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Rev Me Up

Page 10

by Kylie Gilmore

They were the only two jumping this afternoon, so that made the experience even more intense. The plan was, they would be strapped in front of their instructor for a tandem jump. The instructor would pull the chute. All they had to do was keep their hands out of the way by hanging onto the straps of their harness while the instructor positioned them at the plane’s opening and pushed off. Sounded simple enough. Just close your eyes and fall.

  Once their harnesses and safety goggles were on, they walked over to the tiny prop plane with the pilot and the two tandem instructors they’d be jumping with. She slowed her steps.

  Nico’s arm dropped over her shoulders. “Having second thoughts?”

  She smiled up at him. “Nope.”

  “The fee is nonrefundable,” the instructor, Alex, said with a laugh. Alex was a thin, wiry man with a light of adventure in his blue eyes. She was glad he was her partner because Mike, the other instructor, was a beefy guy with a beard that she did not want to fall on top of her.

  Lily laughed heartily along with Alex. It paid to stay on the good side of the man you were strapped to when jumping out of a plane.

  “You ready to celebrate life?” Mike asked in his gung-ho tone.

  “Sure,” Nico said.

  “Absolutely!” Lily exclaimed, matching Mike’s enthusiasm.

  “Right on,” Mike said, giving her a high five. “You’re gonna love it.” Mike turned to Nico. “Heaviest one goes first to save on fuel, so that’s us. You ready, man?”

  Nico inclined his head. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Mike said, slapping Nico on the shoulder.

  They piled into the tiny plane, which was noisy from the propellers, and hot. She and Nico were strapped in place in front of Alex and Mike respectively. The plane raced down the runway, shaking with the power of the wind, and Lily knew a moment of pure terror. What was she doing? How was this facing her fears? Her real fear was on the ground, dealing with her own body issues and ex-fiancé hang-ups. What would this prove?

  And then they were airborne. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe normally. Finally the plane leveled out, and she opened her eyes to find Nico staring at her. His gaze was intense. She wanted to ask him what he was thinking, but it was noisy, and they were strapped to two strange men who didn’t need to hear that conversation.

  Their gazes locked. She couldn’t tear herself away. Something welled up in her, some strong emotion. She wasn’t sure what it was or where it had come from, him or her, but it was there, this palpable connection, a thousand feet in the air.

  Before she knew it, Mike was signaling it was time. He opened the small hatch door on the side of the plane. Lily caught a glimpse of open sky and moved from worry to panic about what they were about to do.

  “You pumped?” Mike hollered to Nico strapped to his front.

  “Yeah,” Nico said. He glanced longingly over Mike’s shoulder at her, and then Mike maneuvered them to the opening of the plane.

  Omigod. It was really happening. She peeked out the window. They were above some clouds, but she could make out the flat, square farmland of Nebraska, patches of yellow and green laid out below them. She suddenly felt sick.

  Then Nico and Mike were gone. Her heart raced. She heard nothing at first but the wind. For a heartbreaking moment, she feared she’d lost Nico forever before she ever had a chance to experience the wonder that was her Italian underwear model.

  She let out a primal scream. “Nico!” She turned to Alex in a sweaty, panicky state and said over her shoulder, “Come on. Let’s go. We have to go now.”

  “Not yet. They need time to land.”

  She couldn’t lose Nico. She’d just found him. She tried to get up, but Alex was too heavy on her back.

  “Hang on there,” Alex said. “It’ll be our turn soon.”

  Moments ticked by while Lily’s heart raced. She felt like running and screaming and crying all at the same time as she sat helplessly waiting. Finally, Alex pushed up from the seat.

  “Ready?” he asked.


  They maneuvered to the plane’s opening. The wind whipped at her face and there was nothing but sky as Alex grabbed a hold of the grip on the side of the plane and placed his foot on the small ledge.

  Just as she felt him tense to push off, she screamed, “I changed my—”

  Terror stole her voice as they hurtled toward the earth. Spinning, more terror, and then a jerk as the chute opened. Her heart slowed as another chute opened, and they were gliding.

  She did it! She faced her fear! She’d never be afraid of heights again.

  And then she passed out.

  ~ ~ ~

  Nico had a real moment of terror up there in that plane and not because he was about to leap to his death with a two-hundred-pound bearded man on his back. It was because all he could think about in the moments before his death was that he was glad Lily was the last thing he’d see on earth. In that long moment gazing into her eyes, he felt something very real and terrifyingly tender lodge in the vicinity of his locked heart, nudging to be let in.

  And then, thankfully, Mike was maneuvering them toward the hatch, and the moment was broken as he turned from her. There was no room for that kind of uncomfortable, tender feeling with a two-week, no-strings fling.

  What followed next was a quick vision of a cloud whipping by, Mike pushing off, and sixty seconds of horrifying free fall where he unexpectedly barfed all over his instructor. The wind caught it and flung it back at Mike, who complained loudly. Some had gotten on the side of Nico’s face too, but that was the least of his problems. They were spinning, flipping upside down, and that chute was not opening.

  Then he jerked back as Mike finally did open it, and their descent slowed. A few moments later another chute opened, and they were gliding. The view was spectacular, but his brain and body were still trying to process the fact that he was floating in the air thousands of feet above the ground. He felt light-headed as the wind whipped at him. But it would all be worth it for Lily. She’d face her fear here, and then tonight, high on this adrenaline rush, she’d get over her nerves with him.

  They glided to a smooth landing, and Mike unstrapped him. Nico had never felt so happy to have his feet touch the ground. Not even after those horrible driving lessons where Lily almost got them killed. He was shaky, and his legs felt like jelly. He turned and looked at Mike, who was taking off his goggles with some barf on them.

  “Sorry about that,” Nico said. “I didn’t even feel it coming. It just happened.”

  “Don’t worry, dude. Happens all the time with first-timers. At least you didn’t pass out. I’ll go grab some paper towels.”

  Mike returned from the hangar with paper towels and a couple of bottled waters. Nico wet the towel and cleaned the side of his face, then he swished the water around his mouth, spitting it out.

  He looked up at the plane slowly circling high above them. He’d thought Lily would’ve jumped by now.

  Mike must’ve thought so too. “Damn, your girlfriend’s taking a long time. Hope everything’s okay up there.”

  Nico froze. He wondered if she was terrified right now. He wished he could make it easier for her. And then someone appeared at the plane’s opening. He caught a glimpse of red hair and his heart caught in his throat as she leaped with Alex.

  He paced back and forth, waiting for Lily to land on the ground again safe and sound. As she came into view, on a slow glide, she looked weird. Eyes closed, mouth slack, just kind of hanging there. Oh, shit. She was unconscious.

  Alex landed gently and eased to his back, so Lily was flat on her back on top of him. “Get her off me. She passed out.”

  Mike lumbered over and unstrapped Lily from Alex and laid her on the ground. He slapped her cheek rapidly. “Wake up.”

  Nico shoved him out of the way and pressed the cool water bottle to her forehead. “Lil, hey. Open your eyes. You did it.”

  She didn’t respond. He carefully removed her goggle
s. “Come on, baby. Wake up.”

  “Throw some water on her,” Alex said.

  “Don’t,” Nico snapped. He bent down toward her ear, brushing her hair back. “Wake up. They got those salt and pepper shakers you like. Airplanes. Fucking adorable.”

  Her eyelids fluttered and those electric blues landed on him. “Nico. You’re alive.”

  He pulled her up and held her tight. “Yeah. Piece of cake.”

  She buried her head in his chest. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  That uncomfortable feeling was back, an ache in his chest. He was not ready to deal with that. “Can you walk?”

  “I saw nothing but sky, and then you were gone! I panicked. I thought you were about to die—”

  “I was about to die.”

  She laughed then, a big, semi-hysterical, but happy laugh. A smile tugged at his lips even though this whole thing had been a damn miserable experience. He’d barfed, for crying out loud. She passed out. How was that fun?

  She hugged him tight again.

  “Come on, you two lovebirds,” Alex said. “We’ve got a debriefing. And then you can get those salt and pepper shakers at the gift shop.”

  Lily’s eyes widened. “They really have those?”

  He pulled her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s go.”

  They headed back to the hangar with the crew. Lily made small talk with the men while Nico pondered what had gotten into him. Why had he agreed to skydive? Just because she smiled when he gave her what she wanted? That was pathetic. And not the way he wanted things to go between them. He had to be more firm with her. Who knew what she’d try to talk him into next?

  Once they got back in the truck and on the road, Lily glanced sideways at him. “Think you’ll ever do it again?”

  “Hell no.” He jabbed a finger at her. “And that was our absolute last stop. We’re heading straight to Denver after this. No stopping for any reason. Do I make myself clear?”

  She saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!”

  ~ ~ ~

  Several hours later, after a stop for dinner, the restroom, and more salt and pepper shakers in the hotel gift shop, Nico finally got Lily into the hotel room. It was nearly ten o’clock, much later than he’d planned, but after a quick shower and brushing his teeth, he had her right where he wanted her. In his arms. He kissed her for a really, really long time, until her lips were swollen from his kisses, and she was mewling in the back of her throat and writhing restlessly against him. And then, finally, at long last, he led her to the bed.

  She pulled away.

  Those sweatpants of hers shifted dangerously low. Drop, he thought desperately, please drop. He was nearly out of patience, nearly out of sweet talk. He had to make this happen before he went fucking insane.

  “Lil,” he said with as much gentle restraint as possible, “you conquered your fears today. You were a total badass jumping from that plane. Why’re you afraid of me?”

  She snorted. “I’m not afraid of you.” One corner of her mouth lifted. “You really think I’m a badass?”


  She smiled. “You are too.”

  “I know. Take off your clothes.”

  She flushed bright pink. “Nico.”

  “What’s the problem?” he barked, completely out of patience.

  She sighed, looked all around the room and finally settled her hands on her hips belligerently, meeting his gaze with those electric blue eyes of hers. He felt the jolt like he always did when their eyes met. “I’m not as hot as you, okay?” she said. “It’s intimidating.”

  He smiled. This was no problem at all. “You’re very hot.” He stepped closer, and she put up a hand.

  “I have a pooch.”

  His brows scrunched together in confusion. “What’s a pooch?”

  “You know, a tummy.”

  He smiled. “I like curves. I like softness.”

  “Thank you, goodnight.”

  “You don’t believe me.”

  “Be serious.”

  He leaned closer. “How’s this for serious? Three nights of blue balls because of you. An entire week before that when I tried to teach you to drive the truck.”


  He threw his hands up. “Yeah, really!”

  She went to his side and stroked his arm. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “I jerk off every night in the shower thinking of that mouth,” he admitted.

  She leaned against his side. “You are so sweet.”

  He grunted. “Let me see your pooch.”


  “Come on, I’m dying here. I can’t take ten more nights of blue balls.”

  She just stood there.

  He pulled rank. "I skydived for you. That was not my idea of fun. I almost died."

  She frowned. "You did not almost die. You just felt like you were dying."

  "Stop stalling."

  She closed her eyes and lifted her T-shirt. Her belly was round and cute. He looked up to her face, where her eyes were shut tight. His chest ached at the way she bared herself to him. The way she faced her fear of rejection head-on even though it was difficult for her. Just like on the Ferris wheel when she faced her fear of heights. The way she faced her fear of heights again today, completely conquering it.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her, kissed her soft belly, and inhaled her sweet, fresh scent. And that was it.

  He was done for.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Nico,” Lily said hesitantly, “what’re you doing?” He was still on his knees, hugging her, his stubbled cheek pressed against the sensitive skin of her stomach.

  He looked up at her with what could only be described as adoration in his deep brown eyes. Her heart kicked up. “I love your pooch,” he said.

  And she believed him.

  He rose to his feet in one fluid motion, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her. And this time she kissed him back with all the passion she felt every time he kissed her, no holding back, no fear of him touching her and being disappointed. It was glorious. And then he lifted her and carried her to the bed, and she nearly swooned at the gesture. He joined her a moment later, lying on his side, kissing her, stroking her cheek and jaw, taking his time with her. She fell with a stuttering, heart-dropping crash as she finally let herself enjoy what he offered. She ran her hands all over him, across his broad shoulders, his biceps, his amazing chest. He was kissing her neck now, and she tilted her head to let him, her lips parting on a sigh.

  He pushed up her T-shirt, and she lifted slightly to help him take it off. She lay back down as he took her in. A sliver of doubt kicked in as he gazed at her breasts and lower to her belly for long moments before reaching out to touch. His warm hand cupped her breast, his thumb stroking over her nipple, and she arched into his hand, needing more. His mouth soon followed as he kissed all along the sensitive underside, round and round, before closing in on the rigid peak and sucking hard. Heat flooded her, and she moaned. He moved to the other breast, again with the slow kisses and hard sucking that made sensation shoot through her.

  Then he stopped and met her eyes for a long moment. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, good or bad. She panicked.

  “What’re you thinking about?” she asked, very worried that it was some supermodel pinup he had to picture to be with her. She shut her eyes tight. This wasn’t her ex. Still, the fear gripped her.

  He kissed her closed eyelids, kissed her cheek, and leaned down to whisper the extremely dirty thing he wanted to do to her. Her eyes flew open. Her. He wanted her. A rush of affection and gratitude filled her heart. She wrapped her arms around him. “Really?”

  His lips brushed across hers before he sucked her lower lip into his mouth. He released her and met her eyes. “Hell yeah. I want you so bad, Lil.” Then he slid down her baggy sweatpants and her plain white panties and the next thing she knew he was between her legs, kissing, licking, sucking, and
she exploded only a few minutes later from the shocking intimacy and incredible feeling.

  He sat back and stared at her. “I can’t believe you came so quick. I was just getting started.”

  She stretched languorously, still warm and liquid, all of her muscles completely relaxed. “Mmm.”

  Next thing she knew, Nico was naked and pressing his whole body against hers. She wrapped her arms and legs around all that delicious man. He stroked her hair back from her face and slowly traced her lips with his tongue. “Lil?”

  She opened her eyes. He was so wonderful. She was so lucky. “Yes?”

  “Was that your first orgasm?”

  “N-no,” she stuttered out, her cheeks burning. She did not want to talk about this after that. She’d had plenty of orgasms. Just not with another person involved. She thought horrible thoughts about her ex for always making her feel less than and never making the kind of effort Nico did. She grabbed his ass. “Let’s do it.”

  But he didn’t make any movement in that direction. Instead he started kissing her all over again, from her cheeks to her throat, down to her breasts, her belly, her inner thighs, and shockingly he kept going, kissing her legs, all the way down to her toes. She’d never felt so lit up inside. “Don’t you want to—”

  “Not done yet,” he said in a hoarse voice before he rolled her over onto her belly and started massaging her legs, starting with her calves. His mouth followed the path of his hands up her legs. It was like a massage only heightened by the fact that the most gorgeous man in the world was doing it. Now his hands were on her ass and she squirmed, which made him linger, massaging and cupping her until he spread her legs wide. His hand slid between her legs, making her jolt.

  “I’m a lucky man,” he murmured. She had no idea what he meant by that, but she didn’t have any time to figure it out because he was kissing and licking the dip in her lower back and then he was moving up her back, across her shoulders, and she was a melted, sparking puddle of need. He slid her hair to the side and kissed the nape of her neck, his teeth scraping and then biting down gently. Electric frissons of sensation shot down her spine. She wanted him. Wanted this.

  “Nico,” she moaned. “Please.”


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