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The Billionaire's Daughter

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’ll have one of the housemaids do it later,” she said flippantly. “Now - um - Dante, would you please let got of my hand? I want to get some coffee and something to eat. You could join me,” she suggested, smiling her most dazzling smile. If anything could get him to let go of her it was that smile!

  “I’ve told you to pick up the clothes and put them back,” he said, ignoring her invitation and beguiling grin, retaining his firm grip, “and you have refused. Am I missing anything?”

  Kate felt a strange stirring. Something was happening - or about to happen - though she had no idea what it could possibly be. The air was thick with a tension she couldn’t quite comprehend.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice defiant. “I mean, no - you’re not missing a thing. Now let go of my hand this instant,” she demanded tightly “I’m going to get some coffee.” This was a battle she was going to win, damn it!

  Dante shook his head. He had her father’s permission and her redemption was about to begin.

  “Then I’m afraid you will receive one of the many gifts I have for you.”

  The alacrity with which Dante yanked Kate across his lap left her breathless. She was upended before she could begin to protest and she was absolutely beside herself with fury.

  “How dare you!” she wailed. “Let me go at once!”

  She wriggled and kicked and squirmed, but Dante stayed perfectly calm, his hand around her middle holding her firmly in place.

  “I’m going to spank you and there’s no getting out of it. I suggest you stop trying to get away. You’ll just exhaust yourself.”

  “Let - me - go!” she screeched.

  “Good heavens stop yelling. Do I have to gag you as well?” he asked, his voice infuriatingly calm.

  “No!” she exclaimed hastily. “No - don’t! Please! Don’t! I’ll stop, I’ll stop screaming, I promise,” she stammered, realizing she was in no position to make demands or issue orders. “Please. Just let me go.”

  Dante stared at the beautiful rump staring up at him. Soon that lovely, smooth white skin hidden beneath the black tights that so provocatively hugged her curves would be a bright, hot red. She deserved and needed nothing less.

  “Kate, my dear sweet Kate, one of the many things you have to learn is that every action good or bad has consequences. You have little or no respect for other people’s property. You’re spoiled and willful, and you’re about to be soundly spanked.”

  “No! Dante, please!” she begged. “I’ve never been spanked in my life!”

  “I know,” he sighed, “and it’s a shame. But, better late than never. I’m going to spank you for two reasons. First, for wanting to give me clothes that were not yours to give. Second, for not doing as you were told. I’m taking you in hand Kate Hollister, and you need to understand from this moment forward you’ll be spanked if you don’t obey me. I know obedience is a new concept for you so I’ll grant you some latitude but not much. Do you understand what I just told you?”

  Kate’s mind was swimming. How could this be happening to her? She was totally embarrassed and humiliated, and she feared Dante meant every word he said. Her fears were well founded. His hand landed on her ass with a sound slap.

  “OW!” she cried. “That hurt!”

  “I asked you a question, young lady.”

  “Ok. I understand,” she exclaimed, though she wasn’t sure she did. She was so overwrought at her astonishing state of affairs there was no way she could recall what he had just told her. She felt a hand slip under the elastic waistband of her leggings and immediately knew his intent.

  “Noooo!” she cried.

  Ignoring her plea, Dante slowly pulled them across her upturned bottom leaving them at the top of her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties and her naked charms were immediately revealed to his discerning eye. She shivered as he ran his hand over the smooth, milky white skin, pleasantly marked by a red blotch for which he was happily responsible.

  “Pleeasse,” she begged, not even knowing what it was she was begging for.

  “Keep your outbursts to a minimum,” he ordered. “As I said, I will not hesitate to gag you.”

  “Ok -k- k,” she stammered.

  “The correct response is, yes Sir. And you will think of the word with a capital “S”

  Kate gulped. She’d never called anyone Sir. She wriggled in protest and once again his hand landed on her bottom, but this time on her naked skin.

  “Yes, Sir!” she burst out.

  “I’m going to spank you very hard. Ten smacks on each of your pretty little cheeks one side at a time. Ten for offering me your father’s clothes, and ten for disobeying me. As your training progresses I’ll expect better of you and punish any disobedience or bad behavior accordingly.”

  Training? What training? What is he talking about?

  Before she could consider anything further the palm of his hand slapped against her bottom, the smarting sting shattering all thought. Again it fell on the same spot, and again and again, and she began wriggling furiously but managed to stifle her cries.

  “I’m sorry,” she suddenly wailed. “I’m sorry. Please stop, I really am sorry!”

  He had landed eight solid swats and he paused at her outburst.

  “Well that’s something at least,” he stated, rubbing the burning, crimson flesh. “Two left and they’ll be the hardest. I’m warning you do not shriek.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, stunned that the “sir,” had slipped from her lips so easily.

  He slapped down hard, very hard, and she threw back her head, hissing through her teeth and kicking out her feet. It was quickly followed by the second. She clenched her fists and writhed on his lap, but did not cry out.

  “Catch your breath,” Dante said, staring at his handiwork, “and then I’ll start on the other side, this time for disobeying me. It is the more serious offense so you can expect a more serious spanking.”

  Kate was panting and breathless, the spanked half of her bottom stinging intensely. She was grateful for the respite but to her disappointment it didn’t last long.

  “I want you to remember this. If you disobey me you’ll be dealt with, and it will include a spanking. Clear?”

  “Yes, S - S- Sir,” she stuttered, still in utter disbelief that he was actually doing this to her.

  She braced herself for the first slap and it fell with vigor. She gasped as the second landed, and good to his word the spanking was harder and slower. He left a few seconds between each slap so she could fully appreciate the bite it offered, and when the next one landed it seemed to smart that much more. Finally he stopped. She was breathless and couldn’t stop wriggling.

  “We’re at eight. The last two will be the hardest. I hope you’ll think twice before you consider disobeying me again.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, stifling a sob.

  “Good. Two very, very hard smacks.”

  He smoothed the scarlet flesh for a moment, then raised his hand and let it fall with a resounding smack. Kate yelped and wriggled then settled, waiting for the second. He repeated the ritual, caressing the skin then letting his hand fall sharply against her scorched flesh. She bellowed, writhed and kicked out, then let her body go limp, her cries reduced to a whining moan.

  Dante ran his hand across the fire. She whimpered her gratitude and he waited a few minutes until she was somewhat composed.

  “How do you feel Kate?” he asked, his voice calm and measured.

  “How do you think?” she bleated. “Like I’ve just been spanked.”

  “Really? You’re over my knee and that’s what you have to say?”

  He couldn’t believe it, but then he could.

  “It’s how I feel. I’m just being honest,” she simpered.

  “I see. Now I’m going to spank you some more.”

  “WHAT? NO!” she screamed. “WHY?”

  “Apologize for that outburst at once or you’re gagged. This is your last warning,” he said sternly.

“I’m sorry,” she said, quickly. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. You took me by surprise. I thought you were finished.”

  She felt a little ridiculous, having a conversation with him while bent across his legs, her bottom having just been blistered by his hand.

  “Did I say I was finished,” he asked, his voice calm again.

  “No. I just thought...” her voice trailed off. Words were failing her. Then she realized there were none.

  “I told you - let’s see - was it - maybe two - three years back,” he asked thoughtfully, “when I had to throw you over my shoulder and take you up to the house for acting like a spoiled brat about riding your horse. Do you remember that little episode?”

  She wriggled on his lap.

  “No,” she lied.

  “Oh dear,” he sighed. “And now you’re lying. That will require more spanking!” he warned.

  “Wait!” she said urgently, trying not to yell. “I remember - I remember.”

  “Better. Do you recall what I promised you? I’m sure you do. Come along, Kate. What did I say?”

  Kate groaned. Why was he doing this to her?

  “You said,” she whispered, “You --”

  “Louder,” he interrupted, squeezing her sore bottom. “Say it in a nice loud voice so I can hear you.”

  “Okay -” she replied, no longer whispering. “You said one day you were going to spank me silly for getting mad at Javier for not tacking up my horse.”

  “Ah - close. But not completely correct. I said, I promise you, one of these days Kate Hollister, I’m going to spank you silly. But it wasn’t just about how unreasonable you were being. It was about everything. It was about you and your spoiled behavior. You needed to be spanked then - regularly - and nothing has changed. You’re going to get those spankings. I’m going to see to it personally.”

  She let out a strange mewling sound and Dante took a deep breath.

  “And now I’m going to keep that promise. I’m going to spank you silly.”

  “Oh Dante,” she cried, “please don’t. My bottom is already...”

  His hand slapped down fast and hard, cutting off her words. She let out a yelp but the threat of the gag was still in her head so she bit her lip to keep from crying out. He slapped her again, and began to dance his hand across her bottom, bouncing it from cheek to cheek, spreading the smacks over every part of her backside.

  She was squirming as much as she could, trying to throw her hand behind her to protect her punished posterior but it was to no avail. He just grabbed it and held it up her back and continued spanking away. He spanked and spanked until finally she burst into tears, and at that precise moment he stopped.

  Flipping her up he pulled them both back on the bad. His ankle protested as he attempted to position them as he wished. It wasn’t easy, She was struggling, trying to get away from him, but he finally had her in a bear hug. Laying back on the pillows he held her tightly as she sobbed out years of spoiled, frustrating nonsense.

  “My poor Kate,” he said gently. “You have had a very rough time of it. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who needed a spanking more than you. It’s a first step.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she sobbed.

  “I know,” he said gently. “But you will. Very soon. You will. No more talking now. Just cry as much as you want.”

  She was very confused. He was being so nice to her but he had just totally humiliated her and spanked her very hard.

  Not knowing why, her mind flashed back to the many times she had challenged her father and walked away victorious. She had been elated - for a while - and then felt disappointed. She let out a long, deep, heavy sigh and her sobbing ceased.

  Dante knew the sigh. It was what he had been waiting for.

  “Alright Kate. Come with me.”

  He unraveled their bodies and taking her hand, hobbled to the couch by the fire. Her tights were still around the tops of her thighs and when she attempted to pull them up he stopped her. She certainly wasn’t about to argue with him. He sat down on the couch and turned, looking up at her.

  “On your knees in front of me please, Kate,” he said firmly.

  She dropped down, overcome with the same unfamiliar but pleasurable sensation she’d had when she had studied his ankle in the bathroom. She looked up at him, red faced, eyes sparkling, bottom stinging

  . “You know you needed that trip over my knee ... have needed that for a long time, don’t you Kate?”

  Kate gulped. She hated to admit he was right but she nodded her head.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said quietly, uncomfortable with her confession.

  “What you just had was a punishment spanking Kate, but there are other kinds of spankings. Very tantalizing ones. The interesting thing is,” he said, pausing, “they all have a common result.”

  He dropped his hand between her legs and touched between her pussy lips. She closed her eyes, and though she was groaning with embarrassment she was also groaning with a hot, heady need.

  “You’re very wet. Doesn’t my hand feel good there? Tell me the truth.”

  Kate said nothing. She was dumbfounded. He was right. It felt soooo good.

  Oh Lord, what is happening to me?

  “I’m waiting,” he continued, continuing to rub. “I can always spank you some more. You must obey me remember?”

  It was so difficult for her to listen to his words while he teased and tantalized her. His finger began probing upwards and she wriggled against it, wanting him to leave her alone but never wanting him to stop.

  “Yes, Sir. It does,” she answered, for some reason almost sobbing again. “It does feel - oooohhhh - good.”

  “You’re a greedy little thing,” he said commented, withdrawing his fingers. “You’ll have to earn that kind of attention from now on.”

  Earn it? What does he mean?

  “Time to move along now, Kate. You’ve been appropriately punished and I believe we are now on the same page.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. “We are.”

  “We have some things to talk about. First, what are you going to do with that pile of clothes?”

  Kate glanced across at the mess she’d made.

  “Take them back to my father’s room, tidy them up and put them back where I found them,” she replied, demurely.

  “Sir,” he reminded her.

  “Where I found them, Sir,” she repeated.

  “Good. I’m glad we got that settled.”

  He reached out and stroked her hair for a moment then took a deep breath.

  “Kate, I’ve known you since you were a little girl. I watched you grow up, spoiled and bratty with no-one prepared to set you straight. You turned into a wild teenager, you were caught shoplifting more than once I believe, and came home at all hours. You have been wearing slutty clothes and outlandish makeup for years now. You smashed up the brand new car your parents bought you for your 16th birthday just months after getting it. You dropped out of college and now you can’t keep a job. Have I left anything out?”

  Kate squirmed. It sounded dreadful the way he put it.

  “No, Sir,” she said quietly, staring at the floor, a new flush crossing her face. “But I’ve never done anything really bad,” she added. “I mean, I’ve never really done serious drugs, or - or - “

  “Or what?” Dante pressed, amused at her defense.

  “Well - you know - other things. Really bad things. I mean, that shoplifting was just make-up and CD’s. Stupid stuff.”

  Even after the strong punishment, after having just been lectured, she could still feel the impatience - the testiness.

  “Are you saying you think what you did was acceptable? That you didn’t deserve consequences for all that bad behavior, and probably more that I don’t know about?” he asked, pressing her to admit the truth.

  Kate wriggled again. The question made her uncomfortable and she was distracted by the sting he had so deftly applied. It was still keen but it was also warm and oddly reassu

  “I can leave you right now, Kate, and have nothing more to do with you if that’s what you want. But if you want me to stay you’ll have to accept what I offer, all of it, and admit certain truths.”

  He knew she was struggling with the spoiled bratty girl that lived inside her. He knew she was desperate for his special brand of attention, but that would mean for the first time in her life she would actually have to behave. Kate squirmed and let out a strange sound.

  “I don’t know what that means,” he said, sternly. “Do you want to spend more time with me or not? Do you want to learn about the things in life that really matter or don’t you? Do you want me to help you actually get a grip?”

  Kate remained silent, staring up at him, challenge in her eyes. The minutes slowly ticked by, the subdued quiet laying heavy in the air.

  “Very well,” he sighed, refusing to give her any more time. “If you can’t give me an answer - or won’t give me an answer - then clearly you need a little uninterrupted time to think. Leave your tights exactly as they are, stand up and go over to that corner by the window. I want you to put your hands behind your back, stare at the floor and stand there and think.”

  Kate’s jaw dropped.

  “What!?” she exclaimed.

  “You heard me. You need some quiet corner time. Go over there and stand as I’ve told you. You need to think about everything I’ve said.”

  “You’re actually sending me to the corner? You can’t be serious!”

  Though she was still in awe of him and what he’d just done, the instruction was stirring her temper.

  Dante crossed his arms.

  “My goodness, you’re difficult!” he stated quietly. “Just spanked and look at you. Already being fractious.”

  Kate took a deep breath. Sending her to the corner indeed! The fact that he had dared to spank her was bad enough. She understood about her father’s clothes and even his point about her turbulent adolescence, but to be told to stand in the corner like some five year old! Defiantly she grabbed the top of her tights and yanked them up.

  “No! I won’t. And I don’t care if I ever see you again,” she exclaimed, jumping to her feet.


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