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Her Hero Was A Bear_A Paranormal Werebear Romance

Page 34

by Amy Star

  The tension mounted every second. The lions began to circle, and Dylan heard the sounds of some of the shifters beginning to transform: groans, the moving of bones inside of bodies, the growls and hissing. He closed his eyes for just a second, summoning up the magic of his own animal essence.

  One of the lions jumped, and Dylan threw himself into the battle, dropping down into a crouch and letting the change ripple through his body. He heard Nadine’s gasp, and his vision transformed, taking on different colors, even as the shifters in front of him went into their other shapes. Dylan listened for any signs of real distress from his mate or from his best friend, but otherwise, he completely focused on the lions. As he completed the change, he moved forward, barreling into one. His human consciousness faded and Dylan bit and clawed, growled and roared, moving from one opponent to another. A feline shriek a few feet away from him alerted him at one point and he saw Nadine, absolutely transformed—in her own way—driving a knife up into the soft underbelly of a pouncing lion. Dylan roared his approval and moved closer to his mate, intent on protecting her.

  One by one, the lions fell, and even as he began to tire, Dylan threw himself forward again and again to intercept any that came near Nadine, or that tried a sneaking attack on him. He was dimly aware of his mate’s own fighting, of Matthew’s bawling, brawling movements. Pain raked his shoulder and Dylan danced away, twisting around to grab the lion that had caused it. Bones crunched in his arms, under his teeth. Blood flowed into his mouth, and the small, dim human consciousness left in Dylan’s mind absently counted the foes he took down. More than once, he felt pain light up the nerves in his body, but in the face of the onslaught he didn’t care; as long as his mate was safe, it wasn’t important for him to remain perfectly intact.

  Finally, when all of the lions were down, Dylan turned his attention onto the spot where Rosen had been sitting only moments before. The man had disappeared, the backpack with him. Dylan groaned and shook his head, fighting back the pain that scored his back, his arms, his legs and his jaw. He would worry about Rosen another time; for now, all he wanted was to get back into his human form, get home and rest. All he wanted was to be with his mate and recover. Looking around him, he saw that every last one of the lions that had been in the building were laid out, most of them dead—the rest mortally wounded. Dylan glanced in Nadine’s direction. She was soaked in blood, but her face looked less shocked, less unsteady, than he would have guessed. Dylan sank down onto the ground and willed the transformation to rush through his bones and veins once more, bringing him back to the human man Nadine had fallen for.


  “Nadine? Honey-lamb. I know you want to do a good job, but it’s way too late to still be pegging away on your damn computer.”

  Nadine tore her attention off of her laptop at the sound of Dylan’s voice, shaking off her absorption in the data she’d been rummaging through. It had been a month since they had put an end to the group of lions that had caused them all so much grief. Three weeks before, Nadine had moved into a new rental house with Dylan and Matthew; she had insisted on having her own room—somewhere she could go to be by herself and alone when she needed it. She had finished her last day of work in the office a week after moving in with her two mates.

  A pair of hands wandered over her body, teasing and caressing her, and Nadine smiled, glancing over her shoulder to see Matthew behind her. She wasn’t sure if she would ever fully understand the two men, but in the month and a half since she had met them, Nadine couldn’t deny that she had developed intense feelings towards them both.

  “Come on,” Matthew murmured, his breath hot against her ear. “Don’t you want to go to bed?”

  Nadine chuckled, closing her laptop and pushing it aside on the couch before she rose from her seat.

  “When you two say ‘go to bed’, you never seem to mean ‘go to sleep,’ she said, turning to face both men. “If you’re that worried about my well-being you should consider letting me get a full night’s sleep from time to time.”

  Dylan grinned at her, stepping around the couch to wrap his arms around her waist and draw her close to him. He kissed her, nipping playfully at her bottom lip, his hands wandering over her body in quick, devastating caresses, turning her on almost immediately.

  Somehow, Dylan was gone and Nadine felt Matthew’s hands on her, tasted his lips against hers. She had started to gradually become accustomed to the way the men switched off when they both attacked her at once; it had taken her a while to learn how to act when it happened, but she had to admit it was the most intense—and intensely satisfying—sex she could have. Both men on their own were phenomenal in bed; together, they were so good that it was difficult for Nadine to even cope.

  Her clothes fell away bit by bit, and Nadine realized the two men were steering her out of the living room and down the hall. She wondered which of the two men’s bedrooms they would end up in for the remainder of the night and then decided she didn’t care as Dylan teased her nipples into firm little nubs and Matthew let his fingertips brush against her already wet labia, both of them teasing her in the most appealing way.

  Nadine fell into an ocean of sensations, kissing one pair of lips and then another, touching whatever body was nearest to her hands as the two men who loved her lavished attention on every inch of skin they could reach. The combined pleasures of their double assault was something that had yet to get old—something that still sent a naughty thrill through Nadine’s body more potent than any other sexual encounter she’d ever had.

  Someone tumbled her onto the bed, and Nadine let prying, careful hands spread her legs wide; she let another hand guide her touch, and wrapped her fingers around the length of a thick, hard, hot erection. She began stroking even as she moved in reaction to touches and caresses from fingers and lips and tongue, not even caring which of her two lovers had found his way down between her legs. Nadine twisted and writhed, locked between the two men, as the pleasure built up inside of her. She tangled her fingers in Matthew’s hair, and then in Dylan’s, as the two men switched off in their attentions—one and then the other burying his face between her legs and then working his way up to her hands and mouth.

  Nadine cried out as she reached her first orgasm, grabbing at sweat-slick bodies to hold onto something in the intensity of the pleasure that racked her. As she arched and writhed, Matthew devoured her, and Dylan guided her mouth to his cock, the sharp-salty taste of his precum coating her tongue, somehow making her orgasm even more intense.

  Then she was being moved, hands supporting her, shifting her into place. Nadine came back to herself hazily as Matthew settled in front of her face, his legs spread wide, his erection only inches away from her mouth; she felt Dylan behind her, felt the brush of his hard cock against her soaking wet labia. As he rubbed himself up and down along her labia, Nadine pushed her hips back, hungry for more and more pleasure. Nadine moaned out again and again, taking Matthew farther and farther into her mouth, worshiping him with her lips and tongue as Dylan filled her up, inch by inch from behind. They moved together and Nadine tingled all over, the aftermath of one orgasm dissolving into the buildup of the next one as she felt two cocks sliding in and out of her body at opposite ends.

  Nadine shuddered, barely able to hold herself up, as Dylan began to thrust harder and faster inside of her, the tip of his cock rubbing up against her pleasure center with every movement of his hips. She moaned against Matthew’s flesh, sucking eagerly, lapping up his fluids as she struggled to hold back a second orgasm; she wanted to savor the moment between the three of them as long as possible, wanted to make it last. Matthew reached his orgasm and Nadine swallowed the gush of his pleasure, almost choking as it flooded her mouth even as she lost all ability to hold back any longer. She reached her second orgasm with Matthew’s cock between her lips, Dylan slamming against her, almost pounding her in his urgent need.

  Nadine gave in to the pleasure, collapsing onto her elbows, burying her face against the blankets as Dyla
n reached his own orgasm. She barely felt the sticky-slick heat of his climax flooding her, she was so lost in the sensations coursing through her. Nadine slipped into a contented doze as the three of them all struggled to catch their breath in the aftermath of their climaxes, knowing the night wasn’t yet over—as soon as they were all recovered, one of the two men she loved would move her around, position her how he wanted, and the other would guide her in another direction.

  The first time they had had what Dylan and Matthew referred to as “mating sex,” Nadine hadn’t been entirely sure how she felt about it; something inside of her insisted that it was dirty, that it was somehow slutty and wrong. But something deeper had driven her to seek it out again and again ever since then, no matter how many times she had sex with either of the men individually.

  What shocked Nadine most of all was the fact that the more sex she had with her two mates, the more she wanted it; she had never had such a high sex drive in her entire life. When she’d mentioned it to Dylan, he had laughed, telling her that he was sorry she hadn’t had sex that good before in her life—it was a shame she had missed out for so long.

  “Don’t go to sleep on us!”

  Nadine groaned, ripped out of her contented, satisfied doze by the feeling of two pairs of hands, tickling and caressing her all over.

  Once more, she found herself lifted up, moved around, shifted into position. She opened her eyes to find herself straddling Matthew’s lap, his cock already hard, hot, gleaming at the tip with precum. She sank down onto the erection, shuddering as it filled her up, and then she was moving, rocking her hips, rising and falling on top of Matthew. She felt Dylan’s presence behind her, and when she felt a slick fingertip brushing against her tight pucker, only an inch away from where Matthew’s cock slid in and out of her body, Nadine barely flinched, barely even fought the stroking, swirling touch.

  Neither man ever took her anally when they were one-on-one, but it was another unfolding aspect of their sex as a threesome that Nadine was shocked to realize that she loved. The first time it had happened, a week before, it had been Matthew; he had teased her with his fingers, working her last virgin hole until she had nearly been crazy with the desire to give herself to him. The slickness of Dylan’s fingers playing with her was somehow both perfect and naughty—almost dirty, in a way that excited Nadine more than she could ever explain. She pushed her hips back, twisting and pivoting as Matthew continued to thrust deeper and deeper inside of her.

  Dylan continued to work her, and Nadine heard herself groaning and moaning, crying out with pleasure as the tension built up inside of her body more strongly than before. Words left her lips—praise, pleas, incoherent ramblings inspired by the pleasure washing through her—until she felt the heat and hardness of Dylan’s cock rubbing against her pucker, as slick as she was after all of his teasing. Matthew slowed, and Nadine shuddered and shivered as Dylan took her from behind, filling her up almost uncomfortably. Nadine forced her muscles to relax, breathing, clinging to Matthew for support as Dylan pushed past the resistance of her body.

  For one magical instant, Nadine felt both men fully inside of her, felt her hips completely sandwiched between Dylan’s body and Matthew’s. Then, after a few heartbeats, both men began to move inside of her, and Nadine abandoned herself completely to them both, falling into their rhythm, lost in the sensation of being so completely full she wasn’t sure she could even take it for very long.

  Her third orgasm of the evening eclipsed the first two, lighting up Nadine’s nervous system, filling her closed eyes with stars as she cried out over and over again. She trembled as pleasure so intense it might as well have been pain crashed through her veins, driving out any thought of anything other than the two men who had claimed her and the sensations caressing every nerve. Nadine’s orgasm intensified until she was almost afraid what would happen to her if it never ended, and then it began to abate, spasms dancing along her muscles as the two men finished their own climaxes buried deep inside of her and then sagged onto the bed.

  Nadine came back to herself bit by bit, aware of a lingering soreness in her hips, a deep fatigue that was somehow satisfying. Her body tingled all over; her mind was completely at ease.

  “I should not be enjoying this so much,” she said, opening her eyes. Her body was tangled between Dylan’s and Matthew’s, her limbs pinned down, and Nadine marveled that she could be so very comfortable with two men’s weight on her frame.

  “Why not?” Dylan brushed his lips against hers and Nadine smiled. “You’re having really hot sex with both of your mates at the same time. That seems like something you should be enjoying the hell out of.”

  “It feels too good to be right,” Nadine said, twisting so she could see Matthew as well. Two pairs of hands trailed over her slowly, caressing in a way that was more affectionate than arousing. Nadine knew they would remain like that for maybe an hour more at most; they had all come enough times for the evening—none of them would have the energy for another attempt.

  “That’s not a thing,” Matthew said, reaching over to brush a strand of hair away from her forehead. “There is no such thing as ‘too good to be right’. It’s good and it’s right.”

  “If you insist,” Nadine said, unwilling to make herself worry about the philosophical implications of her complex relationship with the two men.

  Neither Dylan nor Matthew seemed even slightly inclined to have anything to do with each other sexually and yet Nadine was sure that they enjoyed taking her at the same time as much as she enjoyed being taken by both men at the same time.

  “You have gotten a lot more easygoing since we moved in together,” Dylan observed.

  Nadine shrugged. “I'm having multiple orgasms every day, I don’t have to work in an office anymore, and I have two men in my life who consider it their absolute duty to make me happy,” Nadine pointed out. “Hard not to become less uptight when that’s going on in your life.”

  Dylan and Matthew both chuckled.

  “As long as you are happy, you won’t hear me complaining,” Matthew said, shifting on the bed next to her. Looking around, Nadine realized that they were in Matthew’s room.

  They had chosen a furnished home with three bedrooms, since neither Matthew nor Dylan had brought very much with them in their cross-country move, and most of Nadine’s possessions had been destroyed by the lions. Nadine was learning more and more about shifter culture, slowly beginning to understand the strange culture her two lovers had grown up in. She knew something about the clan that Dylan and Matthew had belonged to, about the fact that before they had been exiled, Dylan had been one of the leaders of his group. She thought—though she hadn’t yet broached the topic—that eventually, they would have to confront that particular issue. At some point, Dylan and Matthew would need to make contact with their former family and friends.

  For the time being, however, Nadine was happier than she had ever been in her life. Even above and beyond the sex and attention, there was something about living with two men who could become beasts by force of will that appealed to her. She had begun training in self-defense, as well—though she had to go slowly, since her ankle was taking a long time to heal. It was as far from her previous life as Nadine could imagine anything being, and sometimes when she had her “alone time” she wondered if she would wake up some morning and think she had made a terrible mistake.

  “Who’s cooking breakfast in the morning? We should settle that before we all pass out,” Dylan said, next to her.

  Nadine shrugged. “Whoever wakes up first should be responsible,” she suggested. Nadine almost always woke up second, whenever she ended the night nestled between both of her lovers; something about the change in presence when either Matthew or Dylan left the bed alerted her, and shortly after one of her lovers awakened and got up, she was sure to find it impossible to stay asleep any longer.

  “That sounds fair,” Matthew said, yawning.

  Nadine twisted her body around, keeping contact with bo
th men, even as she found a pillow strewn from its normal position on the bed and buried her face against it.

  “I’m too tired to think about anything,” she told them, knowing that even though her voice was muffled, both Matthew and Dylan would be able to make out her words almost perfectly.

  She had started to adjust to their enhanced senses, though it would never cease making her envious that she didn’t share them. Nadine shivered as the hands trailing over her body tickled in odd places, moving on to caress her where she liked it the best.

  She had largely forgotten—or at least started to disregard—the possibility that the two men would become sick of her with time. Although it had only been a month since they had seriously started seeing each other, Nadine could feel their affection, she could feel the warmth of the bond that had come with their mating. She knew it was only a matter of time before she became pregnant, too. None of them were particularly cautious when it came to sex, and Nadine was wise enough to realize that with the sheer volume of chances they took, it was a question of when she would become pregnant, rather than if. She had never thought about the possibility of having children—not seriously—before the ill-fated events that had led her to become a shared mate, but Nadine thought that when it happened, the child—or children—that came from her and the two men she had come to love would be more than usually blessed to have three parents instead of only two. As she dropped off into sleep, Nadine smiled, thinking that although she had resented Alex—the man who had held her at knifepoint—for deranging her life completely, she almost had to feel a kind of gratitude for the dead were-lion. If it weren’t for his desperate ploy to use her as a human shield, she might not have ever fallen into her strange, wonderful life, and learned how much she enjoyed being shared by two men who cared about her almost more than they cared about themselves. Whatever dangers they all had to face, Nadine decided she was more than happy to face them.


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