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The Billionaire's Daughter

Page 13

by Maggie Carpenter

  She climbed in behind him but as her bottom touched the water she let out a squeal.

  “Bottom a bit sensitive?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes,” she replied, blushing. “Very.”

  “Good. You need it. You deserve it. I hope it will still be tender tomorrow, and every time you sit down you’ll be reminded of what I taught you tonight.”

  She nodded and settled gingerly into the tub, ouching as she felt the sharp sting. Dante had shown no mercy but why would she expect anything less? The memory of his cock buried inside her made her stomach do little flip. She had felt so vulnerable and exposed bent over the pillows, and the intensity with which he had applied his discipline and dictated his expectations of her behavior had taken her breath away. She was in awe of him and completely overwhelmed.

  “You look very pensive,” he remarked.

  His voice interrupted her reverie.

  “I’m just - um - thinking about things,” she stammered.

  “What things?”

  She sighed.

  “I was thinking about how - uh - amazing - you feel inside me,” she replied, feeling a flush creep across her face. “And how it felt when you were - um - spanking me. And telling me what you expect. Manners and everything,” she replied, softly, staring down at the water.

  “So - you got it?”

  “Oh yes!” she exclaimed, lifting her eyes. “Definitely. I will be really, really polite from now on.”

  She had such an earnest look on her face Dante almost laughed out loud. She had proven to be eminently trainable and was responding just as he had hoped.

  “Remember that the next time you get frustrated and angry,” he said firmly.

  She nodded her head.

  “I will, Dante. How could I forget now?” she declared.

  The heat of his discipline was very much alive, and as long as her bottom had the capacity to remind her of her misdeeds and what was expected of her he had no doubt she’d behave. But experience told him that it would be entirely possible - if not probable - that her impatience would resurface and he’d have to repeat the performance all over again. He had no illusions that throughout their lives she would require regular chastisement to keep her in line.

  He caught himself.

  Throughout our lives? What am I thinking?

  She began to soap him, distracting him from the unexpected projection, and they began to chat about mundane, everyday things. The house, her parents, her horses, and as the water turned tepid he pushed the large chrome button to drain the tub and rose carefully. She stared up at him. Beads of water were trickling down his chest and for a moment she thought his sleeping cock might enjoy her attention, but she suppressed her desire and stood up, stepping from the tub ahead of him.

  He waited until she was out, then holding himself steady with one hand against the side of the wall he carefully stepped his bad leg over the side of the bath then sat on the edge, freeing it from any weight. He toweled off, then standing and hobbling slowly forward, returned to sit on the bed so she could re-apply the bandage. He yawned as she finished up and announced he was going to sleep. She looked up at him expectantly.

  “Can I sleep with you?” she asked, soft pleading in her eyes.

  Dante pondered the question. The thought of the succulent young body curled up next to him was very appealing but it was still too soon.

  “No, sweet Kate,” he answered, stroking her head. “That’s a privilege you’ll have to earn. And just because I may grant it one night does not mean I will the next.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice.

  “Go to bed, and remember, Lois and the rest of the staff will be out of here tomorrow, so after breakfast it will be up to you to take care of things around here.”

  She nodded her head, still very unsure of her ability to fulfill the pending obligations.

  “I want you to bring me a cup of coffee around 8 am.”

  Kate gulped. 8 am. She was never out of bed before 9 or 10.

  “Is there a problem?” he inquired, sensing her hesitancy.

  “No. No problem. I don’t have an alarm clock though,” she said, “and I don’t usually wake up until later.”

  “There you go,” he said, pointing to the nightstand. A small clock radio was sitting next to the bedside lamp. “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out. I expect you to locate another one in the house tomorrow and return this one. There must be plenty of alarm clocks around.”

  “Yes, of course,” she replied.

  “Cream and a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee,” he told her, “and don’t be late.”

  “No, Dante. I won’t be late.”

  He pulled her to her feet and sat her next to him.

  “Sweet Kate,” he said, tenderly, putting his arm around her, “you’re doing really well. I’m very proud of you.”

  “Oh Dante, you make me feel ...” she said, her words trailing off.

  “I make you feel what?” he pressed.

  “I can’t explain it,” she quivered. “Just - so much!”

  “Off to bed with you,” he ordered, smartly, not wanting her to turn completely mushy. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I don’t have any clothes here,” she said, realizing she’d not even thought about it.

  “In that top drawer of the dresser there are some T-shirts. Take one. It will be like a nightshirt on you.”

  “Oh. Thank you.”

  She skipped quickly across to the chest and finding the T-shirt, pulled it over her head. Returning to the bed she unplugged the small clock radio.

  “Goodnight then,” she said, sadly, not wanting to leave him.

  “Goodnight Kate, he replied, and grabbing the neck of the shirt he pulled her into him and kissed her - a long, warm, wet kiss that made her tingle.

  “Goodnight again,” she said, breathlessly.

  “Goodnight again,” he smiled, and watched her turn and walk slowly to the door.

  He settled into the bed and turned off the light, hoping is supplies would arrive by weeks end. Kate would continue her journey down the path of her surrender and he considered what new challenges she might present. So far it had been smooth sailing, but he knew from experience there were always surprises. Sighing, exhausted, he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.

  Up in her large, opulent bedroom, Kate luxuriated in his soft cotton T-shirt. It cocooned her body and she was glad she’d forgotten to take a change of clothes. She brushed her teeth and her hair and applied her moisturizer.

  When she’d had her clean out she’d discovered her bathroom cabinets were full of lotions and potions. Opening the cabinets doors she took a second look. Her eyes scanned the vast array and she noticed that most of the products hadn’t even been opened, including gift boxes full of bathroom products still wrapped in cellophane and ribbons. She couldn’t help but wonder what Dante would think if he saw the massive collection. She’d only had time to deal with her clothes.

  Closing up the cupboard she walked across to her king sized, white canopy bed. Snuggling under the covers she winced as her bottom touched brushed the expensive cotton sheets. But she didn’t feel badly about it. Rather, it filled her with a wonderful sense of warmth. She stared up at her artwork dancing across the ceiling and prayed that Dante’s ankle would be better soon so he could climb the stairs and see it.

  Her painting and her horses. The two things that made her life worth living. Now there was a third.


  It had been several days since Kate had slept through the alarm clock and had felt the surprising sting kitchen utensils had to offer. Lois and Cecil were already gone by the time they came into breakfast, which gave Dante free rein to deal with her laid over the center island.

  Being supplied with nothing but the best, Lois’s wooden spoons were abundant and solid and each was tested on Kate’s naked bottom. Dante made sure she understood that being lat
e was inconsiderate and rude and would not be tolerated. Since that morning she had been consistently on time.

  She had taken to her chores as best a spoiled Princess could. The laundry she’d only had to do once, since she and Dante were the only people in the house and between the two of them there wasn’t much. Preparing the meals was another matter and she found the task challenging. With Dante’s permission she did have dinner delivered a couple of times, but he made sure she set the table in the formal dining room and served the delivered food on plates, which she then cleared and placed in the dishwasher to be emptied first thing in the morning. One night he taught her how to roast a chicken, along with the vegetables he liked. She did very well. It wasn’t a difficult meal to prepare but its success had filled her with confidence.

  On the whole her demeanor had been upbeat, even when the boxes full of clothes had finally been picked up by the charity she hadn’t complained or expressed any regret about having given so much away. He had spanked her only once since the kitchen episode and that was for maintenance. She’d done nothing wrong and he wanted to keep it that way.

  She was still sleeping in her own bed, sent there after they’d make love, and he knew she longed to spend the night with him. Truth be told he would have liked nothing better. If her behavior continued in such a positive manner he would most certainly allow her to do so,

  His ankle was healing faster than he’d anticipated and he was walking without his crutches though he kept it bandaged for support. The swelling had subsided and if he moved slowly there was very little pain.

  The weather was also improving. It was still cold, but the storms that brought the blustery winds and icy rain had passed, giving way to somewhat overcast days with hints of sunshine peeking through the clouds.

  It was late morning when the doorbell rang. Kate was vacuuming and didn’t hear the chime but Dante, who had settled in front of the fire in the sumptuous living room to read the morning paper, knew exactly what it meant. His decadent delivery had finally arrived.

  Moving as quickly as his ankle would allow he made his way to the front door grinning as he signed for the mid-sized package. Minutes later he was eyeing the contents with satisfaction. Kate’s training was about to take on a whole new dimension. Reaching into the box and withdrawing a leather collar he fingered it lovingly. It was soft and buttery. Lamb’s leather exquisitely crafted into a slaves collar, complete with chrome rings. But he wanted to wait until he had plenty time to unpack everything and examine each piece carefully. Placing the collar back in the box he closed the lid and headed into his bathroom for a quick shower and shave before lunch.

  Kate had finished vacuuming the formal dining room. She didn’t really understand why Dante insisted on eating in there every night. It just meant extra work and she would have been much happier sitting in the breakfast nook. The house was equipped with an in-house vacuum system, and grumbling to herself she pulled the nozzle from its hole in the wall, and carrying the long hose, which reminded her of a giant boa constrictor, she lugged it out into the hallway and down to the area that housed the cleaning and maintenance equipment. Coiling it into the cupboard reserved just for its storage, she glanced at her watch. 11:35. Dante insisted she have lunch ready at noon. Precisely.

  Leaning against the wall she closed her eyes and thought about the night before. He had held her down by her wrists when he rode her, then brought her knees up under his arms as she neared her climax. The excitement of being taken in such a way had surprised her. As her moment neared - and was denied - and neared again - and was denied again - she had felt her body surrender more and more, until finally her entire being was like jelly. Only then did he allow her to orgasm, and orgasm she did, with a deep, powerful explosion that left her dizzy and breathless.

  Her stomach did a little dance at the memory. Soon after he sent her to her room. She had to grit her teeth not to complain. It had actually crossed her mind to refuse to leave and beg him to let her stay, but knew it would be an invitation for a sound spanking.

  Wandering back into the kitchen she decided to make them grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. That and a side salad would be easy, especially with the high tech sandwich maker she had found. She set about laying the kitchen table and getting everything ready. If she started the sandwiches at 11:55 they’d be hot and perfect at exactly 12 noon. She smiled. She was getting pretty good at this stuff.

  When Dante entered the kitchen at midday the hot sandwich and mixed green salad were waiting for him, along with a large iced tea and a smiling Kate.

  “What plans do you have this afternoon?” he asked sitting down to eat. “Are you caught up with all the household chores?”

  Kate thought for a minute.

  “I think so. I’ve done the vacuuming and there’s no laundry. I tidied my room, and cleaned both our bathrooms, “ she said, trying to think if there was anything she missed. “I had thought I might take Odessa out for a ride but the weather is still a bit cold and I’d have to lunge her first or she’ll be a firecracker, and I don’t really want to do all that.”

  “Yes. It is still cold,” he commented, staring out at the grayish sky. “But at least the rain has passed. I would like to take you shopping.”

  Kate’s eyes lit up.

  “Really?” she asked, not quite sure she’d heard right.

  “Really,” he answered. “Not the sort of shopping you might be thinking of - but shopping nonetheless.”

  Kate’s tilted her head to one side.

  “What kind of shopping?” she queried.

  Dante chuckled.

  “You’ll find out.”

  She was aching to ask more questions, but the look in Dante’s eye told her not to push.

  “After we’ve finished lunch and you’ve cleared up,” he continued, “get ready to go out. I want to leave by 1. It’s quite a long drive.”

  “Ok,” she said, excitement growing. “I’ll be ready.”

  An hour later, Kate driving, they pulled out of the estate and on to the main highway. A combination of the inclement weather and Dante’s ankle had kept them virtual prisoners and it had been days since either of them had been outside. It was a welcome break. Though the air was cold and the sky overcast they were both very happy to be outdoors.

  They chatted about insignificant matters, listened to the radio and enjoyed the change of scenery. The Jaguar”s engine hummed as Dante directed her to their final destination. They had traveled on the 101 freeway heading into the San Fernando valley, then even further until they exited near Universal Studios. Finally she found herself weaving up into the Hollywood Hills.

  Kate had never been in the area. It was mostly 1950’s California bungalows with a few expensive homes that had sprung up in recent years. He had her pull into the driveway of a two story house with a long pathway to the front door. It was one of the newer houses - very modern with an edgy architectural design.

  “We’re shopping here?” she asked, not understanding.

  “We are shopping here,” he replied, opening his door and getting out of the car. “Come on.”

  She turned off the engine and grabbing her jacket from the back seat, bundled herself against the cold and fell in step beside him. They reached the door and Dante pressed a buzzer. A moment later a very attractive young woman dressed in a black leather mini skirt, a black low cut halter top, and black glossy high heels, ushered them inside.

  Kate looked around, expecting what she wasn’t sure.

  “For her I assume?” the girl asked Dante, motioning her head towards Kate.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Follow me,” the she said, and lead them up the stairs and down a short hallway to a set of double doors which she opened with a flourish. Standing aside she let them pass, then closed the doors behind them.

  Kate gasped. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The room was huge, with display counters offering every manner of lingerie, while mannequins lined the walls dressed in outfits Kate had
never even imagined. Leather, rubber, and black satin was predominant, and chrome rings abounded. There was a counter complete with a cash register set up against the back wall between two large windows, which boasted heavy red velvet drapes. An older woman smiled a greeting.

  “How are you Dante,” she said smiling. “Haven’t seen you in a while. Do you need any help or just want to find your own way?”

  “I’m looking for a leather harness - the kind that criss crosses the body,” he replied.”

  “Huh?” Kate queried, staring up at him.

  He smiled down at her with a twinkle in his eye but did not answer her unspoken question.

  “Ah,” the woman replied. “Those are over there.”

  “And Karen, please meet Kate.”

  Karen looked at the young woman with her long time handsome customer. She had met him at a leather and lace party three years earlier and ended up inviting him to visit her very private shopping gallery. Since that time he had stopped by on several occasions to buy some interesting items. Mostly small pieces of bondage equipment. She had the feeling he just enjoyed being surrounded by the salacious inventory.

  Karen pointed across the room and Kate saw the scandalous piece of attire. It was just what it sounded like. A leather banded thing that had straps crossing diagonally or vertically around the mannequins body. The bands were held together with chrome rings in various areas.

  “What is that?” Kate asked, moving towards it.

  “That is something that you’re going to be wearing,” Dante answered.

  Kate stared. The bondage to which she’d been subjected, while restrictive, was basic. It was obvious the chrome rings were part of the garment through which ropes could be threaded, or double sided snaps, snapped!

  “I think I like this one,” Dante stated, walking towards a harness that had the least number of bands but which elegantly encircled the breasts.

  Karen walked across the room and opened an armoire nearby. She glanced across at Kate.

  “A small I think,” she stated, pulling out a large white box.

  Kate felt herself blush and hoped she wouldn’t have to model the thing in front of this stranger. She would be nude except for some strips of leather.


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