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The Boss's Love

Page 28

by Casey Clipper

  He reluctantly pulled away to catch his breath. "Courtney," he whispered. "I love you."

  Courtney's eyes opened and filled with tears. "I've fallen in love with you, Derrick."

  She changed his life that very second with her declaration. Courtney was in love with him. She didn't just love him. She was in love.

  "Oh, my gorgeous wife," he gushed. "Let me take you home." It was an unusual, unguarded vulnerable moment from him. He allowed his emotions to get to him that one time. Courtney would be the single person able to create what he considered inner turmoil. He curled his arm around her and held her close. She belonged to him.



  Her body stiff, Courtney rolled over to find the bed empty but Derrick’s masculine scent lingered. She glanced at the clock to find she had slept in late. She never slept until nine. Maybe the wine combined with the hot sex with her husband last night exhausted her.

  She grinned.

  She felt terrific. Emotionally and physically. Consummating her marriage last night had been perfect, and there was not morning after guilt.

  Derrick was a different lover than his brother. All consuming, worshiping her, caressing every inch of her bare skin committing her body to memory. The way he controlled her body was nothing she had ever experienced. He dominated her in bed but unselfishly brought her body to soar in ecstasy. Numerous times. They were equals in their bed. He took care of her first, made sure she was satisfied, before he allowed himself to go over his edge. She could still feel his velvet lips on her bare skin, nipping and suckling, creating sensory overload. Every inch of her body he claimed last night and vowed to continue everyday for the rest of their lives.

  As Courtney remained in bed reminiscing every touch, kiss, embrace, moan, and profession of love between them, she heard her baby girl squeal downstairs. She chuckled. Derrick must have been entertaining their daughter. Abruptly it occurred to her they hadn’t used protection last night. She hadn’t gone back on the pill after giving birth. It was possible her and her husband may have bonded their marriage even deeper than they had considered.

  After she climbed out of bed and dressed, Courtney went to the kitchen and found Derrick dressed in one of his signature dark, designer suits chuckling at their daughter, who was covered in food. When she entered the kitchen, he stood to greet her.


  "Good morning, gorgeous," he said, trying to gauge her mood and reaction.

  "Good morning, handsome," Courtney said gleefully. She rose on her tiptoes to peck his lips.

  Relief washed over him. He had her. Regrets didn’t haunt her. He grabbed her waist, yanked her against him, and plunged into her mouth, devouring her. He’d never get enough of her. She pushed against his chest, fighting him off.

  "I have horrible morning breath," she squeaked.

  He threw his head back and laughed. "I don't care, darling."

  Caitlin mimicked her father laughing.

  "I see she liked her cereal." Courtney waved to her daughter.

  "Yes, I mixed some applesauce in with the rice and she loved it," Derrick said, gazing adoringly at his baby girl.

  Derrick eyed his wife. She was staring him with that look that often meant something was running through that beautiful mind of hers.

  "What is it, Court?"

  "I'm not on the pill," she blurted.

  A moment passed by before he processed what she meant. Realization dawned on him and he didn't even bother to try to hide his jubilation.

  "You mean..." he said, his eyes glittering dangerously.

  Biting her plump bottom lip, she nodded.

  "Are you okay with it?" he asked, pulling her closer and caressing her soft cheek.

  She nodded. "I'm not going to go back on the pill right now, if that's okay with you."

  Trying to contain himself was a test in his self-control. "Courtney, you have no idea how badly I want you to have my child." He kissed her hard. “You’ve made me so happy in the past twenty-four hours, you have no clue."

  She snuggled into his body. "Derrick, you have no idea what you’ve done for my heart, my soul, my mind, and now my body. I owe you everything." She looked up at him, her eyes swimming, blurring her vision. "I love you Derrick Murphy, with everything inside of me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, by your side and creating a life together. I know you'll keep my babies and me safe. I know you'll love me with every ounce of your being. I love you. Always."



  Courtney screamed in pain while she held a death grip on Derrick’s hand. Sean leisurely waltzed into the hospital room.

  “Thanks for coming. I’m sooo glad you could make it,” she spat.

  Sean chuckled and shook his head. Derrick brushed her wet, matted hair off her forehead. Ryan laughed aloud while he prepped the baby's area.

  “I was in middle of rounds, smart ass. I can’t help it that your child has decided to make an appearance in the middle of my workday,” Sean baited her.

  “You know what, Sean,” Courtney strained with her receding contraction. “I’m going to have you hanging by your balls when this is over.”

  He laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Are you ready, honey?” His tone taking on that of a loving brother.

  “God, yes. Get this baby out of me,” she yelled.

  “It'll be over soon.” Derrick planted a kiss on her forehead.

  Ryan placed her heels into the stirrups while a nurse placed a metal tray with instruments next to Sean. Ryan took his place on Courtney’s right side of the hospital bed to help her sit upright. When Sean finished scrubbing, he positioned himself to help bring Courtney and Derrick’s child into the world.

  “Okay, honey, on the next contraction I want you to push,” Sean encouraged.

  “Derrick, help me hold her up so she can push,” Ryan ordered.

  Derrick gladly helped his wife to stay upright. Once positioned, another contraction came on. Courtney began to scream and push.

  Ryan yelled at her, “Don’t scream, push!”

  She clamped her mouth shut and concentrated on pushing.

  “Keep pushing, Courtney,” Sean demanded. “Another ten seconds.”

  She couldn’t do it. Exhausted, she sagged into her husband and cousin’s hold.

  “On the next one go again, Courtney. Your baby is ready to come out,” Sean assured her.

  She could feel the baby’s head. The sensation so foreign, her body automatically wanted to push. Courtney pushed as hard as she could. Unexpectedly and shockingly, she felt the baby slip from her womb.

  “It’s a boy, Courtney,” Sean gushed, choking on the words.

  “A boy,” Ryan repeated.

  Baby Murphy was swiftly handed off to the nurse, who cleaned him up then handed him to his mother.

  Courtney sobbed into her husband’s chest. His girl was the toughest woman he knew and his pride radiated off him in spades.

  “A son, Derrick.” Courtney looked up at him.

  “That’s my girl,” he whispered, overwhelming joy consuming him. His wife gave him a son.

  Baby boy Murphy’s dark, unfocused eyes opened for his parents to gaze into. A ring of dark brown hair matted on his tiny, soft head. He resembled his father. Tears streamed down Courtney's cheeks when she kissed her baby softly on his forehead.

  Taking in the vision of his wife and son, Derrick couldn’t help the thought of how dramatically his life had changed with his brother’s untimely death. He hated the fact he appreciated that his life turned out perfect with Courtney. He would love to have had his brother next to him at the joyous moment, basking in the birth of his son, but…hell, he must stop this entire mind fuck.

  “Would you like to hold your son?” Courtney asked, thankfully ending his depressing inner monologue.

  Unable to form an audible response, he nodded. His wife carefully handed over her precious baby. His large arms engulfed his tiny son. He felt his chest swell. Derric
k kissed his son on the forehead and ran a light finger down his cheek, amazed by the tiny creature he helped to create. His precious wife gave him a third reason to keep his family protected and safe. His son. The one who would take over the family business and inherit everything, along with his half sister.

  “He’s beautiful, Courtney,” Sean said. He stepped up next to Derrick and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I have to go. I’m sorry, but I'll be back to visit later.” He kissed Court's cheek. “Love you, sweetheart.”

  “Love you too, and thank you, Sean,” Courtney said.

  “Oh, honey, for you, anything,” he said sincerely.

  Two nurses insisted Derrick leave the room to give Courtney some privacy while they took care of her and straightened the room. He was none too happy about leaving his wife’s side. A pediatric nurse whisked baby Murphy away to be measured and weighed.


  After twenty minutes, Derrick was allowed back into the room, joined by his parents, Diane, and Courtney’s parents, all with flowers, balloons, and gifts in hand.

  “A boy, Courtney,” Diane beamed and threw her arms around her sister-in-law. “I’m so happy for you both. You have no idea the gift you’ve given Derrick.”

  Courtney looked past Diane to Derrick, whose eyes gleamed. No one else but her would ever receive that look from him. She understood a long time ago that Derrick would only ever see her. He’d spend the rest of his days loving her, protecting her, worshiping her, and admiring her. She was his everything and he was hers.

  A nurse came back into the room carrying their newborn, who was quickly passed around the family.

  “Have you both thought of a name?” Derrick’s mother asked.

  “I’m leaving that up to my gorgeous wife, Mom,” Derrick answered.

  Expectantly she turned to Courtney.

  “Daniel,” Courtney answered confidently.

  “Daniel,” his mother repeated.

  “Daniel Darren Murphy,” Courtney proudly announced the name that would soon appear on her son’s birth certificate.

  Derrick’s mom and sister broke down into tears. Courtney honored her love for her first husband by naming her son after him. She looked to Derrick, who held unshed tears at bay. She held out her hand for him, which he lifted and kissed her wedding rings.

  “If it wasn’t for Darren, I wouldn’t have my husband and now my son and finally be settled,” she admitted.

  Derrick firmly kissed her. Through his Darren's needless death, Courtney found her soul mate in Derrick. Darren would always own a piece of her heart, but Derrick owned her soul. A little smile curled his lips.

  “One more, Courtney. I want three children. Will you give me another child?” he asked, almost pleading.

  “Derrick, I’ll give you anything you want and need. You’re my life. I want to make you as happy as you’ve made me,” she said. "You'll just have to wait until my memory forgets the searing pain of delivery." She winked.

  His features lit up, showing off how extremely handsome her husband was. “Well then, Mrs. Murphy, as soon as you’re cleared and ready, we're going to start working on our third child.”

  Diane handed Daniel back to Courtney, who held her baby boy and felt whole with her life. Genuinely at peace for the first time, she had Derrick to thank for that. She owed him everything and anything he could ever ask from her. Courtney and Derrick were more than just a couple. They were part of each other. They owned each other's heart, body, and soul. They had become one. There was no stronger bond than what Courtney and Derrick held with each other. Together, they ruled their world.



  The following people gave their ears and time:

  Joanna Chlasta for putting up with the constant emails back and forth for the book cover that I fell in love with.

  My Betas who offered time and gave suggestions on what they wanted to read about in The Boss’s Love. Little did they know I would harass them relentlessly. These three women have no idea how much I value their honest opinions.

  Jim, who put together my website when the original plan fell through. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  My Facebook friends and fans, who follow updates on the fan page. I thank you for participating and am thoroughly enjoying the journey with you.

  My husband, who doesn't ask questions when I'm buried in my laptop for hours, days, weeks at a time. He gives me the space I need (though low grumbles about dirty dishes do come from the kitchen every so often).

  To my boys, who don’t roll their eyes when I become excited about a scene. They could care less, but I’ve trained them well so they don’t let me know.


  Casey Clipper lives in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA. Born and raised in the Steel City, she’s naturally a football, hockey, and baseball fan. A contemporary edge romance author, she likes a dark story and the alpha male.

  Casey is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Three Rivers Romance Writers, ASMSG, IAN, and IBPA.

  Follow Casey on her website at to purchase any of her releases, find out about upcoming releases, or read small bonus material specifically for her readers.

  Find Casey's author page on Amazon at

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  Coming - 2014:

  The Prequels to The Boss's Love:

  Darren's Story

  Derrick's Story

  Courtney's Story

  Twisted Fate

  and more!

  Currently available:

  Scarred (a novella)




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