The Garoden War. (SpaceFed StarShips Series) Book 6. An action-packed follow-on story that sees the Earth's Space Navy in action.: ‘Into the Fire.’
Page 21
Frank smiled, he’d got used to high-ranking military officers using his surname, instead of his title. ‘Why not,’ he thought. ‘After all, he and the Andromeda weren’t military.’
“Commander Procard… I’ve got something to tell you, and I want you to trust me on this.”
“So, I assume I’m not going to like this. Am I?”
“Possibly not, but I believe it’s necessary.”
“Oh well. Go on then, Richardson.”
“In about three minutes, a Solveron Gatherer will exit warp, inside your ship.”
“What,” Procard yelled.
“Trust me Commander. It’s going to work with us both,” Frank reassured him.
“A Solveron ship has also been waiting out of sight of the Garoden ships. We’re hoping Captain Sitrea’s ship will be able to follow their warp exit thread, back to the Garoden’s homeworld.”
“H’mm, very dangerous,” Procard said sounding thoughtful.
“Then, I take it that this Gatherer will track Captain Sitrea’s ship. Yes?”
“Correct, Commander. We have a Gatherer on board, as well. Don’t worry. Yours will not interfere with your ship. It will just inform you of Captain Sitrea’s progress, and of where the Andromeda is, at any given moment.
However, it will also do as you ask of it. But, only in matters related to this particular task.”
“Do you trust this Captain Sitrea, Richardson?”
“With my life, Commander. As I trust you.”
“Tripicac was right about you. So, we are as one, Richardson?” Procard stated. Then stopped, to listen to his own security officer.
“It seems that your Solveron friend’s Gatherer has just parked itself.”
“Good. I’ve also got a plan in mind, to run alongside our Space Navy’s actions. But, I must talk it through with my people first.”
He felt Charlotte’s inquisitive probe in his mind and sent her a sharp rebuff.
“I’ll wait for your plan, Richardson,” Procard confirmed. “Especially since the Garodens haven't moved yet.”
“They won't wait for long. I take it that you’ve seen two of their drones giving us the once over?” Frank asked.
“Of course.”
Frank smiled, then ended the contact.
“Blanking field off,” he ordered.
Just then, Andromeda informed him that Marine Captain Reece had successfully transferred the two dignitaries to the Jefferson, and was already heading back to the Andromeda.
“Excellent,” he said. Then felt and heard the ship’s usual sounds around him again.
Frank then finished constructing a plan of action against the Garoden’s.
By now, it was common knowledge that Frank was best-known, for looking at situations from a new perspective, or unconventionally, and was a brilliant tactician. And, so far, his seemingly hare-brained plans had all worked out. He felt pleased that most people respected his, expertise on the subject.
But now, with the Space Navy having taken over the Earth ships, he had to think about how he could keep the fledgeling Navy from diving straight into disaster.
And, about what part he would take in continuing their longer-term goal of defeating the Garodens.
Frank had been building the plan in his mind for quite a while, and thought, it was viable. The plan had two distinct operational options and included the likely progression and outcome of each one.
Once his plan was complete, he ensured that it was safely recorded on his tactical pad. Then submitted it to his heads of department, for their approval.
“Welcome aboard,” Jefferson’s Admiral Winton said in greeting as he extended his hand to Horatio Stevenson. Then, to Andrei Sergei Volkov.
“Glad to be aboard, Admiral,” both said as they shook hands.
“Our Duty Officer, Ensign Stevens, will take both of you and your belongings to your assigned cabins. Once you’ve settled in, we will meet to talk about the special abilities that, seemingly, make you both valuable assets.”
Both men were mystified as to why they were being called assets. But nevertheless, followed on behind the smart and confident looking Ensign.
Chapter 35
Battle cry
“Excellency, Z184’s drones have detected eleven alien ships, at twenty-three light-minutes out. So, they clearly aren’t cloaked,” Griken notified Verice, as he studied the holographic display that provided him with a better visual feel than a flat screen would have.
Viceroy Verice then looked at the images, wanting to verify what his officer had told him.
“H’mm, two distinct types of ship, Griken.”
“Yes, Excellency. And, if we count the missing spherical ships that we already know about, as separate. Then, we must assume that we are dealing with at least three different alien species,” Griken said, sounding worried.
“Agreed,” Verice acknowledged.
“Excellency, do you think they are working together?”
Verice stopped to think before replying.
“It’s possible but unlikely,” Verice finally stated.
“Have the drones picked up anything else, that may not be in keeping with what we are seeing?” He then asked.
“No, Excellency. However, I’ve instructed one of the drones to check on the fifth planet, just in case.”
“Well done, Griken,” Viceroy Verice congratulated him. Then, as usual, instructed his companion brain, to check the accuracy of his navigation officer Cratic’s Companion. And to provide confirmation that there would not be any Astro-navigational problems, in making this relatively small twenty-three light-minute jump.
Verice never liked sending drones out with what he regarded as a living brain, controlling them. However, he knew that, despite his dislike of drones being controlled by living brains, the drone brains were expendable.
Whereas, the collective companion brains on board were efficient and dependable. While being more like a massive AI in themselves, he decided, while trying not to direct his thoughts at his Companion.
Then, his Companion brain interrupted his thoughts.
‘All real-time information from Navigation and Astro has been verified,’ his Companion advised.
‘I have instructed our Drive and Weapons Companions to be ready to Jump on your command,’ he notified Verice.
‘Well, you’ve seen the configuration of their ships. Now work out an attack plan,’ Verice ordered, and his companion immediately started to develop a plan to put before its master.
Susanna, Charlotte and Cindy, were sat quietly enjoying some food from the vending machine.
“Come on Frank, you need to eat something, as well,” Susanna urged him, concerned that he hadn’t eaten for some time.
“Later,” he answered, sounding distracted.
“Andromeda, before I distribute my plan I need you to locate the documentation relating to Henderson's prototype star-drive. You know, the one I viewed on our homeward journey from Zeta Reticuli.”
“Yes, of course. I’ll put it on your pad.”
Once his pad had refreshed, he searched the documents trying to find a reference to the anomaly that Henderson had reported. And which, after seeing the Garoden companion brain’s central core, seemed relevant to their current situation.
“Ah, here it is. Andromeda, audio blanking field on again,” he ordered.”
On hearing his statement, Charlotte had been tempted to try to see what Frank had found. But didn’t, knowing that any mental distraction might cause Frank to miss information, that could be relevant to what both her and Cindy had been trained for at Delta.
Then Frank double-checked that the sound-blanking field had been re-established, before starting to read the section out loud.
“Henderson had, at first, been worried about an anomaly. That, of a light blue and glowing, pea-sized energy bubble that always seemed to appear, and to float close to a newly grown warp crystal.
However, he had been relieved to find that, when the warp crystal was placed in its containment sphere; the blue energy object always vanished. So, now, Henderson's prototype star-drive assembly was ready to be tested.”
Frank stopped reading, and sat back, thinking for a while about what he’d read so far.
Then knew that, even though things were starting to drop into place, he needed to ask Charlotte a question.
“Charlotte, you were annoyed with me when I tried to examine the companion brain’s central core. Yes?”
“Well, it was paramount for us to break our quad contact and leave before the attack started,” she replied, and Frank sensed fear rising in her mind.
“I realize that,” Frank answered, then began to get excited.
“Yes. Then, when I realized what it was. I remembered thinking, ‘Of course. Now I know it all. Everything,” he almost shouted out.
Frank felt both of them panic, on hearing this. Then they seemed to be on the defensive, and wary of what might be said next.
“I sensed your sigh, Charlotte,” Frank told her, as he looked deep into her eyes.
“Then I sensed you ask, was this how it was meant to be? That was your original thought, Charlotte.”
“True, Frank. I did wonder….”
He cut her off. “Okay. Then, why was your next thought, was it the death-knell for Delta and my kind?” He demanded to know.
Both Charlotte and Cindy sat back in their seats, seemingly conferring with each other, but at the same time blocking out Frank and Susanna’s mental intrusions.
Charlotte seemed subdued, then started to explain. “Delta’s Predictors could predict the point in time when we would need to nudge an event. But not the method required to produce the small timeline change that would ensure the survival of humanity and Delta.”
“Go on. Time is rapidly running out for all of us.”
“I know, Frank… You need to know that all four of us were trained for this moment.”
“OK, and you’ve already told us about the special cells you injected us with,” Susanna said, cutting in.
“Yes, it was necessary, Susanna… As I said, Delta’s Predictors could see the point at which they should make the adjustment, but not the method.”
“So, you hoped we would find it for you?” Frank asked.
“In a way, yes.”
“So, has the Temporal change caused by the Rift, upset your Predictors calculation?”
“We believe so, Frank…Charlotte started to explain when Andromeda broke into his conversation with them.
“Argonaut’s drones have detected Garoden ship movement.”
“We’re nearly done,” he told her, then continued his discussion with the others.
“Frank. Tell us why this tiny energy bubble is so important to you?” Cindy then asked.
“Okay. Well, when you think about it. We have Henderson worrying about a light blue and glowing energy bubble. That always seemed to appear, floating close to a newly grown warp crystal. Even though, the blue bubble always vanished, anyway, when the warp crystal was placed in its containment sphere.
And, it’s just the same, when our Crystal growers move a fully formed crystal into its Containment Sphere. The bubble dies.”
“But, is that because all of us, Crillons and Solverons included, have to do something to the crystal to make it more manageable?” Susanna asked.
“Yes. But what if the Garodens didn’t have too?
“Do you think the Companion brain’s core is powered by that energy bubble?” Charlotte asked.
Frank didn’t answer at first but managed instead to picture the companion brain’s core for all of them to see.
“Exactly, Charlotte,” he then said. “So, I believe that, somehow, they’ve managed to save this energy bubble to use as power for their companion brains,” he said, growing in confidence as he spoke.
“So now we need to disrupt, or destroy this energy bubble,” he finished. Knowing that, although he knew exactly what he had to do, now. He still didn’t know how to do it.
“Right, so, all four of us. Together with the Andromeda, and Neutron must look for a solution.
While your Navy and the Crillons take on the Garoden ships,” Charlotte stated, confirming exactly what he was thinking.
“Correct,” Frank agreed. “And that, essentially, is our side of the plan,” he said.
“I know it’s risky,” he continued. “And going against the grain, from a military perspective. But, if we can get the Navy to agree to deliberately allow a Garoden ship to tag one of theirs. Just like the Garoden’s are doing right now to a Solveron ship.
The Navy’s tagged ship could then make a short jump, to a point predetermined by us. The tagging Garoden would then, hopefully, get suckered into following.
Then, when it exits to attack our supposedly fleeing ship….”
“The Crillons ships will greet them. And have a damned good chance of destroying them, one ship at a time,” Susanna interjected.
“Clever,” Charlotte said. “But why did you place a Solveron Gatherer on Commander Procard’s ship?”
“Just in case, we need him.”
“And, he’ll be able to find us,” Cindy said while appreciating that Frank was thinking well ahead. She was sure now that Delta had been right to select Frank and Susanna.
Both Charlotte and Cindy seemed to confer with someone, or something else, for a moment. Then…,
“Make it happen, Frank,” Charlotte instructed.
Frank was about to ask which century her Delta occupied. But, thought better of it. Time was too short to waste on things that weren’t important at this moment.
He quickly made a few adjustments to his plan. Then ordered Andromeda to send the plan to all of their ships, including the Crillon’s.”
“Sending… Done,” Andromeda confirmed.
Frank then made out an urgent request for information on Warp Crystal containment methods. And for more information on the related pale blue energy bubble. Then sent all of it to Andromeda and Neutron’s specialists in that field.
A short time later, Argonaut's head of Science, Professor Sims, reported back via the All-ships’ open link.
“Captain, none of our scientists know the exact mechanism that causes the light blue colored bubble to apparently cease to exist. However, there is speculation that the warp crystal could suffer stress during realignment. So this might be the cause.”
Frank thanked him, then waited. But no one else came back to offer any worthwhile observations.
He was disappointed by this but wasn’t surprised, knowing that Henderson hadn’t treated it as important, at the time. And, presumably, because it didn’t seem to have any function. It hadn’t generated any other interest, until now.
Admiral Christopher Winton studied Frank’s plan as presented to him by Anna, his vessel’s AI.
“Is that Garoden ship, ninety million kilometers away from the rest, and still holding position?” He asked.
“It was, but it’s slowly moving closer towards the main group, now,” Anna pointed out.
“H’mm. OK, so it’s not in the same position,” he muttered.
“Maybe they’re getting ready to hit us?”
“It seems logical,” the AI agreed.
“Captain Serrell,” Winton called, thankful that he had allowed the common link to stay open as Richardson had wanted.
“Yes, Admiral?”
“You tried to tag one of their ships. Yes?”
“Yes, Admiral. But whatever their stealth material is, it rubbed our tag out almost immediately. We think it's just that it’s shifting all the time.”
“So, tagging a Garoden ship, is out, then.”
“Yes, sir.”
“So, what chance is there that you could warp a nuke inside? Like you did with the Solveron ships.”
“Can’t get a lock, Admiral.”
“That’s a pity,” Winton replied. Thought about it for a moment, then asked.
“And this, Richardson. Do you trust his plan?”
“With my life, sir.”
Winton didn’t say anything immediately. He was busy thinking about whether or not to go with Richardson’s new plan.
Hector waited patiently, even though he wasn’t sure Winton was going to say anything else.
Then Winton spoke again. “Very well, Captain. Then you’ll be glad to hear that my AI’s putting Richardson’s plan into action.”
“Excellent, sir,” Hector replied, not quite believing that Winton would have taken any notice of Frank’s plan.
“Five minutes, thirty-two seconds,” Winton’s AI Anna informed.
“Very well, I’m going into stealth mode for a while, Admiral… It just might confuse their AI’s,” Hector stated.
With that, Captain Serrell’s Icon vanished from Winton’s screen for a moment, until the Jefferson re-established her millisecond transponder burst, and Argonaut's real time location Icon reappeared.
Then, the Illustrious and Derringer did the same. Leaving just the Michigan and Jefferson visible.
“We should do the same, Admiral,” Captain Ted Garret urged.
“No, Captain. We need these Garodens to come to us.” Winston stated.
Captain Garret knew Admiral Winton was right. But, to him, it just felt as if they were going to be hung out, like bait.
“Strategy plan transmitted,” the Jefferson’s AI informed Winton.
Admiral Winton wasn’t a fool. He knew only too well that this was not going to be like their war simulations back on Earth.
You wouldn’t be able to just stop this war, then start all over again. Now, if they made a mistake, they would all be dead, for keeps.
“Captain Richardson. Captain Sherman,” Winton called, and both of their live images appeared on his primary display.
“Yes, Admiral,” both acknowledged.