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Kidnapped Idol

Page 10

by Jennie Bennett

  “Stay on the line,” the operator says, but there’s no way I’m going to do that. I have to save my friend.

  I make sure she knows where CSTAR is, and then I tell her I’m breaking up and that the guys with guns are going to find me soon. Then I hang up. That should get someone over here, at least to investigate.

  It hurts every time my ankle pushes on one of the bars but I climb through the pain. I can’t go down, the elevator’s in the way. I’ll just have to sneak through the building―Chet’s eyes on me―until I get to the basement. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do when I get there, but I’m prepared to fight.

  The emergency elevator exit is covered in spider webs, and I can see little curls of rust coming out from under the bottom. Great. This is going to be a workout.

  I heave at the door, but it won’t budge. What I need is something to get underneath and pry open the slot. There’s nothing loose around me, and I don’t know how much longer I can stay on this ladder. I’ll just have to use something I have on me, like my cell phone case.

  It’s not anything I really loved, just a simple plastic rectangle, but if I break off the raised edges, it should be able to scrape under the door.

  Working as fast as I can, I pop off all four sides and start scratching. Below me I hear the sound of engines warming up. That’s all the motivation I need. I don’t care if I break my wrist holding on, I have to scratch faster.

  My phone case breaks in two, but I brush it aside and keep working. This time, when I pull on the door it slides open. I climb through as the cables behind me start to move. Just as I draw my leg in, the elevator whooshes by, taking the man I love with it.

  That’s right—love. We’ve been through too much together to have it end on a lighter note. People don’t give up their lives for each other if they’re casually dating. The second Woon gave that verbal contract to save me, it transformed to so much more. I just didn’t realize it until now.

  I take the stairwell to the basement, glancing behind me as I go. I keep expecting a legion of guys in dark suits to descend upon me, but there’s nothing. That makes me more nervous about what’s to come. Then again, Woon and I have successfully injured a few people these past two days. Maybe Chet’s out of goons to do his dirty work.

  I get even more nervous when I get to the dance studio. It’s still open. I untie Blain without a problem and give her a huge hug. Now we just need to get Woon back. All Blain and I have to do is exchange a look to be on the same page. No matter what, no giving up.

  Just then, a giant screen flashes on in the room. What the crap? Does he have the whole place wired with screens? I’m not going to sit here and listen to more of his drivel. I drag Blain from the room and another TV flips on at the end of the hall.

  I laugh to myself, thinking about the ending of the Wizard of Oz. Chet is the dude behind the curtain. He thinks he’s God, but he’s just a stumbling idiot with a few cool gadgets. I’m not going to let him get to me.

  Chet’s words are blaring through the speaker, but I don’t listen. I just pull Blain up the staircase until we get to the main floor. There’s a giant screen behind the front desk, and this time, the sound is so loud, there’s no ignoring it.

  “Stop!” Chet yells, and I do, but only because I know two things he doesn’t know.

  1. I spotted the police outside the door and they’re sure to hear whatever he’s saying. There’s so many officers outside, not all of them can be corrupt. Two more TVs are on around me, blasting the sound. Everyone on the block is going to hear it.

  2. My phone has a record feature that I make sure to turn on as soon as Chet starts talking.

  “Go ahead, Chet,” I cry, “tell me what you want.”

  “That’s better,” Chet says, his voice echoing around the building.

  The camera pans around to Woon and G.O. Both of them have guns to their heads. That’s why I was feeling so nervous. If I got through so easily, then surely Woon was in trouble.

  “All the doors are locked, Princess. You’re not getting out of here.”

  He thinks he’s so clever, but he can only resort to violence. It’s not going to win in this situation. I have to do this calmly. I can’t afford for Woon to get hurt. Not now that I know my true feelings.

  “Says who?” I shout. I’m not sure how well he can hear me, plus I want my phone to pick up every word. “I could break this glass right now.”

  The guy with the gun to Woon’s head tightens his grip. “Then your boyfriend is going to die.”

  I can’t let his words shake me. I have to be strong so people can know what a deranged freak they have on their hands. “Why would you kill the one voice your company can’t live without? You’ve gone this far to get him. How many times have you kidnapped him?”

  “The number’s not important,” Chet says.

  “So you did kidnap him? You forced him to sign that contract too, just like you are now.”

  Chet pans the camera back to his evil little face. I can’t believe I thought he was handsome when I first saw him. He’s the ugliest person in the world.

  “You know I did those things, but that’s not what’s important. Are you going to comply with me, or am I going to have to shoot him?” The camera swoops back to Woon. “Your choice.”

  I look behind me and see the police standing at the door. Chet must be too absorbed in his game to notice law enforcement approaching the building.

  They point to the door and hold up their sticks, asking if it’s okay for them to break in. I nod.

  “I hope you like life in prison,” I answer, “because if you kill Woon, that’s where you’re headed.”

  “I won’t let you win!” Chet screams, but it’s too late.

  Blain and I jump out of the way as the glass doors explode. The cops march in over the shattered pieces, and I hear helicopter blades hovering overhead.

  G.O. and Woon tackle their gunmen at the same time and spin them around like it’s an orchestrated dance. In fact, they both shrug their shoulders at the exact same moment and kick the guards while they hold their hands in the air―wrists bent. I have a feeling it’s a dance they both know.

  The gunmen are down, but G.O. keeps dancing. Chet is making a run at them, his camera shaking, just as the door gets knocked open, S.W.A.T. teams piling in through the stairwell and the roof. They’re safe. Blain’s not dead, and no contract is going to hold up in a court of law after that confession.

  I flip off my recording and give Blain another big hug. For once, I know exactly who I am and what I want. I’m the girl who doesn’t give up, and I help others to the top.


  “Are you sure you don’t want to try it?” Woon says, pointing at the giant rollercoaster.

  He wanted to take me somewhere romantic, and he did. Shijingshan Amusement Park is a major Disney rip-off, but the castle is pretty cool. I’m sure riding that rollercoaster would cross off the Do-Something-That-Makes-Me-Uncomfortable item on my list, but I’m counting my whole rescue effort instead. Rollercoasters are almost boring in comparison.

  “Oppa,” I say. I’m not entirely sure why he wants me to call him that, but I like the way it sounds as it rolls off my tongue. I pointing to giant flower-shaped cotton candy. “Why don’t we try some of that?”

  “All right, fine.” He laughs. “Since it’s the last day.”

  I really wish he wouldn’t remind me. Today’s almost gone and tomorrow he flies back to Korea, all of CSTAR’s filth exposed.

  My phone recording has over a million views on YouTube. I think it’s safe to say Woon’s name is cleared. I’ll stay here and finish the school year. I’ve missed a few classes— thanks to him—but I think I can catch up.

  He walks close to me that familiar smell of rice, honey, and spices wafting my way. Woon has been a bit of my home away from home. I don’t know what I’ll do without him.

  “Hey,” Woon says, lifting my chin. “This isn’t the end.”

  “I know,” I say,
swallowing my emotions. “It’s just been so wonderful.”

  It’s been a week since Woon was freed from CSTAR. We’ve spent every moment we have together, as have Blain and G.O. They even came to the park with us, but they’re off doing their own thing. My only regret is that Woon and I haven’t kissed again. We’ve never been totally alone with Blain and G.O. around.

  I wrap one arm around Woon’s waist and stare in his eyes. “Thanks for everything.”

  It feels so good to be in his arms, to be free to touch him like this. I wish it could last forever.

  “That sounds an awful lot like a goodbye,” he says. “I refuse to say goodbye to you.”

  A goodbye is inevitable. It’s tomorrow. There’s no avoiding it.

  “Woon,” I say with a sigh.

  He puts a finger up. “Nope. Not going to do it.”

  I laugh. If only he knows how much I wish we could stay together.

  He tugs my hand and starts to pull me away. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I bite my lip and raise my eyes to the beautiful clear sky. It’s one of the few times it’s been clear enough to breathe fresh air. It’s like the heavens are blessing my last night with Woon.

  He leans forward and whispers, “Wait here.” Then he’s gone. The amusement park crowd filters past, and I lose sight of his retreating frame.

  I have no choice but to trust him. I stand still, waiting for him to return. Bright lights flash on, directing my attention to a stage set in the middle of an intersection.

  I approach, noticing G.O. playing a guitar. He sends soothing bass vibes through the perfect night. Blain is at the bottom of the stage, her hair teal today, wearing her usual colorful leggings and combat boots. Turns out, G.O. liked her just the way she was.

  Woon comes out and Blain gives me a nudge when she sees me blushing. He takes the stage and grabs the microphone. There’s someone else I’ve seen before—I think his name is Yangbin—playing an electric guitar. It picks up, sending one tingling chord into the air.

  Woon starts singing, and chills run up my arms, warming and cooling me at the same time. I know this song. I never thought I would like someone else singing my favorite Ed Sheeran song, but Woon hits each note perfectly. I cover my mouth and walk closer to the stage until I’m gripping the edge. Woon makes eye contact with me as he sings the words, I’m in love now. As if the title to the song―Kiss Me―wasn’t romantic enough, each word he sings soaks through my ears and hits me in the heart.

  Every bit of me trembles as I take in his meaning. He wants me with him, and I want to be there. Yangbin plays a guitar solo, and Woon pulls me onto the stage. Each high note is perfect, his voice better than a choir of angels. And he’s all mine.

  The song peters out as we stare into each other’s eyes. The second the music dies, he pulls me close to his body and captures my lips in his mouth.

  The world disappears. Even if my mom was watching, I still wouldn’t stop kissing him. Not for anyone.

  His fingers feel the muscles in my back as I push my lips to him harder, faster. Our breaths meld together, the wind swirling around us and holding us until we’re one. His lips taste like sugar and lemon, sweet and sour, the perfect balance of flavors. My hands rub his shoulders, taking him all in. This man is mine. Doesn’t matter how far away we are, he’s giving himself to me, and I’m giving myself to him. We are meant to be.

  He pulls away, and the crowd cheers below. “I’m never saying goodbye,” he says, pulling a paper out of his back pocket. “Finish your schooling here, but then I want to take care of you for as long as I can.”

  It’s a plane ticket to Korea. I know I’ll use it, and I can’t wait to be with him again.

  “One last thing,” he says, taking another paper out of his other pocket. “I didn’t think I could leave until I gave you this.” He unfolds it, and I recognize my handwriting.

  It’s my list. I have no idea how he got it. I haven’t looked at it since I went to the street market that night.

  Visit the Great Wall of China

  Do something that makes me uncomfortable

  Eat a crazy food from a street vendor

  Skip class

  Fall in love

  I stare at number five where Woon’s handwriting is scrawled next to mine.

  5. Fall in love – I love you, Jenica. Do you love me?

  Tears fill my eyes, and this time, they spill over, dropping wet on the page. “Yes, Woon.” I say. “I love you, always will.”

  He grabs the paper and pulls out a pen to scratch through number five. I still his hand, gripping it tight.

  “Don’t,” I say. “Falling in love is more than a to-do list. It’s something I want to keep doing with you, forever.”

  He takes me in his arms and spins me around, and I know no matter what we’ll work through it. No more plans. No more calculations. Just love.

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  Thank you dear reader, for taking the time to pick up this book. It’s been a five-and-a half-year journey from the time I declared myself a writer to the time I finally had the courage to hit publish. Without you, the journey would be meaningless. I would love to hear your reviews as well.

  A huge thank you to my husband who supported me even when he was overworked and tired. He was the first one to encourage me every time I wanted to give up, and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. It’s a good thing we’re married forever. I have to mention my kids, too, since they constantly fuel my imagination with their own. As hard as it is to be a mom, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  Many, many thanks to Jenny Morris for reading this as a fanfic and telling me I had to publish it, and also for being the first beta reader. You’re like a sister to me, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you.

  Clean Indie Reads has become one of my favorite Facebook groups and they helped me with the title. They are all incredible people.

  Precy Larkins is the amazing editor for this work. I couldn’t imagine having a better person to help make my book baby shiny. She’s ten times the writer I am, and she’s not afraid to give it to me straight. Thanks for being one of the best people on the planet.

  Shout out to my author publishing group, Roxbury Books. I’m really excited to work with so many other talented writers to bring more Asian and K-Pop/K-Drama fiction to the world. Thank you Erica Laurie for starting it!

  I couldn’t write this without mentioning the real Jenica Lee whose name I stole to write this work. I’m glad she wanted me to write a fanfic for her so I could base the Jenica in this story off her. You could say she was my muse.

  My Google Plus crew also needs a mention since they’re the ones who started me writing fanfic when I thought I was too old to be doing such things. Especially Vee since she’s been the greatest of friends. You all are the bomb!

  Thank you to my best friend and critique partner Shelly Brown. She not only writes with me and encourages me every day, but she supports me in everything crazy including Kpop and Kdrama. Thanks Shelly for being the first one to watch Flower Boy Ramen shop after I told you it was good!

  Shout out to my Beta Book Peeps who let me into their critique group when they didn’t have to, and helped me become the writer I am today. Jenny Morris, Cassie Mae, Teresa Marie, Kelly Lynn, Suzi Retzlaff, Jessica Salyer, Lizzy Charles, Leigh Covington, and Hope Roberson. I love you all!!

  And I can’t end my acknowledgements without thanking my Father in Heaven. He gave me everything, and a little thanks is not enough to repay.

  About the Author

  Jennie Bennett is a mother to four beautiful and crazy children, and a wife to handsome and kind husband. She found a passion in Korean pop culture in January of 2013 and she’s never looked back since. She currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband, kids, and a cute puppy named Charlie.

  Twitter: @jabenn

  Facebook: Jennie Bennett

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Also by Jennie Bennett

  K-pop Romance

  Undercover Fan

  Snowflake Kisses

  Celebrity Superhero

  Kidnapped Idol

  K-Pop Romance Starter Kit




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