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The Secrets of Villa Rosso

Page 12

by Linn B. Halton

  ‘They’ve pulled the plug. A contract to outsource the entire IT services has already been signed and a team will be brought in to begin organising the changeover tomorrow. This was the plan all along and how did they tell us? By email. Alistair Peterson himself sent it out to every member of the team at half past nine last night. What a nice little surprise for everyone to open up first thing Monday morning. Except that he didn’t know a dozen of us were working all weekend to sort out another of the little problems caused by the cutbacks. Five of us immediately resigned by email. The others chose to stay. It wasn’t awkward, everyone’s position is different. I know I should have stayed, but the anger was mounting. To withhold this information and lead everyone to believe there was still a chance to come up with a solution was wrong on so many levels. Nothing they’ve done is illegal, but it’s immoral.’

  Josh suddenly stops talking and the colour drains from his face.

  ‘What have I done?’ He stands there with a coffee mug in each hand, as still as a statue. I quickly step forward, take them from him and put them on the counter top. Then I throw my arms around him.

  ‘It will be alright, Josh. It will be alright, I promise. In a way I’m glad it’s over.’

  He buries his face into my neck, dry sobs shake his torso and I hold him even tighter in my arms until he’s calm.

  ‘What have I done?’ he asks, once more.

  ‘You stood up for yourself and I’m proud of you. Look Josh, you have to listen to me. You are exhausted and you couldn’t have continued like this for much longer. We have savings and we are better off than most, so we have to count our blessings. I have a good job and Livvie will be delighted if I can offer her more hours. We will survive and by the time you’ve found yourself a new job you’ll be back to your usual self. At the moment you are running on empty. You are stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep. All we’ve been doing as a family the last few weeks is to exist and that isn’t what we want for the future, is it? I’m glad this has happened and it’s going to be a new start for you. The company don’t care about individuals and you’ve sacrificed far too much already. I don’t want you jumping to their every order right up until the minute they flick the switch, or whatever stops those damned computers and servers running. So no regrets, you understand?’

  He nods, drawing back a little to look at me.

  ‘Repeat the words.’

  ‘No regrets, Ellie. No regrets.’

  ‘Right. Let’s have a day with the girls. How about we head off to the arboretum for an hour or two? The fresh air will do us all good.’

  ‘Can’t think of a better way to spend my first Sunday as an unemployed man.’

  Chapter 20

  Monday mornings the girls are always slow to wake up. After coffee and cereal I persuade Josh to go back to bed. He has a cracking headache and after taking some painkillers he doesn’t need any convincing.

  I’m not due into work until ten-thirty this morning, so I head upstairs to the study. I’m on a mission. Josh will need somewhere to work and there’s only one desk. I suspect he will have handed back his top-of-the-range laptop and I look at my three-year-old PC that is more than adequate for me, but will drive Josh mad. He’s always saying I need to upgrade, but it suits me fine. I guess we’ll be sharing it for a while until he sorts himself out some new kit.

  I log in, but the first thing I do is to Google those words that keep going around and around in my head.

  The translation for non sai nulla, is literally you know nothing. Why would Trista say something like that to me? And then I remember that it was only a dream. It seemed so very real, though, especially to remember a phrase that is very foreign to me in both meanings of the word. My imagination took all of the thoughts whizzing around in my brain and turned it into a story, I suppose. Then I remember what Bella said about how Max would always be under a cloud of suspicion until the truth was known. Okay, so my head was trying to make some sense of the little I know about it. But Bella was there during the whole thing and she must have drawn her own conclusions. My gut instinct tells me she’s on Max’s side, as she never said anything even remotely negative about him to me. However, I’m not sure she knew Max was opening up to me about it. Anyway, enough. I came up to sort things out so my clutter doesn’t get in Josh’s way.

  I go back to the desktop and move my photo file into a folder I have for work stuff. My conscience niggles away in the background. Am I hiding it, just in case Josh opens it by accident? I shrug off that thought as being totally ridiculous and open my mailbox to have a quick check before I leave for work.

  Ironically the first thing I spot is a message from Bella.



  Subject: Delivery date

  Morning Ellie

  Max is working on your second order and says things are looking good to get that out to you in about eight weeks’ time. The only item likely to cause a problem is the batch of bedside table lights, due to the number you’ve ordered, but he’s arranging for additional labour to be brought in. Once the container is loaded I’ll send you confirmation of the due delivery date. As with the first container, it will take about ten days from the time it leaves our storage facility.

  Hope all is well with you. Things are quite busy here, which is great. Max has been very quiet since you left, spending a lot of time in his office. Trista is worried about him, so all the good news is sort of offset by the tension here at the villa.

  Oh, and I’m hoping to plan a trip home very soon, so watch this space!


  Bella Williams

  Sales Administrator


  Part of the Ormanni Group

  I click on reply and my fingers hover above the keys. It’s so tempting to ignore the business part and start talking about Max, but I’m mindful that Bella’s email account might be accessed by someone else when she’s not there. Even Max himself.



  Subject: Delivery date

  Hi Bella

  Thank you for the update. I’ll phone you when I arrive in work as I have an item I need added, but I don’t have the details here.

  Enjoy your morning and we’ll speak later.


  Assistant Buyer & Lead Designer

  Bradley’s Design Creative

  I press send, knowing that I’m making an excuse to phone her. As Hettie would put it, I’m telling a little lie. After my dream last night it’s too coincidental to sit here and read those words and not want to follow them up. I think I’d have to be a hard person indeed to know that Max is probably slipping into depression because of the isolation he feels and ignore the situation. You can’t keep running away from your emotions and everyone has to vent their feelings to stop the pressure building up. But he has no one to support him, or see things from his viewpoint. How can I pretend I’m not aware of that, or the fact that he chose to turn to me? Wrong place, right time. Or maybe not, if I manage to do at least some little thing that helps.

  I clear down a few other items I’d left on the desktop but no longer need and put the PC into sleep mode. Then I tidy the desk, jamming most of the clutter into the bottom drawer. Josh is going to need space as he’ll be updating his CV and, fingers crossed, drafting lots of cover letters. I don’t want him to feel he’s invading what has been regarded as my space, as this is going to be his new office now. It will be strange, though, knowing he’s here when I’m at work.

  I glance at my watch and see that it’s time I left. Popping my head around the bedroom door, Josh is on his side facing away from me, snoring. One arm extends up over his pillow and that’s his comfort position. I want to walk over and touch him, but I’m scared even the slightest noise might wake him. That’s not fair when I’m literally going to be out the door in the next thirty seconds. Sleep well, my love. We will get through this.


  ‘You look rather worried. Problems?’

  The moment I walk through the door Livvie can tell something is wrong. The open office isn’t the place to talk and I nod in the direction of the tiny kitchen. She immediately pushes back on her chair to follow me.

  As I slip off my coat and hang it on the hook, Livvie flicks the switch on the kettle.

  ‘Is it to do with Josh?’

  I nod. ‘As we feared. A handful of them walked out on the job late Saturday night. Josh was one of them. He told me that the handover begins today, would you believe. It sounds like the contract was set up quite a while ago. Things like that don’t happen overnight.’

  Livvie looks shocked. ‘Ellie, I’m so sorry to hear that. How will you manage? I mean, are you alright for money? You only have to say if you need a loan to tide you over. Please don’t go borrowing money at an extortionate rate of interest. Poor Josh. Searching for a new job is tough, even when you are in employment, but looking for something when you are in this situation adds a lot of pressure. I can’t even begin to imagine how worried you are about him.’

  Livvie steps forward to give me a hug.

  ‘Thank goodness we’re strong. It’s at times like this that the cracks show up, isn’t it? I keep telling him we’ll get through it and we’ll be fine, but I won’t pretend I’m not scared. We’re okay for money at the moment and our savings should last a few months if we are careful. I’ll sit the girls down and explain what’s happening, so they know we have to start counting the pennies. If you need me here to work extra hours then I’d appreciate that, although at the moment it’s going to be all about giving Josh whatever support he needs. But he’s probably going to appreciate it if the house is quiet during the day and it might be a good idea if I’m not there to disturb him. Just until he’s established some sort of routine.’

  ‘I understand. You know that I’ve wanted you here full time for ages now. We are getting to the stage where we need to consider growing our admin team. In the meantime I’ll take any extra hours you can fit it. But if Josh needs you around, I’m more than happy for you to do some of the work from home.’

  I feel my eyes well up and once more Livvie throws her arms around me. I let the tears slide down my face, thinking that it’s better to let it all out in front of my best friend, rather than Josh. He’s going to be feeling so insecure at the moment and I know he will think that he has failed his family. That thought grates on me more than anything, because when he hurts, I hurt.

  ‘Thank you, Livvie. I needed that.’ I wipe my eyes and blow my nose. ‘Right, it’s back to work for me. Bella has been in touch about the second order. It looks like eight weeks, tops. That fits in rather nicely with the work schedules and everything should be here at least a couple of weeks before we need the goods.’

  ‘That’s great news. They’ve really stepped up to the mark, haven’t they? I’ll be honest and admit that I did have my doubts. Not having met Max in person, it was a bit of a leap of faith to assume he could deliver on his promises when they are running things on a very small scale.’ Livvie pauses for a second. ‘Actually, that’s not strictly true. I gave the go-ahead based on your first impressions and you weren’t wrong. You never are. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Ellie, because you really are my right-hand woman.’

  I smile, but it’s a watery one. My life seems so full of problems at the moment. It’s as if the universe is sending everything my way, in the belief that I can actually make a difference. Well, at least I can tell Josh the good news tonight, as the extra money will really help. I’ll ring Bella next and see where that conversation leads. I might be fooling myself that I can help Max from a distance, but my conscience is saying I have to at least try.


  ‘Hi Bella, thanks for your email.’ I ignore the flood of Italian when Bella first picks up the phone, even though it does sound rather charming in her wonderful sing-songy voice.

  ‘I have one item to add to the second order.’ Damn it, I meant to think of something before I made the call. I quickly run my finger down the printed copy of the order sitting in front of me. ‘I need two of the garden sculptures, not just one. That won’t hold the order up, will it?’

  ‘No, that should be fine. And I have news I think you’ll be interested to hear.’

  My heart skips a beat. Has Aletta returned home?

  ‘On the strength of the second order, Max has arranged a loan for Eduardo Camillucci to expand his workshop. He worked his magic and managed to get a small parcel of land to the rear of Eduardo’s property at a bargain price. And there’s more. Not only are they going to extend the workshop and create a storage area, but they are building a bungalow for Piero.’

  It’s not what I was hoping to hear, but my heart lifts as this isn’t just good news, it’s great news for the Camillucci family. It means Piero is more likely to remain working in the family business and, when the time comes, he will be able to raise his own family there.

  ‘Bella, that’s wonderful news. Max has such a good heart and I know it isn’t just about the business side of things.’

  I hold my breath. Will she grab this as the opportunity I meant it to be?

  ‘They have always supported Max and won’t tolerate those who spread gossip. I’m sure you can imagine the stories that went around the local area like wildfire when the police were questioning Max. It was heart-breaking.’

  I hesitate, wondering how much I can say without making Bella feel my curiosity is out of place.

  ‘Actually, Max and I had a talk that last night I was there.’

  ‘I guessed as much when I came out to hand Max the keys that night. I believed you had been sent to us for a reason. Not just in your capacity as an important buyer, but because Max is so alone. He would never talk openly to me about personal things, as he’s such a professional. With Trista he’s all about supporting her and she never seems to think about how he’s coping as time drags on. I mean, I find that strange and I’m sorry if I’m talking out of turn here.’

  I can feel her dilemma. She’s sitting on the sideline in much the same way that I am, really. Unable to do anything practical, but annoyed by the unfairness of the situation.

  ‘Well, if you need to chat then give me a call. Is your email account secure? I mean does anyone else use it?’

  ‘I’ll text you my personal email account. When I head back to the UK to visit my family someone else will have to take over my role for a couple of weeks. I’m not sure what Max will do, as there isn’t anyone else here who has really good English or is computer-literate. He might even take on the task himself and get one of the cousins to support Gianni, so he can delegate some of his work. I feel bad about the timing, but I can’t avoid going back home for much longer and I do need a break.’

  ‘Yes, all that sunshine must be wearing and you must so miss the rain!’

  She laughs. ‘Hey, we did have some rain the other day, but it didn’t last for an hour. Anyway, if you get a chance to email Max, his address is the same as mine, but substitute Bella for Max. He might be grateful to hear from you personally as he has sunk into some sort of low. At work he seems almost his normal self, but outside of that he’s unusually withdrawn. I know it’s a lot to ask, but he was very comfortable around you.’

  Bella thinks she’s asking for me to do her a favour and I feel a little guilty when it’s exactly what I was hoping she would say.

  ‘It’s no problem. Having met everyone I don’t feel like a distant stranger, although that’s really what I am. But if I can help in any way at all, I will. I can’t bear to see a good person suffering. And don’t forget that you promised to visit me next time you are in the UK. We’ll be able to catch up properly and you can meet my girls.’

  ‘Ah, thanks and that will be great. I’ll add that item onto your order now. Have a lovely day, Ellie, and thank you for being so … compassionate.’

  As the line disconnects I’m left feeling grateful. Bella, t
oo, needs someone to confide in and rather me than someone who might share her confidences far and wide. I feel relieved that at least Max has someone there watching out for him, even though Bella has to be very discreet and can’t voice her concerns to him. But it’s better than nothing and if things start to escalate, I’m sure she’d feel she has at least one person she can turn to.

  With that problem simmering away in the background, there’s a pile of work awaiting my attention before I can go home to sort out the girls and give my lovely husband the support he deserves.

  Chapter 21

  Arriving back home, everything looks quite normal at first glance. Josh has made a start on dinner and is standing at the cooker, as he often does at weekends. Except that this is Monday, of course. Hettie is in her room, hopefully doing her homework in between texts. Rosie is sitting at the kitchen table doing her maths homework and chewing the end of her pencil.

  As I lean in to give her a hug she screws up her face.

  ‘Does anyone ever make sense out of this x and y thing? I mean, who cares if 2x + 3y is 146? It’s not something anyone uses, Mum, so why do they make us learn it?’

  Josh and I both stifle laughs and the eye contact with him is warm. At least he’s not feeling down; I’m delighted to see him dressed and looking a lot more like his old self.

  ‘You look good,’ I comment, walking over to give him a lingering kiss.

  ‘Yuck, Mum. I’m going upstairs. Call me when dinner is ready.’ Rosie scoops everything up in her arms and flounces out of the kitchen.

  ‘Are we going to tell the girls after dinner?’

  Josh nods his head, moving an inch or two closer.

  ‘You smell good,’ he breathes into my hair.

  ‘You do, too. Bolognaise sauce, I think, and I’m starving.’

  ‘The way to a working woman’s heart is through her stomach.’

  I frown and search his face, and when I see the cheeky smile sliding over it, I realise he’s joking.


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