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The Billionaire's Daughter

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I realize that,” Dante said knowingly, “and speaking of how lucky you are where are the trash bags?”

  “Oh. There are two full ones upstairs but they were too heavy for me. I couldn’t get them to the landing let alone down the stairs.”

  “And the laundry?”

  “The dryer should be finished any minute,” she replied, checking her watch.

  “Fine. Go and take care of the laundry with Lois and I’ll ask Cecil to help you with the trash bags. Just drag them to your bedroom doorway.”

  “Yes, Dante.”

  She stood up, and was about to turn and leave when she hesitated.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Thank you so much,” she said softly, then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

  “You can thank me by doing as you’re told,” he murmured.

  Her breasts brushed against his arm, and her subtle, expensive perfume filled his space. It was intoxicating. His member began to stir.

  “I will Dante,” she promised. “I will.”

  He sensed she was near tears. It bode well, and when she hurried from the room he felt a surge of optimism. Reaching across to the phone on the side table he dialed Cecil’s house number, wishing he’d known it when he first hurt his ankle. Cecil answered on the second ring and Dante asked him if he wouldn’t mind bringing down the trash bags from Kate’s room, and wondered if there were any large packing boxes available. Cecil assured him there were, and it wasn’t long before the trash bags and boxes were sitting in the middle of Dante’s bedroom.

  “Cecil,” Dante began, as the man taped the boxes ready for packing, “Mr. Hollister has asked me to inform you that you and Lois have been given a two week paid vacation. And the part time help will not be necessary until you return, so could you please handle that for him?”

  “Really?” Cecil asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise. The estate was very large and required the staff to keep it running smoothly.

  “Yep. Starting Monday morning after breakfast everyone can leave for two weeks. He will be back a week later and you don’t have to worry about Mrs. Hollister. Apparently she’s in Manhattan for the foreseeable future, so there’ll be plenty of time to bring everything back up to scratch before either of them get back.”

  Cecil studied Dante. Something was in the wind and he was pretty sure it had to do with the spoiled young woman of the house.

  “So, it will just be you and Kate here?” he inquired.

  “Yep. Just the two of us.”

  “I see.”

  Dante could see the man’s mind running through the possibilities. Dante had always known Cecil to be very warm and caring, but when it came to the Hollister’s he strived to maintain a professional distance. Dante was sure Cecil had all kinds of questions about the unexpected news but doubted he would ask any. He was right.

  “How’s the ankle,” Cecil asked, changing the subject.

  “Healing fast. I can actually put a little weight on it now.”

  “That’s good news indeed. Do you need any --?”

  Without warning the door flew open and Kate burst into the room. Seeing Cecil there, and the bags and boxes, she let out a startled cry.

  “Oh! I - uh - didn’t expect--”

  “No problem,” Cecil said, politely, moving away. “I’ll leave you to it. I’ll shall pass along the informationDante.”

  Dante thanked him, and once the man had left and the door was closed, he turned his attention back to Kate.

  “That was rude,” he said calmly.

  “What was?” Kate asked, studying the boxes. “What are the boxes for?”

  Dante let out a sigh. He glanced down and happen to notice she was wearing leather ballet slippers.

  “Take off one of your shoes,” he said firmly.

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Goodness Kate. Do as You’re told!” he said sharply.

  Kate blanched at the rebuke, and quickly reached down and pulled off a slipper.

  “Bring it here and lay across my lap.”

  “Ohhhh.... not again!” she protested

  “Don’t make me tell you twice!” he warned.

  Tentatively Kate moved forward, handed him the shoe and crawled over his thighs.

  “Let’s see,” Dante began. “You burst in without any warning, and even though you clearly interrupted Cecil mid-sentence you didn’t apologize. You saw the heavy trash bags were here but didn’t express any thanks that he’d brought them down, and then to top it all off I gave you a very simple instruction and you chose to question me.”

  As he lectured her, he slowly lifted her short skirt and pulled down her dainty, pink, lacy panties.

  “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I’m sorry Dante. It won’t happen again,” she whimpered, wriggling on his lap. She couldn’t believe she was back across his lap, waiting for more spanking.

  “I certainly hope not. Two hard swats for each offense, then you’ll go and find Cecil and apologize for being so rude and thank him for his help!”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, bracing herself.

  He raised the shoe and brought it down with no lack of force, on each of her perky, perfect cheeks. She let out a wail and kicked her feet.

  “No more shrieking,” he said, sternly.

  She clenched her teeth. The next two landed just below the first and though she kicked out again she did not cry out. He moved the slipper across the sweet spot, where her thighs met her reddened bottom.

  “These last two will be harder. The first two were for offenses that are still a part of your being. Being rude and ungrateful must be spanked out of you. They were training smacks. Punishment yes, but training nonetheless. You needed to be taught a lesson. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir, I do,” she stammered.

  “But to question an instruction. Really, Kate. I thought we were past that.”

  “I’m sorry, Dante. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “You’re about to find out what happens when you don’t think. Though I really don’t understand what’s so difficult about doing as you’re told. I’ve already explained this. Obedience is mandatory.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled, silently berating herself for having been so stupid.

  “These two smacks are going to hurt considerably more than the first two,” he warned, “because they must. Disobedience has its consequences. Take that pillow at the end of the couch and bury your face. You can scream into it if you need to.”

  “Oh, please, Dante. Please don’t be hard on me. I’m really sorry,” she begged, frightened she’d not be able to bear it.

  “I must be hard on you I’m afraid. Disobedience cannot and will not be tolerated.”

  She reached out, grabbed the pillow and buried her head. Dante moved the leather soled shoe against the target, raised it up, and pitched it down with a practiced flick of his wrist. Before she barely had time to react he repeated the motion on the other side.

  The impact was strict and smart. Two red marks instantly appeared as Kate wailed into the pillow. She wiggled her hips back and forth, the sting far greater than any she’d felt before. Her hand flew back to comfort her soreness but Dante grabbed her wrist and held it at bay. The salacious sight of her writhing, squirming, crimson backside was driving him crazy and he longed to pull out his stiffened member and take her right there and then. But this was punishment and the little minx had to be denied any pleasure, so he could only gaze fondly at the punished behind and wait for her to compose herself. It took a few minutes but once she had stopped her writhing he pulled up her panties and allowed her to kneel before him.

  “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Her skin was on fire, and her hands, now free to move, reached back and touched the hot spots gingerly.

  “I’m very very sorry,” she quivered, “for not doing as I was told right away. “Really sorry,” she added.

  “I’m sure you are. Haven’t you forg
otten something?” he asked.

  “Thank you for correcting me, Sir,” she mewed.

  “And what are you going to do now?”

  “Find Cecil, apologize and thank him.”

  “Yes you are. And did you finish the laundry with Lois?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Did you thank her for taking the time to teach you?”

  Kate felt her face flush.

  “Um. No, Sir,” she admitted quietly, staring at the floor.

  “I see. Well, because you were honest I won’t punish you for the oversight but you will find her and thank her and not let it happen again.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  “When someone does something for you, no matter how small, you must say thank you and mean it.”

  “Yes, Sir. I understand,” she replied.

  “Come straight back here when you’re done.”

  Rising shakily to her feet, bottom hot and sore, she left the room. As soon as the door was closed Dante let out a long sigh. He was going to ravage her later, that was for sure.

  Kate headed off to find Cecil and made her way to the west wing of the house. It was home to her father’s office, a large, elegant sitting room and a library. She found him in the latter, cataloguing some first editions.

  “Cecil. I just wanted to say I’m sorry about interrupting you earlier.”

  A startled look crossed his face, then he broke into a smile.

  “That’s perfectly alright,” he replied, in his clipped British accent.

  “And also,” she continued, “thanks for bringing down those trash bags. They were much too heavy for me.”

  Cecil was genuinely surprised and very pleased. Dante was having a profound and positive effect on the young woman.

  “You’re quite welcome,” he answered. “May I ask, are you packing to move somewhere?”

  “Oh no,” Kate exclaimed. “I’m cleaning out my closet so I can give away the clothes I don’t want anymore. You know, to charity.”

  Now Cecil was shocked. He’d never known the young woman to care at all about the needs of others.

  “Well that’s excellent,” he said, hoping to encourage her efforts. “If I can help in any way let me know.”

  “Thank you,” she said quickly, making sure she didn’t forget.

  Again Cecil grinned in surprise.

  “You haven’t seen Lois have you?” she asked.

  “I think she was in the kitchen last I saw her.”

  “Oh. Right. I’ll try there.”

  She turned to walk away, but stopped and looked over her shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she said again.

  Cecil chuckled. Whatever magic Dante was weaving it was clearly working.

  “You’re welcome,” he answered, and still smiling returned to his work.

  Kate felt a little strange. It was an odd thing saying thank you all the time, but she had to admit it filled her with an unfamiliar warmth. She hurried to the kitchen and found Lois moving things around in the pantry.

  “Do you want some lunch?” Lois asked.

  “Um. No,” Kate replied, realizing just how quickly the morning had passed. “I was just wanted to thank you for showing me how to do the laundry this morning.”

  Lois placed some jars carefully on the granite counter top and turned to face her.

  “Really? You don’t want or need anything?”

  “No,” Kate answered, not understanding why Lois would think that. “Just - thank you.”

  “Well - I must say - that’s very nice of you, and you’re very welcome.”

  Kate broke into a broad grin. Not quite sure where to take the conversation she scurried out and hurried back to Dante’s quarters. She was about to burst through the door but stopped herself, and knocked gently then poked her head in. Dante was where she’d left him. On the couch, foot up on the coffee table.

  “Ah. The bad penny,” he remarked.

  Kate had no idea what he meant and decided not to ask.

  “Mission accomplished,” she announced.

  “And how did it feel?”

  “It was a really good thing,” she replied.

  Dante shook his head.

  “You really are very adorable.”

  Kate grinned.

  “Thank you.”

  “Time to start boxing up your clothes and making sure none of them need cleaning.”

  Kate was confused. She had assumed the trash bags would be picked up by whatever charity it was they were going to. As if reading her mind, he said,

  “You didn’t think we were going to give them away in garbage bags did you?”

  She felt her face flush.

  “I - uh - didn’t know,” she mumbled.

  “I’m sure,” he replied, realizing she probably didn’t.

  “Take the clothes out of the bags, fold them neatly and place them in the boxes. If any are ripped or torn or need cleaning, put them to one side.”

  She stared him. What she really wanted was to take off the clothes she was actually wearing and settle herself on his delicious cock. Dante saw the lewd greed in her eye.

  “Come here,” he said softly.

  Kate moved forward and stood in front of him.

  “Spread your legs and close your eyes.”

  She moved her feet apart and a surge of grateful anticipation created a new rush of juicy wanting.

  Dante knew exactly how Kate was feeling. The sharp, quick spanking had sent her into an erotic fever. He reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. Touching between her pussy lips he found her wet and needy. Just what he had expected to find. She groaned and wriggled against his attentions.

  “Bottom still stinging?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

  He pushed his finger into her hot, welcoming slit. She moaned and whimpered as he gently fingered her. He pleasured her for a few minutes then stopped and told her open her eyes.

  “If you behave you’ll be rewarded later tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured, wriggling slightly, wishing his thick, strong dick was in her hand being guided into her hungry depths.

  “Actually,” he commented, “I just realized how late it is. I’m hungry. Please go into the kitchen and have Lois help you prepare us some lunch.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She stood up and began to leave the room.

  “I’m not in the mood for sandwiches. Soup and salad I think, if there’s any to be had.”

  Kate nodded, smiled, and headed out of the room.

  Dante sighed. If the beautiful young woman was kept wet and wanting, and her cute bottom pink and very warm, she would be far easier to handle.

  He unzipped his trousers and let his rampant cock spring free. He began stroking himself, reliving the sight of her delicious, squirming derriere turning bright red as he slapped her with the slipper.

  He thought about how he would continue to train her to please him with her mouth, how he would tie her up, grab her head and fuck her clean pretty lips just as he wished, and teach her how to lick and slurp him to orgasm -- and as the visions danced in his head and he vigorously rubbed himself, it didn’t take long before the moment was upon him. He shuddered as his cock released its pent up tension, and sighed deeply as the last shot of hot cream oozed forth.

  There was a box of tissues on the coffee table and he wiped himself dry. Limping into the bathroom he cleaned up and let his mind drift to his plans for the evening. He had mentally mapped out a training schedule for little Miss Kate, and this evening would be spent instilling respect and civility. Manners were paramount, and as long as he could lay a strong foundation in these first few days he was sure he could turn the spoiled, rude miscreant into a polite, considerate young woman.

  Returning to the bedroom he looked through the trash bags of clothes until he found what he was looking for. Several scarves that would work until his supplies arrived. He stared across at the four poster bed and smiled. L
ittle did Kate know that she was in for quite an evening.

  After lunch, under his watchful eye, Kate spent the afternoon sorting and packing her expensive unwanted clothes. Though it was a big task, it was lightened by their conversation and the time went by quickly. She talked about her horses and her experiences out in the working world, and as he listened he had the feeling she’d not been able to simply talk with anyone for a long time. Someone who actually paid attention and listened, and who genuinely cared about what she had to say.

  “I’ve had a wonderful afternoon” she smiled, as she taped up the last box.

  “I’m glad,” he replied. “And look at what you accomplished. All sorted out and packed up.”

  “Yep! It’s amazing. But gosh, look at the time. I have to go and help Lois. It’s getting close to dinner.”

  “Come here,” he said, extending his arms.

  She walked over and he pulled her down next to him on the couch.

  “You can be an angel,” he crooned, kissing her warmly.

  She grinned.

  “Thank you, Dante. I really did have a lovely time. It was so great to talk to you.”

  “It was great to talk to you too. We haven’t done enough talking. Too busy with other things,” he chuckled. “And it was nice to rest my ankle all afternoon. I know it helped.”

  She was feeling a new warmth and closeness to him, and impulsively lifted her head and kissed him, then hugged him tightly.

  “I’d better get going or I’ll never get up from here,” she sighed, untangling herself from his arms. “I’m suddenly feeling pretty weary.”

  “You’ve had a big afternoon. Why don’t you go and tell Lois you won’t be helping with the meal tonight - that I’ve suggested you take a nice hot bath before dinner.”

  “Really? Oh Dante, that would be fantastic,” she beamed. “I feel really grimy and I’d love to relax for half an hour.”

  “You deserve it. Besides, I need you rested for later,” he winked.

  “Then rested I’ll be,” she giggled, standing up.

  “Just come and get me when dinner’s ready,” he said, kissing her hand.

  “I will. Thank you!” she replied, and headed for the door.

  He waited a few minutes, then reaching under the couch he withdrew the scarves he had secreted away and began tying them together. Standing up carefully, he hobbled to the bed and knotted the long lengths of scarves around the legs of all four corners of the bed. Pulling the pillows from the headboard he placed them in the center of the mattress. While he would have preferred his ropes or chains, the multi colored scarves offered their own unique appeal.


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