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To Tame A Cowgirl

Page 3

by Roni Adams

  “Black Jack,” she called.

  He shrugged. “Lady’s pleasure.” And he’d definitely love to pleasure the lady, he thought with a hopeful heart.

  “One dollar ante,” she called and slapped the cards back and forth.

  Buck picked up his and couldn’t stop the laugh that burst from him. “Black Jack!” He laid his cards down to show her. Sara’s mouth fell open as she leaned across the table. Her movement drew his attention to her rounded breasts.

  “No way!”

  He laughed, holding his sides. “It’s not your night, green eyes. You should go home to bed.”

  “You’re probably cheating.” She glared at him.

  Buck narrowed his eyes. “Them’s fighting words.” It was time to end the game. “Fifty cents raise, five card draw,” he called shuffling the cards again.

  Sara sat up straighter, tossed in two quarters and picked up her cards one by one. Buck watched her intently for any kind of sign, but she didn’t move so much as a muscle.

  “Three.” She laid down three cards and picked up the three he dealt her.

  He put down two and dealt himself two more.

  “Fifty cents.” She tossed in two more quarters.

  Buck stared at his cards for several minutes, trying to figure out the best way to go. He had a fairly good hand, but was it good enough to win?

  “You gonna bid or what?”

  Buck forced back a grin. She always got impatient for the bidding when she had something. “One buck,” he called.

  She nodded slowly, and leaned back in her chair. “I’ll see your buck and raise it a quarter.”

  “I’ll see your bet and raise it another buck.”

  Sara nodded in time to the music, her lips pursed as she whistled along with the radio in the corner.

  “Are you gonna dance or play cards?” he snapped.

  She raised one eyebrow. “Are we in a hurry? Got an itchy trigger finger?”

  Buck turned over his wrist. “It’s two-thirty in the morning.”

  Sara sat up straighter. “Okay, okay. I’ll see your bet and raise you a quarter.”

  Buck sighed, impatient with her small increases. “Let’s just end this here and now. I’m going to see your quarter”—he curled his lip—”and raise you three bucks.”

  “I don’t have three bucks.” Sara’s brow furrowed and her lips twisted.

  “Hmm, that is a shame, isn’t it?” He stared for a second longer then, as if it pained him, he let his breath out. “I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do.”

  Her green eyes flashed with suspicion and her head tipped as if trying to figure out what he was up to. Setting his cards face down, he leaned over the table. “If you win this hand, you can have everything in the pot, and I’ll forgive the rest you owe me.”

  Sara frowned. “And if I lose?”

  Buck shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Blind bet. If I win, I name the wager.”

  She snorted indelicately. “Forget that! Last time, I washed your truck every day for a month. I’m not stupid.”

  “Okay, fair enough. If I win, I name the wager but it can’t involve any manual labor.”

  She eyed him for several long minutes, glanced at her cards, and stuck her cigar back in her mouth. She rubbed her back against the wooden rails of the chair and her breasts jiggled with her movement.

  Buck sat up straighter. The beers he had consumed were making his judgment a little hazy, but he knew he had a good hand. All he had to do was get her to agree to play it out. Then he’d collect his winnings.

  She’d go through with it too. A bet was a bet after all. But in order for it to work right, he had to pay attention and stop being mesmerized by what her lips were doing to that cigar.

  Sara brushed her long hair back with one hand. “Why are you offering this deal?”

  He shrugged and leaned his chair back on two legs. “Let’s say I’m in a charitable mood.”

  “Hah! Try again.”

  “Okay. Maybe I’m a little drunk. You shouldn’t let an opportunity to take advantage of my weakened state pass you by.”

  She tipped her head as if considering his offer.

  “I can understand if you’re concerned about losing. I mean, you don’t have the same guts as...” He stood up as if the game was already over.

  “Fine, it’s a deal.”

  He grinned and sank back to his chair. She’d never backed away from a challenge in her life. He looked down at his hand again even though he knew it by heart.

  Was it good enough? He watched her closely, but she didn’t so much as twitch. Her heavy, dark lashes lifted and her eyes met his, but he couldn’t read anything in the green depths.

  A small, tiny, glint in her expression gave him reason for doubt.

  “Call,” she ordered.

  A cold hand squeezed his heart. It was completely up to the fates at this point so he slowly turned his cards face up on the table.

  Her face fell and he knew he’d won. She slumped back in her chair. Even though inside he was jumping up and down, he forced a calm demeanor as he asked, “Whatcha got?”

  “A low straight,” she muttered, tossing the cards in the middle of the table.

  He didn’t dare laugh, she’d probably pound him. He nodded and drained his beer without another word. He slid the cards into the drawer under the table and shoved the coins in his pocket.

  “That was a good hand, you almost beat me.” He couldn’t stop the grin that split his face. “But of course, you didn’t.”

  She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Name your wager.”

  “I will.” He paused. “In time.”

  He gathered the numerous beer bottles and ashtrays and moved them to the kitchen counter. When he turned back she studied him with a wary expression.

  “Nervous?” he asked.

  “Should I be?”

  Buck grabbed his hat and shoved it on. “Come on.”

  “Aren’t you going to tell me what I have to do?” She stood up and plucked her own hat off the peg on the wall.

  He nodded. “Not in here, though.” He jerked his head towards the upstairs where the ranch hands all slept. “This is between you and me.”

  He headed to the exit without waiting for her to follow. When he heard her boots behind him, he held the door opened for her to go first. She walked past him and he caught a whiff of the lemony shampoo she always used. His gaze hung on the sway of her hips. Her shapely rear end was covered in faded denim and his heart sped up. He fell into step with her and shoved his hands into his front pockets as they crossed the dark yard.

  Did he really have the guts to do what he was about to do?

  He led her to a secluded area between two of the larger barns. The shadows were deep, but he could just make out her features. He turned to face her completely.

  She stopped and slammed her hands on her hips, feet braced as if for battle. “Let’s get this over with so I can go to bed.”

  Bed sounded good to him. He leaned back until the building supported him. When he didn’t immediately answer, she narrowed her eyes and stepped closer.

  Buck’s chest tightened with anxiety. His heart raced uncontrollably. This was insane. It wasn’t that big of a deal, it shouldn’t be this awkward. They’d kissed each other before, not in any way like this but...well, oh the hell with it. “I want you to kiss me.”

  Her brow furrowed as she jerked her head back and screwed up her face. “That’s it? A kiss?”

  With a shake of her head as if he’d gone crazy, she closed the space between them and settled her hands on his shoulders. Lifting herself to tiptoe she pressed her mouth to his cheek.

  Before she could bounce back to her feet, he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her off balance. His thigh slipped between hers, and her legs straddled his as she lost her footing.

  He met her confused gaze. “I don’t mean one of those kisses like you give Cole.”

  Nervousness flickered in he
r eyes, and, for a second, he almost told her he was kidding. But her body pressed along the length of his felt perfect, exactly how he knew it would. Her soft breasts snuggled into his chest and he wasn’t about to let her go.

  “You’re drunk,” she accused, her hands flattening on his chest as if to put some space between them.

  He nodded. “A little, but I know what I’m doing if that’s what you’re saying.”

  “I think you’ve lost your mind.”

  He lifted one brow. “If you’d rather welch on the bet...”

  She narrowed her eyes and shifted in an attempt to regain her footing. Buck groaned as their lower bodies connected intimately. He longed to pull her closer and press into her.

  “This is the stupidest thing you’ve ever wanted me to do.”

  “Maybe. But it doesn’t involve eating anything weird and you don’t have to wash my truck. Just like I promised.” He could read in her eyes she was trying to figure an easy way out. “There’s no getting out of this. I want a kiss that lasts at least fifteen seconds—and full on the mouth.”

  “You never even did this to me when we were kids and played truth or dare,” she said, her glance drifting to his mouth.

  He should have. It would be a lot easier now if they’d experimented as teenagers. “What difference does that make?”

  “You’ll taste like beer and cigars.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “So will you.”

  His hands splayed on her narrow waist while hers were on his chest, his heart beating beneath her palm. She had to feel how hard it was pounding. That wasn’t all that was pounding and hard either.

  The moonlight outlined her features and caught the uncertainty in her eyes. He held her gaze, trying without words to tell her what he needed. It was time for them to explore what was beyond friendship. She trembled, but he wasn’t sure from the cool night air or a reaction to him. She continued to study him, her long hair spread half over his arm and her tongue snaking out to wet her lips.

  Heat zipped through him. “I can’t believe kissing me is so bad that it’s taking you this long to do it.”

  She shrugged. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  Her expression reminded him of all the times Flo made her eat her vegetables.

  Undeterred by her reluctance, he nodded, but as she leaned forward he cautioned, “No half-ass kiss or it won’t count and you’ll have to do it again.”

  She cupped his face in her hands and moved in closer. “I’ve never had any complaints.”

  Chapter Three

  So much hinged on the outcome of this kiss that Buck’s insides coiled tight with need and even a bit of fear. Gently, her mouth moved over his and he slipped his hands to the small of her back and pressed her closer. He opened his mouth and captured hers, taking control of the embrace.

  He felt her hesitate for only a second before she melted into him. Her tongue met his and he returned the caress. Stars flashed behind his eyes, and reality disappeared. Kissing Sara had to be what heaven was really like.

  His tongue swept through her mouth exploring, tasting, and pleasuring. He wanted to imprint her on his taste buds forever. She trembled in his arms and a tiny sound emitted from her throat. Buck’s passion climbed higher, his temperature rose, pulse raced. He knew it would be like this! He always knew if he could find the right way to reach her, he’d show her that the chemistry of their friendship went even deeper. He had no clue when or where, but the relationship they’d always shared, the bond they had, wasn’t just that of best buddies and hadn’t been for a long time.

  He shifted the leg cradled between her thighs and she murmured, but not in complaint. Her hands gripped his shoulders and he kissed her harder until her head went all he way back. Her long hair slithered over his hands as he caressed her lower back, kneading the same muscles he’d worked on while they danced, but now his touch was more intimate, meant to arouse not relax.

  Sara had always been game to try whatever new adventure he thought up and she didn’t disappoint him now. She matched him kiss for hot, hungry kiss. He couldn’t believe how perfect they were together! Couldn’t believe it, and yet, wasn’t surprised. She’d been his best friend since he was a kid and now as adults, she’d be all that and more.

  Her tongue stroked up against his and she suckled on it. Buck growled and tangled his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head. She was making him crazy. Where on earth had she learned how to kiss? She couldn’t have been doing this with Cole all these years—could she? The jealous thought brought his palms skimming down to cup her firm rear end and pull her up against his hardness. He may not be the first man she’d ever kissed but he sure as hell better be the last.

  Sara was his. Her breasts, pressed into his chest, rose and fell in perfect harmony with his own. She was as excited as he was. He slid his hands back up her body and cupped her face in his palms. Her skin felt hot even though the night air was cool. He traced the delicate skin at her neck and she sighed. Her fingers threaded into his hair and Buck boldly covered her breast with his hand. Her nipple hardened beneath his palm and he brushed his thumb across the taught surface of her T-shirt.

  She shuddered, and stilled. Her lips were still on his but she had stopped moving. Not sure what was wrong, he continued to kiss her, giving her breast a gentle squeeze. She jerked back.

  Buck’s eyes flew open at the sudden change. Sara stumbled back as if she couldn’t get away fast enough and he caught himself as he stumbled off balance. Her eyes flashed and her hand lifted to her mouth. A lightshow of emotions flew from her green eyes before hurt and confusion settled there. Buck’s insides churned. The way she looked at him made him feel as if he’d run her puppy over with his truck.


  He reached his hand out, but whipped it back when rage filled her eyes. She spun on her heel and walked away.

  Pushing off the building, he chased after her and grabbed her arm. “Sara, wait!”

  She jerked free of his hold and took off on a run toward the house. He watched her go until she was out of sight, then dropped his head to his chest. His body pulsed with want and desire, but his conscience screamed obscenities at him.

  She was his best friend and he’d pulled a rotten trick with his poker bet. What was he going to say when he saw her tomorrow?


  For the third time in ten minutes, Sara glanced impatiently at the mantle clock on the fireplace. With a shake of her head and an annoyed sigh, she flipped through the newspaper though she had no clue what she’d read already. Where the hell was everyone? She had things to do and couldn’t be wasting her afternoon hanging around the den waiting on Cord and the lawyer.

  Her eyes scanned an article Cord wrote as President of the local Cattleman’s Association. As hard as she tried to focus on the words, all she could hear was Buck’s voice telling her to kiss him last night. She’d thought he was kidding. What kind of payback bet was that? When they were seven, his brothers made him kiss her because he lost a bet, but this was his own bet! Even so, he didn’t have to keep it going and take it as far as he did. The idiot.

  But the quick kiss she thought he was asking for turned into something completely unexpected. She tossed the paper aside and pressed her fingers to her temples. The headache she’d had all night hadn’t eased up. Last night, in less than five minutes everything in her world had shifted. Again. The friendship she treasured above anything else in her life was shattered. Her trust in her best friend was gone.

  How could he have taken advantage of her like that? Too many beers? Maybe, but he’d had a lot more to drink than that in the past and never made a move on her. She clenched her eyes shut. What the hell was he thinking?

  Obviously, he wasn’t. At least not with his head. Was he so desperate for a woman that he’d use his best friend to satisfy himself? What a snake. Scum of the earth.

  She was madder at him than she’d ever been in her life, but that wasn’t what kept her up all night. What
she couldn’t get passed, what she thought about as she tossed and turned was how amazing that kiss had been. She’d never felt anything like that the few times she and Cole had kissed. She’d never been half out of her mind with desire the way she’d been in Buck’s arms.

  She’d been completely and totally turned on, and, for a few minutes, lost her head. Buck had kissed her and turned her on! Her body had wanted things she’d only read about. She’d never felt that intense need in her gut before, that driving urge to press against him as hard as she could. Her body had erupted in a fire of wants and needs that she never even knew existed inside her.

  Was it because Buck was so much more experienced than Cole? Could that be it? Those quivery, weird sensations she’d felt in her belly and between her thighs were completely new to her. His arousal had been pressed against her the same way as when they danced, but instead of being amused, she’d found herself drawn to press closer against him. She’d wanted him. So much so that when he’d touched her breast, the sensations had been so intense, so powerful they scared her to death.

  Once she stepped away from him, the humiliation—and the knowledge that he was only touching and kissing her because, well, all cats look grey in the dark—took over and she’d run, not stupid enough to think that her good buddy Buck had suddenly been overcome with desire for her. No, any warm body would have done last night.

  What would have happened if she hadn’t stopped? How far would he have gone last night? As far as possible? Would he have done that? Buck Weston, her supposed best friend in the whole wide world—would he have taken things that far if she’d been willing?

  Opening her eyes, Sara glanced again at the clock. She had to get out of here. All day, she’d manage to avoid everyone and had only come to the house because of this meeting. Now no one was showing up.

  The den’s door swung open and she snapped her eyes to its frame in annoyance. “It’s about time. I was just about to...” The words froze at the sight of Buck walking in. His eyes, when they met hers, were uncertain and wary. And they damn well should be. I oughta shoot him like a prairie dog!


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