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Kate's Naughty Costume: A Hotwife Novel

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  Of course appreciation of Sierra Knight was something that transcended age, race, sexual orientation, or social status. At least we knew they were fans. Mostly. I'm sure the fact that my wife was a hot woman wearing a barely there costume that gave her an uncanny resemblance to the seductive Ms. Knight also had a lot to do with them approaching us.

  "Awesome costume!" the guy in the lead said as they got near us. And from the way he was eyeing my wife up and down, paying particular attention to her tits where they were barely contained by her plastic and silk top, he definitely was being honest when he said it was an awesome costume. Of course it seemed like it was less the costume he was concerned with and more my wife's body, but whatever. That was what I'd come here to enjoy, after all.

  Already I could feel my cock growing hard in my pants as I watched this group of three young college guys looking my wife up and down. I could only imagine the thoughts running through their heads as they looked my wife up and down. Hell, I had a pretty good idea exactly what sort of thoughts were running through their heads as they looked her up and down. I'm sure they bore a striking resemblance to the sorts of thoughts that were running through my own head as I saw various pretty young things dressed in similarly skimpy outfits.

  Of course they also probably resembled the secret fantasies that had been running through my head ever since Kate brought up running off with another guy. I was imagining her surrounded by these guys, their hands running all over her body as she gasped and squeezed her eyes shut and...

  No, better not to go there. It was just a fantasy and it's not like it was going to happen. Looking was one thing. Doing was crossing one hell of a line.

  "Mind if we get a picture with you?" a second guy dressed like a barbarian complete with broad shoulders and a muscular body asked.

  Kate smiled, a broad and beaming smile as she held her arms out and gestured for them to join her on either side. "Not a problem. Not a problem at all!"

  "Who's going to take the picture?" The guy with the autographed Sierra Knight picture said looking around. He was smaller and was just wearing a normal T-shirt and shorts like I was so there were no muscles or anything on display with that one.

  "My husband can," she said.

  The guys turned and looked at me and then all at once they chorused "dude!"

  The bigger one slapped me on the back and very nearly knocked the wind out of me. "You're boinking that?"

  "Yes, that's my wife," I said.

  I made sure to put extra emphasis on the "wife" part. Muscles blushed and looked away, obviously catching the point. Of course even if I looked outwardly upset, even if I was striking a blow for feminism and treating women with respect outwardly, inside I was jumping with joy and my cock was throbbing at the way he'd so casually referred to my wife like that.

  And from the way she was smiling that knowing smile at me she knew I'd enjoyed that. I shook my head and she winked as the guys crowded in around her, and as they crowded in around her I couldn't help but notice that my wife seemed to have eyes for muscles in particular. He was taller, and his impressive body that was shown off thanks to his barbarian costume. He even had what looked like a pretty impressive and real looking sword hanging off of his back, though I knew if I were to inspect that thing a little more closely it would probably end up being vacuum formed plastic or foam or rubber or some other material that modern special-effects magic had been able to turn into something that resembled metal. There wasn't a chance in hell the convention was going to allow somebody with a real weapon into the convention center.

  Of course that wasn't the only dynamic going on. The one in the T-shirt who'd first addressed us seemed to be the ringleader of this small group, and he also only had eyes for my wife. He tried to crowd in closer but there was a brief scuffle where he jockeyed for position with muscles but of course muscles won out due to sheer size. I saw Kate's eyes go wide as he moved in behind her.

  A third guy who I'd barely noticed gathered two phones and another real camera and handed them to me. He seemed to be a shrinking type, looking down and only casting quick glances with my wife. Only those quick glances burned with an impressive fire! This seemed like a guy with hidden depths, not that it mattered since he wasn't really staring at my wife all that much so I dismissed him. I was more interested in the two gentlemen vying for her attention and putting on one hell of a fun show for me in the process.

  I zoomed in just a little bit with one of the phones I'd been handed. It wasn't a particularly great camera, but it had a zoom function at least. Only they were standing at an angle where even if I was zooming in on the action there wasn't actually much action to be seen since muscles was right behind her. Damn it.

  I knew something was going on. Kate wouldn't have that surprised look on her face if he was being good. Images of this guy's hands running up and down my wife's body moved through my mind. They were up against a wall and the three of them crowded in around her hid anything from anyone walking past. The only way I could tell something was happening was because I was staring intently hoping for something to happen.

  I licked my lips and my cock was rock hard as I imagined him maybe grabbing her by the hips and pulling her against his cock. Only that was impossible. He couldn't be grabbing her hips, because I'd be able to see that on the zoomed in screen before me.

  Still, it was a fucking hot thought.

  I took a couple of pictures with the first phone. I held it out and shy guy stepped forward and grabbed it out of my hands without a word. He looked down the entire time. I juggled the next phone in line out from under my arm where I was squeezing them all to hold them in place and took the next picture.

  I took a moment to zoom in again and I thought I could see a subtle motion from my wife. Her eyes went wide again and suddenly the motion was not-so-subtle. It looked like the guy to her side, T-shirt dude who lost the fight with muscles to get up close and personal with my wife, was making a move of his own. His hand flashed out, moving behind her, and I saw her eyes go wide again. I hesitated for a moment, wondering what I should do. The guy had just grabbed at my wife's ass! Should I get pissed off, throw his phone down?

  No, that wouldn't be a good idea. I had no idea which phone was his, for starters. I could toss them all down and piss all these guys off and get the crap kicked out of me in the process at worst or just get kicked out of the convention by security at best. Actually we'd probably all get kicked out since security took a dim view of people groping anyone in costume.

  Of course that assumed the people in costume didn't want to be groped. I knew Kate got off on guys checking her out. The real question was did she get off on guys feeling her up as well? I sure as hell knew how I felt with the way I was continually readjusting myself to try and avoid the awkward situation in my pants becoming too obvious, but I didn't know how she felt and that's what was really important.

  I watched Kate for her reaction. She looked over to me and cocked an eyebrow as though to confirm that I'd really seen what just happened, though I couldn't very well get true confirmation that she was cool with it without giving away to these guys that I knew what was going on. Damn it.

  She smiled and shook her head ever so slightly back and forth and I breathed a sigh of relief partially because it meant I wasn't about to get into a fight but mainly because I was relieved that she seemed to be just as turned on by this new direction our shared fantasy was taking as I was.

  Looking at it objectively I knew women in costumes getting groped by random guys was a huge problem at conventions like this. I knew what I should be doing was running and punching the guy even if muscles looked like he could do some damage and I was a little wary of the shy one as well because I'd learned it's best in life to always watch out for the quiet ones. I knew I should be striking a blow for women everywhere by striking a blow against that asshole's face.

  But I wasn't going to do anything of the sort. There was that mischievous look from my wife. There was the way she was smil
ing. There was the blush that was obvious above her tits and running all the way to her cheeks. There was the arousal that was causing my body to tingle all over.

  No, it definitely wasn't cool for women to get felt up at a convention, but in this particular instance it seemed my wife was enjoying the hell out of the attention. I knew I was enjoying the hell out of the attention she was enjoying!

  And so I let it go. I wasn't going to cause a scene because what I wanted more than anything was to see where this was going. I'd expected to see muscles trying to feel her up, but I definitely hadn't expected the guy beside her to reach out and give her ass a squeeze.

  "Is something wrong man?" the groper himself asked. Did he sound a little nervous? Did he wonder if I suspected? If I'd seen something?

  I shook my head as Kate giggled. I was getting distracted by these guys paying so much attention to my wife. I was getting distracted by them getting so up close and personal with her. And so I wasn't taking pictures like a good boy with a camera. I quickly remedied that though.

  "Sorry," I said. "Just got a little distracted there for a minute."

  I pulled up the camera again and my heart nearly stopped. It seemed like in the brief window when I was pulling up the camera all of them were trying to sneak a quick feel of my wife. Muscles was definitely doing something, and the T-shirt guy and shy dude also had their hands out and seemed to be testing the waters by resting lightly against her exposed skin. As I watched in the camera T-shirt got more bold and went in for another feel, though I noticed that he didn't move his hand behind her which made me wonder what was going on back there between her and Muscles to prevent his hand from getting in there.

  Kate was responding by opening her mouth, by letting out little gasps that were lost in the noise of the convention center and would've been lost on me if I hadn't been looking at her so intently. If I hadn't been looking for any sign that she was having a naughty time while she was sandwiched in between these guys.

  As I got to the last camera, an actual DSLR camera that looked like the real thing, not just one of those little point-and-shoot numbers, I got the biggest surprise of this little naughty photo session. Instead of my wife's eyes going wide I saw muscles look down at the top of her head in surprise.

  So I zoomed in with this new camera and its optical lens and viewfinder that made it easy. This was an old-fashioned camera with an old-fashioned viewfinder, so I didn't have to worry about the picture being obscured by digital artifacts or anything like that. And the clear magnified picture I saw took my breath away.

  I couldn't see Kate's hand. It was somewhere behind her. Back where muscles was standing with a surprised expression that surprised me. I also felt my cock twitch and I very nearly came in my pants as I realized what must be happening. My wife had her hand behind her and she had to be rubbing this guy's cock. There was nothing else that possibly be going on unless she was helping him with his zipper, but something told me that barbarian loincloth on his costume didn't have a zipper.

  The feeling that washed over me as I realized what was happening was so fucking intense that I very nearly dropped the camera. I verily nearly fainted. This was so much more than we'd talked about when it was just her teasing some guys and having a good time, but it was so much hotter because it was so unexpected and beyond anything I'd dared hope for!

  Luckily I didn't drop anything. This camera looked way too expensive for me to be dropping it anyways. I did find myself wishing that I had my own phone out so I could get a picture of this incredible sight, and that gave me an idea.

  I zoomed out and snapped a couple of shots and then handed it to the shy dude who came up without being prompted by his buddies. They were starting to reluctantly break apart, Muscles in particular looked frightened and annoyed that this was ending so soon which made me wonder what would be revealed when my wife stepped away, when Kate looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. An unspoken communication passed between us. I called it our marriage telepathy.

  "Hold on boys!" she said.

  All of them stopped and stared. Well, almost all of them stopped and stared. Muscles was completely checked out of reality staring off into the distance as though he couldn't believe my wife was running her hand up and down his cock. Assuming I was right and she was touching his cock, which seemed pretty fucking likely all things considered. Kate looked at me and licked her lips, obviously trying to conceal how hot she was feeling but there was no way she was concealing that from me. Not with how well I knew her body and exactly how she reacted when she was turned on. She had to know I was well aware of what she was doing, and yet she kept it right up. Damn. She was being such a naughty slut!

  And I loved it.

  "You guys have all been so good to me," she said. "I'd love it if hubby could snap a quick picture for me to remember you by."

  And so I found myself pulling out my phone. The camera on my phone wasn't as good as a DSLR but it was still pretty nice as far as smart phone cameras went. I could afford a little nicer than the freebie giveaway the budget-minded college student would default to.

  I lined it up and then I zoomed in to that spot where my wife had her hand hidden behind her. And I was close enough now that I could see Muscles breathing heavily. His chest was positively heaving and it was a wonder that his friends couldn't see what was going on. And through it all Kate had that same smile on her face as though she didn't have a care in the world while she was doing something naughty to Muscles.

  I snapped a couple of shots. One wide, and then a few close up of her hand disappearing behind her. Then on a hunch I pulled out slightly so I was just getting a shot of her and Muscles. T-shirt guy was blocking the shot slightly in front, but it was as good as I was going to get. And at that moment something magical happened.

  Muscles suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and it looked like he was trying very hard not to make any noise. He actually bit his lip. Damn!

  It was abundantly clear from the way he was gasping and trying not to make any noise that he was blowing his load. I wished I could see what was going on, but I consoled myself with the knowledge that Kate was sure to tell me all about it after this naughty photo session was done. I snapped a couple of shots of them standing there like that. My wife with an innocent smile on her face. Muscles standing behind her with his eyes squeezed shut, his breath coming in quick gasps as he tried to keep control and didn't do a very good job of it.


  Then his eyes opened and he looked down. He started to blush. I wondered if there was a situation going on down below that was going to make it difficult for him to continue wearing his costume throughout the day. That look quickly turned to panic as my wife started to pull away from him. Clearly he didn't want her moving away and giving everyone an unobstructed view of his downstairs mix-up. Only he didn't have any choice. Kate pulled away and then he was turning to the side and trying his best to avoid being seen.

  Only I was looking, and I was ready with the camera for one last shot. A shot of my wife's hand buried in his loincloth for the briefest of moments. That sight was exposed for just the briefest of moments as she pulled away from him.

  Snap. Her hands down his loincloth. Snap. Her hand pulling away from his loincloth. Snap. Something long and sticky trailing from his bottoms up to her finger, and then it snapped back to where a stain was spreading on his costume.

  I couldn't believe it. I very nearly passed out and dropped my own damned phone as I watched. It was obvious he'd come in his costume, and not only had he come in his costume, but he'd also done it all over my wife's hand and some of it had snapped back. I'd caught all of it on camera. Fuck!

  Even if nothing else happened over the course of this convention those pictures alone were going to be enough to fuel the spank bank for a long time to come!

  No pun intended, of course.

  Kate walked straight for me and she leaned up to give me a kiss. Then she pulled back and lifted her hand to her lips in a quick motion. I had just long e
nough to catch the familiar scent of semen, and then her tongue was moving out and swirling around her index finger, running up to her knuckle and back. She opened her mouth ever so slightly and I saw something that very nearly made me blow my load. Another man's load on my wife's tongue. She must have kept what she could on her finger and waited to give me this naughty little show, and I loved it!

  "Damn baby," I said.

  "Did you enjoy that as much as I did?" she asked.

  I was like a broken record. My brain was short-circuited and I wasn't thinking clearly. And so all I could get out was another "damn baby!"

  5: Invitation

  I figured that was going to be the end of our fun, but as I looked over Kate's shoulder I saw the guys standing and talking with each other as they glanced over to my wife. They seemed to be involved in a pretty vigorous conversation and I had a pretty good idea exactly what it was they were talking about.

  Muscles was looking over at her with particular interest. I saw him pulling down his loincloth and the other two guys laughed, but then they grew silent. All of them turned to give my wife a considering look that she missed completely, but I was watching. I was waiting for that look. And my cock was so hard. Both because of the way they were looking at her and because she was right up against me now instead of being sandwiched in between those guys.

  "I think you've made some fans," I said.

  Kate arched an eyebrow as she looked at me, then she turned to look over her shoulder at the group of college jocks who'd been surrounding her and feeling her up.


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