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One More Try (Knights of Sin Mc Book 5)

Page 6

by Erin Trejo

“You’re good with no school right now?” Speak of my uncle, and he appears.

  “Only for a few days. I need to get back. We have finals soon.” It’s not that I want to go. I couldn’t care less about school but the thought of being held up in this clubhouse every day and night doesn’t work for me either. I feel trapped and that’s not a feeling I like to have.

  “We’ll get shit worked out then before that. Even if I have to sit in the goddamn room with you.” I smile at my uncle, seeing the tiredness in his eyes. All of this wages a war on him. I know he’s running himself down and I hate that I’m the reason for the latest.

  “I don’t think I’d mind that all too much.” His hand comes to rest on my shoulder. He lets out a laugh. A real laugh that I haven’t heard in a long time is coming from him.

  “No, everyone wants their leather clad uncle sittin’ in class with them.” He laughs a little more. “You know I love you like you’re my own, sweetheart.” Our conversation just turned serious.

  “I know. And I know you’d do anything for me.” He nods as I see his eyes water. He won’t do it. He won’t cry in front of them but I see it.

  “You need anything, you tell one of us.” He motions between himself and Bash. I nod my head.

  I watch as he stands before pressing a kiss to the top of my head and walking away quickly.

  “What is it you with you and kisses? They all want their lips on you.” Bash smiles.

  “Did you just make an observation? Like you paid attention?” I asked pretending to be shocked. Bash smiles that beautiful smile of his.

  “I’m good at those. Like right now, I think your little pussy is soakin’ wet. I think you’re thinkin’ about me slidin’ in between those thighs, takin’ what’s mine.” Heat pools inside of me.

  Bash leans back in his chair, tipping his bottle up to his lips with a grin.


  Chapter 26


  Shannon left the party a little earlier. I stayed back and hung out with the guys until I saw Bomber take off. He said he needed space but that did little to ease my mind. He doesn’t need to be out riding alone. I don’t think he’s a target but that threat is always there.

  “I’m out, brother.” I toss my cards onto the table where I’d been playing poker with the guys.

  “Me too. Takin’ my woman to bed.” Kane smiles over at Ivy.

  I chuckle as I stand and stretch. I crack my neck to the side before heading toward the stairs.

  I jog up, taking two at a time. I feel like I’m on a goddamn high. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into me aside from Shannon. Maybe the idea of having her and my baby is making me feel off. That thought though…. My baby. Something that’s mine. Something I created. As much as I thought it was a bad idea in the beginning, I’m starting to think I really want this.

  How fucking beautiful would that be? Shannon with a big stomach, walking around with my baby in it?

  I step into her room with a smile on my face but it quickly fades when I hear her sobs.

  I walk into the bathroom and find her on the floor, much the same as she always is.

  “Why the bathroom floor?” I ask her as I slide down and lie next to her. There has to be something about it that I don’t know.

  “When they took me, the only time I was alone was when they’d put me in the bathroom. They wouldn’t bother me. They wouldn’t hurt me. I would lie against the cool tiles and just let myself cry. It was the only time that I would allow it. I wouldn’t let them see me break in front of them. I didn’t want them to have that power,” she says wiping at her eyes. Jesus Christ.

  I scoot closer to her, wrapping my arms around her. I pull her into my body, savoring the warmth of her against me.

  “You are stronger than a lot of others, Shan. To be able to still live after that. I’m sorry I fucked that up for you. I was sorry I put that baby in you,” I sigh. Shannon cocks her head and looks up at me.

  “What do you mean you were sorry?” I can see the look in her eyes. That hopeful gleam that they get.

  “I thought about it. I thought I’d ruined you with that baby. Are you happy about it now? I know you weren’t at first.” Shannon sighs, relaxing into me.

  “I didn’t want it at first. The more it grows in me, the more I think it’s a good thing. I want it... him or her. I want this baby.” My hand comes to rest on her stomach.

  “I do too. I want him, Shannon. I want to be a good dad. I don’t know how but I want too.” That’s the cold hard truth.

  My life is a mess. I’m a cold-hearted bastard but Shannon is drawing me into her light and I fucking want it all. She makes me want it all.

  “I love you, Bash. I know you probably don’t want to hear it but I do.”

  I roll her over so she’s facing me. My hand grips her cheek, my thumb running over her bottom lip.

  “I’ve said a lot of things to a lot of people in my life. Some were fuckin’ lies. Others were more truth than I care to admit but I’ve never told anyone that I love them. I don’t know that I know the meanin’ behind that word.” I see the tears in her eyes before I finish, “You…. Fuck, Shannon. You make me want things in my life that I didn’t think I wanted. A kid? I never wanted that until now. With you—now I want him. I want you. I want that fuckin’ happy ass shit that the guys have. I want the hugs and kisses. I want the fuckin’ arguments—I fuckin’ want it all with you. I fuckin’ love you. Whatever that means in my world, I love you.”

  Chapter 27


  With love comes pain. They are inevitably connected. As happy as I am that Bash told me he loved me, I know there’s a sliver of doubt in there somewhere. People like us don’t get that happy ending. It never happens that way.

  I’ve lived in this world long enough to know that with the good comes the bad. Maybe I didn’t want to see it. Maybe I didn’t want to accept it but that is the cold hard truth.

  I yawn as I roll over, slapping the alarm.

  “Fuck, it’s too early.” I yawn once more as I climb out of bed. I walk into the bathroom and start the shower.

  Today will be my first day back at school. It will be the first day that I’m allowed to leave the clubhouse. The fact that I have to have a prospect trailing behind me is annoying but I know my uncle made it clear that he is not to be seen. He has to blend in with the rest of the students. It shouldn’t be that hard for Grady. He’s the newest prospect, and he’s around my age. When he loses his cut, he could pass for a college kid.

  I step into the shower and let the warm water flow over me. I want to get these tests over with. I want to finish this college shit so I can move on with my life.

  School was never my top priority but I didn’t really have a set plan for my life either.

  I always thought I’d find a job and a good man. Just settle down into a normal life like what my parents had. I could have gone back to that but the thought of them always looking at me like I’m broken just didn’t feel right. I know I’m fucked up. I know I am broken but I didn’t need to see it reflected in their eyes.

  I wash quickly and dry off ready to get this day over with. I know it just started but I find myself a lot more tired than usual these days.

  I pull on my jeans and smile when they won’t button. That little life in there is sure making itself known. I leave them undone and pull an oversized t-shirt on over them.

  I head out into the main room and grab a bagel from the kitchen.

  “Where you off to?” I startle when I hear Bullet’s voice.

  “Jesus, Bullet. Scare the shit out of me why don’t you! I’m going to school.” He grins like a fool before walking over to me.

  “I didn’t mean to. You know no one’s up at this time aside from Micah and me. It’s like second nature.” I nod my head knowing that. He’s told me that since he left the Marine’s his body still works on their time. He’s always up at the crack of fucking dawn.

  “I would rather be in b
ed! I just want to get this day over with. I’m sure there is a bunch I’ve missed.” I grab the last bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Be careful. Grady’s out there waitin’ on you. He looks like a preppy son of a bitch. Make sure you give him a little shit about that,” Bullet laughs nodding toward the door.

  “You know I will,” I smile and head out.

  Just like Bullet said, Grady is out here waiting with the truck running. I smile and hop in before I take in his appearance.

  I lose it then. Bullet was right. That is fucking hysterical.

  “What?” he asks not sure why I’m laughing.

  “Are we going to college or church?” I ask looking him up and down.

  He has on a long sleeve button up shirt with a tie. He’s wearing khaki pants and some kind of loafers. His usually messy hair is parted down the middle and slicked to the side.

  “I ain’t good at this school shit!” he roars, making me laugh harder.

  Yeah, I think this is going to be a good day after all.

  Chapter 28


  I didn’t like her going to school today. I don’t like the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach either. It’s not a good feeling.

  I made sure Grady knew that if one thing happened to her, I’d kill him. Then I’d stab his dead body a few more times just to make my point. He knew when he left here that she was his main concern today.

  “What the hell’s up your ass?” Bomber asks with a cigarette hanging between his lips.

  “Somethin’s off today.” He nods his head once but doesn’t question me further.

  “You think it’s about this drop?” Micah asks, looking over at me. I shake my head and say, “Can’t say. I just don’t fuckin’ like it.”

  No one else says a word. We all sit on our bikes waiting on the assholes we’re meeting for this drop.

  I don’t think it’s why I’m on edge, though. There’s something else, something darker, lurking in the back of my mind.

  I hear the rumble of the bikes before I look up and see them pulling in.

  “Here we go boys,” Bomber says climbing off his bike. We all follow behind him.

  We watch as the bikes pull in and park a short distance away from us. The guys start climbing off their bikes, leaving their helmets.

  Two of the guys grab bags out of their saddle bags before walking toward us. Micah, Bomber, and I walk forward with the bags from our bikes as well.

  “You must be Bomber,” the tall gangly man says with a southern accent. We’ve never dealt with these guys before. We had a call and a meet with a few of them not so long ago, though. They seemed legit enough so we went with it.

  “I am. You Chucky?” Bomber asks, his cigarette still hanging from his lips.

  “That I am,” he extends his hand. Bomber takes it in his as I eye the other guys. The red-head seems nervous as shit but the rest of them seem calm enough.

  “We brought what you asked for. You know we don’t typically work with new people but Marco said you were good.” Chucky nods his head before motioning for his men to hand the bags over.

  “We got all the cash right there. Count it. We’re good. I’m lookin’ to expand and I heard you were the ones I needed to work with.” Micah and I both take a bag before tossing them to Kane and Dax. I turn my attention back to the guys in front of me.

  “How much expansion are you lookin’ to do? We got a good connection up your way if you want somethin’ heavier than the green.” Bomber cross his arms over his chest. The two of them stand there and talk things out while Kane and Dax count the money.

  My phone rings in my pocket. I slide it out and see it’s Shannon. I don’t answer it but when it rings a second time, I know something’s not right.

  I look to Bomber for the ok. When I get it, I step aside and answer, “In the middle of somethin’ here, sweetheart. Let me call you back in ten.”

  “No! Wait! Is this Sebastian?” That’s not Shannon. What the fuck?

  “Yeah, who the fuck is this?” I demand. That feeling in the pit of my stomach stabs at me.

  “This is Danna. Shannon was…. Get to the hospital. Northside. She’s there.” The line goes dead along with my heart. What the hell is happening?

  I move toward Bomber quickly before I interrupt, “Got a weird phone call about Shannon.” His eyes jerk to mine. “What? What’d they say?”

  “Said she’s at Northside. It was her friend, Danna.” Bomber runs his hand over his face.

  “Fuck! Micah, handle this. Sorry to cut this short. Emergency,” he tells Chucky. The man nods and says, “We’ll talk soon. Thanks, brother.” Bomber doesn’t respond.

  He stalks toward his bike while I dial, Grady. I get nothing but his voicemail.

  “Grady?” he asks as we both grab our helmets.

  “Not answerin’, Prez.” This is bad. I can feel it in my bones.

  Chapter 29


  I blink my eyes before the pain hits me. I can hear a commotion all around me but I don’t know where I am.

  I feel a needle stick into my arm before it all goes black again.

  Chapter 30


  We’ve paced the goddamn waiting area for an hour. The guys are all here now.

  Aubrie and Laura have gone to see what they can find out. Ivy and Trinity are huddled in the corner.

  My mind goes to places that it shouldn’t right now. If anyone hurt her, I will rip them apart.

  “Bomber,” the sheriff says as he walks in looking at all of us.

  “The fuck you want, Hughes?” He’s pissed, and I can’t blame him.

  “We got a body over on campus. We fingered printed him. Came back as Grady Bishop. He one of yours?” Fuck! I slam my fist into the nearest wall when I hear Bomber say, “Yeah. Prospect of ours. He was keepin’ an eye on my niece.” I see the look in that bastard’s eyes.

  “Why is that?” Bomber chuckles but Hughes is pissed. “You want me to make this go away, Bomber, you tell me something!” he snaps.

  Before Bomber can move, I have Hughes around the throat against the wall.

  I lean in closely and say, “How about you go look for the person responsible and not worry about the club aspect of it all. If somethin’ happened to Shannon, hell is gonna rain down on your little town, Hughes.” I feel Bomber’s hand come down my shoulder.

  “I got this. Go see if you can get anything from those bitches at the nurse’s station.” I release the asshole and he and Bomber walk out of the room.

  I head down the hallway when I see Laura.

  “She’s out of surgery. One at a time can go in,” she says, tears filling her big blue eyes.

  “Surgery? What the fuck?” I ask her, pulling her into a hug.

  “She was stabbed multiple times, Bash. Collapsed her lung. Barely missed her heart,” she cries into my shirt.

  “They were tryin’ to kill her,” I mumble to myself. They messed that shit up but they were trying.

  “Take me to her,” I demand Laura. She pulls back and wipes her eyes before I follow behind her. My stomach cramps. I hate that she has to go through all of this again. I hate that someone out there is trying to kill what belongs to me.

  Laura nods to the door. I stare at the handle for a long time. I know she’s on the other side. I know she’s in bad shape. Fuck!

  I walk in and my heart nearly breaks in my chest. She’s lying there with wires and tubes coming out of her.

  “Are you a relative?” the Doctor asks me. I nod once.

  “She had a lot of internal bleeding from the stab wounds and a collapsed lung. The baby didn’t survive the attack.” Those, six, words, shatter me. Piece by piece I come undone.

  “What?” I ask looking over at him like he’s lying to me.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. Not yet he isn’t. I rush to him, grabbing him around the throat and pinning him to the wall.

  “What the fuck does that mean! You’re sorry! That baby w
as all we had!” I scream as I watch his eyes water.

  Someone slams into me before I’m forced to release him. I stumble as tears clog my throat. I look up and see Bomber talking to the Doctor. His eyes find mine before I rush from the room.

  I saw the look on his face. I saw the rage in his eyes.

  He doesn’t have to say a word. I know now, that he knows that baby was mine.

  It doesn’t matter now. Not anymore. That son of a bitch took that baby away from me.

  They stole the one good thing we had.

  Chapter 31


  I open my eyes and groan. “Am I dead?” I mumble to myself.

  I hear a chuckle from my side. I turn my head and see Bomber sitting in the chair next to me.

  “You are very much alive, darlin’. Scared the fuck outta us, though,” he says with a tear in his eyes before he adds, “Called your mom and dad. I told them not to come until I talked to you about that.”

  “Thanks. I don’t want them here. Not now…. Maybe later.” He nods his head before grabbing my hand.

  “You see who did this to you?” I close my eyes and hold back the tears.

  “No. They were all wearing ski masks.” I cough a little before the pain radiates through me.

  “Here...” He grabs a small button from the side of the bed and presses it. Instantly I feel the pain fade away.

  “Damn. I need to get one of those for at home,” I smile. He stands up and sits carefully on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m gonna find who did this to you.” I know he will.

  “I know.”

  “There’s somethin’ the doc said that I need to tell you, Shannon.” His eyes look haunted and sad. I’ve never seen him like this before.

  “What?” I ask watching his face.

  “The baby…. It… didn’t make it.” What? How did he know about that?

  “What? No! That can’t be true!” Reality stings. It cuts me deeper than any knife could. That baby was the one thing I was hopeful about.


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