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All That Glistens

Page 6

by Pelaam

  The speech surprised Taima and he considered all that his much-loved friend had said. Closing his eyes, he relived the disastrous meeting with Hanne. Something tugged at his memory. We do not offer gifts to show what is in our hearts. We do not woo as with your kind who shower lovers with flowers and presents.

  With a grin, Taima opened his eyes and grinned at Muraco. “Yes. Yes, it does. Now I know what I must do. Thank you.”

  “In that case, help me up and I'll go to the kitchens as I promised Kai.” Muraco laughed as Taima hugged him hard and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  With great care, Taima helped Muraco to stand and left his friend still laughing to get Kai. Once Kai was taking care of Muraco, Taima dashed away to get what he needed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hands trembling and keeping as close to the stone walls as possible, Taima made his way slowly into the bowels of Amand’s fortress, to the furnace rooms. Taima disliked the darkness, the cramped space, and the increasingly suffocating heat.

  Already sweat slid down his cheeks, and his clothing stuck uncomfortably to his body. How does anyone work in such a terrible place? But since several Duende had told him it was where Hanne was likely to be, then that’s where he would go.

  The fiery torches dotted along the walls gave off just enough flickering light for Taima to see in front of him, and he stopped, trying to breathe more deeply. He looked at the small container he held. Taima was glad he’d thought to cover it with a dampened cloth, but it was already starting to dry out. Taima hoped and prayed he was almost at the bottom of the seemingly endless stairways.

  With a last, deep breath, Taima moved forward, following the stairs in a turn to the left and stopped again as a dark red glow appeared before him. The furnace room. At last.

  Despite increasing heat, Taima hurried forward. The Fey had no miners or iron workers, only talented gold and silversmiths. So when he reached the cavern holding the furnaces, Taima simply stopped and stared.

  Never in his life had he seen the likes of the inferno before him. To his left was a wall of huge furnaces, with teams of Duende constantly feeding them the fuel they needed. Containers carried molten metal to banks of other workers who hammered at anvils. The stench of steam, smoke, sweat, and metal was heavy in the air.

  Somewhere in the mass of men, machines, and metal was Hanne. It was only then that Taima noticed how the workers dressed, or rather didn’t dress. Some were fully naked, others wore only a thick leather apron. Despite the lingering effects of the dark, enclosed space, and the heat from the furnace, a different hotness encompassed Taima. A soft groan escaped him as he scanned the room, searching for Hanne, wondering if he, too, would be as good as naked.

  No one paid him much attention. A few Duende looked him up and down as he passed them, but nobody stopped their work. Then Taima spotted Hanne. Unable to move, Taima watched him work.

  Rivulets of sweat ran down Hanne’s bronze, broad chest. His arms rose and fell, powerful muscles bulging while he hammered the iron on his anvil. The physical heat of the furnace room paled into insignificance. An entirely different fire consumed Taima.

  His mouth dry, Taima made himself move forward. He was still a few feet away when Hanne turned, his face soot-streaked, his expression dark. There was no way Taima could speak.

  Instead, he darted forward, quickly thrust the gift into Hanne’s hands, and then turned and ran before Hanne could react. Racing from the furnace room, Taima took the stair two, even three at a time until he finally stopped, leaning against the stone wall of a long hallway.

  The cool stones were a balm to his heated skin, but they didn’t douse the fire in his veins. Taima took huge gulps of air to calm his heart that hammered frantically in his chest, as well as his mind that had filled with so many whirling thoughts he felt dizzy. For better or worse, the deed was done.

  Now he could only wait.


  The small container in his palm, Hanne stood and watched Taima flee as if the very demons of the underworld pursued him. Hanne stared down at it. He remembered the moment he’d dreaded since kissing Taima. Bad enough that I couldn’t forget his taste or the way he felt in my arms. Then he sought answers I couldn’t give.

  When Hanne had spoken, Taima's eyes had become as hard as stone, and finally Hanne had done the last thing he wanted to do, the hardest thing for him to do. He’d turned away from Taima, ignoring the call of his name from one he would never forget.

  Once he’d tended his horse and reported to Amand, Hanne had taken refuge in the furnaces, stripping down to don one of the small blacksmith's aprons. He’d intended to work out his fury and frustrations the only way he knew how; with hard, physical labor.

  “What is it, Hanne? Looks too small to contain food.” One of the men at his side looked over at him, jolting Hanne back to the present.

  Blinking the sweat out of his eyes, Hanne glanced at the muscular Duende either side of him, who shook their heads, equally confused at what had happened.

  “Look at it, Hanne.” The same man encouraged him.

  The words galvanized Hanne into action, and he removed the cover to stare at a delicate yellow flower planted in a small cup.

  “What does it mean?” The second man asked.

  “It means he won’t get any if he doesn’t go after the Fey.” The first gave a raucous laugh. “Why are you still here gawping at it? Get after him.”

  With a low growl, Hanne removed his apron, tossed it aside, and strode naked toward the door. He ignored that loud guffaws from the Duende he’d been working with. I am not going to run after him. His resolve lasted three more strides before he broke into a run.

  At the top of the stairway, Hanne spotted Taima leaning against the wall not far away. He looked as skittish as a fawn, and panted so hard that his chest rose and fell rapidly. Banking down all his natural instincts to simply take what he was certain was being offered, Hanne walked slowly to Taima.

  “Do you know what you are saying?” Hanne asked. It was too important, for them both, for him to try and guess the heart of a Fey.

  “I ... I am asking to ... to court you.” Taima voice was breathless and unsteady, but there was no mistaking the steely determination in his eyes.

  “I am sure of myself. I will not dally with you.” Hanne moved a little closer, inhaling a mix of sweet arousal and sour fear from Taima.

  “Nor I you. But I am ... inexperienced in these things. I need some courtship.”

  A deep rumbling sound came from Hanne’s chest. The flush on Taima’s face, and the pleading look in his eyes spoke of more than just inexperience. Hanne remembered Taima was not long into manhood. Closing the last of the distance between them, Hanne slid an arm around Taima’s slender waist, every instinct he possessed urging him to protect this special life.

  “Then you must guide me, where necessary.” Hanne dropped his voice to a low, husky whisper. It had the desired effect. Taima’s body trembled for different reasons than fear or anxiety, and his eyes closed briefly.

  “Perhaps, perhaps a kiss?” Taima gazed into Hanne’s eyes, and Hanne saw his destiny.

  Although the request was quietly made, Taima didn’t blush or look away. Hanne was pleased that while Taima might be inexperienced, he was also willing to voice his desires.

  “That can be done,” Hanne whispered against Taima’s cheek. Hanne cupped the back of Taima’s head with his free hand, angled him to perfection, and gently sealed his lips over those of his lover-to-be. His cock throbbed at Taima’s soft moan.

  “Let us go to my chambers.” Hanne drew reluctantly away from Taima’s addictive lips.

  “Shouldn’t you—I mean—you’re naked.” Despite the somewhat scandalized tone, Taima stared unabashed at the rampant flesh risen from Hanne’s groin.

  With a laugh, Hanne moved the flower pot around in front of him, held it in place with his tail, and pulled Taima close to his side.

  “I give you my word that even if we are seen, no one will say
aught to your sister or to Amand.” Hanne tried to make light of the situation, but Taima still trembled. Neither fear nor cold were the cause. He’s nervous. As any virgin would be. “We can just hold each other. I’d like that.” Hanne wasn’t telling an untruth. To just lie with Taima had been up to that moment an unattainable dream. It’s far too soon for anything more intimate.

  “I ... I want more,” Taima whispered. “I just—”

  Another kiss silenced Taima as Hanne sought to calm his anxiety. “Come to my chambers and let things happen naturally. No expectations. Just you and me talking, kissing, and learning about one another’s bodies.”

  “Yes.” Taima nodded. “Yes, we can do that.”

  “Good. Come.” Hanne urged Taima into moving. Despite his earlier words, he sent a silent prayer that no one would see them. Being seen with Taima was one thing, and quite unremarkable. Being seen naked with him was another entirely.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Although Hanne wanted nothing more than to unite his body with his chosen mate, he made up his mind that nothing would make him rush things with Taima. Not even the entrancing Fey who was his mate.

  On reaching his rooms, Hanne set his gift on the table, then kissed Taima until they were both breathless. Only then did he guide his love into his bedroom. Hanne settled them on his oversized bed, not attempting to denude Taima. He had a better idea.

  “Let me relax you.”

  Urging Taima to lie on his front, Hanne ran his hands over Taima’s still-clothed body, pressing deeply into his shoulders, or the small of his back, massaging firmly until Taima groaned out loud.

  Bending forward, Hanne nibbled his way along Taima’s elegantly, pointed ears, delighted to find that nipping tenderly at the tip made Taima writhe and moan.

  “Off. Help me get this off.” Taima wriggled beneath Hanne, who eagerly helped Taima remove his tunic.

  This time, Hanne insisted Taima lie on his back. Settling at Taima’s side, Hanne ran his hands over Taima’s smooth chest that was now bared to his greedy gaze. Taima arched cat-like into the touches, and Hanne focused on the large, dark areolas that peaked perfectly.

  Unable to resist any longer, Hanne leaned down and took one bud into his mouth. Taima’s skin tasted of sunlight and sweetness, and Hanne was instantly addicted. Switching between the nipples, Hanne licked and sucked, urged on by Taima’s soft cries of pleasure.

  Frustrated whimpers spilt from his lover’s lips as Taima tried to push down his leggings. Again, Hanne assisted, fighting back the urge to just tear them from the long, lean legs they covered.

  Once Taima was naked, Hanne draped one of his legs over Taima’s to hold him in place. Covering Taima’s body with his own, Hanne pressed his lips against Taima’s, thrust his tongue deep into his lover’s mouth, and encircled Taima’s erection in his hand.

  The hard, hot flesh fitted perfectly and Hanne swallowed Taima’s cries as his lover instantly spilled. As Taima sagged deeper into the bed, his climax waning, Hanne peppered kisses over his lover’s cheeks before bringing his hand to his mouth to lick it clean. The saltiness of Taima’s release was balanced by his natural sweetness.

  When his own hand was clean, Hanne took hold of Taima’s left hand and guided it to his aching flesh. Taima gripped it firmly, and Hanne wrapped his own hand over it to guide Taima into the firm, fast rhythm he preferred.

  With a deep groan of Taima’s name, Hanne found his release, his seed cascading over Taima’s body. When he had nothing left to give, Hanne rubbed his seed into his lover’s skin and inhaled deeply. Now the soft, sweet scent of Taima’s musk was overlaid with the darker, earthier scent of his own. They complimented one another perfectly. Hanne grinned down at his flushed, disheveled, and adorable beloved.

  “I may not say these words as often as you would like. My people do not spend much time exchanging talk in the bedroom. But when I do say them, there can be no doubt. I love you. You are my mate. I live for you, and would die to protect you.”

  Reaching up, Taima covered Hanne’s lips with his hand. “Don’t speak of dying. Please. I’ve lost too many already, and things are so new for us. I lo—”

  This time Hanne stopped Taima with a kiss. “Do not say it, if you do not, as yet, feel it. Here.” Hanne struck his chest, over his heart. “You may be attracted to me, desire me, but love may yet take time.”

  “I felt something for you the day we met in the healing rooms. You made me come alive in ways I didn’t understand, and still don’t. I know my heart would be crushed if I were to lose you. But I will wait and say the words when I am not feeling as if I am floating on clouds.”

  With a smile, Hanne settled them comfortably, in no rush to do anything other than hold his new lover.

  “Are you—will you—do we have to keep this secret?” Taima finally asked.

  “Not unless you wish it so.”

  “No. I don’t want it secret.” Taima snuggled closer. “I want people to know.”

  “In that case, I will have my bathing room filled and, once we are clean and ready, we will go and announce to Amand and Citlali the step we have taken. In Duende eyes, all we need is Amand’s approval and we can be deemed as wedded. However,” he added, as Taima’s body stiffened and his lover sat up to look at him. “I would prefer that we also have a public ceremony, so that all might see the beauty who consented to be my life-mate.”

  Hanne’s reward was a round of kissing that had his resolve tested as his cock regained full hardness.

  “Rest here while I make the arrangements.” Hanne reluctantly pulled away. “The bathing room is next door that way.” He pointed to a door on the right of the room. “There is an outside door to allow servants to fill the bath without need to enter my bedroom. I’ll return swiftly.” He snatched another kiss from Taima’s addictive lips before leaving the room.


  Although Taima tried to settle, his body still thrummed with excitement. He’d pleasured himself before, and even had a youthful, fumbling moment with another Fey. However, he had never seen such a magnificent organ as Hanne’s, nor had he ever spilt so quickly and with such passion. Taima was eager and anxious, in equal measure, to take the relationship further, and be even more intimate with Hanne.

  With the memory of Hanne’s touches in his mind, Taima ran his hands over his chest and thumbed his already tight nipples, groaning softly. Then he traced down his belly and rubbed his inner thighs. As tempting as the tendrils of arousal were that made his cock twitch, it was Hanne’s touch Taima craved.

  When Hanne came back into the room, Taima snatched his hand away quickly, looking up shyly, unsure of what to do. Then he laughed aloud, embarrassment forgotten, as Hanne lifted him with ease and swung him around in a secure hold. Hanne might find words hard, but the wide smile and playful behavior spoke eloquently to Taima of Hanne’s joy.

  As he was carried into the bathing chamber, Taima stared at the tub itself. It was set into the corner of the room, giving it a triangular appearance. Where it stood against the stone wall, there was a wide rim, which held a couple of jars, soap, and wash cloths along with some candles. Only the corner set into the wall was sharply angled. Otherwise, it was curved and its sides sloped into the water. Taima imagined lying against it would be very comfortable.

  “It looks stunning.” Taima kissed Hanne’s cheek. “Are all your baths like this?”

  “No.” Hanne shrugged. “There are large communal baths down by the furnaces, and some have baths in their rooms. But I wanted this to be my piece of luxury. One of the smiths believes he can run pipes throughout the fortress, carrying heated water and steam, but we have neither time nor spare manpower to do this at the present.”

  “That will all change.” Taima stroked Hanne’s cheek. “Lord Amand’s name will be cleared and we will have our alliance back.”

  “At this moment, I want to look no farther than the here and now, with you in my arms.” Hanne stepped into the bath and eased Taima down slowly to stand beside

  With the water lapping at his knees, Taima pulled Hanne’s head down to kiss him and relished the feel of the heated water. It never occurred to Taima that bathing could be an erotic experience, but already his cock was rising once more. He sat on the sill and leaned back against smooth rock.

  “This is delightful. I understand why you consider it luxury.”

  To Taima’s surprise, Hanne knelt before him and kissed him deeply as he pushed Taima’s legs wide apart. Taima gave a muted sound of shock as Hanne used his tail to stroke Taima’s sac and along his perineum. Hanne kissed down Taima’s body, biting gently at his nipples. Taima groaned loudly as Hanne held him down even as Taima tried to writhe and thrust.

  A scream of Hanne’s name erupted from Taima as Hanne took his cock into his mouth, down to the root, in one swoop. Hanne’s tongue pressed against his length from root to tip, while Hanne rubbed his tail over Taima’s hidden entrance. Taima’s second release crashed over him like a waterfall, drowning him in pleasure, sight and sound lost in the maelstrom.

  As the world slowly came back into focus, Hanne’s smiling face greeted Taima. He returned the smile, framed Hanne’s face in his hands, and pulled his lover into a gentle kiss.

  “I want to do that for you.”

  “It takes practice.” Hanne shook his head, his voice tender. “But to have your mouth on me would be a dream come true.”

  When Hanne rose and stood before him, Taima reached for the impressive organ that jutted solidly from Hanne’s groin. He leant forward and licked at the exposed head, unsure what to expect.

  There was heat, saltiness, and a musky tang, but it was Hanne’s taste, and Taima began to suck. He quickly realized it was impossible for him to take any great length into his mouth, but the soft sounds of pleasure from Hanne, and the way his lover massaged Taima’s head with his large hands, told him he was doing well enough.


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