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Engineering Her Surrender [Novum Energy 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Kaley Colter

  What is wrong with me? Since when did I become boy-crazy?

  The answer to that question, however, was all too obvious. That encounter with Ethan in front of the office building the other day…when he had pressed her against him and held her in his arms. That was the moment when her brain had started malfunctioning.

  She pressed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. She didn’t have time to daydream about boys. She had never been one to fantasize about the opposite sex, and she had never wanted to, either. It was pointless and completely unproductive, after all, and she would never have put her homework aside for the sake of a sex-filled reverie. But for some reason, she couldn’t get over the feeling of having his rock-hard body surrounding her. She had felt so delicate and feminine, and, as much as she hated to admit it, she had actually liked feeling that way. Which was incredibly infuriating, considering she had spent the better part of her life crusading against such preposterous gender stereotypes—where men are brawny and women are just plain brainless.

  But her traitorous body wouldn’t listen to her exalted feminist dictates. There was nothing she could have done to stop her breasts from becoming heavy and swollen against his chest. And when she had felt his massive erection pressing against her lower belly, she had had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to keep herself from moaning. She had wanted to feel his hard cock press in between her legs, and the ache in her pussy had been so insistent that she had found herself having to squeeze her thighs together just to keep her sanity.

  She hated how her body had responded to him. Ethan White was just not her type. He was overbearing and narcissistic, and Penny hadn’t worked so hard all her life just to give her power away to a man now. But then why did he affect her so strongly? She didn’t understand it.

  She had been angry, and she felt badly for having lashed out at him. But she needed to keep him at bay, and she’d been working hard to avoid him ever since the unfortunate Frisbee incident. Which was difficult, considering he was her supervisor. But nevertheless, she kept communication to a minimum and tried her very best to avoid eye contact at all times.

  Penny dreaded seeing him at the dinner tonight. She would just sit far, far away from him and enter into the conversation as sparingly as possible so that she wouldn’t end up having to speak to him.

  I bet he’ll look sexy as hell all dressed up, though.

  Penny bit down on her lip the minute the thought flashed in her head. She jumped up from her bed and dashed out of her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  It was just a passing crush. She would get over it.

  * * * *

  Penny sipped from her glass of wine as she looked out of the window at all the expensive cars parked in front of Nick’s house—or mansion, rather. Porsche, Mercedes, BMW…All of the most enviable brand names were gathered together in Nick’s expansive parking lot. Penny, on the other hand, had taken the bus from her apartment and had walked two blocks from the closest stop to get there, and although she would normally consider herself a proud person, she knew she would feel utterly humiliated if anyone at the dinner party found out.

  Penny turned around when she heard someone come up beside her and smiled when she saw that it was Ellie, Nick’s wife. Ellie had come down to the office on Penny’s first day of work for the sole purpose of welcoming her to the Novum family, and she had been very grateful for the gesture.

  “Hi, Penny,” Ellie said with a sweet smile. “It’s so nice to have another girl here! Usually it’s just me with all of these guys. I couldn’t thank Nick enough when he hired you.”

  Penny laughed. “Yes, engineering is definitely a male-dominated field. I was usually one of only a few girls in my engineering classes in university, as well. There was no shortage of staring, that’s for sure.”

  Ellie sat on the windowsill in front of Penny and offered her one of the stuffed peppers from the tray of hors d’oeuvres she was carrying. She smiled when Penny eagerly took one and then set the tray down on a nearby side table. “So how do you like the guys?” she asked.

  “They’ve all been extremely kind to me. And very helpful. This is my first job out of school, so I’m still finding my way.”

  “Ethan’s your supervisor, is that right?”

  Penny brought the stuffed pepper to her nose before answering. “These smell amazing, by the way. And yes, Ethan is my supervisor.”

  “Boy, does he have eyes for you.”

  Penny froze just as she was about to take a bite from the pepper. “What? He’s already here? Where?”

  Ellie flashed her a mischievous grin. “Ya, he just got here about five or ten minutes ago. He’s been hovering at the bar across the room and staring at you nonstop.”

  Penny shut her eyes and expelled a large breath. She needed another glass of wine. Actually, she needed several more glasses. “Oh. Well, he’s just not my type of guy.”

  “No? Why not?”

  “He’s just…well…a little too bossy for my liking, if you know what I mean.”

  Ellie giggled. “He may be a little bossy, but Ethan’s a sweetheart. He’s a really good guy. He’s also worked for Nick for a really long time, and from what I’ve heard, he’s been single since he started working at Novum, so I think he must see something really special in you. Anyways, I wouldn’t write him off just yet, if I were you,” she said. “Not that I’m encouraging you to start up a relationship with your coworker,” she added with a wink.

  Penny smiled. Ellie was incredibly sweet. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that. I’m not really that much of a relationship girl. I’m more of the lone-wolf type.”

  “That’s what I used to think too, before I met Nick. You should keep an open mind. Just see where your heart takes you.”

  * * * *

  Ethan wasn’t in the greatest of moods. He knew he had to give Penny her space, knew he had to give her time to let him in, but he was having a damn hard time of it.

  Penny had looked absolutely stunning that night. It was the first time he had seen her with her hair down out of its usual ponytail, and he had itched to run his fingers through the soft, auburn waves that fell cascading down her back. He couldn’t help but wonder what her tresses would feel like against his thighs if he were to force her to her knees and fuck her pretty mouth, and his desire was only inflamed by the way her dress had hugged the curves of her body. He had just about lost his mind every time she took a breath and the swell of her ample breasts pressed against the neckline of her dress. It had taken a lot of willpower to keep himself from tugging her outside and fucking her against his car, that was for damn sure.

  But she had been stubborn as usual for the entire night. She had refused to look at him, and she had made sure to sit as far away from him as possible at the table. And it didn’t surprise him that she had been the first to bolt out the door the minute the dinner party had come to an end.

  With a sigh, Ethan turned on the ignition of his car and pulled out of Nick’s driveway. It was fairly late, and the streets were pretty much deserted. He pressed his foot down harder on the gas pedal, wanting to get home, though knowing that he would never be able to get to sleep with the image of Penny in that dress tattooed to his brain.

  As he turned the corner at the end of the street, he saw a girl walking on the sidewalk ahead of him. A pang of sympathy welled up in his heart for the poor girl. It was dangerous to be out alone at this time of night, especially for a woman. He saw her sit down at a bus stop and hoped that her bus would come along soon so that she wouldn’t have to be alone for too much longer.

  But when he drove past the bus stop and got a better look at the girl, he slammed his brakes and pulled his car over on the side of the road.

  “Penny!” he yelled as he jumped out of his car and stormed toward her. “What the hell are you doing out on the streets alone at this time of night? Are you crazy?”

  Penny was backing away slowly with a terrified look on her face, stopping when Ethan came unde
r the light of one of the street lamps and she caught sight of his face.

  “Jesus Christ, Ethan,” she said, holding her hand to her chest. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  Ethan came up in front of her, but she continued to back away from him until he had her pressed up against the fence running along the sidewalk.

  “I can’t believe you’d do something so dangerous. Do you have no regard for your own safety?” he asked angrily.

  Penny glared up at him. “Yes, I have regard for my safety,” she gritted out.

  “Then why the hell are you out here at one o’clock in the morning?”

  Penny threw him a hurt look. “Why do you think? I didn’t know it would be so hard for you to determine why a person would be sitting at a bus stop late at night.”

  Ethan shut his eyes hard.


  How could he be so incredibly stupid? It was like all logic and reason had evacuated his mind the minute he saw that it was Penny. He berated himself for not realizing that she didn’t have a car and probably couldn’t afford a cab. And here he was throwing the state of her finances in her face. He couldn’t be more of an asshole.

  “Christ, Penny, I’m sorry.”

  She drew her face into a scowl and looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears. “Not everyone’s as well-off as you are, Ethan. Maybe you should get that through your thick-ass head.”

  “Still, Penny, why wouldn’t you at least tell me so I could have driven you? I don’t want you out alone so late at night.”

  She sniffled, continuing to glare at him angrily. “What is it to you?” she asked sullenly.

  Ethan paused. “You know exactly what it is to me,” he answered, his voice low.

  She looked up at him, fear and longing and hesitation showing clearly on her face. “Whatever. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Ethan moved closer toward her, hearing the softest little moan escape from her throat when he pushed his body against hers like he had the other day. “No?” he whispered. “Are you sure?”

  Penny was breathing hard. He could tell that she was responding to his body just as strongly as he was to hers, but he could also see uncertainty in her eyes. She was conflicted—and Ethan would wager that the struggle was between what she wanted and what she had always thought she wanted.

  She made as if to dart away from him, but he reached out a hand and placed it on her waist, holding her in place.

  “Easy now, Penny. Don’t be scared of me.” He snaked his hand around the back of her neck and tilted her head up to his. “I can see the way your body responds to me,” he whispered, tracing his fingers along the neckline of her dress. “Tell me, Penny, what do you feel right now?”

  Penny let out a shaky breath. “I don’t feel anything.”

  Ethan raised an eyebrow. “No? So you don’t have an ache between your legs?” Penny turned her head away and flicked her eyes to the ground, but Ethan caught her jaw in his hand and forced her to look back at him. “You will answer me honestly, Penny,” he said, emphasizing every word.

  She let out a tiny whimper. “Yes. I have an ache there.”

  Ethan pressed his groin hard against hers, making sure to rock his erection in between her thighs. Penny opened her mouth in a gasp and tried to wiggle away from him, balling her hands into fists and pushing them against his chest to force him away.

  In the blink of an eye Ethan had her wrists captured in his hand and was holding them securely behind her back. “Enough, Penny,” he commanded. “Stop fighting yourself.”

  “I’m not fighting myself. I’m fighting you,” she retorted, trying her best to sound angry.

  “Are you? Because I can smell your arousal, Penny. Your cunt is crying out for attention.” Ethan smiled when he saw her shiver at his words. He bent down and pressed his mouth close to her ear. “You want me to touch you there, don’t you?” he whispered, feeling her whole body quiver beneath him. She was panting, desperate for it, but too proud to tell him that she wanted him. “I won’t get rid of that ache in your pussy unless you tell me,” he said, pulling his hips back so that his cock was no longer pressed in between her thighs.

  Penny choked out a cry, protesting the loss of contact. Ethan looked down at her. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was nibbling on her bottom lip, clearly at war with herself.

  “Yes, please,” she finally let out, her voice a faint whisper.

  “Yes, please, what? What do you want me to do, Penny?”

  She squirmed beneath him, desperate for relief. “I…want you to touch me.”

  “Where? Where do you want me to touch you?”

  Penny swallowed, her cheeks flushed with what Ethan assumed was a mixture of arousal, antipathy, and embarrassment. “Between my legs.”

  Ethan’s eyes darkened. “Good girl, Penny. I want you to spread your legs and keep your arms as they are behind your back,” he said as he released her wrists. When Penny hesitated to part her legs, Ethan gave her a hard stare and growled low in his throat. “Do as you’re told,” he demanded.

  She relented and spread her legs, although it was all too clear that she resented following his orders. Ethan smiled. She would learn soon enough.

  He pulled up her dress until it was bunched around her hips. The throbbing at his cock became all the more insistent when he saw how soaked her black panties were. And when he slid them down to her knees and saw that her pussy was bare of any hair, the pressure in his groin built so high that he couldn’t help but let out a deep, throaty groan.

  He knelt down in front of her to inspect her pretty cunt. He could see that her clit was swollen, pouting out between her wet, shiny folds. He reached one hand up in between her thighs and lightly touched her nub with the tip of his finger. Penny choked out a cry, jerking her hands out from behind her back.

  Ethan withdrew his finger and looked up at her sternly. “Arms behind your back, Penny. Now.”

  She slowly returned them to their proper position, her need greater than her pride.

  “That’s a good girl,” he praised as he returned his hand to her pussy, this time pinching her clit hard between his forefinger and thumb.

  “Oh God,” she sobbed, her legs wobbling.

  Ethan pressed the pad of his thumb against her engorged button and started rubbing it in a hard, fast circular motion. The sound of her soft moans was making his cock pulse with potent desire, and he could tell that her pleasure was mounting. She had tilted her head back up against the fence and was thrashing it from side to side, her whole body shaking.

  “Ethan,” she whimpered desperately. “Ethan, please.”

  “What is it, honey?” he asked.

  “I…I can’t hold myself up. Please…” she panted.

  Ethan smiled at how quickly she was learning. She was asking for permission to move, and he would surely reward her for it.

  “That’s okay, honey,” he said, chuckling. “Let’s get you inside.”

  He swept her into his arms and carried her to his car, laying her down in the back seat. He propped himself over her body, nudging her thighs apart with his hand and skimming the back of his knuckle over her opening.

  “Ethan,” she breathed. “Please. Please finish me.”

  “You want my finger inside your cunt, don’t you, Penny?” he asked as he pressed the tip of his finger into her tight, hot sheath.

  Penny bucked violently in his arms. “Yes, I want it, I want it.”

  Her pussy was dripping with her juices, and the muscles of her inner walls were clamping down on him so hard that he knew she would be finished with just a few pumps of his thick finger.

  In one quick movement, he thrust his finger all the way inside. Penny opened her mouth in a gasp and reached out to grab at Ethan’s shoulders. He withdrew his finger and then slammed it forward once more, feeling the muscles of her sheath grip at him greedily.

  “Come for me, Penny,” he rasped as he thrust inside her cunt harder and faster. “Let go.”

  Penny fell apart in his arms. She screamed her release and threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder as her hips jerked with the waves of her climax.

  “That’s it, Penny,” Ethan whispered as he continued pumping in and out of her pussy. “Ride my finger.”

  As her orgasm subsided, Ethan slowly withdrew his finger from her opening, smiling as the walls of her sheath clutched at him in protest. Penny had leaned back against the car seat. Her eyes were closed and she was sucking in deep breaths through her parted lips.

  Ethan gathered her in his arms and placed her in the passenger seat before running around the car and hopping inside.

  He looked over at her and smiled. She seemed to be in a bit of a haze, and Ethan predicted that her powerful orgasm, combined with one too many glasses of wine at Nick’s house, would soon put her into a coma.

  “Penny, honey, I need you to tell me your address so I can drive you home.”

  “Oh,” she mumbled, curling her legs beneath her on the seat. “Yes, can you drive me home?”

  Ethan reached over to buckle her seatbelt and sweep her hair out of her face. “Of course, honey, I just need you to tell me where you live.”

  “Right,” she answered, her eyes still closed. “I need you to tell me where you live.”

  Ethan chuckled softly. The poor thing was definitely a little disoriented. He considered just bringing her home with him, but he figured that she would throw a fit when she woke up in the morning and discovered where she was.

  “Do you live in an apartment, Penny?”

  “Yes,” she said as she rested her head on the center console. “That’s amazing. How did you know?”

  He broke out into a grin. Yep, definitely way too much to drink. “Just a lucky guess. Do you know the street name?”

  “Of course I know the street name,” she said sleepily. “Do you think I’m stupid? It’s Evercrest Street. And the number’s 434. And my apartment number’s 31. So there.”

  Ethan had to hold himself back from laughing. Even with a body full of booze and a mind-blowing orgasm, she was still as feisty and quarrelsome as ever. “All right, honey, just rest now and I’ll get you home.”


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