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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Five

Page 4

by Desiree Broussard

  Kosmas chose to ignore his statement, not bothering to dignify it with a response. As leader of the Neiyadians, he was well within his rights to dispose of anyone, even though there would be those that didn't approve. But his words angered him even further. “Had Bran not already mated Arania, I would force you to do so,” Kosmas vowed, his tall frame ready to storm Zander. “I would have loved condemning you to an eternity spent in her bed as her whipping boy.”

  The night was eerily quiet as the guards stood in a loose circle around the two vampires. The moons were bright enough to illuminate the once-beautiful landscaping outside of Keely's room. It now lay in ruins, with trees overturned, statues shattered, and large craters in the ground from the impact of their bodies as they'd fought. Several council members stepped through the broken glass to join them, quickly surveying the carnage. Even as high-ranking as they were, they knew better than to interfere in Kosmas' business. Doing so was punishable by death.

  “Fighting with you is like sparring with a child,” Kosmas mused, suddenly bored with it. He'd already worked the majority of his rage out on Zander, and the truth was, he really didn't want him dead. If they continued, he would have no choice but to kill the other vampire, which left little enjoyment for him. No, it would be too quick of a punishment. Kosmas wanted Zander to suffer. And suddenly he thought of the best way to do it.

  “Bring Keely to me,” he ordered, his voice cold and harsh. Two guards rushed back into her room, while Kosmas shot Zander a chilling smile. “I really see no reason to continue wasting my time with you, since I've decided not to end your life. So Keely will clear up your confusion now, and you can return home to lick your wounds. After tonight, this matter will be settled. Permanently.”

  Kosmas stood back up to his full height, shooting Zander a warning glance that would leave no doubt in his mind as to Kosmas' seriousness. “Should you decide to press this matter, though, I will kill you. I've been holding back, due to your exceptional service in your duties, but even as good as you are, it won't mean shit to me if you continue to try to steal what's mine. I will find you, and I will kill you. You'll be dead before you ever knew what hit you, so don't fuck with me.”

  Zander's eyes widened just a fraction of an inch, but it was enough for Kosmas to feel confident that he'd driven his point home. Had he wanted to kill the other man, Zander would have already been dead, and they all knew it. Kosmas had only allowed their brawl to continue out of his own need to fight. There wasn't a male vampire alive that wouldn't have done the same. Finding another vampire in their female's bed would be enough to drive even the most rational male into a blinding rage. After a moment, Zander sighed heavily before giving Kosmas a curt nod, signifying his agreement.

  The two men slightly relaxed, eying each other warily as they waited for Keely to join them. To Kosmas' surprise, his guards stepped out alone. A chill of unease raced down his spine as watched them approach.

  “Where is she?” Kosmas bellowed, as Zander moved to join them. He ignored him, his eyes fixated on the two in front of him. “Where the fuck is Keely?”

  “We... don't know,” one of them admitted reluctantly, casting his companion a pissed off look for putting him in the position of confessing it. “She's gone from her room.”

  “Why the hell wasn't she watched?”

  The men looked amongst themselves uneasily. “You're all relieved of your duties after this night,” Kosmas yelled, infuriated by their lack of attentiveness. “But first, you're going to find her... and you better hope she's safe. If not, all of you will pay for it with your lives.”

  “I agree,” Zander said, his arms crossed across his chest as he watched them. His voice was as cold as ice and filled with the authority of his position. “Each one of you were personally trained by me, and you know to never let anything come between you and your mission. Yet you did. I'm disappointed in all of you, and I will stand behind Kosmas' declaration. If you can't manage to monitor one female, I have to wonder what else you've failed out.”

  The events of the night paled in comparison to losing her. It was due to his belief that she'd hid of her own accord that held Kosmas together. Had he thought she'd been abducted, he would have killed every member of his guard that stood around them without blinking an eye. He still would, if Keely came to harm. The only thing that protected the Neiyadians were their guard. If they were weak and inattentive, it left the door open to attacks from other vampires. It couldn't be allowed.

  Suddenly, Kosmas thought of Eve, and he paled. “You,” he said, pointing at one of the guards. “Go up to the tower and make sure that my mother is still inside. Tell the ones guarding her that under no circumstances is she allowed back out tonight. Then, report back to me.”

  “Yes, Kosmas,” he replied, turning away to do his bidding. Out of the darkness, Kyle glided up to join them. Kosmas barely spared him a glance, although he hadn't been expecting to see the other man.

  “We need to spread out,” Zander said, stepping back into the role he excelled at. Even bloody and battered, he looked exactly as he was... a seasoned vampire comfortable in deadly scenarios. “It's not likely that she's went outside of the walls of Golden Harbor. Unused to our world, she would probably be frightened by the dangers that wait out in the darkness.”

  Possibly, but Kosmas wouldn't put anything past her. Keely was as brave as any vampire, and she was a survivor by nature. As an opponent she made a fierce one, simply by her wily nature. “Don't underestimate her,” Kosmas growled out. He waved at several members of the guard as he added, “Divide up. I want some of you searching the palace, while the rest of you spread out across Golden Harbor. When you find her, bring her back to me. And I warn you... don't fuck up again.”

  Zander started to protest, but Kosmas' glare stopped him. “This will be settled tonight,” he told him again, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Or it could be settled right now, if you prefer to forfeit your life.” At that point, Kosmas no longer cared. Worry for Keely consumed him. He would have killed the other man just to shut him up.

  “Fine,” Zander spat out, turning back to the guard. “Move!”

  The majority of the men raced off, their movements preternaturally fast as they disappeared into the darkness. Kosmas started to pace as he tried to figure out where she would have hidden. Her actions were foolish, and they spoke in volumes over how desperate she was to flee them. Didn't she realize she couldn't escape the life that fate had chosen for her? He ignored the flicker of hurt he felt deep inside at her disappearance.

  “You did this,” Zander accused bitterly, his eyes filled with anger. “You've done nothing but bully and manipulate her since the night you met her. And now she's ran away, putting herself in unspeakable danger just because she felt as if this was the only recourse left to her. What if she takes it one step further and decides her only true escape is to end her own life? As fragile as her mortal body is, it wouldn't take much. Are you happy now, Kosmas? Because you have nobody to blame but yourself.”

  The sounds of loud, anguished screams interrupted his tirade. Kosmas stiffened, his head swiveling toward the palace as he attempted to find where it originated. Immediately, his body went into battle mode. The two men's eyes met, both of them of one mind.

  “We're under attack,” Kosmas growled, his fangs fully extended. “Send every available guard to the ballroom. I'll met you there.”

  And with that, he disappeared, his form nothing more than a blur in the dark night.

  * * * * *

  The lights went out, the abrupt change enough to stir her subconscious mind to awareness. Keely opened her eyes, gasping at the total blackness that surrounded her. Fear filled her, nearly sending her into a panic. Forcing herself to breath, she fought to remain calm.

  Her breath hitched when she held her hand in front of her face but couldn't see it. Keely forced herself to her feet. With the smell of the earth in her nostrils, and the oppressive darkness caging her in, she felt as if she were in a coff
in. Somehow she had to find her way out.

  Slowly, her eyes adjusted. It was the darkest part of the night, and the moons were hidden behind thick clouds. What little moonlight that filtered in through the glass did nothing for the area she was in. It would be even worse once she started down the tunnels. How would she ever find her way out?

  In the time she'd been asleep the temperature had dropped. The cavern was drafty, the air fresh. It reminded Keely she didn't have far to go. With one hand against the rocky wall, she slowly walked in the directions of the steps.

  In the darkness something brushed against her, slamming her into the hard rock wall. Keely stumbled as she fell to her knees, her heart in her throat. Blinking rapidly, she wiped a shaky hand against her sweaty forehead before forcing herself back to her feet.

  Back on Earth, bats were notorious for living in caves. Legionnaire probably had a few of their own. The thought of one being so close to her made her shudder. Falling asleep hadn't been the best of ideas. What if a bat bit her, and she got rabies? What if it already had? Did the vampires even have a treatment for it?

  Over the years, she'd seen plenty of people die from rabies. It was to be expected, considering the majority of society had no access to medical care. Humanity lived little better than animals, only animals were better equipped to survive in the wild. People were not, especially when it became a way of life for them.

  Purposely distracting herself with her musings, she continued to walk along until she felt the opening that indicated the exit from the cavern room. Keely sighed in relief, squatting down to pat along the ground until she felt the first step. Thankfully, there was only one way out of the room, so she didn't have to worry about getting lost.

  “Someday, I'm going to complain about this,” she muttered, more to calm herself than anything. A complete and total panic attack was only a thought away. Keely was terrified of the dark, and she had been her entire life. Hearing her voice out loud steadied her. “You'd think the vampires would post a warning sign to let us measly humans know that the lights don't remain on around the clock.”

  Lowering a foot down to the first step, Keely prepared herself to crawl down. A man's sinister laugh stopped her, chilling her to the bone as the sound echoed all around her. Out of the darkness, something hard and unyielding propelled itself into her body. Keely screamed as her body fell out into nothing before landing against the rock with a painful groan.

  “Who's there?” she yelled out, scuttling back like a crab until she felt the wall behind her. There was no doubt in her mind that someone else was there. She hadn't imagined his laugh, and she hadn't imagined the shove... and she no longer believed that the lights had went out by themselves. “I know you're here.”

  The wind rushed by her again, chilling her body to the bone. He was taunting her, toying with her by using his natural abilities to increase her fear but why? There in the darkness the vampire had every advantage over her. She was unable to see, but he could.

  Although Keely wanted to do nothing more than curl up in a ball and scream, she forced herself to her feet. “Maybe you're not as tough as you think you are,” she spat out, inching along the wall. The fall had only served to confuse her further, and she had no idea if she was headed in the direction of the exit or not. “Only a coward would strip a human of their ability to see and then attack.”

  Strong fingers entangled in her hair to yank her head back painfully. “And only a stupid human would ever believe that they ever stood a chance against a vampire, regardless of the circumstances,” a deep, evil voice said in front of her, his rank breath washing over her face. The darkness was as effective as a blindfold. Despite his nearness, he was invisible to her. Keely hated it.

  Clenching her hand into a fist, she struck out at him, making contact with the side of his head. Her blow only infuriated him, he pulled on her hair so roughly Keely worried he would snap her neck. Using the last resource available to her, she lifted her knee as hard as she could. The grip on her hair loosened immediately as the vampire grunted in pain.

  Keely shoved against his chest before running away from him blindly. Her breath was harsh in the silence of the tunnel, her lungs burning as she sprinted down the uneven rock. At any moment she could run into one of the natural walls, possibly injuring herself badly, but it was a risk she had to take.

  In the distance, Keely saw moonlight. Sending up a silent prayer of gratitude, she took off toward it as she shot a quick glance behind her. It was too dark to see anything. The vampire could have been anywhere. Keely knew he wouldn't remain still for long.

  “You bitch,” he roared from behind her, his voice surrounding her as she sprinted toward the entrance... and freedom. She had no idea if she'd be able to escape him, but at least outside she would be able to see her attacker. “You'll pay for that in so many ways that you'll wish you'd never been born.”

  The entrance was only feet away. Already Keely could see the trees. Although she'd run away, she had to believe that someone was searching for her. If she could only get closer to town, someone would hear her screams.

  But evading a vampire wasn't an easy task. Suddenly she was caught from behind by her hair. He used it as leverage to swing her high into the wall, head first. Pain exploded in her skull as the darkness in front of her exploded into stars. Sharp nails raked across the sensitive area of her neck and chin as Keely screamed in pain. It felt like knives cutting through her flesh.

  He shoved her entire body against the wall, and for the first time Keely got a good look at his face. She recognized him immediately. It was Laryn. With one hand wrapped around her throat to hold her in place, he smiled. In his eyes, Keely saw his enjoyment of her pain and suffering. It terrified her unlike anything else ever could have.

  “You want to play games?” he hissed, his grip tightening by the second. “So do I. Unfortunately, most of my opponents don't survive long enough for me to get any real pleasure... but maybe you'll be the exception.”

  He pressed his erection against her body. Long and thick, it pushed into her stomach painfully. Keely clawed at his hand in an attempt to free herself, but it was impossible. In a last ditch effort to escape, she kicked out at him. Her foot never made contact. The last thing she saw was his blackened and bloodied fangs as he slowly pressed his face closer to hers.

  Chapter 5

  Kosmas burst into the ballroom, his fangs fully extended as he took in the carnage. Kyle and Zander immediately followed him, both men alert and fully prepared to fight. The ballroom looked like a battlefield as vampire came against vampire. Blood covered the walls and floor, the air thick with its rusty scent. “Kill as many of the Seiyadians as you can,” he ordered the men behind him as he prepared to launch himself into the thick of it.

  “You don't want to take any prisoners?” Zander asked him quietly, his features harsh with fury. “We could question them to see why they attacked.”

  “Later,” Kosmas replied, too angered by Keely's disappearance to even contemplate any of his enemies surviving long enough to chat. “But for now, I don't give a damn about sparing any of them.”

  With that, he jumped into the fray, attacking with a ruthlessness that quickly felled any vampire that engaged him. The seconds passed like hours as he fought to bring down the horde. It wasn't easy. For each Seiyadian that fell, two more took his place.

  Kosmas barreled into another vampire with a roar. His actions were confident, but he was anything but. Not with Keely missing. No matter what it took, he would find her. He just hoped she was still alive.

  It was a bleak thought, which only angered Kosmas more. He wasn't a vampire used to failure, and he abhorred the possibility that he might lose her. “Damn you,” he yelled at the man in front of him as he brought him down. “Damn all of you for your warring and treacherous ways.”

  The vampire stared back at him as if Kosmas had lost his mind. He barely noticed. Instead he twisted the other man's head from his shoulders, quickly turning away before the de
ad vampire even hit the ground. “No more,” he vowed, his voice little more than a growl. He stalked toward the doorway on the opposite side of the room with only one purpose in mind. Come hell or high water, he wouldn't stop until he regained his concubine... Nothing short of death would keep him from her.

  All of the vampires gave Kosmas a wide berth, even those determined to end his existence. He barely noticed. Had any of them been foolish enough to stumble in his path, he would have destroyed them immediately. Never had he been more enraged in his life, his anger made even stronger by his underlying fear for Keely's safety. The Seiyadians had finally found a way to bring him to his knees by using the unlikeliest of weapons. And in that moment, Kosmas finally realized his true depth of emotion for the small, red-haired mortal. Without Keely, life held no interest for him.

  “What the fuck?” Zander asked, quickly sidling up to him as he fought a tall, unkempt vampire. Somehow he'd managed to procure a sword. It had been well-used, judging from the blood that covered the other man. “You're our leader. You can't just leave!”

  Kosmas didn't stop to acknowledge Zander's protests. “Oh, yeah?” he replied over his shoulder, his long legs quickly eating up the distance between him and the door. “Just watch me.”


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