seeing her family, especially her brother, Tyler. Of course there was social media and so many other ways to keep in touch, but no technology in the world could replace the physical hug that they gave each other when they saw her coming out of the airport. Even if Kaylee did hate Angie, Louisiana, she still loved her family. But as soon as they drove into town, all eyes were looking at the car, and Kaylee could hear what they were all saying just by watching their mouths: she’s back. Did they really have nothing else to talk about that they needed to talk about me?

  Tyler blurted out, “Ma, she just came home. It has been so long. Let her come in and drop her bags at least.”

  Kaylee’s mom thought about it for a split second, and then said, “Well, I’m just getting started preparing lunch. Go freshen up and then come meet us in the dining room to eat.”

  Kaylee nodded. Her mother’s questions made her feel like she was a victim in a firing squad. Every bullet was going straight for the heart.

  * * *

  “Pass me the potatoes, Tyler,” Kaylee said, hoping that the subject would change and they could get on with lunch. Two hours felt so long back at home. Even in the office, it didn’t drag on like this.

  Tyler passed the potatoes and Kaylee’s mom continued on with her questioning. “Are you sure you are really happy there?” she asked.

  Kaylee dropped her head to her hands and let out a long frustrated sigh. Kaylee kept her words tight so she wouldn’t start to yell at her. “Yes. I am happy in New York. Can we just drop it and eat lunch?”

  If her mother didn’t let up soon, Kaylee would go straight upstairs and change her flight back to New York. If she was going to carry on this way, two days in this house would be too long for her to take.

  “Isn’t it obvious—she doesn’t want to leave because she found someone.” Tyler said as he scooped potatoes into his mouth. He smirked with his mouth full.

  Kaylee blushed. Tyler was always good at reading her. Mom shook her head hoping that it wasn’t the case. To think that her mother had begged Kaylee on the phone to come visit. It was true that they hadn’t spoken
much since her move, at first she would call them every night, but soon the phone calls of her mother begging her to come back home got too hard to bear, so Kaylee stopped calling as often as she did.

  An awkward silence fell around the table and the only sounds were forks scraping against the plates. Kaylee sat picking at her food and thinking about how much of a mistake coming home was. Why couldn’t she just let me live my life?

  Suddenly her mom got up from the table and grabbed Kaylee by the arm and took her to a corner. Kaylee’s father was shouting after her, but she ignored him. Kaylee was too startled to respond. Besides, she wanted her to do what she was going to do. It would mean either the beginning or the end. Kaylee had a feeling after she got everything off of her chest, she wouldn’t miss coming back home and she would really start her new life in New York.

  As her mother started to talk, tears welled up in her eyes. Kaylee realized her mom was looking tired and old.

  “You don´t have to do this,” she said, wiping at her face.

  Kaylee crossed her arms defensively in front of her chest. “I don’t have to do what mom, exactly? Live my life?”

  Kaylee’s mother let out a sad sigh, “I know that you ended things with Adam,” she started. Kaylee stopped her before she could even finish her sentence.

  “Mom, I know you loved Adam. But he is not as wonderful as everyone in this stupid town seems to think he is. We are finished and that is the end of this discussion.” Kaylee stormed away from her mother, but she followed her and continued to ramble on about how she would move home.

  Kaylee was confused about what she was going on about. Kaylee couldn’t understand her babbling, as Kaylee was focused on getting away from her.

  “I know what it´s like when you first get there…”

  “Why, Mom, have you ever been?” Kaylee asked, because she never told her that. She kept telling her not to go to New York and that was it.


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