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Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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by Lyndsey Cole

  Annie nodded. “Yes, Tyler. I spoke with her briefly and there’s nothing I can tell you. By the way, where’s your sidekick?”

  “Detective Crank? She’ll be here in about five minutes. She won’t miss the opportunity to have all the suspects in one place. Including you.”

  “What are you talking about, Tyler Johnson?” Annie asked between clenched teeth.

  He held up his hands. “That’s her opinion. She’s convinced you’re hiding something. And with Camilla’s bag gone missing from your gallery, I’m starting to agree with her.”

  Jason magically reappeared at her side and whispered in her ear. “Take a deep breath. Laugh like you just heard a good joke and we’ll start circulating around the room.”

  Annie relaxed her jaw and put her hand on Tyler’s arm while she laughed. “Thanks for the joke, Tyler. I’ll be sure to file that one away.”

  Tyler’s forehead wrinkled in confusion but Annie didn’t give him a second to ask any more questions before standing tall and walking away.

  “Thanks for that Jason. He’s been getting under my skin lately.”

  “No kidding. He’s always getting under my skin when it comes to you.” He tightened his arm around Annie’s waist before heading off to help Leona pour more champagne.

  Matt Austin wasted no time in sidling up to Annie once she was across the room from Tyler. “Did you give any more thought to my offer for your photographs? Don’t worry about what Katherine said, she’s too emotional tonight.”

  “And you’re not, Mr. Austin? John Holland being such a good friend and all?”

  A slight bit of red crept up his neck. “Well, of course I am, but, well, John wouldn’t want all his hard work delayed.”

  “Let me ask you a question, Mr. Austin.”

  “Of course.”

  “Why was Camilla Rockwell fired from her job as designer at Gold N Silver? She has the highest credentials, even winning several jewelry design competitions after graduating from art school.”

  Matt Austin’s mouth fell open. “I, uh, don’t know what Camilla Rockwell has to do with me buying your photographs.”

  “It doesn’t. But Camilla being fired has something to do with John Holland. Or you.” Annie fixed him with a stare.

  Matt Austin’s jaw clenched. “Camilla should be grateful that John dropped the charges instead of sending her to jail. That woman can’t be trusted. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  He set his plate down on the nearest table and refilled his champagne glass. His wife, Flo, was leaning against the wall in the corner of the gallery, throwing down glass after glass of champagne and she looked a little unsteady. Katherine and Camilla were huddled together in front of Martha’s quilt in a deep discussion of something besides quilting by the looks on their faces and the glances they made toward Matt and Flo.

  Annie was not enjoying her event. The ominous start to her day had carried over to this room with all the undercurrents of accusing glances and subtle jabs. But Jason had a point. If she didn’t stay strong and make it through, she would never be able to have another opening. She had to force herself to push past the fear nipping at her heels and figure out how to get herself out of this mess.

  With that internal pep talk, she allowed herself to put on a smile and address her guests. Tapping her water glass with a fork, she got everyone’s attention, cleared her throat and let the words come out.

  “Thank you all for coming to the first of what I hope to be many openings at the Fisher Fine Art Gallery. The focus, tonight, of my photographs is the story of Catfish Cove through the lens of my camera. We have a beautiful little town and are blessed with Heron Lake surrounded by the majestic White Mountains. Throughout the year, I hope to showcase local artists with the recurring theme of our lovely piece of the world. Whether it’s with more gorgeous quilts like these hanging on the wall by Martha Taylor or more stunning pottery by Jake Wallace. There is so much talent in our community and the goal of the Fisher Fine Art Gallery is to help promote each and every one.”

  She smiled and was proud of her gallery and her words. That was her intent. Looking around the room at all the guests made her realize her dream was off to a strong start. Until she saw Detective Crank leaning on the wall just inside the door. Annie almost didn’t recognize her in her skinny jeans, skin tight pink top, dark rectangular glasses and her brown hair framing her face instead of the usual tight bun and drab clothes.

  Jason smiled at Annie and gave her two thumbs up. Before he could make his way to her, Detective Crank appeared and pulled her off to one side.

  “I found this on my way into the building.” She handed Annie a card from The Enchanted Florist. “You better read it.”

  Annie flipped the card over and realized the card must have fallen from the basket of flowers her mother brought earlier. The card said, Enjoy your opening. I’ll be by soon for what’s mine.

  A chill went through Annie’s body. She stared at the words. What was this about? Camilla’s blue bag?

  Detective Crank adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose. “Are you ready to level with me now?”

  Annie’s anger bubbled over. “I don’t know what this means, but I’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  Cranky’s lip twitched as she put one hand on Annie’s shoulder and whispered in her ear. “You have twenty four hours or I’ll be tearing every nook and cranny of this gallery apart.” She leaned back. “Understand?”

  Annie’s hands clenched into fists and she nodded as she glared at Tyler who was watching the whole scene from across the room. She used to always be able to count on him to have her back but she couldn’t read his expression. She had no idea whose side he was on this time.

  Chapter 7

  Jason finally made it to Annie’s side as Detective Crank left the gallery.

  “Who was that?”

  “The new detective in town, Christy Crank. Cranky is how I prefer to think of her.”

  “What did she say to you? You look like you’re ready to explode.”

  Annie handed Jason the card that Cranky found. He flipped it over, looking carefully at both sides. “So? What does this mean?”

  “I don’t know but Martha’s the first person that’s going to get a piece of my mind,” she hissed as she crossed the room to find Martha.

  “We’ve got to talk.” Annie showed Martha the card.

  Martha’s mouth dropped open.

  “The detective told me I’ve got twenty four hours to turn it over or she’s going to tear my gallery apart.”

  Before Annie could get any information out of Martha, Bob and Harry Crowley entered the gallery. She grinned and elbowed Annie. “Your problem will have to wait. The wedding might not be off after all.”

  Harry was searching the crowd for Martha and his eyes lit up when he saw her. Martha poured three glasses of champagne and waited for Harry to bring Bob to the table. Bob stood with his head lowered and he mumbled something to Martha.

  Harry nudged him. “Look at her and stop mumbling. No one can understand that gibberish.”

  Bob took a deep breath. “Martha, I’m here to welcome you into the family.”

  Annie had enough of Martha’s drama. She needed to find out more about what Camilla hid in the gallery. And why.

  Camilla and Katherine were still huddled together looking somewhat relaxed, probably thanks to the champagne, when Annie joined them.

  “You two have been over here by Martha’s quilt for quite a while. Everything okay?” Annie asked.

  Camilla’s face took on a pink blush and Katherine got defensive. “Of course everything isn’t okay. My husband was murdered and you all,” she swept her hand around the room, “just act like everything is moving along as if nothing has happened. Like everything is hunky dory.”

  “I’m wondering, Mrs. Holland, you are an extremely rich woman now,” Annie said as she carefully watched Katherine’s reaction.

  Katherine took a step toward Annie with her eyes blazing, but Ca
milla grabbed her arm and restrained her. “How dare you,” she hissed. “You don’t know anything about me or my husband.”

  Annie moved closer. “You’re right. I need your help.” She looked at Camilla too. “Both of you.”

  Katherine relaxed slightly. “Help? With what?”

  Annie quickly glanced around the gallery. People were starting to leave. “Can we talk when this is over?”

  Katherine saw Camilla give a slight nod. “Fine,” Katherine answered.

  “Did you come with Matt and Flo Austin?” Annie asked.

  “We arrived at the same time but we didn’t drive together. I’d walk before I’d get in the same car with those two.”

  Annie placed her hand on Katherine’s arm. “Thank you for staying longer,” she said, and she got back to the business at hand. She didn’t know what Detective Crank’s agenda was, but she was determined to stay a step ahead of her.

  Martha was giggling like a teenager. Harry had his arm around Martha and a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear. Bob stood nearby drinking champagne, not looking happy. Oh dear, Annie thought, this still doesn’t have a ‘happily ever after’ look for Martha.

  Annie snagged one of the last mini cheesecake cupcakes left on the table. “Your delectable desserts were a hit, as usual, Leona.”

  Leona smiled. “Who can resist free food and champagne? I heard that bald guy bragging to someone how he planned to buy your photographs for his jewelry store. Is it true?”

  “He did approach me. He’s John Holland’s vice president. I’m sensing there’s more to his offer than what it seems.”

  Jake joined Annie. “Nice opening. I heard a lot of positive comments about your work. And thanks for the plug. I wouldn’t mind having a show with my pottery as the focus. Can we talk about that sometime?”

  “Absolutely. With all the second home owners, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s someone around here with a connection to a gallery from New York or Boston who might decide to carry your work. You know, you’ve got a unique style with the colors that complement nature.”

  Tess put her arm around Jake. “Hey, Annie. Nice stuff you’ve got here. I’d love to buy one of your photos for Curl Up & Dye. Maybe the Fourth of July pet parade one? My shop is in the background.”

  “Sorry, that’s sold. And since when is it your shop?”

  “You didn’t hear? I bought it from Joyce Ruthers when she decided to retire. Lock, stock and barrel and I couldn’t be happier.” Tess lowered her voice. “A few of my customers are here tonight. Interesting dynamics.”

  “Let me guess. The two women over there,” Annie nodded her head toward Camilla and Katherine, “and the one on the other side of the room who can hardly stand up anymore.”

  Tess chuckled. “You hit the nail on the head. Not any love lost between them. My guess is the drunk woman, Flo, is jealous of the two younger, more attractive women. She has a huge chip on her shoulder.” Tess cupped her hand around her mouth. “She barely tips either. I’ll be glad when she leaves town.”

  “Do she and her husband have a house up here?”

  “I think they’re renting next to the Hollands this year, but she comes up every summer and she told me she would like to find her own place on the lake.”

  Matt Austin approached Annie. “I just want to tell you again how much I like your work. And please consider what we talked about earlier.” He handed Annie his business card. “I’ll be in town through the weekend. I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

  Tess leaned toward Annie. “Watch out for him. From what I’ve heard from my clients, he’s about as trustworthy as a cobra. John Holland was between a rock and a hard place trying to keep his friend, Matt, and his wife, Katherine, happy. Now those two will have to work directly with each other.”

  Annie stared at Tess. “How do you know all this from people that are only here in the summer?”

  Tess laughed out loud. “They all party together. Annie, trust me, you wouldn’t believe what people share with me when they’re having their hair done. I should write a book. I certainly have a cast of crazies to use.”

  Annie watched as Jake and Tess left the gallery arm in arm, laughing and bumping against each other. Tess was good for Jake. He tended to have such a serious, dark personality but Tess loosened him up. Two opposites that were good for each other.

  Jason was helping Leona and Mia clean up the food table, not that there was much left over. Danny packed away the dirty glasses and plates to carry back to the café. Harry held Martha’s sweater for her and Bob was nowhere to be seen.

  Annie sighed. She made it through this stressful event with only the threat of her gallery being turned upside down in less than twenty four hours. No big deal, she laughed to herself.

  Camilla, with Katherine following, nervously walked over to Annie. “You said you need our help. I need your help.”

  The three women went into Annie’s office and she closed the door.

  Annie placed her hands on her desk and leaned over, staring at Camilla and Katherine, who sat like two misbehaving school girls. “I’m gonna level with you,” Annie told them. “The detective in town is ready to tear my gallery apart looking for something you hid here.” She singled out Camilla with her gaze. “If you want to keep working for me, tell me what’s going on.”

  Camilla clamped her lips together and looked at Katherine. “I hid a bag of money here.” She pointed behind Annie. “Behind those boxes. I don’t know what happened to it.”

  Annie sat in her chair and studied Camilla. “What’s going to happen if you don’t find it?”

  “I’ll probably end up in jail.”


  “I can’t tell you more.”

  “Well, I guess we better find that money.”

  The door opened at the same time Annie stood up.

  “There you are. I thought you left without me,” Jason said casually to Annie as her tried to figure out what Annie was doing with Camilla and Katherine. And the wrinkle on his forehead gave a good indication that he wasn’t pleased.

  “No chance of that,” Annie said. “Camilla and I had some work to talk about. But we’re done and I’m ready to go home unless there’s anything else to do in the gallery.”

  “Nope. We managed to get everything cleaned up and put away.” He held the door open for Camilla and Katherine and gave Annie a quizzical look as she passed in front of him.

  Martha rushed into the gallery.

  “I thought you left with Harry?” Annie said.

  “I did. He took me home.” Her face had panic written all over it. “The bag with the money is gone.”

  Chapter 8

  The dread she had tried to push into the background surfaced with full force. Annie rolled her neck and shoulders before she looked at Jason and mouthed the words, “I told you so.”

  Always practical, Jason stayed calm and took control of the situation. “Martha, are you positive? Is it possible you moved it and forgot where you put it?”

  Steam came out of her ears at that comment. “Are you saying I’m senile?”

  Camilla burst into tears and Katherine tried to comfort her.

  Annie closed the gallery door and moved everyone into her office, just in case there were ears anywhere nearby. Danny volunteered to stay in the gallery to keep guard for anyone coming.

  Everyone talked over each other until Leona put her hand up and said, “Quiet! We have to work together and start at the beginning.” Fixing her eyes on Camilla she asked, “You left the bag in Annie’s office. Why?”

  Camilla bit her lip and wiped her eyes. “I thought someone saw Katherine give me the money and I panicked. Leaving it here seemed safer than anything else I could think of.”

  Annie paced back and forth.

  Jason asked, “Who did you think saw the exchange?”

  “Matt Austin.”

  Leona butted back into the interrogation. “Let’s not beat around the bush. What was the money for?”r />
  Camilla’s eyes widened. “I can’t tell you.”

  Annie placed her hand on Camilla’s shoulder. Her earlier analysis of Camilla was beginning to thaw and she saw the vulnerable woman beneath the surface of bravado. She always had a soft spot for a woman in trouble. “We can’t help you if we don’t know what’s going on. Is someone blackmailing you?”

  “How did you guess?” she whispered.

  Leona smacked her forehead. “Of course it would be blackmail. Hiding a big chunk of cash, nervous as a cornered rabbit.”

  The color drained from Martha’s face. “I thought I won the lottery or something when I found the cash. It never occurred to me that it was connected to anything illegal.” She plopped onto the only remaining chair. “I’m so sorry Annie. I never intended to drag you into a big mess.”

  Annie took a deep lung-filling breath, counted silently to ten, then exhaled. “Well, it’s too late for that, Martha. Now we have to figure out what the next step is. I have to tell Detective Crank that Martha found the bag and took it to her house or else she’s going to tear my gallery apart searching for it. I can plead ignorance about everything else but I’m sure she’ll figure it out. She’s annoying, but not stupid. Camilla, are you in danger?”

  “Not if I pay the blackmailer by noon on Sunday.”

  “How much?” Annie asked.

  Camilla hesitated before saying, “Ten thousand dollars.”

  Danny, in the main gallery, pretended to finish any last minute cleaning but he really kept an eye and ear open for anything suspicious. He knocked on Annie’s door. “There’s a light coming down the hallway, better all get out here and act normal.”

  Camilla and Katherine were the first to scoot out the door, followed by Martha, Mia and Leona. Jason held Annie’s arm. “What are you getting involved in this time?”

  “Listen, I’ve been trying to avoid this mess but it keeps falling in my lap. What am I supposed to do?”

  Hearing a knock on the gallery door, Annie pulled away from Jason.

  Danny opened the door and Matt Austin walked in. He had a satisfied smile on his face when his eyes rested on Camilla and Katherine but he spoke to Annie. “My wife is missing a piece of jewelry. A diamond earring. I’m wondering if maybe it came off when we were here earlier. Did you find anything?”


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