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The Boss's Love

Page 9

by Casey Clipper

  "Sweetheart," he said, running an appreciative hand along the seam of the lingerie. "You must own a drawer filled with these." He plucked the panties off her.

  "You like?" She raised an eyebrow.

  He shook his head. "No, darling. I love."

  Shucking off his pants, he tossed them randomly to the floor, then hovered over her. Her unquestionably overheated body arched towards him. Courtney reached up and pulled him to her, assaulting his mouth in a scorching kiss. Darren met her tongue stroke for stroke while he pushed himself inside her. He absorbed her gasp that escaped with his first, hard thrust. Those delicate hands moved to his ass, desperate to pull him closer. He tried to give her what she wanted and ground deeper, harder, and lifted her knees into the crook of her arms. His hips pounded into her body relentlessly. It wasn't gentle. He was staking his claim. Sounds of groans, bodies slapping, suckling, and moaning ricocheted off the walls of the bedroom. They moved as one. Their hands made quick work to memorize every inch of one another, and their lips never left the other one's over sensitized skin. Their passion cemented their relationship for the future.

  Out of nowhere, her body clamped and convulsed and pulled him in deeper. Suddenly she exploded around him, her fluids flowing down his shaft. She screamed out his name. Unable to hold off with her aftershocks milking him tighter and tighter, he thrust two more times and his body went rigid. The air left his lungs when he ground out her name and collapsed on top of her. He'd wanted to claim her but it was quite possible Courtney had taken that honor from him.


  Warm and fuzzy, Courtney's body felt relaxed and sated. How long had it been since she felt that way? Her eyes closed, she stretched out the pleasurable soreness. A strong, large hand slid around her naked stomach and a pair of soft lips kissed the side of her neck then nuzzled close.

  "Mmmm," she moaned delightfully.

  He chuckled. "Good morning, beautiful."


  "Are you hungry? We should go to breakfast. I was going to cook but your fridge is empty," he scolded.

  "That's because you either take me out to eat or cook for me at your place. If I keep food here it goes bad," she said. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and rolled over to face him. Half-naked, apparently at some point he'd gotten up and put on boxers. What a crime.

  "Hmmm, I do like to feed you." He kissed her chastely.

  She smiled. God, she loved him.

  He brushed her hair off her make-up free face. "Can I talk to you?"

  "Of course."

  His serious tone made her wary. What could there be to discuss? They'd made love last night, and she admitted that she loved him. Though she did notice he hadn't confessed his love for her, but he had ask for her hand in marriage. That was something right? No, a girl needed to hear those three little words.

  "I think after last night that we can agree this relationship has gone to the next level. True?" he asked.

  She nodded, gnawing insecurely on her bottom lip. He tugged at the lip and kissed her.

  "Don't be nervous," he whispered. "I love you, Court. I love you like I have never loved anyone in my life. I want you to be my wife but you turned me down. Will you commit to me? I promise, you own my heart and soul. There will never be another woman for me. You have my full commitment, can I have yours?" he asked.

  She smiled relieved. "I'm yours, Darren. You have my heart. I promise you I will only, ever, be yours."

  His handsome features transformed with a megawatt smile. He stole her breath.

  "I love you, my Courtney," he said.

  "I love you, my Darren," she whispered in return.


  John Marshall

  Present Day

  “Courtney Murphy is pregnant,” David announced, throwing a piece of paper on his desk.

  “What?” John asked horrified.

  “She’s pregnant,” David repeated.


  “I know, now what?” David asked exasperated. “You think for one minute she’s going to turn on the father of her child? The woman is already loyal to him. Now that loyalty will be unbreakable, and from the information gathered, Darren Murphy has her securely guarded. She's also gone down to working part-time.” David rubbed his hands down his face. “He’s got a complete hold on her. We lost her as our only angle.”

  John cursed and pushed back from the desk. They'd worked the damn Darren Murphy case for a couple years but gained nothing. Courtney had been their only opening. When the couple got married, it made their jobs more difficult because of the bond created between a husband and wife. A wife would always hesitate to turn on her husband. But not entirely out of the realm of possibilities. They had hoped Darren would fuck up and Courtney would leave him. No such luck. Now the man impregnated his wife and knowing how much Darren had his wife wrapped around him, getting to her would be infinitely difficult.

  He slumped back in his chair and ran his hand through his hair. An idea slammed into him.

  "We know how much Darren Murphy is in love with his wife, right?” John asked rhetorically.

  “Right,” David answered.

  “And we know we won’t be able to turn her.”


  “What if we used her against Murphy? She’s pregnant, vulnerable. He’ll protect her above everything.”

  “Use her, how?” David asked warily.

  “We raid the house. We follow her. We arrest her and bring her in for questioning. We wear him down over his obsession with keeping her safe. He’ll cave and give us anything we want in order to protect his wife,” John explained.

  David shook his head. "Won't work and you know it. That's a different world, John. You’re playing with fire. You’ll lay all our cards on the table and have nothing. It will blow our case and end it, permanently. You’ll end our careers. I know you have a thing for her but this is unacceptable,” David warned.

  John sat silent for the longest time, deciphering the warning his partner presented to him.

  “You won’t be the rebound man. There won’t be such a person in her life. She won’t leave her husband. Ever. Just get it out of your mind,” David snapped.

  John glared at his long-time partner. "What the hell gives you the right—"

  "When you start coming up with convoluted ideas that put both of our careers in jeopardy. That gives me every right to say whatever the fuck comes to mind!" David yelled. He jumped up from his chair and stalked out of the office. The door slammed behind him.

  John didn't give a shit what his partner thought. He was convinced the plan would work. It was the best option he'd come up with to date. No one, not even his trusted partner, would tell him otherwise.

  Chapter 7


  Twelve weeks into the pregnancy and Darren insisted on hosting a formal family dinner announcement. The house buzzed with Courtney's parents, Darren's parents, Derrick, and Diane with her two children and husband. Jack and Carl with their wives along with Courtney's girlfriends Rachel and Dana, who brought her husband attended as well.

  Their guests were treated to a celebratory catered dinner, though a few were unsure what they were celebrating. Halfway through dinner Darren stood with wine glass in hand.

  "Courtney and I wanted to have everyone here this evening to announce the wonderful Court is pregnant," Darren announced without any preamble.

  Squeals of delight and joy filled the Murphy home. Courtney's mom sobbed into her hands, thrilled she was going to become a grandmother, once again. Her father blinked back tears, looking at his daughter with the purest pride. Derrick stood and embraced his brother. Diane threw her arms around Darren then Courtney, congratulating them. Darren's mother was wholly ecstatic as she stood and embraced her youngest child. She then took her daughter-in-law in her arms and whispered her joy into Courtney's ear. A private moment between Mrs. Murphy and Courtney. Mr. Murphy congratulated his son with a manly slap on the back.

  "How f
ar along are you, sweetheart?" Darren's mother asked. "I'm so happy for you both. Oh, Courtney, what a treasure you are to my Darren," his mother gushed.

  Everyone took their seats to continue their celebratory meal.

  Darren chuckled and took Courtney's hand. "I feel the same way, Mom."

  "Twelve weeks today. We decided to wait to announce the pregnancy until we knew everything was all right," she answered. She looked towards her husband with love and devotion.

  "Have you felt all right?" her mother asked.

  "At first, no. I had terrible morning sickness but now I'm feeling great." She smiled. "Darren has been wonderful. He's waited on me hand and foot."

  "How about work, darling, are you going to continue? You should take it easy," Darren's mother said.

  "I've gone down to part-time."

  "Good," she approved. "Oh, what a fine wife you've made for my son, Courtney."

  "She has, Mom," Darren once again agreed.

  "Have you thought of any names?" Derrick asked.

  "If it's a girl, Caitlin. If it's a boy, Ian," Darren said firmly.

  "Oh, Darren!" his mom exclaimed. "Sticking with the Irish names." She began to sob into her linen napkin.

  Darren and Derrick laughed at their mother while his father tried to settle his overjoyed wife down.

  "I brought every one here to celebrate this evening with us." Darren held up his wine glass. "To my beautiful wife, who is giving me a gift that I will never be able to return in value. I love you, desperately, Courtney. Thank you. To Courtney and my baby."

  The close family and friends held their wine glasses high in the air and happily toasted the newlywed couple, who would begin the expansion of their tiny family.


  Over the next two months Courtney and Darren spent their time decorating a nursery a bedroom across the hall from their master bedroom. They picked furniture in a neutral color scheme that was interchangeable as the baby would grow. They also decided to find out the sex of the baby rather than it be a surprise. Unfortunately the baby wasn't cooperative and refused to give a clear view of its sex during each ultrasound.

  A baby shower was in the works, thrown by the mothers. Gifts had already started to arrive from close friends and "business" associates of Darren's. All of the items had to be stored in a separate room to sort through a little at a time.

  What amazed Darren the most was how beautiful his wife looked swollen with his unborn child. She vibrantly glowed. He purchased her an entire designer maternity wardrobe that made her look adorable. The weight she gained was focus solely to her belly and breasts. Bonus for him.

  The surprising part of the pregnancy, their sex life ramped up two fold. They already had phenomenal sex, but the pregnancy brought out Courtney's overactive libido. Normally she was his little minx in the bedroom, this pregnancy caused her loins to feel on fire twenty-four seven. He never knew when she would attack him. One episode she'd been so bold, she groped him in front of his men. Men who scrambled to escape the house. Darren claimed her body on the kitchen island.

  Lying between Darren's legs, her back to his chest, Courtney gazed up at the bright, moonlight sky with millions of stars shining down upon them. The back patio gave them the perfect opportunity to appreciate the warm evening. Darren had pulled her maternity shirt up and coated her belly with cocoa butter lotion but she didn't bother to pull the shirt back down. Darren took advantaged and ran light fingers over her soft skin. They enjoyed the comfort of each other's warm embrace with the sounds of crickets as background music. Darren sipped on a glass of red wine while Courtney nursed her bottled water.

  His lips brushed her cheek, neck, the sensitive spot behind her ear and her forehead. "I have to go out for a bit, honey. Will you be all right?" he asked.

  "So late?" she asked, her tone filled with disappointment.

  "I'm sorry. I have a meeting at Murphy's. I hope to be less than an hour, baby," he promised.

  "Okay," she conceded.

  He knew she understood there was no point in arguing. Business called. It wasn't unusual for him to leave late at night. Though she didn't like it, she couldn't argue.

  "Good girl," he whispered, proud of her. She never questioned. Didn't harass. Went with his flow brilliantly. "Now, have you watched your salt intake today?" he asked. His tone had a sharp warning.

  She nodded. "I kept it low today even though everything tasted horribly bland."

  "That's my girl." He squeezed her approvingly. "Did you take your pressure? How was it?"

  "I took it after dinner. It's high again but not as high as it was this morning," she admitted.

  Courtney had developed high blood pressure during her pregnancy. She needed to keep a strict watch on her salt intake, blood pressure, and stress levels. Currently she was on medical leave from the real estate office to keep herself level. Darren overly concerned himself with her health. They'd been warned by the doctor that the pregnancy might be in danger if her pressure grew worse or went into extremely high levels. She'd had a difficulty time maintaining safe levels and required frequent visits to the doctor's office and hospital ER. Darren put his foot down and started to closely monitor her activities.

  "Have you taken a warm bath?" he asked. She'd become addicted to relaxing warm baths with oils and candles. He indulged her by shopping at the high-end bath shops to find the best products.

  "Not yet."

  "I'll draw you one before I leave, okay. Just promise me you won't fall asleep in the tub," he joked.

  "I promise."

  "Do you want me to bring you home anything?" he asked. He also loved to indulge her food cravings.

  "Some Swedish fish." Her eyes lit up.

  Throwing his head back, he laughed and squeezed her tight. "Swedish fish it is, darling. Come, let's get you into the tub."



  Two in the morning and Darren still hadn’t returned home. Courtney tried to call him throughout the night but the calls went straight to voicemail. Five hours he'd been gone. She paced, petrified something happened to him. Yes, he oftentimes left late at night but no more than a couple of hours.

  Finally she slumped onto the bed. She could feel her blood pressure significantly rising. She felt hot. Flushed. She desperately tried to calm herself but knew the attempt was futile. There would be no settling her until Darren walked through the front door.

  Her cell phone interrupted her wayward thoughts. Not bothering to look at the caller ID she answered, "Darren?"

  "Courtney, it's John Marshall," he said. Loud background noise drowned out his voice.

  "John? What? What are you doing calling me?" Shocked was an understatement. Two in the morning and a man she hadn't heard from in months was calling her?

  "Courtney, you should come down to Murphy's to see something for yourself," John said, his tone grim.

  "What is it? Is it Darren? Is he okay?" She jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of shoes and sweater before he answered.

  "Just get down here. I'll meet you in the parking lot."

  The call disconnected.

  There could be only one reason why John Marshall, a man she didn’t know or trust, would call her late at night to meet her at her husband's bar.



  Like a bat out of hell, Courtney pulled into the parking lot of Murphy's bar. A bar owned by her husband. The place was a nighttime party spot every night of the week. Some nights bands packed patrons in or a DJ was hired to entertain. But even if there was no sort of form of entertainment, the place hopped.

  Courtney threw her car into park and scrambled out. Music pounding from inside the bar echoed through the solid walls and could be easily heard outside. John appeared beside her.

  "John, what the hell is going on?" she barked.

  He grasped her hand and led her across the lot towards the front doors of the bar. "I wanted you to see something. I've heard rumors since I moved into town, none good. You're
such a kind, sweet woman that I can't stand the thought of what's happening when you're in bed at night."

  She stopped in her tracks, her face paled with a sudden feeling of dread that crashed over her.

  "John, please." Enormous tears filled her eyes and her voice shook in terror.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

  He sounded so sincere that she truly believed him.

  After breezing through the front doors, they passed the second set of double doors. The bouncers nodded their greetings to Mrs. Murphy.

  They hurried down the short hall that opened to the large bar where the music shook every surface. Filled with people, you wouldn't know the bar had officially closed ten minutes ago. John placed a hand on the small of her back. Scanning the room, she zeroed in on her husband. Arms wrapped around a tall brunette with legs that seemed to go on for miles, Darren swayed on the dance floor...with another woman. Intimately close to each other, Courtney watched the woman plant butterfly kisses down his jaw and work her way towards his mouth. He flinched but kissed her briefly on the cheek. She watched him reach up and entangle his fingers into the back of her hair. She watched him tug her head back and look her directly in the eyes. Indecision was plainly written all over him. He was torn. Kiss her or don’t kiss her? Courtney saw it all, recognized each facial expression.

  Gasping in utter horror, she stumbled backwards. John caught her before she fell.

  "Courtney, what are you doing here?" Jack appeared in her line of sight.

  She didn't hear him. Everything was tuned out, her eyes glued to Darren. She didn't notice the tears falling rapidly down her cheeks. She didn't notice her body contracting in on itself.

  As if the nightmare was in slow motion, Darren looked up and straight at her. Their eyes locked. He blanched. Not able to stay one moment longer, she spun on her heels and bolted from the bar. Sobbing hysterically, she fumbled for her keys, needing a quick escape. Vaguely she heard people behind her.


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