Book Read Free

Make-Believe Marriage

Page 6

by Pamela M. Kelley

  “I’ll be back for lunch. I’d be up for a movie this afternoon.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you in a few hours then.”

  Ethan disappeared into his office and Cameron went back to her book. By one o’clock, she’d finished the book, and it was just as good as Melissa had said. She stood and stretched, and went to take her clothes out of the dryer and put them away.

  When she came back downstairs, Ethan was just walking through the door and was holding a damp paper bag. It was still raining pretty steadily.

  “I picked up takeout from Kelsey’s Kafe. I hope you like Bob’s special burgers? If not, I’m sure Mrs. Crosby has stuff for sandwiches in the fridge.” Ethan set the bag on the island and lifted out two to-go containers. The smell of the french fries was mouthwatering.

  “I love Bob’s burgers. Thank you!” They ate at the island and when they finished, they collapsed on the soft sofa in the family room. Both of them ate just about every last bite and Cameron was feeling a little overstuffed.

  “I feel a food coma coming on,” she joked as Ethan flipped through the movie offerings until they found one that looked good. They settled on a thriller and it was really good. They were sitting side by side on the sofa, leaning back with their feet on the coffee table. Cameron pulled a throw over her lap and snuggled under it. Halfway through the movie, she felt the effects of the heavy meal and her eyes grew heavy. She fought it, though, until the credits rolled—and then she gave in and closed her eyes.

  She woke with a start when she heard a new movie begin and realized she was snuggled against Ethan with her head resting on his shoulder. She sat up straight.

  “Sorry about that. I must have dozed off.”

  Ethan smiled. “I didn’t mind. You can lean against me anytime. We have time to watch another movie. What do you think about this one?” It was another action movie, and it sounded fine to her.

  “If you feel like napping again, go for it,” he said and put his arm around her, pulling her close.

  She relaxed and closed her eyes again. The feeling of Ethan’s arms around her was nice and comforting. And her eyes were so heavy. When she opened them again, Ethan was watching something on the real estate channel. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  “Did I miss the whole movie?”

  “Pretty much. It was a good one, too.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “I didn’t mind. You must have needed the sleep.”

  “I guess so. I think I’ll head up and take a shower. That should wake me up. We’ll be heading out pretty soon?”

  I’ll meet you back downstairs in about an hour and then we can head to Figs to meet the others,” Ethan said.

  Cameron had a hard time deciding what to wear. It was such a dark, dreary night that her cute sundress just didn’t seem right. She finally settled on her favorite pair of faded jeans and a pretty, caramel-colored long-sleeved thin sweater over an ivory camisole top. She paired it with her tan and cream cowboy boots. And she curled her hair so that it fell in long, loose curls.

  Ethan cleaned up nicely, she noticed, as he came downstairs a few minutes after her. He was wearing jeans, too, and a navy cotton button-down shirt that flattered his skin tones. He had a bit of a five o’clock shadow and it looked good on him. He smelled good, too. She wasn’t sure what he was wearing, but it was some kind of cologne that was both masculine and warmly spicy at the same time. She leaned in as he held the door open for her to take a deep breath of it.

  Ethan drove, and they pulled into the parking lot at Figs about fifteen minutes later. Rachel and Adiel were already inside at the hostess station and waved when she saw them.

  “Lily and Cody are coming tonight, too! Lily knows the band that’s playing and said they’re amazing.”

  “Tyler said the same thing. He should be here any minute, too,” Ethan said.

  The hostess brought them to a big round table by the window and they kept a watch out for the others. Soon, Ben and Anna arrived and a few minutes later, Lily, Cody and Tyler. The last to arrive was Olivia, and she slid into the empty chair next to Tyler. Rachel introduced her to everyone and Cameron thought she seemed very sweet. She was young and impossibly beautiful. She was so tall that she looked like a model.

  “I’m from Savannah,” she said when someone asked her.

  “Her family owns the big nationwide chain, Bakey’s,” Rachel said.

  “Oh, I love Bakey’s. There was talk of one opening in Riston soon. There was one by my college and I used to go there all the time.”

  “How do you stay so thin?” Lily asked. “I’d be in big trouble if my family was in the bakery business.”

  Olivia laughed. “It probably helps that I don’t really have a sweet tooth. I like salty things, like nachos.”

  “The nachos are great here. We should get some,” Tyler said.

  Cameron smiled. Tyler already seemed smitten by Olivia.

  Figs was a great place for drinks and appetizers and they ordered a bunch of different things, including nachos for Olivia. She was too young to drink but the rest of them ordered cocktails. Rachel, Anna and Cameron all ordered cosmopolitans. Lily was still breastfeeding, so she made a face and then got a Shirley temple, with extra cherries.

  After they ate, they took their drinks into the back room where the bands played and found seats along the smaller cocktail tables that lined the room. They pushed a few tables together, and it ended up with the girls on one side and the guys on the other. The guys immediately launched into a discussion about the best place in town to catch striped bass.

  Rachel glanced their way, then leaned in and lowered her voice. “So, how is it really going? Is it weird to be in a fake marriage? Or is it okay? It almost looks like you two are a normal couple.”

  Cameron laughed. “We’re definitely not a couple, but it’s really not so bad. We’re friends and we get along well. He’s easy to be around and we like the same type of movies. He took me horseback riding. I haven’t done that in ages, and it was fun.”

  “He seems like a great guy,” Lily said.

  “I think he’s cute!” Olivia said and Cameron instantly felt a twinge of something that she couldn’t understand.

  “You do?” she said.

  Olivia laughed. “Yes, but I think Tyler is even cuter, and he seems really nice. Is he single?”

  Lily beamed, “My baby brother is single and I can assure you he is a nice guy. Talented ,too. We used to play in a band together. Well, we still would be if I wasn’t on maternity leave.”

  Olivia looked intrigued. “He plays in a band?”

  “Yes, he plays the lead guitar.”

  “That is seriously hot.” Olivia smiled.

  “You might see him in action, actually. One of the guys in the band tonight is a good friend, and he invited us to come onstage and do one of our songs.”

  A few minutes later, the band started to play, and they were excellent. They soon had the dance floor packed and their whole group was out there. Cameron danced a half dozen songs in a row before taking a break and ordering a second drink. She’d worked up a thirst. She was sipping her new cocktail when a song came on that everyone in their group loved and they all went up on the dance floor. But Cameron stayed behind. She wasn’t particularly fond of the song and was happy to sit and people-watch for a bit.

  The song was half-over when she heard a familiar voice beside her.

  “You look like you could use some company?”

  When she looked up, Blake was smiling down at her.

  “May I join you for a minute?”


  He sat next to her and glanced at the dance floor.

  “You always hated this song.”

  She laughed. “I can’t believe you remember that.”

  “I remember lots of things. I don’t remember you ever looking as pretty as you do tonight, though. I like what you’ve done to your hair.”

  “Thanks.” Blake was still quite the charmer.
He always was good about noticing things like that, though. No one else had commented on her hair.

  “How’s it going being back in town? I bet your parents are happy to see you?”

  “They are. And it’s good to spend some time with them. As much as I loved baseball, it was kind of a strange life, traveling so much from town to town every week or even every few days. It was fun while it lasted.”

  “Any thoughts on what you might do next?”

  “I’m really not sure. I’ve had a few offers. They’re good offers and the jobs seem exciting. It’s just hard to know which one is the best choice. I have a little time though before I have to let them know. Staying here in Riston is still a possibility, too.”

  Cameron couldn’t imagine that he’d actually choose to stay in their small town. Not yet, anyway. Maybe someday.

  “So, how is married life going? It’s just a temporary thing, right? You’re not going to go and fall in love with this guy or anything?”

  Cameron laughed. “Yes, it’s a temporary thing.” She looked up and saw that Ethan was sitting back down at the table and glanced their way.

  “Ethan, you remember Blake Connors?” she said.

  “Of course. How are you?” Ethan said.

  “Never been better. I should get going, though. My friends are waiting for me at the bar. Just wanted to say hello. Enjoy the rest of your night.” He stood to go.

  “Bye, Blake.”

  Olivia was wide-eyed as she sat back down at the table. “Was that Blake Connors, the Red Sox player?”

  “The former Red Sox player,” Cameron said and explained why he was back in town and how she knew him.

  “He looked like he still has a thing for you.” Olivia was speaking loudly because of the music but at that moment there was silence and her words rang across the table. Cameron glanced at Ethan and he was just looking her way, his expression unreadable.

  The main singer took the mic and addressed the crowd.

  “We have some good friends in the crowd tonight and I think I’ve persuaded them to come up here and play one of my favorite tunes of theirs for you. Please put your hands together and welcome my good friends Lily and Tyler.”

  They made their way to the stage and one of the guys handed Tyler a guitar. A minute later, they began to play a gorgeous slow song that Lily was famous locally for. Her voice was smoky and raw and the words always tugged at Cameron’s heart.

  Anna and Ben and Rachel and Adiel went to dance, and when Cameron glanced at Ethan, he smiled and held out his hand. “What do you think?”

  “I’d love to.” She stood and took his hand, and he led her to the dance floor and pulled her close. They swayed and slowly moved around the dance floor, and she was very aware of his soft touch at the small of her back and of her arms around his neck.

  “Are you having fun?” he asked softly.

  “Yes, so much fun. Are you?”

  “It’s a great night.” He pulled her closer, and they moved together in perfect rhythm for the rest of the song. The crowd went so crazy that they played one more, a livelier dance song. Olivia and Cody came out to join them and everyone danced together.

  The rest of the night flew by and before they knew it, it was almost midnight. They walked in the house and Cameron saw the clock on the kitchen stove read a few minutes past twelve.

  “A little bird told me that today’s your birthday,” she said.

  Ethan looked surprised. “It is.”

  “Do you have any plans?”

  “My parents want to have me over for dinner. They said to bring you, but I didn’t want to make a big deal about it being my birthday.”

  “Well, of course I want to go. I am your wife, after all,” she teased.

  Cameron wrapped her hands around his neck and drew his face toward her. She then very lightly touched her lips to his in a quick, sweet kiss and then she pulled back and smiled. Ethan looked dazed. “Happy Birthday, Ethan. See you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 9

  Ethan woke the next morning and rolled over in bed thinking he’d had the best dream ever, and then he realized it wasn’t a dream. Cameron really had kissed him. But he knew it was just a sweet birthday kiss, and he didn’t want to read too much into it. But still, it had been an unexpected and very welcome surprise.

  He made his way downstairs, and was surprised to smell coffee brewing and to see Mrs. Crosby in the kitchen, laughing with Cameron who was sitting at the island sipping a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning, birthday boy!” Mrs. Crosby said. She went and gave him a big hug.

  “Thanks, but you’re supposed to be off today.”

  “Oh, I’m not really here. I just came to drop off your birthday coffee cake. I know you’re having dinner with your parents later and they’ll have a regular cake for you. This one you can eat all week for breakfast. It’s your favorite, cinnamon streusel with walnuts.”

  He was touched. She was too good to him. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that, though.”

  She smiled. “I wanted to, honey. I made you a little something, too.” She handed him a small gift bag.

  “What’s this?” He opened the bag and pulled out a pair of hand knit wool socks in his favorite color, hunter green.

  “You made these for me? Thank you.” Mrs. Crosby was a big knitter. She could somehow knit and watch TV at the same time.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy your day. I’ll be off now.” Ethan gave her another hug and then she was on her way.

  “She really loves you,” Cameron said.

  He nodded. “She’s like family. Do you want some coffee cake? It really is amazing.”

  Cameron nodded, and he cut them both big pieces and then joined her at the island.

  “What time are we going to dinner with your parents?” she asked.

  “They said around six.”

  “Okay. I have a few errands to run this afternoon, but I’ll be back around five or so. What are you up to today?”

  “Tyler’s coming by around noon and we’re going to try to catch some striped bass down at the big lake.”

  Tyler came by at noon sharp with two subs, a big bag of chips and a six pack of Ethan’s favorite beer. They brought everything down to the lake where Tyler kept a small boat and spent the next few hours enjoying the sunshine, eating and drinking a few beers and trying to catch some fish.

  Tyler handed him a birthday card, too, and waited while he looked inside.

  “We’re going skydiving? Really?” It was something he’d always said he wanted to do. Tyler had already done it once before. He gave the best gifts.

  “This is awesome, thank you.”

  “We’re going to have a blast!” Tyler said.

  “I can’t wait. When do you want to go?”

  “We can do next Sunday if you want? I checked their availability and they have some openings.”

  “Perfect. Let’s do it.”

  They fished quietly for a while and had some success. Mrs. Crosby would be please with what he brought her. He’d clean them well and leave them in the refrigerator for her.

  “So, I got Olivia’s number last night,” Tyler said. “Called her on the way over today and asked her out. I’m taking her to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Wow, you don’t waste any time. A dinner date on a Monday? Why not Friday or Saturday?”

  “I didn’t want to wait another day to see her. I think I’ve got hit pretty bad.”

  Ethan laughed. “Well, she agreed to go tomorrow night, too. That’s a good sign.”

  “I hope my luck holds. How about you and Cameron? Any hope there?”

  Ethan thought about it. “I would have said no, but she did kiss me last night.”

  Tyler’s jaw dropped and Ethan quickly added. “It was just a peck, and she said it was a birthday kiss, so I don’t want to read too much into it.”

  “Hm. It’s a start, maybe.”

  When Ethan got home, the house was quiet and he could hear water running when
he went upstairs. Cameron was in the shower. He needed to do the same. He showered and changed and when he went downstairs, Cameron was waiting for him and she took his breath away. She was wearing a sleeveless pale blue dress that fell to her knees. The dress softly hugged her slim curves, and he knew his mother would appreciate that she’d dressed for dinner. She wore a single strand of pearls around her neck and her hair was pulled into a pretty twist. She looked elegant and beautiful.

  “You look nice,” he said.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she teased. He was wearing dress pants, and his favorite button-down green dress shirt.

  “What’s that?” Cameron was holding a paper bag.

  “Oh, I picked up a bottle of wine to bring to them. They like wine, I hope? I should have checked that with you.”

  “They love wine,” he assured her. “That was nice of you.”

  They pulled into his parents’ driveway twenty minutes later. And his parents were pleased to see Cameron with him. They’d shaken their heads at his grandmother’s last minute condition that she’d added to the will, but he could tell his mother was hoping it might turn into something permanent. He never would have thought that was possible, but he was starting to feel a glimmer of hope himself. Something seemed to be shifting between them. He just hoped that it was real, and not just wishful thinking on his part.

  “So, Cameron, Ethan tells me that you enjoy your work at the hospital?” his mother asked over dinner. She’d made his favorite meal, filet mignon with Bearnaise sauce, roasted potatoes and asparagus. She was a very good cook.

  He sipped the wine that Cameron brought as he listened to her tell his mother all about her job as a nurse, how rewarding and how sometimes strange it was.

  “People come into the ER for all kinds of strange reasons. We had a woman last week who was very concerned about all the strange bumps on her tongue.”

  “What were they?” his mother asked.

  “Tastebuds! They were perfectly normal.”

  “She’s told some funny stories,” Ethan said.

  “I understand that after this…arrangement is over, you’ll be looking to buy a house?” his father asked.


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