The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 22

by Karen Aldous

  ‘I’ve just got some work finished and am now famished. Do you fancy coming out for something to eat?’ he asked.

  ‘Love to. Shall I meet you somewhere?’

  ‘No. I’ll walk along once I’ve showered. I need to stretch my legs.’

  Sophie quickly showered and put on a pair of white linen trousers with a plain sleeveless black silk top and clipped up her hair. The heat right now was quite overbearing, it was almost August and everywhere was chock-full of hot bodies. Charles arrived as she was applying some make-up. She skipped to the intercom and let him in, surprised that he used the stairs instead of the lift. She opened the apartment door. ‘Are you mad?’ she said as beads of sweat poured out of him.

  ‘Yes, but I’ve slouched all day. I needed the exercise.’

  ‘Here, help yourself to some water while I finish off,’ she offered, pointing to the fridge.

  ‘Great thanks. Marie-Claire not in?’

  ‘No, she’s gone to her mother’s. Do you feel better today?’ she said, collecting her make-up bag from the bedroom. ‘You seemed out of sorts last night.’

  ‘Oh, you know how it is. Work can get in the way sometimes. Keeps you guessing and awake.’

  ‘That’s all it is?’

  ‘Yes. I…I think so.’

  ‘You’d tell me if you weren’t happy Charles, wouldn’t you?’ Sophie said, re-entering the room. ‘I mean, if you were having doubts about you and me?’

  ‘I admit, I struggle occasionally, but surely that’s what grief does to people.’

  ‘Well I want you to be honest, talk about it even if you feel the need.’

  Charles gave a familiar chortle, grabbing a paper towel from the kitchen area and wiping his forehead. ‘Yes, of course doctor.’

  Sophie rolled a light lipstick around her lips whilst looking in the mirror. ‘Are you being cheeky in court, your honour?’ she teased and planted a kiss on his lips.

  ‘You’d best be careful, I’m still in need of exercise you know.’

  ‘Before food, your honour?’ She checked her lips again in the mirror.

  ‘Right now doctor.’ And he swept her off her feet and into the bedroom.’


  Lizzie was more than conscious that her mother was anxious about her hospital appointment with the consultant the next morning and decided to take her out. Michael had a shoot in London and after breakfast, when she saw Cal and explained, he offered to take Thierry down to the vines with his toy tractor for a couple of hours so Lizzie organised a nice short walk to the restaurant for a nice long lunch.

  Caroline was delighted. ‘That was a really thoughtful gesture,’ her mother said as they ordered wine.

  ‘Well, Michael was busy and, we haven’t had a chat for a few days, so I thought it would be nice.’

  ‘Yes, we’ve never done this before have we?’ Caroline said as they were handed their menus. Their eyes locked at the realisation.

  ‘No, said Lizzie, ‘There’s lots of time now though, here and in France, when you visit.’

  ‘Time. Who knows how much time I have Lizzie?’

  ‘Now, now Mum. None of that. You don’t worry unless you have to remember. We’ll take each step one by one and deal with each as it comes.’

  ‘That’s what the Macmillan nurse told me Lizzie,’ Caroline said.

  ‘Mine told me that too,’ Lizzie said and they both burst into laughter.

  ‘I know I’m repeating myself but I’m just so glad you contacted them. I just wish I’d lightened up a bit when you were younger,’ Caroline admitted.

  ‘I wish I’d lightened up a bit when I was younger too,’ Lizzie said and again they fell about laughing. ‘I was such a dork!’

  ‘Yes, we’d have had much more fun. It was a blessing you had your grandparents. I was useless. I was always serious. As a child, I was quite the loner. Only child with strict parents. That’s why I loved the buzz of London.’

  ‘So, we can visit London more often. You’ll love Cannes. It’s got a lively buzz too.’

  ‘I can’t wait. And Thierry. You’re such a lovely mother darling. I’m so proud of you.’ As Caroline said those words, Lizzie’s eyes grew moist. How she’d longed to hear her mother say them.

  ‘You’re making me all emotional now Mum,’ she said glassy eyed and her mother’s lips quivered.

  ‘You’re making me cry too now darling,’ said Caroline, wiping her daughters face and brimming herself. ‘Shall we choose our food?’

  Through their tears they managed to order.

  ‘Ok. Tell me more about this Anton, Thierry’s father. Did you know him long?’

  For the first time in her life, Lizzie felt quite at ease telling her mother about her love life so that was another first. Caroline listened without making judgement.

  ‘So, ‘ Lizzie summed up, it seems, he wasn’t bothered until he thought Cal was my boyfriend and, I’m guessing, possibly he feels he may lose the chance to be Thierry’s father or he thinks Cal is going to take his son, or try to be his father. And, we were only chatting in a bar. He seems more possessive about Thierry than jealous. He doesn’t want me, he just wants to control me, and Thierry.’

  ‘Maybe. Yes it’s possible I suppose he has discovered that someone could take his place as a father and he doesn’t like the idea. You read or hear some quite tragic cases like that nowadays don’t you?’

  ‘God, don’t say that, Mum,’ Lizzie said as their food arrived. ‘There are thousands of fathers who deal with separation and they are emotionally involved with their children. Anton hasn’t had any involvement and if I’d told him at the time, he would have taken all control and probably would have insisted I had an abortion. I don’t think he could grasp the fact that a baby actually becomes a person. I really don’t think that he has that capacity! That’s why I couldn’t tell him.’

  ‘Goodness Lizzie, you need to find out where you stand, find out more. It’s so unfortunate he found out. Well, luckily Cal has been an absolute gem,’ Caroline said. ‘Look, maybe you should return to France soon and get this sorted out. I can manage and, anyway, Michael and I were discussing things last night and he and I agreed that he would stay with me for a few weeks. You need to sort out custody with Anton and…’

  ‘Mum. I want to be here and help you, you know I do.’

  ‘Yes. I understand that but, look, I can manage,’ Caroline said. ‘You must go and get that beast away from Thierry or sort something out which you think will work. I’m sure you’ll get help or get a decent lawyer. I could possibly help with some finance.’

  Lizzie shook her head. ‘Honest Mum. Don’t even think about it. We’ll go along tomorrow for your appointment, hear what the doctor has to say and…decide what happens from there.’

  ‘You don’t have to…’

  ‘I want to be here Mum,’ interrupted Lizzie, ‘It’s an important time for you and I shall be here to share it with you and we can then face the future together. I hate saying this but if they do have to give you treatment and, by looking at how well you look, I hope that is not the case, but if they do, we can then work round it. I could return to France for a few days if necessary and come back at the weekend.’

  ‘Ok, yes. We will know more and you can decide from there,’ her mother agreed.

  Lizzie tried to keep the conversation lighter as they enjoyed the rest of their meal and she discovered more about Michael, his family and his photography. Caroline relished hearing about Sophie and their expansion of her business. There was still so much they had to learn about each other but Lizzie was happy to be enjoying her mother’s company. As they meandered home, they linked arms.

  ‘Thank you darling.’ Her mother kissed her on the cheek. ‘That was really special,’ she said, wiping her eyes with a tissue from her sleeve. ‘It has really helped to have you and Thierry here. I have never felt so alive since you came home and then you told me about Thierry. I feel encouraged and invigorated. I feel sure I can fight this out of me.’

bsp; ‘You do that mum,’ Lizzie said as they reached Caroline’s house. Thierry and Cal were in the kitchen. Thierry ran up to greet them both.

  Caroline sat down and hugged her grandson. ‘Hello, my sweet. Mummy and I have had a fabulous lunch and I expect you are hungry?’

  ‘That little man hasn’t stopped,’ Cal said, breaking him up some chocolate. ‘He’s had fish fingers, chips, spaghetti, an apple and oh, a muffin, and now this.’

  ‘Thierry, that’s a lot of food, you’ll go pop.’ Lizzie grinned and Thierry gave her a wide smile.

  Caroline brushed his hair away from his eyes and looked up at Cal. ‘Cal, thank you so much for looking after him. And all of us. It has been you that has been instrumental in bringing my Lizzie and my darling Thierry here.’ Tears cascaded from her eyes. ‘I can’t thank you enough Cal. I’m sorry, I’m feeling rather emotional. Excuse me.’

  ‘Please, Caroline. I was just there by coincidence.’

  Lizzie ran up gave her mother a deserved warm hug. Cal, feeling it right to give them a few minutes, turned to join Thierry, pulling out a mat for his cars and playing with him on the floor.’

  ‘These things are sometimes more than just chance,’ Caroline added.


  As soon as Lizzie clapped eyes on her mother that Tuesday morning, she knew she hadn’t slept. She’d heard her up early and decided it was best to leave her alone with her thoughts. Nonetheless, she woke Thierry early and got him washed and dressed so that he could go downstairs and keep his grandmother company. If anyone could lift her spirits on this day of reckoning, it would be Thierry. Lizzie instructed him to go down the stairs, which he had quite mastered now, and give Grandma a big kiss and tell her he loved her. Lizzie followed him down and peeked in.

  Caroline was at the kitchen table on what Lizzie guessed was her third or fourth cup of coffee and was slouching wearily when her face instantly brightened as her grandson appeared. She beamed lovingly as he entered the room in his the bright green crocodile slippers. Barely as tall as the old oak table he shuffled up to her and she immediately held out her arms.

  ‘Good morning my darling,’ she said softly as she lifted him to her lap.

  He knelt up, throwing his arms around her neck, and kissed her slap bang on her lips and said, ‘Love you Grandma.’

  ‘Oh Grandma loves you too, my sweet. Ooh you are the most…gorgeous, gorgeous boy,’ she said, squeezing him as tightly as she dared. Lizzie held on to her sniffle, retreating quietly on tip-toe back up the stairs, only letting go as she reached the bathroom. Well done Thierry.

  Cal came in the back door at ten o’clock. Lizzie and her mother stood by the table ready to go to the hospital whilst Thierry ran up to Cal with his cars.

  ‘Hi little fella, let’s go and play with your cars. Ladies,’ he said, looking rather dishevelled and, Lizzie thought, rather sexy. ‘I bid you good morning and with all my heart wish you all the best.’ Thierry was then pulling him by the hand to his car mat.

  ‘Thank you so much Cal. We’ll see you later,’ Caroline replied and Lizzie smiled at him and kissed her son.

  ‘We’ll get back as soon as we can – don’t fret, if we decide to go to lunch I’ll text you.’

  ‘You don’t have to worry,’ Cal assured them. ‘We play and eat pizza – we’re simple souls, aren’t we T?’

  Getting her mother in the car, Lizzie asked ‘Are you ok Mum?’

  ‘Yes, fine. I am really very happy, worried, but happy.’

  ‘Good,’ Lizzie said, seating herself in the car.

  ‘If I do have to go through treatment or if I am now advanced, you must be strong,’ said her mother.

  Lizzie fought back erupting tears. ‘I promise Mum,’ she said, leaning over and giving her mother a hug. ‘I’ve never felt the love for you that I feel right now. It’s good we had this chance to get back together and be a family. I’m so pleased Thierry has got a family.’

  They then drove to the hospital in a comforting silence, each with their own inner reflections on the last few weeks and the contemplation of the next. In the hospital waiting room patients sat on the stripy upholstered benches, with only a small magazine table and a cool water dispenser filling the remainder of the room. Some patients came alone, some with a partner or close relative, usually a daughter, and then sometimes whole families were gathered around a patient, particularly the younger ones. Gradually, the three consulting rooms were filled then vacated. It was just a forty-five minute wait but it felt much longer. The consultant was a large man with sparse white hair and gold-rimmed glasses.

  ‘Mrs Lambert,’ he boomed as both Caroline and Lizzie entered his room. ‘I’m Simon Aires, I carried out your surgery. Please sit down.’ His right hand directed them to the two seats beside his desk.

  ‘Yes, Mr Aires, I remember.’

  ‘Well, it seems we have managed to cut out all the affected area but we will need to do more tests just to make sure. It’s quite a normal protocol so, although we consider the operation successful, it is best to carry out the tests four to six weeks later to ensure, no growth has slipped through the net. Is that understood Mrs Lambert?’

  ‘Does that mean I don’t have to have any treatment?’ Caroline stammered nervously ‘ Chemotherapy or Radio Therapy?’

  ‘We can’t say for sure yet. I should wait until the oncologist has made a report because sometimes they can recommend some treatment to make sure the disease is contained.’

  ‘So we have no definitive answers yet but what you’re saying is the operation was as successful as you could have hoped?’ Lizzie reiterated

  ‘That’s correct.’ The consultant smiled looking down over his glasses at them both, gently nodding his head. ‘We will know more in four to six weeks once you’ve had further tests. You’ll get a letter with the details.’

  ‘Is there anything my mother can do to help herself recover?’

  ‘Just stay fit and healthy to strengthen your immune system. Eat healthily. I’ve arranged your tests. You will get dates from each department in the post in the next week. The nurses from the oncology centre will be keeping in touch with you for most of your needs and they will guide you on all the day-to-day care and support you need.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Caroline shook the doctor’s hand, followed by Lizzie as he led them out.

  Driving back in the car, Caroline began to take her news in. ‘That’s good news isn’t it.’

  ‘It couldn’t be better Mum,’ Lizzie claimed.

  ‘I’m so lucky they have caught it in time.’ An excitement elevated her mother’s voice. ‘I know nothing is a hundred percent certain just now, but like you said, there is no point in worrying until you have to.’

  ‘That’s right. Live life to the full Mum and take each day as it comes! “Dance as if nobody is watching!” I don’t know who said that but, apply it.’

  ‘Do you know what Lizzie, I am going to do that. I may even come to Cannes - when it cools down a bit though.’


  The atmosphere in the house became lively and light again. Michael was waiting when they returned and Lizzie watched as they embraced lovingly like newlyweds. Cal brought out from the fridge, a bottle of his finest sparkling wine and celebrations began. Michael and Lizzie chatted, getting to know one another better.

  ‘I know you and your mother discussed this but I’ll be around if you need some time at home in France Lizzie,’ Michael offered.

  ‘Yes darling,’ Caroline chipped in. ‘Really. You don’t need to stay. Michael will be here. Not that I want you to go, I know I will miss you and Thierry, but I know you have lots…’

  ‘Ok, as I know you’re in capable hands. Let me see how we get on with Anton and sorting things out. It may take a while. I may need to stay on and supervise some of the work at the new salon but I can come back here and then get back for the launch. Sophie will be working part time so I will have to take over some of the work.’

  ‘I think you have given me far
more of your time already, you have your life to be getting on with Lizzie, please? You have been a rock while I have been through a difficult time but you can’t put your life on hold.’

  ‘Ok, I get the message. I’ll go with Cal, if that’s ok with him, but I will be back. I’ve written down in my diary your next appointments so, I will try to get back for those.’

  ‘Perfect,’ said Cal.

  ‘Well don’t worry about just coming back for a…bra fitting, that sort of thing. I can manage. Michael can take me,’ Caroline lowered her voice.

  Meanwhile Cal was topping up the champagne flutes. ‘Well, I think we should have a toast,’ he said, ‘To good health, happiness and a brighter future for all – that includes good luck with Anton Lizzie,’ he added.

  ‘Thanks, I’ll need it!’ she said, raising her glass.

  Chapter 29

  After saying their goodbyes to her mother and seeing her mother’s tears when she said goodbye to Thierry, the journey back through France began in silence. It had been an emotional and draining start. As soon as they got through the channel tunnel, Thierry went back to sleep.

  Lizzie and Cal chatted about how happy Caroline was with Michael and also how brilliant it was now they were all a family again. Lizzie however, was tense. She had wanted to speak to Cal for a while and this seemed the perfect opportunity whilst they were alone, but she couldn’t muster up the courage, not yet, not until they got nearer to Cannes.

  She tried to relax, pulling out some CDs from the side of the door. Her mind couldn’t switch off. Cal wouldn’t like what she was going to tell him but it had to be said. She switched her mind to Thierry, hoping to distract herself, but visions of Anton turning up at the salon and tormenting Sophie, or worse, finding out where she lived and pestering Marie-Claire, haunted her. She had to occupy her mind. She rang Sophie, who reported they were all fine of course, and as always, her friend was on top of things and continued to keep the salon engines turning. She’d also organised the paperwork ready for her to sign the lease contract for the Rue Antibes salon, which raised Lizzie’s mood somewhat, and they chatted a little about their ideas and the preliminary drawings which she had sketched.


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