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Ajax: Rebirth (A Konar City Stories Book 1)

Page 30

by Gavin Magson

  “That is not acceptable. It must be immediate or you can rot to your death within this putrid tomb,” came the reply.

  Ajax remained silent, staring above Henry’s head as he thought through his situation. No solution would leave him happy, yet it would be worse for the whole crew for him to rot down here in the hopes of rescue.

  “It would be a lie if I told you I didn't have a problem with your terms, but you don't leave me with much of a choice. Since you must be an important part of Ilya's life I shall honour your terms; you have my word on that.”

  All the words had been said, Ajax knew what he had to do in order to win his freedom, even if the cost would be a great friend. Henry extended a hand over the desk, which Ajax reluctantly shook before he left the office. He passed the warden waiting outside and exchanged a brief smile. Ajax walked down the stairs and did not acknowledge the wardens words of encouragement, his mind preoccupied with thoughts about the friend he had lost today.

  The suns heat beat down from high above and was unrelenting, to Ajax it was a bitter-sweet sight near forgotten. Its strong light glared from the sand dunes that encircled the building’s roof and superheated the concrete underfoot; Ajax was thankful that he still had his combat boots. Those that had opted to go barefoot were already regretting it, judging by the contorted faces of pain he could see.

  Ajax had not slept the night before, or what passed for night when you are underground with no sensation of time. The caves occupants had thrown a leaving party of such, something so civilised among the death that happens all around them had been a surreal experience for him. It had surprised Ajax that someone had managed to find alcohol, he did not even ask what they had traded with the neighbouring cave for it. He had been told it was brewed from their potato ration, though he suspected something more volatile had made its way into the recipe. It didn't quite make him go blind, but did leave him pleasantly buzzed. Now his brain throbbed at his skull and his mouth was dry, such a foolish mistake.

  What had surprised him further were the arms that wrapped around him as he lay down to sleep, he was distracted by the thought of killing so many in the name of his freedom and the possibility of finally seeing his friends once more that he had been taken off guard. He had thought everyone except the lookout were contributing to the chorus of snores, but was pleasantly surprised.

  Ajax had rolled over to look into Mel's face, her expression such a mixture of emotion that he did not know what was going through the woman's mind. Mel had leant in and planted a soft, tender kiss on his lips, whilst her hot tears ran down his face.

  When he pulled away Mel spoke no words, she just moved back and kissed him harder, before both struggled to remove each other’s clothes. Her face was a silent scream of pleasure as he entered her, shivers ran through Mel's body that only spurred him onwards. It was a miracle no one had stirred, somehow they both managed to keep their moans quiet even when their movements hastened.

  As the desert wind brought Ajax's mind back to the present he allowed himself a satisfied smile, the events only a few hours ago were still on his mind. She still had not said a word to him, even afterwards when they lay in an embrace she remained silent.

  When the guards had come to take Ajax to the desert above Mel was the only person who stayed behind, just an exchange of smiles marked their last moment together. The others had walked him to the steep staircase where the guards made sure they went no further. Ajax had shook Peter by the hand and told him to watch over the cave; he really hoped the man could do it. What weapons and food he had stockpiled should see them survive for a while, after that it was out of his hands.

  Ajax and the twenty nine other convicts were held in place by foot restraints that clamped around their ankles and secured them to the roof. He was not sure how long had passed since they were first brought up here but his clothes were now soaked with sweat and his head ached from dehydration, both from the desert sun and copious amounts of alcohol. Some of the others looked to fare a little better than him, they did not appear to be as effected by the desert heat just yet.

  There was no doubt in Ajax's mind that the man he had been sent here to kill was stood only a few dozen yards away, he was so tantalisingly close that Ajax could almost smell the Beast. Joel looked every bit as formidable as the pictures had portrayed, his bare barrel chest was riddled with scars, as were his thick arms. Ajax remembered the face from all those photographs Aiko had passed onto him, he had stared into Joel's eyes many times before. Prison had changed this man, a scar ran from his ruined ear down his jawline and he looked even more muscular than in the outdated photographs. There was an air of madness as he pulled at the chains, goading all those nearest to him. This fight was not going to be an easy one.

  Down below Ajax heard the familiar sound of engines spluttering into life, it was not long before he saw the craft they belonged to. Four large turbines spun at incredible speeds to lift the platform off the desert floor until it hovered in line with the building’s roof. He could make out at least ten figures seated near the rail that stopped them falling over the side; all were shaded by a canopy whilst enjoying crisp, refreshing drinks. Ajax wanted them all dead. He saw a familiar figure stand up from the audience, the man's swagger unmistakeable even from this distance.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I have quite the spectacle in store for you all.” came the booming voice of Henry Steel, amplified through unseen speakers. “I have thirty of the most barbaric men and women this fine prison has to offer, their deaths will be for your entertainment only. Might I invite you to place some wagers on who our victor will be today, and who shall win their freedom.”

  At the last word a roar rose up in the throats of most combatants, near deafening Ajax. The rest of the conversation was lost to him as the speakers powered down, all he could hear was the whomp of the turbines blades and the cheers that slowly faded away. Some of the convicts were starting to look around nervously, inspecting their competition for the sole prize of freedom. Ajax was confident about his chances, half the combatants he vaguely recognised and none were of too much concern. His only real worry was if they worked together to eliminate others, an unarmed fight against several attackers could see him robbed of his freedom.

  Henry's voice cut back in through the speakers, “...very good, Major, I hope your man lives long enough to win you your wager. Shall we begin then? Raúl, release these animals.”

  Ajax scanned the platform once more, sure enough the man Henry had been addressing was the same who had tried to kill himself and Steiner several months ago. He barely had a moment to think about the implication of this, if there were any. The restraints on his ankle released and the bloodletting began.

  He ducked low, the woman who grabbed for his throat overreached and he shouldered her in the gut. They both dropped to the floor but Ajax was quick to move before a man stomped a booted foot towards him. Ajax grabbed the man by his neck and pirouetted, a satisfying crunch signalled his first kill.

  The woman was already dead when he turned back to her, the killer lost in the melee as man and woman fought tooth and nail. There was already a small mound of bodies piling up around the monstrous Joel, no doubt most of them were his victims. A bestial cry rose up from the man as three attackers approached; Ajax hoped one would be victorious before he had to deal with the brute.

  Ajax dodged a kick aimed at groin height and twisted around his new attacker. He grabbed the man's flailing arm at the wrist, pulled it back until the arm was taught and hammered his palm into the man's shoulder. Ajax felt the arm dislocate before he heard the scream, he stepped around the man and silenced him with a swift punch to his quarry’s throat that crushed the man’s trachea.

  There was no need to wait for the man to die, his death was now a certainty. Ajax turned back to the action just as a punch connected with his jaw. He spun on the spot and landed heavily on the building’s roof, the impact jarred his shoulder and skull. Before he had chance to stand a kick caught Ajax in the ribs and
lifted him from the floor.

  He had just enough time to scrabble back to his feet before blocking another kick from the tall man. Ajax had thought all of the contenders lacked any real skill, but this man was proving him wrong. Instead of rushing to land more blows on Ajax the man held up a guard, right foot forward yet ready to move in attack or defence. Ajax lunged.

  His attacker recognised the feint and blocked both punches well, all the while manoeuvring around corpses and debris. Ajax ducked low and jabbed just above the man's hips, but his punches only swiped the air. Ajax was beginning to realise his opponent was both fast and nimble; a true test of his skill. He did not have energy to waste on overcoming the man, nor any morals to uphold.

  Ajax charged at the man, allowing him time to dodge and faked the trip. He skidded along the building’s roof and rolled just as his attacker pounced right into his trap. Ajax kicked out and caught the man in his face with a combat boot, snapping the head back. Ajax did not hesitate in straddling the stunned man, both knees pinning his shoulders to the floor as he launched punch after hammering punch into the man's head.

  Skin split between his knuckles but the pain Ajax felt was nothing compared to his victim, who bucked furiously but could not stop the assault. Before long blood oozed from the man's ruined mouth, half his teeth broken along with his cheekbones and jaw. Ajax calmed enough to realise he was not the monster both he and Mel feared he could be and decided to show some compassion. He stood up from above the dying man, dropping to one knee as he steadied himself for the deathblow. With all the power he could launch behind it Ajax thundered a punch right above the man's heart, shocking it to a halt. He watched the light fade fast from the dead eyes before him.

  Only now that this threat was ended did he become aware of the sudden hush, there were no more sounds of blows landing on soft flesh. He could only hear one horrifying sound, Ajax turned around and stared at Joel, who held a screaming, squirming woman suspended in the air.

  He had clamped his two large, meaty hands on her skull and was squeezing with all his strength as she cried out in pain. Ajax could see veins throbbing violently in the man's arms and chest, only when her screams were punctuated by the sound of splintering skull did Joel relax. The body crashed limp to the floor, its head imploded and disfigured; only two fighters remained.

  Both men started to circle, strafing around the multitude of corpses. Ajax tried to get a judge for the man's balance and identify any weaknesses, no doubt his opponent was doing the same. Joel moved well for a man of his formidable size, his movements weren't clumsy and the weight did not slow him down; Ajax was starting to become worried.

  So you are the man who killed Hiro? I always knew that rat wouldn't last without me. The words came through unspoken lips, straight into Ajax's head. He was stunned by the voice, distracted as a thundering right cross knocked him off his feet, depositing the shocked Ajax next to a mangled corpse. He rolled fast, scrabbling back to his feet as Joel advanced. Ajax narrowly avoided a kick that grazed his ribs as he backed away.

  Ajax blocked Joel's jab, he landed a blow on the man's shoulder that barely caused a grunt from the giant. He managed to duck under the lazy swing and land a body shot that felt like hitting concrete, his hand left aching from the impact. Ajax didn't move back fast enough before Joel's advancing forehead connected with his own, rattling his teeth and almost bringing Ajax to his knees.

  You aren't dying just yet, boy, I won't have you rob me of this pleasure.

  “How are you doing that?” asked Ajax, watching Joel's movements.

  Have you never heard of a telepath? No, I can see you haven't; you weren't even born on this planet. I can feel the scars of memories cut off. A sudden rush of pain filled Ajax's head, Joel's grin filled both his vision and mind.

  The pain was incredible, unlike anything he had experienced before. Ajax could feel Joel probing his own mind, his movements like a lance that almost made him faint with each blow it dealt. Fear welled up inside him as his vision began to darken, within a heartbeat he could no longer see his opponent.

  His eyes opened. Ajax was no longer under the desert sun but in a long corridor, walking next to a young woman dressed in a military uniform. He looked down to see he was dressed in kind, yet did not falter in following her lead.

  The corridor was a dull grey, illuminated by seamless panels of light in the ceiling and devoid of any furnishings, save for the plaques on each door they passed. Only the sound of footsteps reached Ajax's ears, their march seemed to go on for an eternity, passing door after door without a second glance.

  His companion finally stopped dead in her tracks and he followed suit, though it did not feel like he had controlled his legs, rather it was predetermined. She turned to face a door identical to all those they had passed. Ajax unzipped the top of his jacket and pulled out a card that hung around his neck, he pressed it on a terminal next to the door. A green light flashed twice and the door unlocked with a click, the woman pushed it open for them both to enter.

  They stepped inside a waiting room, five chairs faced a polished desk that a receptionist sat behind. It took several seconds for the woman to look up at them, her fingers ceasing their tap-dance behind the desk.

  “You must be the two candidates the General chose, please take a seat and I will inform him you are here.” said the woman, barely glancing at either of them.

  Both Ajax and the woman sat down, they watched intently as the receptionist walked over to the door between them and her desk, disappearing into the room beyond. They sat in silence, watching the digital clock on the wall opposite; two minutes passed before the door opened once again.

  “The General will see you now, please make your way through into his office.”

  The duo rose in sync, stepping through the door into a spacious office, sparsely furnished and oozing professionalism. A mahogany desk polished to a near mirror shine was positioned dead centre in the room, its chair left unoccupied as the tall figure looked out the room’s only window. Beyond the man Ajax could see only darkness, he was unsure if the glimmer of distant light came from a reflection or was outside their ship. Space could be a dark, deserted place.

  “I am glad that there were suitable candidates among our new recruits, I was beginning to lose hope in this program ever getting off the ground.” the General turned to face them, the black eye patch across his face contrasted the white moustache and beard he sported.

  “We were honoured by your invitation to join the program, it came as such a shock considering just how many volunteered for the positions.” said the woman standing next to Ajax.

  “You must be Rose, your psych report made for an interesting read. I was surprised that only two candidates made it through the simulation, so I am pinning a lot of hope on your talents. I hope you haven't become attached to your current ranks, if you succeed neither of you will be privates for long. What are your feelings on this, Ajax?”

  The sudden address caught him off guard, Ajax was still getting up to speed with what was happening around him. Six weeks out of the academy and a general was already talking of promotion, it was beyond anything he could have hoped for at the start of his career.

  “Rose is right, sir, it's an unbelievable honour to be chosen personally for this program; we won't let you down.”

  “I am glad both of you seem so enthusiastic,” said the General. “You have been briefed where our ship is heading, thankfully we will take long enough to complete the training and conditioning. I will need you to report to H deck at zero five hundred tomorrow, make sure you grab a large breakfast. I think that will be all, take the rest of the day for yourselves. Dismissed.”

  The General snapped a smart salute, which was mirrored by Rose and Ajax, before they turned and left the room. Alone once again the General turned to look outside, the dark void of space a relaxing sight for a man with so much on his plate.

  Only once the duo were in an elevator heading down to their quarters did either speak, Ajax broke
the spell both were under.

  “I know you are going to rant at me now, but I've already forgotten which planet we are heading to. I can't even remember the system.”

  Rose's expression was a familiar one, the stern face ready to chastise him for his inability to pay attention.

  “I don't care if you have to write it down on your arm, just remember it this time. We are being deployed to help reclaim a lost planet in th-”

  The blow wasn't quite the strongest he had felt today, but it was sufficient enough to bring Ajax back into the present. Instinct kicked in and he grabbed the offending arm, dropping his body to the floor and feeling the arm pull straight out of its socket. Whilst Joel was busy screaming his pain Ajax swept the legs from under the man, dumping him on the ground and hearing a crunch as the arm smashed back into place.

  Ajax stomped on Joel's exposed chest, which gave off a satisfying crack and another howl of pain. Joel rolled away from the next blow, leaving Ajax to jar his leg on solid concrete. The Beast managed to regain his footing as Ajax advanced, assuming a defensive stance. The man's face was white with pain, his expression set as he tried to block out the agony of his shoulder.

  I know what you are, boy, I have seen your past and every memory robbed from you. The voice in his mind came through dripping with fear, such a physical man was running scared from Ajax's past. Don't think the man you once were changes anything, you are nothing compared to me; death is coming.

  His movements were still lightning fast, a feint had Ajax blocking where Joel no longer was, and a hammer blow to his chest almost lifted him from his feet. Joel still had use of his damaged arm, and it felt just as strong as before. His punch spun Ajax's neck when the fist connected, a cry of pain coming from both men. Blood started to fill Ajax's mouth as he tried to suck in a breath, he backed away from the crazed attacker.


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